Third Race [3rd Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-07

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viliii RACK — 5-4 .illi-. l- «.-ii -«NI« :tn«l na vrardl. ClalanfBic. 3-«h. it. i«ns — :.ii i-.-— u — !•. ;.» BElSIliDA. o. m. 5 104 By Rockton — Winning WUoii, by Bioojna.lok. Trainer, C. T. Wori/iia.-;;*,n. Ownw. 0. T. WsrUdngtan. 69913 F.Gnds 3-4 1:1 livy S-a WIS i i 2 2J :"■ B Jones 12 CobtLaas, Bacajaea. LyMUdd 19921 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15%hvy Kj IW S .". 8 2- 2J C Dishmon 10 Jago, Back Bay, Nerdeek C9759 3-4 l:15~imud 10 no 2 2 6 71 712 C Diabmonll Actreaa, Bertha B., Back Bay 69358 Lex ton 3-4 1:1". slow 41 in 6 5 lo 8*| *• C Dlakennl2 MeUaia. Doric, Part Light ! V.s;3 Kworlh H f 1:le--hv 2 889 5 4 3 2 »* H Jones 0 Spnga, P.ucleMaicli, Lady lone BT339 Kwortb 2-4 1 :i;:6ta,st 8 3 4 7 « 6 • 4J H Jone? 10 Manatee, Coraseran, QreatHawti FIRST PULLET, b. m. 6 S5 By Cock o the Walk— Kerr, by TJncomrr.o*. CTrainer, J. S. Hays. Owner, J. S. Hays. :■ 13 Jeffson I 1-16 l:47«4fast 13-6 107 13 2 2 11 25 A Gantner 11 Old Faithful, Great Gull, fourlis ..••.: Jeffson 3-4 1:1: fast 7 M3 5 6 5 y 2s a Gantner 8 C.e tbeRst, TbeNephew, Doric 69206 Jeff son 6i f 1 :tv5fast M io3 3 9 7 6*5" A Wilson 9 Finney, BUlMcCloy, Propagaadi 6*259 Empire 1 1 :42 fast 10 1 j0 3 2 3 3 31 4=J C Brenlnt, 5 Suen Maid, Thimble, Sagacity ;-S199 Empire ImTOy l:4C%faet 20 10211 2 3 3 2=" 27 M Hnraon I Dieaaedes, BenMInt, Wedgweed ■l M. Royal ImTOy l:5r,-li.v i 103 22 J Smith ii Betty J., Duke Kuff, Paula V. EZtOWH EIIL. br. g, 4 111 By Waldo-— Cutaneoux, by iarsnoie. Tralmer. W. M. Cain. OTJrner, Cain and Sarford. •12 F.Gnds 3-4 1:17 livy 7 IM 3 2 2 2* 2«J iM Garner 11 Twopah*, Bci»ke Star. Pi- ":■ J Jeff son 1 1-16 1 :."*f,hvy Q 108 1 2 2 2 21 8" C Lang 9 Zone dArmee, Coiydou. Zainer !12 Jeffson lm7oy 1 : IK ,-slow 20 99 9 S 8 5 9» *i"l J Wallace 10 CanillB. Phelan, Magician MrtS4 Jeff son 51 f l:U%hvjr 20 114 2 6 4 i* V-l IT J Burke 10 Link Itoy, Amaze, Perhaim 17088 L»ufrin 6ifl:27 fast 21-5 104 571 N Foden • Avion. Helen Atkin, SeJepraB* 54999 Dnfrin 6. f 1:20 fast 33-M 197 1- H Foden 7 Ravanna, North Siiore, Our Kate •i-G Dufrin Ab 5-8 1 M%t asl 13 888] 6* W Pollard S Avion. RaflertT, Doctor 1*. PA9JI CONNELLY, br. g, 7 112 By Baliot — Lampover, by Lamplighter, r:.-ainsi , 0. Phillip?. Ownt-t, H. Twymaa. r*rr7S F.Gnds S-4 l:21*stavy 4 113 2 4 4 8* 3" C Long 0 taeeta, Jago, Raa .:.:isni F.Gnda 3-4 l:17%bvy 12 111 7 7 5 6» 4° H .1 Bnrfcell Prom. Tom, T,. Luxury. M.Moore •.17 F.Gnda 111 llTfcbry 7 111 6 10 7 7J 6»1 C Lang 12 Anticipate, Helen Atkin. F.ttahr WU F.Gnds 3-4 l:17%mud 15 113 ll 8 6 H i «5 C L.iu,., 11 Bnrgoyne. HeaenAtlOa. ti.svViBj U-!0B Jeff aon I 1 M 1 8e%bTj li-b 109 12 4 6« 6" C Long I Little Ed. Tbirtoen, Bbmanry 84981 J«ff son 2-4 1:19 mud 9-5 115 4 2 2 4i 3JA Richer k • M.Moore, F.Ui.oster, Gold Stone NORTH SHORE, b. f, 4 101 By etarttaot — GsJmda. by Oalvevtaru Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. :m;k Howie 61 f 1:22 Mow 12 81 I 7 s 61 B*| C Lang IS Bnrgoyne, Moroni. Tidings 1*382 Laurel 1 lUttfaet 11 9S 6 3 3 2 l« li C Lang M Oagood, Peggy Br"**, gmnam 5M28 Laurel I l:4S%fast 5 9S 4 2 2 4 61 7»1 C Lang IS Cur.Eveius. PegJUvcS, Explsive 6U93 K* worth ImTOy 14%bvy 7 109 S 1 X 1 l" 2» C Lang 7 Roseate, Gilt Fringe, SecretaiT lT779 Kworth 5i f l:10%slo[ 11 95 1 ll ll 1» C Lang 8 Gen. IglBSHntl, Beljoy, Lura V. 317 Thcliffe 1 l:40"iRood XI 63 6* C Lang 112 111 ack Top, Broadview, Walk Up UACK BAY. b. g, 14 100 By Rubicon— Genna, by Balgowan. Trainer. E. Furman. Owner, E. Furman. i 13 F.Gnda 3-4 i :!;•. .livy 19 113 8 H o 7 7" s Bullmau 12 CobtLsss, Betstnda, Bncajawea . svi F.Gnds S-4 l:lb! .hvy S 107 4 2 3 V S* H Thomas 10 Jaso. Belsinda, Nordeck 69739 F.Gnds 3-4 l:15%mud 8 112 6 4 3 3» 3« H J Burkell Actress, Henna S., Pill IgaSI glni ••..94 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :14rsfast 15 111 7 6 f» 7* 7»1 H J Bur Ae M Aceof Aces, Philanderer, lituulb 3-J.34 F.Gnds 3-4 1:18 hvy 31 113 10 4 a 31 4" A Wilson 12 Grnland, M.Raukiu, Conctrat* ;, 116 Jeff son 3-4 l:lfi"tslow S 110 8 1 1 B 31 L McDott 12 Pretender, Horcb, Fleer CONCENTRATE, br. c, 4 M 98 By EUthorn — Intensity, by Pentenosi.. Traiaer. A. G. Woodman. Owner, Woodman KroiO •■-573 FGnds lm70y l:4T*4gOod 12 107 16 7 8 4 V A Roach 12 M.Rappold, llermoden. Archive I t;i5U4 F.Gnds 3-4 1:18 hvy 40 108 4 5 4 V 3i A Hoach 12 Grulaud. MfssRankiB. P.afkBay 5.S .53. Jeffson 1 l:4S-Vhvy 12 110 3 1 1 1 25 2- F Cltiletti « Car. Damoris. Marie BnpnaM 5 725 Jeff soa 6J " f 1 :09"ifast 20 111 7 S 6 «n 6"A Roach 12 Trader, Damoris, Cremona I Church 1 1 1 3!i-f.isl I2f 110 4 6 6 7 61 610 A Koach 14 TwkleBlue, Bermt, WillowTree 1 £90 PEGGY C. h. f, 5 104 By Jim Gaffney— Housewife, by Hwiovr v Trainer. J. and. Ownb«y. Owner, J. S. OwnLav. BMJJ Cbnrchl 1 1-M l:47%fast 30 111 7 8 7 0 6j P|S McDott 12 Fos.Kiubrv. Amanda PairOtlcOt 57s*H Latonia 1 3-16 2 :07mud 43-10 100 6 3 2 2 U 8*8 F Poriotto 0 Capital City, Tim AleUee, Tulsa 67649 Latoiiia. 1 1-16 1 :4t.-3Sood 50 306 1 1 1 3 :;•■ 3-4 F Porretto S Cinderella, Furbelow Dlrnplei 67428 La tonla 11-16 1:52 hvy 17-5 106 2 2 2 3 l 3» B Parke ti Wild Flower, Mavehona Done 67235 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47*jgood 3i 98 1 1 1 1 1" l1! B Parke 11 FrankF., Lackawauaa. SuodjH. ROY C, ch. g. 4 M 103 8y Bunnymede— Ventura, by Puryew D. Trainer. H. L. Eunson. Owner. H. L. Munson. 59819 F.Gnda 3-4 130 hvy 8 LIS 6 7 •: 65 rJF Murphy 11 Don. Blue, Archive Gr-tnnv Lee 59717 F.Gnds 3-4 i:it;",Uvy ?* 1121 7 4 4 9l BP| F ChlavtalL Auilcijiate. Helen Atkia Fftabr 9630 F.Gnda 3-4 i :13*4fast 2o 113 3 4 4 4 6-j F Chlavta 11 MscnisvelH, Jerry Aetrem i 59232 JefTson 3-4 l:1444fnst 8 IM 5 2 1 » 3- F C8unv*ta U Honorable. Wireless, Paralgbt 88014 Jeffson 3-4 1:16 good 10 IM 8 1 1 32 4; F Weiner 12 Marjorie M., Damoris, Domingo ARCHIVE, b. g. 4 M 98 By Hii Majesty— Quair, by Orme. Trainer. A. G. Blakely. Owner, W. Daniel. 69911 F.Gnds 3-4 l:M44tavy IS-:. 115 6 1 3 3- 47 1. I.yke M Hertha S.. Hti-tnv Mii-nleM-m 59819 F.Gnda 3-4 138 hvy S 115 1 4 5 2l 25 E Pool n Hon.Blue. GnyLee, Prnt sDevll 59669 F.Gnda 1139 fast 40 106*5 5 5 6 6 6-« R Scott « Wapiti, Rung,uoi, Runzaf 5S573 F.Gnda lnaTCp l:47%gOOd 7 112 8 4 2 3 31 3« M Gainer 13 M.Ranpd, UerrnMei,. t; Autumn 89433 F.Gnds S-4 l:14%fast 11-5 117 1 112* 2« M Gamer 11 R.Lee, straightShot Marikon 59205 Jeffson 3-4 l:15%fast 13-5 112 3 2 2 2» 3J C Ponce 12 Plato, G. Autumn. PanTtlossom LA DERNIERE. ch. f. 4 M S8 By Mont dOr II.— Ambrosia, by Hanover. .Trainer. P. W. Davis. Owner, P. NV. Davit. 58995 Church 1 2-1 1 :12 f,fast 21f 10: 1 ! 14 14 14 14-5 F Weiner 14 Hon. Man. B.ofEPtown Murray [57807 Lntonfat 3-4 1 :17"5inud 49 Mi i 11 11 ll20ll-: G Fields 12 Furbelow, Dimples, Harold K 1 57559 Latonia S-4 107%hvy 117 104 11 10 10 8l S14 E Barnes 11 J.Coodmnn, MeUora, CrJ Swell I 57457 Latonia 2-4 1:18 hvy ISf 88918 7 7 6- 617 It Harton 12 PtnaDltZS, Brit. Maid .Shipmate .7i07 Latonia 1 1-16 1 24 low 4 6 6 6 6l 6-» B Parke 12 B*kHackle, L.Wktrl«, Rirllellea j 56992 Latonia I I 1 llTfcillJ 9f MO] 9 Lost rider. A Wilson It RananMaSlB. Has. Tulsa i ELUE STAR, ch. g, 5 M 105 By Star Shoot— Lou Blue, by Ojrden. Trainer. E. J. Ferguson. Owner. P. Barry. 58874 Jeff son and5 f l:ll%hvy lOfl 112 M 10 10 10 id- K DeMayol2 Matvelio, B.LigbtllL, DiocJetias 52833 F.Gnda 3-4 l:13%fast i09 M6 11 11 12 12* 12 * ■ Moore IS General, Philanderei Moroni 52321 F.Gnds 8-4 l:16%fnot 4. 117 33 13 13 13 1313 J Rods/esU Niobe. Hopever, Mountain D,-w •6114 Jef son 84 t 138%gOod 108 IM M 12 U 13» 13" J Howard 14 War Club, Satana Repeater K087 Jefaon ImTOy l:47,ifas. 149 106 12 13 14 14 14 IS1* H BricksnM Rib, ChaBeuger Poreclosnre 45979 Jef son 3-4 1:16 good M 106 9 11 ll ll1 ll1* s Bovie IS T. Archer. Peccant H Weapan 45984 F.Gnda 3-4 1:14 fast e0 111 11 12 12 12 12« J Zoeller 13 On High, Dinlv Moore BarenkS

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