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SUMMARY Or MEXICO CITY RACING MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Febraary 2.— The following is a saauaary today* rating: I00M Iu:s| i:CE-r, 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year- oMs. ClaiaaiaB. Tnd. Horse. Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Sh. 71M»Lncky Last it7 SbelepetsS 288 ? L.4o $ 2.20 77M :;wyiiedd 100 iacksoa... 4. SO 2.88 77M Leaader 112 Baraes L.lo Vestiaa, 88; 8M Bally Buttons, 100, also ran. Time. 1:1S%. Scratched— BSM Forestall. 107. 101M si r"Nil RACE--.. 1-2 Furlongs. 4-year-sMs and upward. Claiming. Gentleman Riders. Tnd. Horse, Wt., Jockey. St. PL Bh. 89M /.line,- 147CoaatDePaar$ 5.10 $ 4.00 | :;.io £8M;:. -iini ion 117 A. Delriol 10.0 .".in 99M M. Galria l48CtDeC,troi 3.M MMDoctor Bab, 117: 64M Screw Sanders. 1 it : 73M Billow, 143, and bM Oh Doctor, 117. also ran. Tirr.c. 1:05. No scratches. 102M IB,aD BtACB 3-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and Upward. Mexican Owned. lad. Horse, Wt., Jockey. St. PI. Sh. SBBDCasador 117 Wat out | 0.60 $ 288 $ 2.16 64H.Rili Rendered 117 Jackson 8.03 2.16 8fMBkooter 120 0*Mahoaey 2.16 80M*tMadiSlw II. 117: 58883 Nugget II., 117. and MM Loocwood Mi . 113, also rau. Coupled in betting. Time, 38%. Scratched— 63MMy Prlend Pat, 117. 103M rouRTH BACK 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. lad. Horse. Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Rh. SIM-Louie Loa 100 Baraes.. I O.-O $ :?.oo $ lmo .3331 Perhaps loO OMaboaey. 3.00 2.M 91M American llo-o lr_ Bski L.40 SIM Hay. 100: 82M Bil- Reedy, 107: 7M Flew-high. 101, and 7GM Gas Batoe, 104, also ran. Time. 1:17. s. ratched -73M Fait on II.. 180. 104M !lrln KACB— 3 1 Mile. 3 -year-olds and spward. lilt, HorKe, Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Sh. BMC-Plaaa.Booster 113Bsraes$ 4.00 $ $ 2 .48 B8BI olive .lanus 107OMahVv 3.00 J JO 61M Shooter 10". Jackson 3 20 74M38eaIeas, Hi, and 25M Beatfcaaatal, 111. also ran. Time, 1:1745. No scratches. 105M SIX!l1 BAC5B— 3 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and unward. Claiming. Ind. norse, Wt.. Jockev. Al. PL Sh. 93M Northern Belle 115 BallS 9.S0 $ 4.00 $ 3.00 83M Anal Dads no Gordon.. 3. so ."..00 BOi Sen pi 1 it. 112 Brooke 5.28 71M Accordant. MB: B2M Fog Horn. 110: VIM Nolawn. Ill, and 82M*Br. anipbe!!, 117, also rau. Time. 1:11. Scratched— BBM Blasonry, 107.