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FIRST it A_c !•:—::-t Mile, l-yeir atUU and ■pwaural, nalnalaaT Dec. -o, Index Course Dial TiuieT.kOdds Wt St % % Sir Fin Jockey- Started Order of Finish CAIJUTE. b. z. 6 113 By Sir Huon— Binda, by The Bard. Trainer, A. P. Yeoman. Owner, Cozad and Yeoman. 54984 Omaha 11:41 fast 9-5 117 l*| j Bins tea 7 HowardBlaad, Lola PatayMacb 54793 Omaha 1 1-8 l:K%faat 12 115 3 i L Mmk 8 Benefctor. AudrevK.. AIIBriaht 54781 Omaha 11:48 mud 24 IM B»* T Wayt 8 Dr.BamnH. S.K Real Bencftor E3307TUnana 1 1-M l:ls-h.iast 41 117 8 R 9 9 8= 7*1 C 7ross 9 Sasin. Von Lady Mis* SedaUa C"004 Tijuana lm70y l:48%faat 16 llo 7 7 7 7 1* 7** C Gross 8 J.J.Mdoek, W..l.Rker, Arcnto 1-araLLS, b- m, 7 106 Uy Coy Xad— Avistoa, by Ayrshire. Trainer, J. Crofroa. Owaer, H. D. Oatet. 59853 Tijuana B f 141 fast 7-5 111 I 2 2 V 1*1 R Carter 11 aUnBanbar, F.Wilson. Taml.ia,, 59734 Tijuana BJ f 141 fast 8 107 1 2 1 M n A Jacobs 9 Madam Byag, Busy Bird Vhav 39624 Tijuana B-8 l:01%fast 35 110 5 8 8 8 64 R Carter 8 Fireplace, Harry D M.vfiow.r 5S532 Tijuana B-8 143%hvy 8 111 « G 5 4 V.l J Htainer 8 Harry].. Madam Byag n BabM EMM Tijuana 51 f 134 slop 7-5 Ul 4 4 5 4- 41 J Hunmef S Hon.George, rkardom. It.HaiQai HOT FOOT, h. in. 5 106 By Ildvira— Hot Bird, by Dry Monopo1*. Trainer, W. Beechwood. Ownor, W. Beeehwood. 59772 Tijuana :. ; l Mi s 102 12 12 n g* 5*3 T Wilson 12 K.Maa. W.C.Doely WWhttaba* 59651 Tijuana 5-8 142%faat 26 103 5 6 5 4 3* T Wilson 7 View. Stanley H BuayBtr* 59260 Tijuana Bi f l:12%alop 8 109 7 4 3 8| B Parka 8 GokUe Kooe, Bona Atkla Lanaa 69208 Tijuana B-8 143 slop II Ml 4 I 3 4- 1% B Parke 8 Lobelia, Per. Day, Coldie jtoaa BS043 Tijuana 3-1 ldl%faat 10 IM 4 4 3 31 3-J T Wilson 13 Stiletto. Miss Stathcm, Carobaa ALAZ01,T, ch. f. I M M By Semprolus— Edna K., by Bonus Res. Trainer, L. L. Alien. Owner, Allen and Wilkerson. 39»48Tijuana 5.J f l:13%hvy 5 91 M 3 S 1 2*J A Arvin 11 HngMe, Bittern. BbracbeMeven 59729 Tijuana BJ f 141 faat 23f IM U 11 8 B*| 5% H Taylor 12 Kve.S tones Ind Prince J Blvhl BMM Tijuana 3-4 l:M%fast 85 Ml 2 2 SJ 4= M Garrett 13 JewelCity. Mn.Pat Gr Trimble SBW Bean 1-2 4;i" 82 112 «« u Mthema S Lit.Plarenee, Tatting, Dr Tubba L1T1LE ORPHAN, ch. g. 8 103 By Brigade— Amelia. B., by Saia. Trainer, E. E. Buchanan. Owner, E. E. Baoaanan. 5S7D4 Tijuana lm70y l:49%fsst IS 118 3 8 7 7 -,, 9»J B Noble 11 Eamloea, Mrs iat Pethw 59327 Tijuana 1 1-16 2:01%hvy 9 llo 4 :; J 3 8»| 8 E Noble 5 PlnsbofMtecl D.-hra I leanhina 59407 Tijuana 11:51 slop 16-5 Ml I 5 r, 5 4 4*1 B Noble o Dora. Ermttana Simian 59353 Tijuana 8-4 l:19%raud 22 no 6 7 6 ! • 5 B Noble 7 OarMaid, Laraga L JeeeMaaa 58227 Tijuana lrn7f/y l:52Us!op 13 Ml 3 4 2 3 3" 2J J Hunmer 7 DalWOOd, GenJiyng, AfterNlght KESTWAXO, ch. h, 8 113 By Aiviscot— Bashford BeUo, by TklnlBi. Trailer, D. Dcrmison. Owner, D. Deanison. 59713 Tijuana 5J f 1:«S faal 7J Ul U 11 11 11 11* R Carter 11 B.LuOwen, Mistake Q nfTrumin 59591 Tijuana 3-4 l:16Vand0od 33 IM 5 4 8 8 8 1* It Carter 8 M.Manlaby, Nasliotah ShH Stan 59488 Tijuana 5-8 14S%alop 138 IM 4 4 4 4* 4»1 R Carter 5 Pbedodeo. KingDick, BIIryLana 5H411 Tijuana 5 f l:12%slop 88 112 6 5 5 5 8*» R Carter 7 Bgnsa, Orchid King C "ke» ISM Tijuana lm70y l:45%faat 27-10 U4 Broke down. H Rettig 10 Cavourll., Ir.Muid, R.of thcKIt CRISPIE, b. m. 9 111 By HanshursStar.nel, ty Hirr.yar. Trainer, F. R. Irwin. Owner, I*. R. Irwin. 59949 Tijuana B-8 144%hvy 4 107 3 1 4 8*3 3* E Noble 10 JaekLedi. Pueblo. JosieGoraaaa 129 Tijuana •"• 1 l:ll%slop 3-2 105 1 - i 2* :- .1 H tamer 8 Velvet, Cicely Kay, Steve 5: 165 Tijuana B-8 1:67 hvy 11-5 111 l I I 5t 4»i o Hum I W.C.Dooly, Infield, MikeDlxei 59427 Tijuana 5-8 1:06 mud 4 111 2 4 4 2| 2* P Martinez 7 L.Bomper, J.Gomaa, TomCaro MMS Tijuana 5-S 143 slop 6-3 lit 4 I I 8*1 2» P Martinez 8 Tom Car©, Mistake," Nick Klein NEOSKO DALE, ch. m. 10 M 111 By Ormondale— TCtte D., by Cesarion. Trainer, W. T. Overly. Owner. W. T. Overby. »792 Tijuana 11:45 fast 22 IM 3 I . 4 4*3 3* C Brown 12 Sippara, llontnerri, Coaatry B9669 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%fast 12 113 5 10 9 Ss S"J T Murray 12 JewelCity Mn.Pat Gr Trimble 59528 Tijuana 5-8 l:09%hvy 17f US M 10 I 9* I** T Murray 1* Lavaga, lafield, Cigale 65125 Reno BJ f 14S%fast 7 104 4» K Neal 10 P. Termy. G. Trimble, ;.FIartwell EMU Reno BJfl4B%faet 24 104 S* E Neal 8 HaneveraTopaa, J.Uwd, B.Leo MONTPERRI, ch. g, 5 M IOS By Montgomery— Perrier, by F. W. Barr. Trainer. A. S. Williams. Owner, A. 8. William;-.. 59792 Tijuana 11:46 fast E 111 I 1 I 2* 1" B Parka 12 Sippan. Neosho Dale. Country BMM Tijuana 3-4 l:16%fast 42f 117 10 6 6 4J 4J C Brown 11 Indian Brigade, Chrome, Ietlnr E9499 Tijuana 5£ f l:1V.,hvy 5 US 3 4 6 6- 7» C Brown * AahtouGiri, Hwyii.-M, D.Hart 59425 Tijuana 2-4 1:23 mul M 115 5 2 l 4% 4*3 C Brown 9 Pigaroa, Bippara, Min Hilda II. MMS Tijuana Si f 1:11 % slop 72 yift 7 « 6 71 7" T Wilson 12 LittleRomper, BiUHead, Figaron COFFEE JOHN. b. g. 6 108 By Andrew Mack— Hessian, by Sain. Trainer, M. E. ja..:03. Owner, M. E. James. E8M7 Tijuana 51 f l:ll=*JSlop 22f pm 10 11 10 W ifl" w Davis 11 SeaBeacb. Han.VaBey, Caata *a4 5886S Tijuana 5-S 143%fast 840 114 6 7 7 7 7!5 .! Murray 7 Merry Lass, Criapie, Cranium E784S Willws Ab 5-8 149 faat 24 IU •*• F J Rak-rio Mineral Jim, Kio. Rlnzer 5774:1 Wlllwa Ab 5-S M%alop 250 114 S»J F J Bakerlit Caacioa, E. Tranter. MineralJlm GRACE W., a, at, 9 at 111 By Chimney Sweep — Vindicta, by Mack Wiggins. Owner, G. Todd. 59709 Tijuana ... •■ 1 :!■■- ,f. ~ 1 4f 103 13 13 12 M* 8*| W Organ 13 GraceTrimble, V.Rita, Rkworm B3927 Tijuana EJ f l:08%fast 32f IM ]1 J Murray 11 Dr.D*rIey, Cal.Lady, KBlaraeyB. B3E33 Tijuana EJ f 141 faat I2f N3 14 14 14 14 ll** H Jones 14 lHr.Corbett, EugcuiaK., FaaNail ES379 Tijuana 5-1143 faat23 lOf ill 15 15 15 tf IS** E Haywd 15 W.C.Doety, Vi.Nail, D. Squirrel HAC JOHNSON, ah. c. 4 M 113 By Henaaa Jeaaiea Eather Overton. Trainer, BJ. Brcodin. Owner, Raymond Sinble. First start.