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HAVANA The horses which seem best in Sun lays races are: Havana. Cuba, February 11. 1S22. 1 — Kentmere, Toss Dps Cf Merrick. 2 — Haman. Win or Quit, Twenty Seven. 3 — Riversidi . The Boy. Cuvnor. 4 — Dolly C., Meadoworth. Bvrne. 5— SEA PRINCE. Dr. I lark, Aiken. 6 Osgood, Petrarch. Barleck. 7 — Mary Jane Baker, Roekport. Mareella Boy. T. It. Lynck. New York Hnndlcaii. 1 — Kentmere. Whlppoorwill, Major Io:no. Cy Merrick. 2— Mack lamer. Little Cottage. BlMI, Twenty Seven. 3 — Meliora. Cuvnor. Livers:!-. The Bay. •l— Byrne. Meadoworth, Dolly c.. Bibbler. 5 — Dr. "lark. Aiken, Sea Prince, General Meaocal, «— SMART MONEY. Harlock, Osgood, Petrarch. 7 — Brynlimah. Mary Jane Baker, Mareell.i Boy, Roekport. Chleaeo and Bnffalo Handicap*. 1— Major Dobm, Whip] rwtll, Kentmere, Toss Dp. 2— MACK GARNER, Hainan, Tweaty Seven, Ma-chine dinner. 3 — Judge Crier. The Bey. Mellon, Cuvnor. 4 — Bryne. Plreworth, Coscorron, Meadoworth. 5 — Dr. Clark. Billy Barton, Lady Aator, Aiken. 6 — Harloek, Petrarch. Burnley, Roseate. 7 — Mareella Boy, Mary Jane Baker. Felix M . Brynlimah. Observers Handicap. 1— Kentmere. Mike. Whlppoorwill, Major Doeno, 1 — Mack Baraer, Hainan. George W., Twenty Seven. 3 — The Boy, Riverside. Cuvnor. Judge Pryor. 4 — Dolly .. Byrne. Coaeorron, Pire worth. 5— DR. LARK, Billy Barton, Sea Prince, General MenoeaL fi — Petrarch. Harloek, Osg 1 Darnley. 7 — Mary Jane Baker. Mareella Boy, Roekport, J. C. Stone. Consensna of TTandlcapa. 1 — Kentmere. Major Domo, Whlppoorwill, Toss pp. 2 — Mack Gamer, Haman, Twenty Seven. Little Cottage. 3— Riverside. Mellon, Judge Pryor, The Boy. 4 — Polly Cm Byrne, Meadoworth, Coscorron. ."•—DR. CLARK, Sea Prince, Billy Barton, Aiken. t Oagnad. hmart Money. Harloek, Petrarch. 7— Mary Jane Baker. Brynlimah, Mareella Boy. Roekport.