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l I ! | r I - | i • . , | i ; ] : ■ LIVE FRENCH TURF GOSSIP I Welcome for New American Riders — Breeding Season Begins February 15. SPBCIAL CORRESPONDENT El. PARIS, Prance, January 9a . The latest paper* to hand say thai Geae Leigh :s briagiag Ererett Hayaea, Craaap, and Young Bryaaa to ride next aeasaa la Piaace. it will take theai a little while perhapa to get going, but if ihey are first -class boy* they Will do well, after they have had a look around. It N a differeat game, of COSTSe, but a first-class n ler i« one in any counuy. The three will get asaare deals froaa their Aaatriras -,.ui patriots, and the native ones also. There arc aoaM real horsemen over here riding in ONeill. IfacOee, Qaraer, Bharpe, Mem. Bellhsaae, Henry. K. Alle-man.i. and George BartholoBaew. One week uioi e at Nice, and a sloi t season at 1au. and the jumping will liegin again at Aateail. The jumpeis at CUantilly and Hslsaaa -Iaif fltte have bees going right along with the open weather ue bare beea having. The bleeding aeassa begia* Pehraary 1". is Prance, and early foatiag aaarea are aaar arriving Bl the varieii Stailions have filled ve!i Perhapa som- of the high-priced oae* are s;iil la.a bag a few anharriptiaaa, hut. on the a hole, rnaaid eriag the ahoi tut a* of aaoaey and hard tiatea there is not naach room far complaint . Ilie death of T. 1. Thorne lart we.-k was slid den. lie was in the Bit/, only a aaatter of ab. ut five days befon died. Of late years he hid nor beea aa active in the racing as formerly. hut was a regular at the alaiaoaS-Laffitte meetings. It se.-ms that there are fewer Americans I he:,- this eriater titan for some year* M coarse. people are no doubt attending to their financial fence* at home. The Riviera sends all sorts of reports up here. One person tells yos it is empty, and aaattoet .r i full. Nice, on account of the racing, at present is probably gay: but no hectic tales are reaching these pans frsai btoate Carlo or Panaea, still, it is a bit early for the latter place. Entries for the Prl« du ladian. WSTtk ! -".t ■ at about two miles and a half, and th.- iiist slake event of importance t.. be run at toagchaaapa, ti bides most of tue recsgaiard older home* of ajaslity on the Preach tarf. Mario Perroaea fast o!t. Plechol*, generally eon aide red by tun critic* a- the beat three year.-old of ItCl, la among the horses named lor the race. Other* of note among the nominations are. the Doc Decaaea Harpoerate, Baros E. de Bathachilda Vutil and VeapertJllOS, and Madame Edinoiid Blancs Kar. The dead beat between Ksar and atei araa on.- of the features ..r th.- li.l Preach turf season.