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EASY FOR HFL7.N ATKIN. Helen Atkla, BBOthet well backed one. had BB easy Ihaa of it in the nrrisil vac- and raced in rroal praerleslly freaa ;.ie atari to aria from Bethiaa, wi:h car laadtac in third place. Muhilxr. also favorite, was in Lout from the harrier** rise, bal the Jat -i v-ni yard* foaad hlsi •iiing badly and it reqnired Morrl* best effort to gel bfaa bsaae a araal half leaetli in adraaee f Re:». vsith Berritar .ins; maaaxlag to tak" third pia ". tusiigaii «.- i rc :•• naced choice in the fifth race and lUKtlfled the i-aafideBce by ariaaiac easily after Po ■. bad permitted l« ng. as Aahlaad, ts cal bfaa off aereral tiaaea. Aahlaad had little iifficalty la leiaiuing mtt Bad place. Ah:. Ir. famished aa eatetaadinaj aarpriae arhea be landed the ixtu va e with real ea*e frssa Mcotch Verdi, t and Waadlhi sah. The Utter was Ihe favored .ne. a taidy i.ejzincing. coupled with beias badly sail an, eanwed bia fallurr to orerhaul the leadera, thsagh be rlosed an Isasifasa sap Bad sra* role* fart at ti ad. Th* com lining race found the well Lacked I Ji Kross shown. g -ii.ldci. imp: wreaaeal and bestlag Klaafiaher bosae i a oraal margin under Batwella good riding;. Xordeck. the favorite here, raced hha self lata exhsaiitias before going threa-aaartera.