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COSTIGAN WINS THE FEATURE l . Runs Away From the Others in Yesterdays Main Race. • I Siesta First, But Disqualified — ! Mulciber Takes His Race and | Goes to Tijuana. r «. I mCW ORLEANS. I-.. The first disnnalif tcstiea - of the present meeting came with the miming of tlif | third race ia rtlrii Siesta satstsyed lags Is ■ i disg-saaag tab*, esses separating the pair at the Sad. WilNt, «n lege, i»:-. in i.i 1 ea feted I pro- u-st. contending l.:it Ceaey . a Riesta bad leg-loeked • liim for Basel if the atreteh trite Bad also sharply . iini* ilp l lag*. Both horses were as the eatresee , iu; t edge of ill*- track where the going area fit Bat at | •in ! Coneys rough work «.is apeareat ta the *pec-tutors in t lie stand The steward* laterrsgated i coney Bad shortly after disqualified Meets, gave the ; pane to lac* •""1 Baeeed Paal onii-lly and Has i speetively into second Bad third pin os. Tlie dis-p.noemcnt f Wests iraa received with favor, for in addition to Jag* lajoiiag afiea g fyvot iti-m. Coney Was pliiinly pri-.i 1 1 . He was suspended for a | criod ] of fifteen days. A difficult track was again the order this after- noon an l an eater sliip of firmer footisg was the ».t.d objective of all the riders. It aides materially in successful results for those who were lucky enough ta wears the path nasally task the purse. These which tries the laser Bart of the track : hecaSM exhausted in ojeick f:.shion. The weather was mild, hat do ids presaged an other osaraasar. The rata, bsarever. k p. off f*i the eat ire after ease. The atteadaece wa- agaia el ■ gencrse* *tne, bat the betting was aetrcaacd raa-aideraUy on aeesaatl af ths uncertainty of the going. It was iu«k far the layer* that the wageriag was lighter Mutt usual, for the public was aaceeasfal f "m landing aa wiuh. -I-.- throughout the afternoon. with the exception *f he sixth race. «roa by Alex Jr., which was neglected. The two-year o.d BCraSXBte found the BaCOSering of laij Bsaa. ahieh »on like ■ reed one and under p.H.r- eaergetie tiding aaa galas, away frsai Kt. Angelina ard Ifaacstte. Baxtoa, os si. Aaarelisa. w;:s given a iharp i : l! sows by the »tewardn for an atleuip; at ntr.-h riding, I-.idy Bsaa belag the stiffen i