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ROYAL TURFMEN "NOT IVIUCH" Crowned Heads of Continental Europe Had Little or No Success in Racing. In a much discussed article published recently in ihe Pari* "Temp-" on the royal bouse* of Barupe and their coaaecttoaa with ruing. Henry Lee declared that the former Kaiser Wilhilm II.. never maintained a racing --table. This is an exact siate-meat; for. although the former kaiser may have taken an active interest at times in tie racing stable supervised by Count Lehadorff at the Imperial Stud of GraditX, it was not he but the nation which footed the bills. The Bnglishmen who directed Ihia Imperial rac-lag veutura called themaelve* befon the war the kaiser** trainer-, but their selected titles wen, to say th" leaat, merely coaveatioaal. However, the king of Wnrtemherg maintained lii- own stable Uader the name of tiie Weil Slo.-k Firm, and for a period of years the rroun prime also raced a stable minor iii- own nam". Hi- MICIIBBC* wen fea and far between Betweea MM ami P»ls racing was nol Interrupted by the war in iSermany he woe only slxteea races with King- Love, Cathal. Baby, Coaimo and Per Aapera. The heir to tiie Imperial throne spent much of his time around bia stable and be i- supposed to have -aid in 1VU7: "If we lose the war -and we will .•-i- it - I can alwaya become a trataer; but I am wondering what father caa do." Tic erewa prince has not become a trainer— the rather rolorleaa ruing of Holland, no doubt, could scarcely support a trailer of such high origin —and his lather is chopping wood. - "Viator." in Le Jockey. 4