Ormesdale for Breeding Bureau, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-07


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— w~ 0RMESDALE FOR BREEDING BUREAU NKW YORK. N. Y.. February «. — Ormesdale, winu.-r „f the Metropolitan Handicap, Great American Stakes. Keene Memorial and oth.-r good races, his been loaned to the Breeding Bureau of the Jockey Club for two years by Frank J. Kelley of Chicago and is now at tin.- I.*wikover stallion station near Avon in the Jenesee valley. The young sire Ormesdale. 1MB, is by Ormoii-hjfc MadrhllB, by Knight of the Thistle. K. T. Wilson bred and raced him. Mrs. Herbert Wads-worth, president of the Genesee Yalley Breeders Association, is delighted with him. Ormesdale is of the type needed in the valley, as lie is MVS hands high, girths ~*i batksM and has W, inches of Ixine. He is a beautifully modeled horse without a trace of coarseness. At Avon he will have access to Ihoroughbrd. three-quarter bred ;. nil half-bred males, as well as the cold-blooded dams of the farmers of the Genesee valley and he is certain to be a success.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922020701/drf1922020701_1_8
Local Identifier: drf1922020701_1_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800