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LEE ANTI-RACING MEASURE1 Commitee Report and Final Action on Bill Expected This Week. 1 KANKFOKT. Ky.. February ti Senator John A l.ees bill repealing the exempt loa claaae as to peri- iii.MteK and prohibiting all forms of wagering oni horae races, either ,-,n or off race traeka, will be reported in tin- senate by the ceasmlttee on judiciary thi-H week Final action on the measure is anticipated seaw. Opponents of the hill will s,.ek to lay it on the •able and in their battle are expecting the aid of the agricultural element, which is striving mightily o lower ihe state tax rale on lands. In older to ufctala this redaction the adveeatea of a lower rate on real estate holdings ate -.111111, for maintaining ;11 other existing of revenue, and 1 paye al prexeal 30,000 .-•initially into ihe stat* treasury, practically tea times ina amount it paid •vv.. years ago. Thai Ihe strength of the ant;-racing meveaseat was greatly ia ..I was shown a I the public hearing on the Lee bill, ii which fear-fifths of •ho e wi . e f a voi .-. hie to the continuance of the sparl under the state Backus Coaunhmioua can trol. Acconling lo a conservative estimate at least twenty five Senators out af the thirty-eight elected :■ opneaed to the anti-racing measure. One mem •or. Senator Andrew Auxier of Pikeville. ;ias been ill and unable to be present al any si -si..n ,f t;„. ipper branch, if this eatimate b - cerreel the larg ••st vote the opponents of raring .0111.1 muster ia tke senate would t»e twelve, of whom four or five ne iii d.iibt and may line up against the Lee bill. This is a decided gain for the raaae of racing aver ill- vote of two years ago. which was a majority of ■iglit in favor of racing. It is said that there probably will be no fight attempted against the six.rt in the bowse of representatives, provided the defeat of tie mea-ure in ihe eeaate is accomplished by a birge majority. ppoaeats of racing conceding that a further attack at this session of the generrl assembly weald he 1 waate "f time am! effort. latrodsH-tiaa of an anti-racing measure in the house thi- late in the session .m be regarded as a political move and not as a genuine effort by the advevaaries of he sport to . • owsfrfc ration for their bill. FRANKFORT, Ky. February thairasaa White I.. Moss of the senat mmittee on Judkriarj .in atmaced today thai !iis committee would meet immediately after adjournment tomorrow afternoon lo dispose of the anti-racing bill. It is understood thai this bill will be reported to the senate Weil . nday morning when It win be brought to a vote sad p.ssjbi.v disposed of for ihe present session. Opponents of the measure claim that they have enough v-.tes to defeat it as seea as it is brought .mi . -- «