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. ; FOR SALE Price,500 PAVI A Half Sister to Granite; Chestnut Mare, Four Years Old, by Vitellius ā Adriutha. SHOULD BE A BROOD MARE OF EXCELLENCE Pavia recently ruptured a tendon in racing. That is her only unsoundness and she is not a bleeder. Pavias sire, Vitellius France, by Quintette, by Gardefeu, dam Wheatley, by Orme. Pavias dam, Adriutha dam of Granite, by Clifford, dam Aranza II., by Jim Gore. Address GEORGE READ 3146 MAUREPAS ST. :: NEW ORLEANS, LA. I SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM J. F. "Lucky" Baldwin If you are interested in information on horses well meant, and on which few mistakes are made and you are absolutely reliable and in a position to make at least five straight flat bets, dont hesitate, rush your correct address at once. Winning en a straight flat bet is the cruciblo test in racing. I am a positive winner on a straight flat bet basis. My specials are at Tijuana. Havana, New Orleans. My terms ā Send me by wire, after you collect yours, the winnings of a 0 straight play. Any time a special loses deduct what you would lose playing for me from successive winnings. I CANNOT WIN IF YOTT LOSE. 1303 LEXINGTON AVE., NEW YORK CITT, N. Y. YESTERDAYS BEST BET WON DONT FAIL TO GET TODAYS 60cā DAILY AT ALL NEWSSTANDS-r50c NATIONAL O. K. PITS. 00. 411 Baltimore Bldg. Chicago, ZUU You are aa WISE as the WISEST when yen hare a copy of the "BLUE BOOK." 36c at all newsstand*. Today* Form Special: March-Peeoh-83-18-30-16. THB STANDARD TURF GU1DB. Boom 408, SS West ttuiacy St. Oaioege, OL