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! i I j | 1 ! 1 1 ; I t j. L ; , ; i Slrrsi RACE i I-Ii IU«-M. i-jcar-olils and upward. laimlnu. «l«-l». 1*16 1 4-5 :: 13, — 1:4 — — ioi.i MADGE F.. b. m, 6 IP Bt V.-.orbeee— SolTatrlx. Tsv INUvatio*. Trainer, W. D. Millard. Owner. W. D. Millard. 59894 P.Gnda 11-161:! thvj I 3"2 1 2 i 1 1« 1 Wilson 7 Wdtaraah, B.Pardaer, IraaBay 59783 P.Gnda 1 1-8 2-014imad tt-l ■"1 3 2: I P :- Wilson r, Plasey, Borneo. Bzhortet 58657 P.Gnda S-4 J.:13 faat H 107 1 6 7 61 G"» E Pool 11 Winaecaaae, P*kdag Tom, R..lo •5M.197 Laurel 1 l-M l:47%faat 21 Ml 3 I 3 4 4 f J Rowan ti SJas iaha, Past. Swain. LavcTaa jlifj Laurel 1 1-1G l:4PJ4alop 7 113 5 2 1 2 il 24 a Johnson 9 Merrlmac, KingJohu. t.omme Cl 57403 Wdblno 11-16 1:48 Cast 27-30 115 2 11 1 l» l1 A Cmver UJoaaafAre, Greenland. Kxhorter 72U Consnt lm70y 1:M good S-5 114 2 2 I 2 4 44 H Stearns 4 MackGaraer, TTdikraaa. lamal WARSAW, br. g, 8 108 By Bryn Mawr — Early Love, by King; Erio. Owner, R. McGsrvey. Owper, MeGarvey 8c Le"is. 59756 P.Gnda ImTO; l:46**sood 10 109 7 30 8 5 25 22 C Lang IS Midni-rlitSun. Jerry, P. Q. King F.Gnda I l-M 1:41 fast 7 108 10 9 6 8 8 - S-* F Weiner IS Plasey, Kaliot, I.ritish I lair 59519 P.Gnda I 1-16 l:54%mud .J MS 6 5 4 4 3 54 B Bcobie IS Verity, UttleBd, BeaenLiSbtin. "9437 P.Gnda lmTOy l:4S%faat 7 10s s 4 4 4 4 54 M Garner 8 Bacarpte, M.P*taiae, Bcrgemaa i9056 Jeffaon 11:42 good 20 MS 11 18 E a 4 4" C Ponce 11 Mr. X.. Eternity, armada 1 Jef r son 11-16 1-56 mud 3 ;-5 ir-t 14 3 I 3- 3T H Thurbcr • O.Btaday, OakiuBeile. 6rmaai 3818 Jeffsor. 1 1-16 l:48%faat 10 112 oil 1 4» P II J Burke B Jaamuaa, J.CStoae, B. BStaaaoa rOHMVY OTERXOV, biu. t, B 100 By Colt— Sister Anna, by St. Gecrg*. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. C. N. FieemaiC. 59757 P.Gnd lm; good 1 K 9 BMM 7 »4 P| C Bans; 11 K.BrumI, B.Bkaer, At.Mui-W22 1 Gnda I I- 2:1* hvj i :-. I 7 7 I B* J C Lang B Verity, M.Bappoid, Bacarpalctte ":•!,: s P.Gnda 1 1-8 i:5t:-as; SI 109 5 4 3 3 24 P E Scobie 7 LorenaMom, P.Mctree, Sj.arkiing S9.79 P.Gnda 1 1 16 1:49 trood 8 102 6 6 6 5 6J P A Gantr-lO Mid. Si:;,. Z.dAnaee, I.Hzy Lou 19 " P.Gnda 1 1-8 2-M%llvy 12 107 6 5 3 I 31 24 E Scobie ti Verity. Serl inn. King Trojan r: P.Gnda 13-16 2:04 mud 7 112 1 5 5 5 62 P» C Lar.g 7 Richelieu. YngAdaiu, Gouimand 59398 F.Gnds 1 1-lfi l:47*«taat 7 9 .♦ and 7 » E 1- l« C Laas 11 MactJavelU. IroaBoy Har.Kiug PHELAN, blk. g, 4 103 By Leoaid— Zirl, by Sain. I ner, A. J. Flack. Ownor, W. E. Jones. ; l-H I . hvj 106 -;4 4 3 - A Wilson 7 Serbian, Ettabc, King Trojaa ■e.Gnds 1 i-l-i l:". -hvy 20 1 10 s .; 4 5 : G | H ■•■ Burke 8 KgTrcjan, Woodthrush. Kttahe P.Gnda 1 1-8 l:53"4fast :0 10S 1 5 6 5 P 1*1 J D Mney 8 Gaaanu. Ace, ffailaaniitkalami 59512 P.Gnda 1 I 16 l»2%hvy 10 H C M ". t. I V- 71* u BraamslO Pickwick, Serbia a. Alex Jr. JefTson 1 1-8 1:54 fast 20 104 17 7 7 V 6"i R Rice 7 Wad.- Last, OaHlaS, J.C.Sfjne 59076 JefTsoa lm70y 1:46 fast 11-8 MS S 7 7 6 6J 6« A Gantner s St.ii- 1 • !. Copyrisht, 1*1 anal A 58973 JefTaon 13-16 2:10 mud 2 Ml 5 2 2 1 1- l5 A GaataerlO francTlreor, Bomkaat, Warlike HELLO PARDNER. b. g. 5 11? By Marajax— Ma Wee Dear, by Love Wiiely. Traiaar, W. Livirtstor.. Owner. S. C. Denhami. 1 P.Gnda I 1-16 l:56%hvj 7 • ". Lane 7 UadgeF., Wood t brush. IraaBay . p.G Ida I 16 51 mud 1 ll" 3 1 1 1 Lana s IronBoy, HocaewdBouad, Talaa 5971 P.Gnda 1 1 II 1 £l~4mud 9-S MB 4 2 1 2 24 :; H Thomas 8 Copyrisht, Trickster II., Pie P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:46ttfast 30 305 I I 2 1 24 2" II I7aomaa ti Da may, Pir.McGee. YeaasAdam - P.Gnda 1 1-8 1 :5S ■.■..-■ low 18 Ji3 2 3 1 i P Pi J Wallaca II Laay Loa, Loreaa Mat, Alex Jr. 9512 P.Gnda 1 l-M l*S2%hvj I 107 4 3 2 3 4"» 6-» L Conf ; IU Pl :wick, Berbiaa. Ale Jr. 7-751 Buy.:- 1 l-M 1:63 mud 13 104 1 3 3 I 2J 3 S Lowe 11 Anal OaBaa, Bttue, BmtOjaa .BOND. ch. g, 8 113 By Ethelbert— Boudoir, by Octagon. Trainer W. M. Caia. Owaer. Caia k. Banford. 59764 F.Gnda 1 l-M 1:52 muii 12 M7 2 2 2 I 4- 43 E Scobie S Copyright, Verity, BroamPeddttt .:,;, P.Gndi 3-4 lOS%alow 11 109 I 2 1 l; 1= M Garner 8 Philanderer, Nordeck, PlylagOrfc ,:•.-. :i JefTaon 11-16 1:47 tast 15 MS 7 1 3 44 4*1 B Bcobie . Iloreb BoiM Back, Aroaie i£218 JefTson 1 l-M l:471aCaat 12 107 4 2 3 3 E 5° B Scobie 11 BarryShaa, BaCB ck, BraeatA. 59147 JefTsoa 3-4 3:16 slow 15 110 4 6 6 « «61 J Wallace 13 W. Pennant. n.8toae, M.:j;!.ata iSSCO JefTaon 3 l-M l:. iS*4mud 10 114 9 6 5 5 C4 P B Pollard 11 Oa Blsa, Alcatraa, Montillo ;887l JefTaon irn7tiy llhvy 4 M 4 I I I 54 5:-J Wallaca :» Warlike, Jaa Joe, Alcatraa NORDECK, b. h, 5 105 By Sain— Sashfard Belle, by Jalaatto. Trainer. B. Mo.esworth. Ovr-ier, G. B. DiggaC P.Gnda i 1-16 ■r--i..- 17 M 112 I 1 P 3 D J n ■- 1,-1. Iul ■ S23 P.Gnda ::4l:U-,li,i U 114 i -7 4 4* 4 . I.;, i 10 Jago, Betaimla, Back Ba] 9752 P.Gnda 3 11:14 good 5 109 10 7 7 E1 8« E Scobie Hi Aee of Aces, Berbiaa, Jasa 59554 P.Gnda S-4 1 :l5l.-,si-m E :- 4 9 S 7 ,".1 5si C Lang 9 Bond, Philanderer, Plytag Orb 59614 P.Gnda 8-4 l:17*4mud 0 IM 7 11 ll 6J 64j A Wilson 11 Kurj;nyne, BeleaAtkia. U.sWiug 7772 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48Hfaat 19 b* 9 9 8 9 91 P« K Scobie 12 Guam d teed, Paibeloa, Cut Op 5751i5 Latoniu 1 1 -16 3 :47-V.i t B 1 7 I 8 8 3 i- 610 F Porretto B An .. Dr.Bae, Candle LaSM