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MORE HEAVY GOING CERTAIN Heavy Rain Drenches the Fair Grounds Track Again. o Guy May Go to Tijuana and Bunga Buck to Havana to Meet Stake Engagements. o NEW OBLEANS. L*., January St. — Another 8*W* -pour of rain came shortly after noon today and the Fair .rounds track, which had dried out to a large extent BBUer the iaflaeece of a brisk wind during tlie llMBlBg Boat*, was given a setback thai will keep i; maddy for several days at least. Acrm* paining the rain was a M*W of almost the severity of a storm and the outlook is for the toldest weather of the season in the immediate future. The iocal track ha* been muddy for five c uisecu tlv* days and the sun has shone only twit™ here since lasi Sunday, but despite this the Fair Grounds meeting is bidding its own both froai a standpoint of attendance and interesting sport. The meeting enters upon its second half Tuesday and five more stake* remain to be decided. Baciag secretary Joe McLeaaaa will announce the teadltlOBS and values of th" two matesl attractions to be run on Saturday. February 25, and Mardi Oras day. the final day of the meeting, witliin the next few days. This weeks event of value will be the Comns Haadicap, entries tor which close tomorrow. It will he ion Saturday and i- for three-yea r-oUN and SVer, over the lisiaioc of one and one-sixteenth mile-, with fT.lrW added. Weights will be an-Boaaced Thorsday. Four races lor iwo-year-olds are programm-d for this week. The Bosiaess Mens Baetog Assoc la -tiou is catering to the roaagsters oti a greater si ale than was originally planned, due to the fact that Stare of tbets are available for ra itig hcie til. Ill was expected. The continuo! had track played hSTOC witli form last week, as only fotirleeu favoiites won in torty-two races. This luougiit the total f successful Choices siace the meting opened to -evenly. Odds-oa favoiites showed no iatprOTemeat during the week, as fire won while the same iiuml i r inii ib-feat. Thas far fifteen choices St lea* than even nave win. while sixteen were beStea. Dmiiiu the tweaty-foar days raeiag at the Fair Grounds to date 178 owaen hare shared in * parse distribution of 182,000. This no ne.v has heen BMRTC widely scattered than ever before. «. W. I lark coot imies to head the IM of wiaatog owners with 19.400 to his credit, Two victories by Tom Hare Jr. and one hy United Verde are responsible for the greater part of this, other stables which have ed a fair share "f Btoaey are: J. S. Hay-. s,»;..»i;o; .lone*. ,084; Marshall Brothers. M.4S4; ;. Dramhiller, M.0TT; v. D. Berahardt, ,914; T. o. sVebber, 18,583, and J. M Goede, So.4»L. There set ins ts be Ittl" chance f. i any rider to bold Jockey C. Lang for honors at the Fair Grounds, as he has too great a lead now. tie scored eight times in the last six days, briagiag his total to thirty-six siarr the meeting begaa. Jockey M. Garner is aext in aider, he having won seveatees races. lb was out of the saddle five days last week. Ughty-twe Jathcys have scceptod stoaats a: the meeting and thirty four have won one or more ; .eis Several of the higher grade lueses racing here will he s.oit to Tijuana or Cuba to compete in the rii bes stakes being offered at those two potato during the latter part if th" winter. It is the plan of .1. 11. Phillips to ship Bay to the Lower California track at tin- dose of the Fair Groaads meeting, while Baaga Back may go to Havana within tiie next few das. Both are eligible for the richest races of-1*1 * d at the two plat s. •