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- i ■ ■ "SLIM" IS AS GOOD AS EVER That Is Gallant Old Exterminators Stable Name — Cleopatra Soon to Foal. BIKGHAMTOX, N. v . Febraary «;. Bageaa WayUnd, Mr. Willis Bharpe Kilmer- traiaer, is delighted to have a ckaaee to saddle "Slim." as Exterminator is affectionatelv .ailed. Wayhmd predicts that the famous gelding will go right on taking the Uaaa share of the long-distance ,a ■ thK year as be has m the past. Bxteraniaator, seen in his box. i- not as attractive as when the bugle sraaaea iii-. fighting spirit. Be nerer can lea much flesh and reqaires little training. His beautiful shoulder, tapering neck and Inteliigent head ar.-hia Deal features, tbongh his flinty lfgs and well-shaped black feet comniand the admiration of these s1im know the service these members have rendered. Our Flag has grown lata a hanflaomr fear-year- oM and is a better horse ii;an he iias shown. The same is trae of Baareigh, wbaaa speed is of the highest order. in the sammer mouths the barren mare- of Baa l-itiir Court are kept a; Sl.v like. where they have pasturage at an eteratioa of i.. wi feet. It is here that Cleopatra. Mr. Coea great mate, apeat the sammer after being bred to Baa Briar. Cleopatra is new a lovely big mare. She is die- to foal in the near ftiltire. Cleopatra. Boyal uest and Conference are the highest types «.f thoroagbbred Burea at Sun Briar Court, though Sweet Briar. School Girl, by Sunflower II.. and Private Flag, by Hamburg, have mane admirers. There are ram tracka at Sun Briar Court, one of half a mile and the other a three-quarters straight, which fringes the banks of the SparkUag Susquehanna. Beyond the river is ■ towering mown tain which shielda the farm from the northern blasts With dams by Bock Band, Bt. Freaquln, Bnaflawer II., Polymelus, Corcyra, star shoo;. Bachelor* Doable, Diagaise, Baadaaapale, Boi Herode, The White Knight, Bpearaalat, Trap Back, sir Dixom, Hamburg, Prime Palatine. Martagaa, Sundiidge. irenton. Meddler and sir Geoffry, Ban Briar Com t shaald fur-nisu the winaera of aoaae of the best of our American i a Ins Oxtu sa. Few lovers of the thoroughbred realize the char acter and scope of the M 1 st«k industry in the Empire state, n is ,,ni after a •eraoaal luspec-thm of ioii establishments as Unrricaaa at Amsterdam Kastriew near Tarrytawa, the Cochran stud at Mi. Khnra ami the Kilmer establishment within the eoraporate limit- .r th beaatifnl city, .mil feet above sea I rel, that aae s:ai;is si, me idea ■i the money invested in staUioas and lu I auires ami the prop rtiea aacesaary la their baasing and iict eloitment ,