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LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 831 NEW OBLEANS. I.a .. Jsnuary 29. -Todays work-outs here included the following: Weather clear: track heavy — Three-Eighths Mile. S27 Anna Gallup ..434* Hang. Lsgsette 42". 791-Arapahoe M% 818-Marg. White. . .43" . S17-Barry Shannon 40 R38-Maacott 39. Bills Luck ....39 721-Muese 3S", si3-Biiiy Bflmea ..stilt 788-irataeeJ 40 chief Flynn ...41 786-Olympas to 828-Oackreaeh 11 Pete Brown ...41 820 Court View 38*j R24 Bock S Bve 39 •■ . 823-IartmiHr 3S1- SlS-Kosei liff 43 823-Deveaite 39 St. Angeline. . .41., 820 E. BVckeabscberSS "•.-, Bt3-8ataaa 40 883- Execution 88% B81 Wlllth Verdict. 40 820-High Tea -0F-, BBt-Bch Light III. 41 B2B-Josepbiae C. . .40"., RM-BUeal King ...48 825-K. Williams. . .41% DC naiamasl 48% 82S-Lady Brefham 3S Sweepv 38--. 811-L. Lichteidieim.39 799 Th- Nephew ...11-. 818-Lady SfssnaaathC BM-Tttaaia 88% S2.-.-Mr. X 41% 829-Veiled Colleen .37, 828-MabcI Curtis ..39 828-Yebj 42 Madson 11 Half Mile. S12-A. Hamilton ...83 S2t-Luiiett.i gg 817-Bartered 38% gag-Mark West ...." j 823-Bertha B r,3 824-Midaight Baa .."d 828 -Bobbed Hair ...."• 738-Mfariam Coaaer.33% 820-Bristow 53% S!7-Moody 38% SLl -Damoris :,7 S21-Mythologv •"» 820-Dors W :,7 S2t-OrIova .".t . 7!oi:a-id Irinccss .-,7 787-Port Light 33 823 Elmer K 32% 832-Bah 88 800-First Pallet ."0 828-Blest s 31 S23-1T.V Bail :,1 822 -Simplicitv 54% 813-Plaaey 51% 829-Troilas 33 825-Groaad-BweB ..31% 817-Twopato 34% 838-Joaai Fmma .33% 823-Wk-k ford ." " 817-Kate Bmmmel :,t 821 Willow Tree .oC. S21-L. Longfellow 37 804 -Wrecker 3B 827-Ladj Mildred. .58% Five-Eighths Mils. BBS-Baby Evelya 1:09 ., 820-M| - Emma t;.1:10 828-Blne Jeans ..l.n 808-Monastery ...1:18 B28-rere*t Major 1:88% 828-Omnipoteal .1:0". Grace Mayersl:08% 828-Oo Lo l«i ...1:07 797 Hillsdale 1:07"i 829 Penitent 1:07., 828-Jackstraw ...1KB 824-Bhlaestoae ..1:12 824-Joa. Weidei ..1:13 824-Bislag Bock. .1:10 KH-Lady LilBaa l:lo 823-Taa II 1:M B12-Lasy Lou ...::oii 827-TBe Decisioa. .1:18% 822-Lively 1 : »*.» 587-Terbotea . ...1:18 . Three-Quarters Mile. 829-Ashlaad 1 :2i; 828-Oawrs BeBe.12% 818 Brass Tacks 1:22 824-Pahaska 1:23 825-Black Betty 1:21-. PeQy* I ..1:20 M.: Brilliant Bay 1:28% 823-Pretemler ...121% Cantos 1:22% 814-Besi It 1:21 , 824-Ceatiateter ..1:27 828-Boyalliea ....1:2 . 82T -Comic Son- .1:28 828-8ervitor 1:22 S27-Kttalie 1:23 H23-Bpsrkling ..1:20 825-Hriiocrees ..1:23 888-Traatals ....1:21% S23 Legacy 1 33% 828-Talor 1 :2 1 804-Lncky Girl ..1:27% 818-Wapitl 1:23 BlI-MatvoHo ....1:23 828-War Note ...1:22 82*-Mar. Maxim .1:18% 822-West wood ...1:24 82 1 Max GeM ...1:22% B2T-Weeathraak .1:27 Beven-Eighths Mile. Hmis Kcmb!el:37 824-Iroa Bey .1:871 S20-Hickoiy ....1:43% B23-May Bedlae .1:88 One MUs. 824-Brothlv Level :53% 824-Merrimae ...1:54 B2S-Bym Days 1:51% 823-Qnito 1:30 808-CbaTlenser ..1:34% 824-Boyal Deck l-JU Curt Events 1:53 828-Bnasaf 1:38 817-Dickie W. ..1:57 822 Tex 1 ::..-. 825-Encrinite ...1 :•"•■" 821-Trsastete ...1:47-"-, 822-Galiot 1:58% 818-Trickster II.. 1:57% 828-Madge F. ...1:52 827-Z. dAraaee .1:55% 828-Mstches Maryl:51 Toe traik was heavy and drying this morning and few good works were asked of the horses. OatalpO leal seems U like the heavy track Lady Mildred showed good speed in the goiag Traaslate a*aan in good form.