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vVEEKLY TURF LETTER FROM FRANCE isiiciAH COKHESPOXDKXCK. 1 PA RIM. Fian.e. laauary 91. -The Paris is due bete from the Mates an Wednesday. McGee is ie iii.ning. and if »tie has encountered the heavy weather all incoming ships have repotted. Mciiei will never return ;o the States, as w have it oa tin best of authority that he K not in tie- sain.- riaaa as a sailor as he n a Jockey, Gewe Leigh K oa the same ship with Hayaes. 1 rump and Bryaaa. I uke mforased us yesterday 1i1.1t he had bought tin- Sam HUdreth place at Maiaaaa-Lafitte. Tka Tiiorne place, which was Imught last fall by tin Aga Khan, will now lie in the market agaia fo. «ale no doubt. There were no stables 0:1 thi-. lattei prop- rty. and to have buill ones of the sixe re lUired would have spalltd the grounds. Duke h::-made ■ wise purchase in the HiMretk place, and -.|i;ally Hildri -ih n:.s been fortunate in finilnig .. purchaser. Just before Ike war Karen Bdeuard a Rothschik! had a small filly iiy Sans Bouci called Kwnflower His irainer. .lames Waisnn. told me ..nee after bei retireasent to the Haras ae Meautry, that she was * real smasher and it ara* a terrible los» for her I-have met With an accident. Siie produced Flower danm, and tke daagkter proved her worth in niiO bj winning the French Oaks. It is now announced that Sunflower is coming back lo be trained by Watson at hantilly. Kvidently something has terminated Ler career al the stud. The weather remains open and horses are going along well these days at hantilly. Next week we will have the fast mail steamers beginning their schedule runs again, so letters will be BSUSewhal more regular. It used to he said that one had to go to Ixnrion 10 find out what the Kaglish were doing in Japan, so perhaps it will be all right for some ward of Duettfaste to come via France. The "Pink In" in ils last issue mentions that some money went on him in London last week at 33 to I. The article also declared that Mr. Whkewers horse would probably be bang up with the top weights, as his American record is an enviable one. It was a good guess. Bacetl knows what is required for a National, at ail those mtereatod in this gead steeplechase can ..illy wait developments during the next few weeks