Mexican Racing Growing: Present Meeting in Capital City Likely to be Extended, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-12


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MEXICAN RACING GROWING ] » Present Meeting in Capital City Likely to Be Extended. » Natives Like Short Distance Racing; — Society Favors the Horse — Visitors Wei! Treated. « MEXICO CITV. Mexico. February #.— Racing will ti** :i great future BSCCces here. T!,:it is »»m t:i in . The Conde-a iii tin--. now in il- tliin! w«k. from* in favor tally and future winter a-eetiag* " Mexico Iiiy will be permanent :uii! of looser duration. The unseal mrHliu i- likely to be exteeded be- y..nd i I furty BBaoaared day*. Weather casditteaa have been nil thai could be A bed Mini the track Improving daily uader Aaerlni rare. The Mexieaa rruwd* hare takea kindly in the spun aad throng the rail aad paint* of vantage 1 "rest* in ■aeat approved American manner for their thaler*. Bsciag oa the waste, despite the rather small fields, baa beea of ■ wholesome arder aad fr the fee regatan that are here there baa beea bo remptatat. Dae to tin- high altJtade aad the acarclty f liorses that fain y ■ bats; rsate racea at ahart ite-teacea bare beea tie daily menu, slthoagh oare in ■ while there is ■ daah af a mile. The Mexican raehai faarlar, Beeastmaed aa be is la the ahart aprtata favored by the native bane or paay, is 1 great belie vor la the short dsshes, ami arhea aae that is given orer ta locsl Mexiraa-awead betaea wins the satire crowd show* the greatest t niea* in.-. The National Association of Charroa, membership t«i which is limited to nun proaalaeiil in the finau rial aad aortal world, are oaraei of thoroughbreds aad racers that bare beea baparted froea the Halted Ufa tea deria* the brat few years. The member* baTe displayed a keea tateresi la raring aad bare filled in a liberal untune* race* that bare beea lhatted to theaa. Boane of the racea are ridden by bath American and Mexteas Jockeys, arhllc i. tin is btre beea limited la geatlemas riders. Bee of the best roatesta of that kind wa- during the last week in which Cel. A Earatte, astride the Aaaer iraa-bred Bcreaj Banders, woa hj ■ aarrow margin orer Tom Logan, rhhieu by fount de Petigaae. The .-vint was maiii- a aartcty affair aad high officials, members of foreign eaibasaies, accompanied by their wives aad families, crowded the Btand for the particular affair. President Ohregoa, with Mr-. Ohre-gos aad the Ohregaa rhihtrea, eccapied the presidential box. surnsmded by member* or his rahiael bin army leaders. HORSE ASSOCIATION CELEERATES. Tie National Aasociattou of nharraa was reare-seated by alma 1 ■ cmaplete membership aad their dreaa, remtaiseeal af old Spain, set ..ff the ■ eae. The dres* of the meaahera i- af 1 faeey order, from the peak af Ihe wide brimmed blgh-topped amabrero tn the fringi af the barkakia troasen aad 1 jeweled riding crops aad fancy engraved aad b-i-tered saddles, aad was quite ■ roatraM to the aaaer fracka of the men aad the elegaat gawaa of the wemea. Officials that hare been mori or less visitors to the many different race track* through-oat all ei, in, tries enjoyed the aceae. The field or "proa** stand la its own way preseated a different apeetarte, whereia all the colon of the ralahaw wen displayed, both by niti :ind women. John W. Ken*, an nngHsbnsa, eagaged la the leather buaiaess here, aad an nrdeat horseman, was the first to .jo. 11 the r aka 1 f the owaen and purchased Fog; Horn. Xnney Aaa and the two-year-old I:. inline. The first two named hare already won. The horses are la charge of trainer R. Loom. Mr. Kent declsm hla intention of visiting the Potted State* next rammer in Quest of racing material to rtrengthea l small stable Beaor !•:. Graeffe. of Belgian desreat, bat .1 long time resident of Mexico, baa become interested la racing and aarchaaed Resloea during the past week. Mr. i.raeffe I* keea to sis a race for Mexican-swaed bone* and is on the lookout for a sprinter of part* 1. ff. Davis, who is iaterested In the habci daabcry basine** and a promiueal member of the Americaa roliar. I* aaother that ha* purchaaed al prrvste terms two bone* Bill Hem. red and Dal nTficld*. The latter, although ■ non-winner, ha* beea placed aecoad aad third oa two different ocea- siOl-. MEXICANS GATHERING STABLES. several memhera of the Mexieaa Aasociation of nitarro* have beea Bagiiag for the purchase of thor-ntighhreda and Gcaenl . A. Acosta, e-ho il I* *aW i, reare neatlng President Obrcgon, ha* asked for price* on aereral baraca. He i* rertaia to bay aoaae horses, if ihe riders hove the vetersB OMahonoy is leading the a-iuaing list, although hard pressed by Barnes aad Brooke. The latter is hen with Owen Pea* and now that the horses in the hitters MTC an- fully roaaded to, may be expected to aaaaaae the lead. iMahrnev has roaflaed I I* riding principally in the ; -getown Stable, which boa* - Tnfy Three the biggest money winner at the meeting. w; Me aecoad ptace roe* to it. Warfield* Plaaacial Roost* r, wiaai 1 of four race* Moaday has been an off day as far aa racing la ronceraed Bad the hot semen devote their time ta inspecting the different porta of the ity and the ncient ruins. Mexico Ity boasts of some waader ful points of Interest that date back hundreds of rear* and these place* are examined with great ran Ancient catbedrau. public building* and moa-uments thai have sickhI the test of time aad, udg lug from their massive onstt mtion. will alwaya 1"- lure, are the most Important, while aecoad place is givea orer to the namlie parka and squares of which, no dout.t. Chapnltenec Park I* the most Beautiful Its bordera with fin- atatue* "f marble ami braaae attract baadreda af rbdtora. The smaller Bquarea of Ihe dty are attractive in ■ way and each boaata af a uraterfall or ■ fount. in. HORSEMEN ARE WELL TREATED. M.ieo City behag so far nmoved from the usual niaea af toarW traffic baa beea neglected bo ■ treat extra! by the traeeler, and when it is uader stood that a two-day 1 1 ii taaia aae ta Laredo, Texas, or a twelve-hour journey to Vera Cruz. tbeace by beat, oae marvels at the hardihood of tie-n.anv that roaae. Tiie -ity itself i- a reater for Aniiiiiau and foreign bualuee* men and most of the head offnes of the eor|iora t ions that are eng iged either in oil or mining are here. American hois, and mule dealers make this city their headquarter* and despite the adverse finaneial condition- report n hrisk demand for high quality stock. Through the invitations of resident member! of both the British and Americaa rtBha horsemen and raoine men have availed themselves of plana to spend their events. Ihe gourmet and the eplcun ■re well catered to by btgh-etaa* raoklug. aplrit* and wines, and the i.tter Bharare of BBglish speak iug theaters end moving pielnie le.iises has more r less beea forgottea. The -native" retires early in the eeniIlg. lint is awake early in the morning. baa* Bhoat his different tasks, to take advantage of the eool hours that eome liefore the oppressive beat of the afternoon. In this manner what might he i lassed as night life is missing, as most of the piineipal sTeets are prnet hally deserted by 1" ..•eloek. +

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Local Identifier: drf1922021201_8_1
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