Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-07


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AH i ■ ii. FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 6. 1922. Fair Graomds H mib-i. Tliirtv tirst day. Busi-sess Mens K.;. in;; Assocktthsa. W later Meeting of ."0 days. Weather clear: temperature 65". Stewards. I;, c. Bmlth, M. Macfarlan. A. C. Melile and L. M. Holmes. Judges! J. B. Campbell and Joseph McLennan. Starter. A. It. Dade. Pacing Secretary. Joseph McLennan. Racing si:irts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2ilB p. m.. tadfeafes appreatlce allowance" £ltF7Q FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. ;Jan. 19, 1822—34—2—114.1 ,000 Added. 2-year-olds. va"" 4 O Maiden;. Special Weights. Net value to winner 00: second, 21: third, 14-. Index Horses A Wt IISt :j "t Str Fin .loekeys Owners 1 7i C V is .-»88! BILM7X WHISKERS W 112 3 3 " "li 1 - F W.-iner Wa block Stable I C i 6-:, 1- .%! ! ::: -ATHLETE w ll". 4 i i - t; WaUa A Aubu.hon S-S 2J : :;-:, l-:, BMU THB MULESKINJTRw 113 :: 1 :. 9* H King R .1 Brown g-5 3 7-92-5 1-8 BACCHUS w IIS 1 I •»■ 4. M darner c fi Trott.r | i:, rj 4 •• .■;J.S4» BUPERGLARAIA w 115 7 I .- .". F CltiletUH T tlriffm t!5 31 39 I -. ."!»«4» AMOLE w IIS ti S «L 9* B AmhroseH T Griffin ti;, 29 20 f Q .".9716 MADSON w 11". .". 7 7 7 C Ponce C A AppMgate 38 26 25 7 1 tCeopled in betting: m separate ! ii r shear betting. Time, 2515. 38. Track heavy. Winue, b. ■. by Master Babert — Idmaece, bj Bhsraey trnksed by A. I.. Khrby; bred bv Mr. C. Brace Head. Went to post ,,t 2:12. At po-t 1 minute. Start go.nl and slew. W..11 easily: aec I and third chiving. BILLY WHI8KER8, aw.iy well ar.d anriag much ground, dn-w out In tbe li-t eighth to win easily. ATHLETE, alse away fast sad bird rhbtea, was a same contender. THE Ml I.I.sKINNBB wa swerving badly um.cr weak, riding and just saved third place. BACCHI S finish. -il fast and would have been third in another stride ai two. The others were always eatraa. S.ra tclie.i- -38889 Stone Age. 11.".: .".! 77!» Pa t rc.linan. 113; Kv.rliart. 11.".. frasTfeATQ SEC0ND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1913— 1:11VS— 6— 116. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds. j W 4 CF Claiming. Net value to winner C0: second. 21: third, 14. Index Hi.;—-. AWtlTSt 1 . -4 Str Fin -loekeys Owners o Hi C P S .- ! 0ll MATCHES MARY KllM j i f 2 ls V C Lp.ng P J Lavia 4-and11-M11-MZ-31-4 ," 17X0 IT era 112 •" l I] 1] I] M Garner W D Millard M l 13 4 9-S f.oois !i.riV BUXTON waM6 4 S 3] GantaerJ Dnadee 9-5 3 !-5 1-. 1-5 59558 MABEL A. ws 193 3 7 •"• ;. 4 1- H Thonaaa C A Applegate I 1- M :: ;-". r.!81! KEDGWK K SB H2J 8 I P I- " "■- H J BurkeW M Sh"edy 1". Ifi 12 1 s-., 9993d*WILFE WS 193 II 7 7 !.:•.- C Taylor Sunny hind Stb ".o CO M r, | .7907! ORCADIA »n 10.: 2 I 8* 8« 7 1 1 Welner A L Kirby 28 31 38 I Time. 26. 53. 1:22. Track heavy-Winner- t h f, by sea King -Helen Marie, by Stalwart trained by R. McDaalel; bred by Mr. laha E. Maddea. Weal :.. post at 2:39. At p..t 1 minute, start teed and slaw. Wen driving: secaad and third tin-same. MATCHES MARY, hard i id. leu from the tait. raced forwardly tbreagfeeal and finishing gamely outstayed IT in the last seveaty yards. IT was kept in the be- gang far tbe entire race and appeared the winner in the stretch, but tired right at the end. H.UIY BUS io was badly outdistanced after going the first nurter. MABEL -. had no mishaps. The ethers were always oatraa. Bcratclied r 9637: ;ammer Gorton, 196; 596MDeep Sinker, m: o9757Katc BrnmmeL 194: r.y:i;;i; Hillsdale, 103; 59637 PieW Lark, 103; 60043*AeiIed CoUeen, 106; .".!»7s i Dare, 108; 60038 Baby Fvelvn, 106; ".:t .sl Mr. J rafter, 198 oie.-weigin-. Ii. I pound: .Mabel A. : Kedgwick, 41.-. rilfArh EHIRD RACE— 3-4 Mi.e. Feb. 9. 1918— 1 :n:._6— 116. .C0O Added. 3-year-olds 9%jrjCyy and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. S221 : third. S114. "lTl-- Ilors--. A Wi ITst i .■ , Str Fin .1... keys Ow uer- Ti H • V S~ 59991 « SAGAMORE rn 3 115 7 i 41 V I* 1* C Lang -i AriiTiir 1 13-ltS-a 1.2 1-4 ."!!78 Ml KEY MOORE w a 107 I - - ** A GantnerH C Muniati i" 13 lo t l-S 59937 »THK DECISION wn 9 113 : 3 I* - ■ II -I BorkeA s 5 7 I 2 1 -rti!l! iANA.M.W w 7 115 6 -". ■ I ► S1 ! C Tone.- Knight • 5 1 8-3 7-19 "!!»•, ; BRIGHT LIGHTS wa 6 114 3 t 5j 1 ! " !1 King ,i .1 McCauley 6 8 7 2 9- ."»! « II ■ HIDDEN JEWELwn 6 111 t i Is 5s 6* i ■ A WilsOn .1 Marino 12 11 E : .".!8! 1 DR1 MMOND w « 113 -".7 7 7 7 I Weln r Shea Stable I I 12 ; Time. 26. 52,. 1:20. Track heavy. Winner Ph. g. by lie lo— Lydia II., by Lake Buekbnrn trained by J. Arthur; bred bj Mr. Hal Pi !■ -■ II. . e lie;, .. Weal t nasi al 3:02. -t post 1 minute, start ge...i and s|..w Wea easily; secead and third dii. inu. SAGAMORE ran as if much the best, moved into the lead i 1 1 1 i rash after goiag tbe fir-t quarter ami drew awaj to win bj a wide BMrgin Mil K I : ~i MOORE slnmred t i form and ran prom iwnly ..ll the waj THE DECISION was tirina after Roing ;i Cast half mile. PANAMAN was taken arkw ail the way, bul finished fast. BRIGHT LIGHTS tired Scratched - 39573Ground-Swell. 1H : 58915-Ace of Aces, 107; 59631Arrowhead 120; 39769 lasa Prank. 114; :.!is-j| Redmoa, 117: 59051 May Bcdlae, 101; 39538 Bt. Isidore, 100; 38433 Apple .lack 11, US; .".:: ;7. ll. Ita oss, 113. Overweights Brighl Lights. 1 i ad. Orh-T-Q-g FOURTH RACF— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9, 1918— 1 :11%— 6—110. Recruit Pursed OyVOl Added. 3-year-olds. Allowancei. Net value to winner 00: second. 21: third. S114. laden : Horses AWtPPSI i *k Str Pis Jockeys Owners O H C P S- "!I7." 8 MAY BLOSSOM vn 198 : :• Is ll Is G BreningC Fellows :. lo lo 7 ~ " .".SDK!! [EFFORT n •• Ml 2 1 -"_:■■ .- :■•• Lane R -I Brown 1 1 9 MB-S 1-8 o-K:.* FOY w ilo •■ l i. j- ;■ ! m Garner Tujagne .v Lola 7 t» I 4-5 6w914 CONSORT walll 3 ■ 3J ::• 3* f .1 Butwell K .J Crawford J 4 4 -3 1-3 .". »;.; GRASS TREE wa 1M 3 7 7 7 :.- ."•■ .1 Zoeller W l Bernhardt I I E 9-3 7-18 59762 SILENT Kiv; • ■ • : • R Scott l» A Capdau 1 l". IE :. 2j MISS MELLISH • •"■ S« 1 I: MciyottJ 8 Ownhe 28 E8 3* K lo Ti.ne. 2S ,. 52. 1:20:5- Track eavy. Winner— -4 !i f, b I Itimum May Hempstead, bj Patron | trained by T. i llaimoa; bred by Messrs, Headley A Millet . Went to post it ::._!•. At post 1 minute. Start good aad slow. Wea easily; seeaad ami third driving. MAY BLOSSOM was kept in the b.-t uoiu. rushed int.. a loag bad after going three-eighths and east! hed i.ast EFFORT safe. The latter ran forwardly thi ngbi aad was Being tent at the end. FOY gained steadily in the stretch from ■ bad beginning CONSORT l.a.i no mi-hap-. Miss MELLISH quit. !e I i.io.iLiThe Franciscan. 110; 38066 Black Betty. 10.1 59473 !h Ball, MM; S9B43 Ballot Mark. 110; 60038 Billj It. inn. 110; .".o.".l7 . timak. 103; 60O79 Mabel c lol 58451 Wild Deuce. Idl. ov.-r-. ghl Maj Blossom 3 pounds; Coaaart, 1: Miss MeUlsb, ".. COlliC9 riFTH RACE— 1 Mile ;--nd 70 Yards. Feb. 12. 1916— 1:42— 4— 113o Diplomat Par: e. J99C$+it ,500 Added. 4-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second. 60; I third. 90: fourth, 0 111 lex Horses A V.t IISt , : _■ , Str Fin .lo.k..v- Owner- ll 11 C P S 69041* UN ITED VERDE w 111 .". 1 ii 11 - T V M r;ir.:..r • i~ 4~51 7-1*1-4 1-8 -",!»!»:-!! i: I. a KK STONE w MM 6 2 4 I I V » Lang Reteei Bros I i I - i-M 38*949 CIMARRON wa :7 1 3 3 - Z- -- 3* -l Wallace J 8 Hays 1". hi 13 69941 BUNGA BUCK w 114 • 41 I I* J McCoj H Dattn - 3j 1 8-5 59949= PROMISING TOM wa N 3 I IJ 3 ■■■■ " : I On . M .M Shields W 13 M I 7-.". 59976 -REP wi M£ I I S ■ S fi fi •! Zoeller Marshall Bros M 10 13 t 9-5 Time. 25-;,. 52, 1:20. 1:47%. 1:91%. Track heavy. oner— B. c, by Golden Maxim — Yankee Tree, by Yankee trained by G v. Baraes; bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy. Weni to post at 3:53. At post 4 minutes, stait g i ai.-l slow. Won easily; second aad third drh in. UNITED VERDE wns bustled into the lean n after tbe start and held --way throagbout, wiaalag with plenty In reserve. RLABNEY STONE gained steudilj in thi stretch and got up for uecoad place in the tinai stride. CIMARBON ran prominently all the way, bat tired near the end. BUNGA BUCK had no mishaps and wns always outdistanced. Scratched 59395 Frigate, loo: 59115 Moaquina, 91; 59919 Day I.ilh 97 Overweight: Bep, :i paaad: . /T a-W-hO«- SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13, 1915—1:44—3—104. -SI. 000 Added. 4-year-oUl/UO olds and upward. Fillies and Mares. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 63: third. 42; ~ In. i.x Uor-.-s AW t PPSi- • , s t r¥ In Jockeys Owners o H c |» y 59978*VER1TY w 6 197 3 2 25 21 T i "iT* c l.aug 7 s hTT 8-- 13-313-31 1 .-. »X -. NATURAL v. 1113 4 E 4 1 3* : _ . Ov ns .1 Lyon ■"• •"• G - 7 16 .".»!»:;8 ESCARPOLTTE v. a H2 2 1 ! _ 1 _ C »• •" G BreningT F Devereaan 7-3 3 3 4-5 1-3 59915RAGAZZA wa 5 113 I i • I* 3» 3* 4-J -I Garner L field .v Knej 7 7 i 2 i-5 59939 ►OLAWN BELLE wn 9 104 5 I Fraley W V Strauss 1" I - i-J Time, 25-,. 99%, 1:2225. 1:52-. 2:00". Track heavy. Winner Ch. m, by lean the Terrible Veracious, bj si. Leonards trained by -I 8 Hays; bred by Mr. Frederick n. Kaigbt I. v at ti post ;.i 4:19. .t past 2 miaates. Start good and -i..u Wea easily: second and thud driving. VERITY, racing to her best form aad well ridden, moved into the lend before reaching the stretch ami was under restraint thereafter. NATURAL moved up gamely at the lower turn, hat had to g.. through the deep going and tired in the Stretch. KSCABPOLETTE appeared to safer from iaterfereace, but came again and got up for third place in the Ust stride. RAUAZZA tired fat in the stretch. Bcratched— 59987 flaaey, 199; .".97-.-". Daiatj Lass, 107; 990SS3Lady LongfeUow, 107: 59598 Lady Lillian. llL. OAAO j SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-3 Miler,. March 14 1903— 1 : 51 "J— 3— 122. ,000 Added. OvIluJ: 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 84: third. 56. Index Horses A Wt IISt , .- ■ , Str Pin Jockeys Owner- O H C I 8 69917-*BROOM PDLER w 7 113 i :: z"- -■■ -• r V* A Wilson G Peterson 9-s 13-64-3 out 99999 SH LIGHT HI. wa 6 113 3 l 1« I l*i t* Z* C Lang -i W Fleishman :; 4;. 4 «-.". l-t; 69979 A l.i:x -IK. WB 6 113 3 4! fat Thomas A W Jackson 7-5 7-.* ll-ll-4 out ."J8!»i ANNA GALLUP w 5 193 l-ll I I I .1 Owens A Bwenke s lo 7 3 7-lt Time. 2525. 513i. ldB9%, 1:91%, 2:07. Track heavy. Winner B, ;:. by Sweep — Whisk Broom, by Ceaarma trained by 6. Petersea; bred by .Mr. Edward B. Bradley . Weni i.. post at 4:44. At po-t 1 minute. Start good and slam*. Won easily; second and third driving. BROOM PEDDLER ran forwardly from the start, caught and pasaed BKABCH LIGHT III. in the stretch and drear naray te aria la a canter. BEABCH LIGHT III. shewed the meet early speed, but srat ,., .---j rely used In setting the pace and tired badly in the stretch. ALES IK. stumbled repeatedly mid was tiring near the end. ANNA GALLUP had scant chance with her diminutive rider unable to help her. Bcratched -59579*Laay Loa, 198: 99917*2 dArmee. 113; 39756 P. «;. King. 119; S9899*OM Palth- ful. 195; ..! 7..r. ialiot. 165: 59788 Exhorter, 198; ."St»i:5 Merchant. lKl: t:iM17 King Trojan, 110: ."»!»1 7.S5 Woodthrush. IIP; :.:ts;io oiiie y i. ii:;.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922020701/drf1922020701_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1922020701_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800