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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10. 1922.— One mile. Sixty-sixth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Me, -ting of Fjr, nf man days. Weather clear: temperature 85 . Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Mortissey. Bating Secretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. 111. Chicago time 3:55 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. £~»i"h-| fTQ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Kile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:112S— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and vfV-B. 4 *J upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses ~AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eguir. Odds Strt 66666 * M I ST A K K w- i 866 1 1 5 S 14 1L P Caron W J OBrien MW-M6 ; 103*DRA m 4 1U I I 41 4ii :. L; J Hunmor T J Elward PaVrM 66166 AL PORTER vv 5 112 I I 2J 2*1 4 ", B Carter W Sims lvtit-ino 66624* HOT FOOT am S 105 4 4 8* 8| 4 4l T Wilson W Beechwood M8-1M 86676*ROSEXJJS wit 8 110 G 7 •" V 5l 51 C Ralls Thompson and Berry fjpj hW 59470 MISS BTATHEM will]] I I i:: "I- P 62 C Gross North and Rowe lio-ln 86667 *PLNK TBNNY wsn 6 114 7 5 7 7 7 7 K Taylor G Lyon S250-1OO Time, 253/5, 51%. 1:19%. Track muddy. |S mutuels paid, Mistake, .S0 straight. ?3.00 place. S3. 00 show: Dora. SI. SO place, ?3 CO show; Al Porter. 8620 show. Eiuivalcnt booking odd- -Mistake. L40 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show: Dora. 140 to 100 place, so to 100 snow; Al Porter, 166 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. g. by Dade — NetheraeJe, by Tournament trained by W. J. OBrien; bred bv Maanrs. Headley and Miller. Went to post nt 1:55. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MISTAKE showed the most speed and. saving ground on all the turns, betd DORA safe in the risstag drive. The latter was saved to the -tntili. where she came fast, but could never quite overhaul the Winner. AL POBTBB forced a good pace all the way. but had to be hard driven to save third place. DOT FOOT ran well. MISS BTATHEM lacked speed and raced disappointingly. Scratched— 60661 Merry Lass. 107: 00153-Sadie D.. 107. Overweights — Pink Tonny. 4 pounds. A-J DA SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds JJ JLOXf and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv7odds Strt 8667S*PUBBLO era 5 Mi 2 1 1- V P 1* C Stader F R Irwin 210-180 66668s COOMBS WB 4 in:! :; I 1 1 | 2 J Hunmor L Hankins Ti-ioo .0158 CHOIR MSTER wtiTlli ! 7 4- V ::- ?,■ C Thpson J Kern 170-101 K6671*VELVET I Mi I 1 I" 4 ■ 4* 4- H Long Palmer and Cassity lOO-IOo .-,9!S» LOLA WtMl G •". ".- V B 1 8»J P Hum J 8 McDaniel l.",10-lit 56666 ISPHAM w .. 107 G I 1*1 8* V C E Fator H A Lott 1120-100 66156 STEVE wa 5 112 1 - S- S-. 7; 7 R Carter H D Catea 4160-100 «C101*IXDIAX BRIGADE s 9 107 7 ti « ■» T3 K- H C Ralls A Wright BBb-Mt 56766 SIPPARA ws 7 112 4 H !• I I !» P.Parke J Mackey 37460-1UO Time, 241*-,. 49%, 1:17%. Track muddy. S2 mutuels paid, Pueblo. 86.20 straight. S3. SO place. 86.68 ahow; Coombs. S3. 00 place. .60 show; Choir Master. Si:.4» show. Equivalent hooking odds — PaeMo, 210 to 106 straight. 90 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Coombs. 80 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: heir Master, °o to 100 show. Wiiin.-r — Ch. g. by Bocktoa — Orteka, by Clifford trained by P. R. Irwin: bred hy Mr. John Sanfordt. Went to p.,st at 2:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wou cantering: second and third drirlna;. PUEBLO took l hug lead at once and. racing under restraint, won all the way as his rider pleased, coombs raced forwardly from the start, bat was tiring badly hi the final eighth and had to be hard ridden to withstand the belated rash ot CHOIB MA8TEB. The latter began slowly, but ran well and finished fast. VELVET made I game finish. Orerwelghta Coombs, - poanda. ftHl"8 ft"i THIRD RACE— 3-4 MUe. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OvlOA upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index_ Horses AWtPPSt % Ms % Str Fin Jockey8 Owners EqniyTbdds Strt 6007S*JACK LEOI waa 4 Ml 3 I fi- " i r 1 : E Xoblo BInekwell and Crippen 280-100 66168 FOND HOPE , waa 5 Mt E 1 ill VI C Stader II t Palmer 66671*PLANTAGENET w 10 MS 1 3 !• 3J " H Pator J W Shockley 1310-100 66626 1GADLING w 8 112 8 I 2» 2 2] 1- J Hanmet H AValters 1S6-MB 86672 CLOVER JUNIA a 5 114 2 7 8 i 81 ."• E Taylor E Orr cW-loo 58628*GALWAY was C MQ S 5 •"• I1 -".: P Horn W Harvey 4614-100 66188*SEA BEACH a B 9 Ml 7 6 7 7 7 l V 11 B Bwer J Wilson 12M-M0 66671 »• RINGLEADER w 6 112 1 2 3] $»5 8 1 T Wilson F Rinehart M6-161 Time, 24 %. 16%, 1:13%. Track muddy. Sj mataels paid. Jack Ledi, S7."0 straight. .80 place, .00 show: Fond Hope. i.M place, y;o show: Puntagenet, 86.00 show. Bqairalent booking odds Jack Ledi, 260 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 100 to loo show; Fond Hope, 000 to 100 place, 860 to 100 show; Plaatageaet, 260 to loo show. Winner — !.. c, by .1. II. Hoaghton — Myrtle Ledi, by Campus trained by 6. W. Crippen: bred by Mr. J. A. Bhtckweli. Went to !• t .t 2:46. At post 1 miaate. Start good and slow. Won driving: secoad and third the same. JACK LEDI began slowly, but worked his way np steadily on the outside and. finishing with a great rush, -ot np in the las; fifty yards to aria drawing clear. FOND HOPE began fast and. after having showed the most speed, hung aa gamely when challenged. PLANTAGENET ran well and out-stayed GADLING. The latter forced the early p.-i-e. bat tired badly in the final sixteenth. £*ft~t GO FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. Jane 24. 1910—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds IJCI.OandI and upward. Claiming. Net v.lue to winner 50: second. 00: third. S50. Index Horses A Wt PPST4~1~s4~StrFln Jockeys Owners EquivT Odds Strt G0168*LEWTS B wn 7 110 i l 2 J 2* 1 1= 1, E Noble BlackweD and Crippen »60-100 86103*DALWOOD BB 7 IM S I ! «» I Is 2" J Hunmor .1 Kern 608-169 661S6*TAMBIAN ws 6 IM 1 ." 3« V H B Bwer J Wilson MM* Ml 60165 MISS KRUTEB • U 11" I - I1 r V - 4« C Thpaoa IT T Palmer MO-MI 66165 •CANUTE was 6 IM I 4 53 ."■ P Ilurn E Qlorer 269-100 60058* BABY CAL w :• lin 7 7 u • I I I T Wilson Strite 6 Valenttae ::»-10* 66185* •THRILLS w 7 M3 3 3 Pulled op, C Stoder II I Catea 768-MI Time. 25%. 51%. 1:16%, 1:49%, 1:57. Track muddy. 12 mntnels paid, Lewis B., 6.20 ttraight, #o. 10 place, 84-20 ahow; Balweed, 811.68 place. 85.66 show : ■; ml I , 4.40 show. i: iuh ilent ! king odds -Lewis P.. 566 to 100 straight. Llo to 100 place, 110 to 166 show: Dshraoa, ISO to loo place, 180 to 100 show: Tambb i . 620 I 100 show. Winner Ch. g. by Proapero — Lady Msrrhmoat. by Marchaaoat II. trained by 6. W. Crhmea; bred by Mr. Bamael A. Beckham, Y.enl to nosf at SKIS. At pool I minute. SI Ml gssd and slow. Won driving; secoad and third the same. LEWI8 P . followed tin- earl] pacemaker closely until after passing the half, where be rushed lata the had and. keeping It, outstayed DALWOOD at the end. DAEWOO! closed ■ Mg gap la ■ fasl finish. but was ha close quarters right al the end or be would have been dangerous. TAMBIAN raced forwardly and finished gamely. MISS KKI .lilt was shul off oa the tirst turn and took the lead when clear, but idly in the final eighth. CANUTE ran poorly. Scratched 80153 Harjorie Migaon, 103; 66688 Zodiac, 106. 0»ei weights. Tambiaa, 1 pound: Mi-s Krater, ~. f*fk~i G*y FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1921—1:52—5—117. Pvrrc 00. 3-year-olds 0y JLOeJ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner §490: second. 40; third. 0. Index Horace A"wtIlSt~%~~ t~%"strFin Jockeys Owners BqulT. 040a Strt 60054 : VORKIST w 7 111 5 5 6 :■-■ "i1" M ir~iTwer ; Alexandra 100-MI .•0990 BALLOTCAR w 4 105 I 2 I ! 1*2 l .- T Wilson B H Barnes G0W-V* 60674*OMOND a : I Ml Z ■• .".- ::" I I . Studer M Quinn 310-10B 66654* ROISTERER w 5 M3 1 I :. V » V A-■ E Noble i W Atkinson W0-1OJ •0074 GLEN WELL W 5 101 1 3 *1 I I I •" J Majestic Bfaibee Stable L*780-1W1 60628*MIDIA wa M I I !■ 2 :. V I C Halls Mannale 1020-101 Time. 25%. 51. 1:18%, 1:46%, 2:00. Track muddy. S2 mutuels p.. id. Torkiat, 64.00 straight, 88.26 place. .S".to shew: BaBotcar, 84.01 place, 82.86 show; Omood, fSJSO show. Bqairaleal i king odds— Torkiat, mo to loo straight, CO to loo place. 26 to nwt show; BaUotear, 160 to 100 place, in to 100 show: Onion 1. 10 to 100 show. Winner b. g. by Yorkshire Lad— Lady Kilmarnock, by KBmaraock trained by B. Alexandra; bred by Mr. Charles E. WilkbkSOa. Went to poal at 8:84. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. VOitKIST was badly outpaced during the early running, but moved up fast aftei rounding the far turn and, responding to bis riders call, got np to win ia the last twenty yards. BAUOTCAB was saved until rounding the last turn, where be rushed into the lead, bat could not quite withstand the wieners challenge. o.MO.M U ted up menacingly when an eighth out. but tired. K0I8TOBB and MIDIA showed early sp 1. but ra ■ 1 t , .. other into exhaastit a. Scratched- 80074 Veteran. 117: 00187Jake Bcbaa, 10S: 66168 Louis Lachmund, 1H. rii-J O/d SIXTH KACE— 1 Mile and " 0 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1: 43 %— 6— 122. Purse S500. J7X041: 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horaes AWtPPSt % j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt fi01.-»8»lTccKHOKX Il.wsi: f. ul 3 i "l EJ S I1 l-i E Xoble ,T A Parson -IOn-100 66164 *OUR MAID a i Ml - - 1* 1* 1» V H B P.wer W Walker .vuO-lOO 66668 PINBCREST w 4 IM l 5 2 28 V :: C Ralls W Fonner mso-iou 60164 -SAI.CKoPvGE w I 111 7 1 •! ."! E -l."1 4s C Thpson Suhr 6 Mansfield M8-180 06158*HAPP1 VALLEY w 7 117 S C I ■■ 1*1 I I " E Taylor H T Palmer lOW-ino 66186 MANNIKLN II. wa 6 112 i 4 nu m ,, ,,. pi K Fator II A 2MMM 58776*CIGALE W 4 M3 4777777J Hunmor Shafer and Conway 430-100 Time. 25, 50%. 1:18%. 1:47. 1:51%. Track muddy. S2 mutuels paid. Boekhorn II.. 0.00 straight. 84.46 place, .10 show: Our Maid. .i0 place. .«u show: Ptaecrest, 88.80 show. Equivalent booking odds— Buckhora II., 400 to 100 straight. 1°0 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show: Our Maid, 110 to 100 place, so to 166 show; Plaecrest, 860 to loo show. Winner — B. g, by Pitckliorn — Bertie V.. by Semproniiis trained by .1. A. Parson; bred by Mr. Hal Price Headley. Went to post at 3:57. Al post 1 miaate. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. BCCKHORN II., after being forwardly placed, moved up fast after rounding the far turn and. rushing into the lead, won easing up. Ol It MAID set a good pace and. after being passed, hung on gamely and outstayed PINECBE8T. The latter forced the pace and made a game fini«h under weak riding. BALGBOBG8 was always far back. Scratched— 601551 Yermak. 114. Overweighta- Mannikin II.. 1 pound. fisHa"! Q ET SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 23. 1915—1:05 %— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-OvPAc5«3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses V A Wt PPSt! *,4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 66158**LITT. P.OMPKK w 4 11.". 4 1 U 1, 1J l-l I Hun mer Campbell and Lack lW-loo 66677 PLUM BLSSOM wa 4 M S r, •: 8] l«| 2 i K Xoble J A Parson .°.10-100 50954 "MADAM P.VXIi WB I 866 I I - -. 2 ::- P Hurn J W Tate 900-100 66618 BEES WING w I 109 1 4 P ■ 7. 4 E Parke A Smith 1420-100 59818 DANCING GIRL era I 110 I ti i 4*1 4- 5 C Thpson J Eckert 364-100 |C0138DOX JOSB: wsn 7 114 :: J » fi f, 6 K Taylor C E Groves 500-100 Time. 242-.. 502-,. 1:04, 1:10%. Track muddy. S2 mutuels paid. T.itile Romper. S5.SO straight. .. so pine. show: Plum Blossom, .80 place, J.2.S0 show: Madam Pyng. 8160 show. i: inivalent liooking odds— Little Komper. 190 to 166 straight. 90 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Plum nioseiim. 90 to 166 place, 10 to loo show: Madam Pyng. 110 to 100 show. Winner— Pr. c, by Don Johnson — La Vcita, by Kingston trained by It. Campbell; bred by Mr. Henry Do wolf. Went to post at 4:20. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LITTI.F BOMPEB set a good pace from the start and. drawing away decisively in the stretch. easily maintained his advantage to the end. ILlM IU.OSSOM closed up steadily through the final eighth and was a fust -going second. MADAM BIMW raced well and made a game finish. BEES WING waa just off the cars, but raced well. Scratched — 00157 C. A. omiskey, 123. Overweights — Dancing Girl. 1 pound. £»rh-f Q£i EIGHTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1916— 1:05V;,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-0"-n.OV6 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner S350; second, 00; third, 860. Index Horaes AWtPPSt K % % Str Fin Jockeys~~~ Owners Equiv. Odde 8trl 59853 *M1SS DUNBAR W 4 106 C 2 3i 3» 2- P P Hur.i W H Moore 920-100 0025- VIC w 4 101 2 6 6J B3 T-l 22 C Rails Thompson and Berrv 500-IOO 60056 HONEST GEORGE w 6 115 7 3 2J V 1J 3« E Taylor W Slma 270-10Q . !»«". I iMAiK TOP v 4 113 v 1 P M PI ! ■ PU« L 8 Foujstaia 30-MQ M1U REVIEW waa I no | i :. P " - ■ TVpooa suit.- 6 Vah-utiiie 210-1C0 •MM CANDBGREY ■ ■ i Ml 1 S 4 1 I ,: I P T Rae C B Irwin 1840-101 i 7.9987* BONN KT BLUB w 4 MM ;: ,s I I 7J 7- C BtMcr H W K.irnes MOO-MI MlM*McCROAN W I Ml I 7 71 7 I I W Davis Smith ft Williams I53760-1O" Time, 24r,5. 51i. 1:0446. 1:11%. Track muddy. S2 nartaeta paid, mum DwUnr, 8.40 atraight, 6.86 place, .26 shew; Vic 67.26 place, 64.68 show: Holiest leorge. - l -how. i:.| 1 kiim •! !- Miss Dunbar. 920 to KMI straight. 4 10 to 100 place. 111 to 100 show: Vic. 200 in loo place. 130 tM loo thaw; Boaesl George, 86 to MO ahaw. Winner — B. f. kf Von TNBf — Arcadia Belle, l.v Puip.rnr «.f Norfolk trained by W B. MllW; broil bf Mr. Edward Cebrian. Went to post at 4:48. At peal 1 minute Start gaud ami slew. Won driving: secund tad third the Mime, miss DUNBAR, after betas ■ forward eoateB6er trout the tart, challenged the leader aaidwaj of the stretch and took the had. but waa forced to a sharp drive to withstand the pressing challenge of vii . The latter ame from far hi i k with a delayed rash and Baished rapidly arerhauIUfe the wlaaer. HONEST GEORGE raced BLACK TOP into defeat and. taktag the had. hoag on gaaaely win n put to a drift KI.AtK Tnl et the early pace, hat tired badly la the final quarter. scratched— MJQ3 Jeale Garaaaa, 106; 50833 Brown Bee, 1U; 50020 Battle Willdo. MS; 80184 Me-Murphy. 11"- 0»ei weights — Boaeat ;« i ?_••■. I poaads.