Negofols French Winners: Childwicks Son, Now in Kentucky, Third on the List of Sires of 1921, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-12


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a- NEGOFOLS FRENCH WINNERS Childwicks Son, Now in Kentucky, Third on the List of Sires of 1921. Negofol. F. F. Smiins French sire now standing a- the Nalapa Farm in Kentucky, sure enough was third among the sires in France during 1921, with thirteen winning sons and daughters earning si::,. ns;.. xhe tabulation of the performances of his progens during the racing of last year is given herewith. Xegofol** mas briiliaat performer was the tliree-yesr-oM Plechios, regarded by many French turf authorities a- the be-- bene of the year. He won five race- and |84,043. Negofol is comparatively a young horse and Anglo-lTeach of pedigree. His pedigree shows a combination of seme of ihe best blood strains of both England and Franc. r Vedette ■* fst ■ |C«*opiM f I Ilving Duchess -King Tom _- rJ ISt. Angela... [.,it.iine £ ~ 1 /-it- ■•*-..- rchattanooga IS g [n«te«.. P[ , f- Uauoaria - - tone. . rTrocadero _,l.J "-Poetess [La Dorelte pz. | r Robert the fL-m-am g„ -. rHoche... J Devil L£«»* «« g r. £ 1 "Hermit W- ; J Hermits .Affection fc l-?|Nebu- f fFlageolet ? I lease. . J htsaael [Veetale v I .. fVenire-Snt-Grig .. L Navarre I Noelie Following is the tabular record of Negofols winning children in 1921 in France: Flechois. b. or br. c. : : Saint Cyrienne, by Oat safes — Madame de Maintenon. 5 4.04." Fou du Uoi. red ch. c. .",: Amis du Uoi, by Maximum — Thianges 4 21._,,i Qarde Noble, b. c 4: Gamsss IMBse, by Perth -Oomnie Arabii|Ue 2 14,010 Juveigaear, b. or br. b, ."; Jsaaatesae, by Cheii — .luziers ;? 13.7-"i Le Prelude, b. c. .;; Presight. by Pros* rige First sight .1 io.tco Sans Vergogue. b. e, 4; Saracenne, by Soliman- Saint Victoire L »!..9." Boaarita, ch. f. 2; Itose loin|H ui, by Uock Baad — Martha Oorman 1 2.1M Kepi Bonge. |». h. S; Kiatyre, by Migtnl Kinross 2 2.040 La Merveille. blk. f. 4: Mamie, by Ifasqae li Ckstsigaeraie l 1.1M Ci Devant, b. c. 4: Cyprine, by Ver- onest — Capucine Placed 7S0 Iorlnna. ch. f. 2: Foresight, by Ilalma 1irst Sight Placed 400 Buggy, b. c. 4: BeUchaase, by Dartey Dab — Belleville Placed 340 Noise, b. f. It; Normanne, by Veronese — Norma nia Placed 240 Tenth" — ! winners of races: 13 nionev w inners 23 ",0.S.i . * a, ■

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Local Identifier: drf1922021201_8_8
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