untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-19


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SPRING STAKES -1922 Entries Close Tuesday, february 21, 1922 aeaararxsa ■■■■■■■i— hi amsain ■■■■mum ■ — aaa.au, siausmMisjiiiiiaarmaaaaaawaassaeaBaaaaBaaaa ii— mnummamx3MamMmBKmmmmmmMmmmMwmmamBmmmmaMtemm TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING AT LEXINGTON HINATA STAKES ,000 ADDED BLUE GRASS STAXES ,000 ADDED FOK TWO-YEAR-OLD FILLIES.— By subscription of S10 each: 0 additional to start. ,000 FOR THREE -YEAR -0LD5.— By subscription of 0 each; 148690 additional to start. S3. 000 added, added, of which 50 to second a:;d 50 to third. In addition to first rnonev the winner to rccoiro a Cup donated by Mrs. Clarence LeBus. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Acceptances to be of wl»ch S350 to second and S150 to third. Acceptances to be named through tho entry box the named the box the day before the at usual time of through entry race closing day before the race at usual time of closing. ONE MILE AND A FURLONG. FOUR r uRLOuS. IDLE HOUR STAKES ,000 ADDED BEN ALI HANDICAP ,000 ADDED ffl FOR TWO -YEAR-OLD COLT? AND GELDINGS.— By subscription of 0 each; S50 additional FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— By subscription of 0 each; 0 additional to 3 to start. SC.C00 added, of which :r350 to second and S150 to third. In addition to first money start $,3000 ad,Rd °f wh,ich g**f "* aPd *150 to ■*_* 5l adUioil to first money the W ., „ . , . . „ r _ _ .. . , , . ,, . • winner to receive a Cup donated by Mr. L. L. Baggm, Weights to he anno meed six days m the winner to receive a Cup donated by Mr. E. R. Bradley. „ Utw ftllewed B lbs. Accept- bcforo ths r;lce. VAi-.r.ers after publication of wefehtl of I raec ether than eBffiag or efctfadag H i antes to be named thrcujh the entry box tho day before the race at tho usu.-i time ot clesisf;. purse. 3 lb:;, extra. Acceptances to be .lamed through the entry hex the day before tho r* 1 33 FOUR FURLONGS. at usual time of closing. ONE MILE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. I ASHLAND OAKS ,000 ADDED CAMDEN HANDICAP ,000 ADDED H FOR THREE-YEAB-OLD FILLIES.— By subscription of S10 each: SO additional to Start. FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD— By subscription of ,20 seek; 00 additional to If SO. 000 added, of which 50 to -econd mid SIM to third. In addition to tret asaey the winner ■*■** •*.••• "dded, °f whieh SS00 *o serond a:.d 00 U third. In addition to rtrat asaey the ff . . . . . __ _ _ __ __ „ __ ,. ,, . _ ., . , winner to receive, a Cup donated by the Hon. .1. K. Camden. Weights *-n be announced six B to receive a Cnp donated by Mr. l C. MeDeweU. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. aecsataacea to be box ? j d,.,. Mh| the race. Acceptai.css to be made through the estry the day beforo the raco fg nemed through the entry box the day before tho race at usur! time Of I losing. ONE MTT I at usual time of closing. ONE MIT.K AND ONE-QUARTER. I TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING MEETING AT CHURCHILL DOWNS I DEBUTANTE STAKES ,000 ADDED BASHF0RD MANOR STAKES ,000 ADDED j FOR TWO-YEAR-OLD FILLIES.— By sub CriBtiea of S20 each; C0 additional to stir-. If 1 FOR TWO-YEAR-OLD COLTS AND GELDINGS.— By cahscrlptioa of 0 each; 00 Additional E added, of which 00 to teCSBjd, 00 to tliird. fearth to nv? take. Winners ot i sweepsts] to tart, $.r; 000 aid-d. of watch 000 -e ■eeead, S40O to third, fearth to S*e« state, Winnrs H to retry 3 lb-.: of two ssreep *akes. I lb • :, r;i . Kaideei allowed 5 lbs. Acccrtaaees to Lc of a laassalahsi to carry -i lbs.; of two sweewstekes, 5 lbs, extra. MatdoBS allowed 5 1!~. H named through the entry box tho day hoforo the race r.t ama] tiaaa of siestas. AccostaaoSS fa ,; »ITll through tha entry box tho day before the race at usual tune of W rOTJR FURLONGS. -doing. FOUR AND ONE HALF FURLONGS £ the loniv-iiKiiirii in i . of Im: khmKRV dkhbv I FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS— By subscription of 5 each: 00 additioaal to start. 0,000 added, of which ,000 to second. ,000 to third, | ,000 to fourth. Acceptances to be named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of closing. I ONE MLLE AND ONE-QUARTER. I KENTUCKY OAKS 0,000 ADDED KEHTUCKY HANDICAP... 0,000 ADDED CLARK HANDICAP 0,000 ADDED g TV- rorty-aighfh Saaatac ,: ?h" Keateelrjr Oa-.s. rou IHXEE-YEUt-OLDS AND UPWARD.— By subscription FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— Bv rahaeriatlw 5 FOB THPEE YEAR-OLD riLLIES.— 9t subscription of 0 of 3C5 each; !?r0 aMitiaml to start. S.O.OOO aided of of S25 each: S2fO additional to start 0,000 added, of m each: ?200 add riou-.l to ftart. M0.000 added, of which rhid| n rQ0 .,. „ror,d mM t„ third onrth t0 mn sti,ke which ,500 to MCOWd, :S00 to third, fourth to Mvaatote. , W "1.500 to aecend, i~ 0 to third, fourth o uvj stake. Non- _, . , . . ... , .... , ro .„- ,. Wetchti to bo onnotinced s,x day.; hoforo the raie. Wlir.en E -.i.n-rs of « thnw-war-oUl raoo of tho value of S2.500 al- We*»*ts 4 six dayi bafare tho race. Winner, of ,500 after o.- *M p 0.,.o. t;i3I| , ,., , .i:... M geUiaf pL...ie „fter r,lt!io. m !. ed , lha.; nurietan, U lha. Acceptances to ha aaaaoi ilication oi weights, i lbs. extra. Acceptances to oe aaraad tian of T,-ei rhts. a lbs. ertra. Accapfacoi to be aaaoed W tlno.sh tlie onti-v hox tha ! before tha r"ce at usual fnio threrjrh tfco OBtry bos ;ue day before the race a| usur time t:irou«rh tho entry box the da-.- before tn » rsp at usral time jj| v eiviing. ONE JTTI E AND ONE-EIGHTH. I of :o:::v;. ONE MILE AND ONE-QUARTER. of closing. ONE MILE AND ONE EtTRLPNl j MMMBala»«MHa»o»Ma»o»a»a»a»Bo»Mo»MaWBo«o»MillBBaMi I TO BE RUN AT THE SPRING JIEETING AT LxT0NIA | CLIPSETTA STAKES S5.C00 ADDED HAROLD STAKES ,000 ADDED CINCINNATI TROPHY ,000 ADDED §1 FOS FILLIES TV.O VEAP.S OLD — Bj i« eristiea af 0 FOU COLTS AND 0ELOIXO8 TWO YEARS OLD.— By oeh- FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS.— Bv nhscrtotiea of 20 aaeh; 00 6 earh- -,100 additional to tart. silOCC added, of which 00 criptlo* o •: ii eaeh; H99 iddittonal -o start; S5,000 added, ?iditii nal to -,tart. ,000 added, of which S800 to second. i a u, w™-. i aipn ia tbixri ■*• fom-b iam-A to «9t« rtake ■- Vinnen mt " which :iS0O to oecead .M.ri to tliird. foi.r:h to law stake. 00 to third, fosrth -o sare :tu". Winrers af .5C0. 3 ths.; 5 i»-on a lh - Pn« . . v-.l "o Waiaeri of C.r00. 3 Ihe «2.0P0 twiea or .VOOO. E lbs.: S2.000 twice or 55.000. 5 lha.; ;2.000 three tune:, or ,000 P " JL 2. - •? - «.*» tirw tiraei or ,000 twice. 1 lha. oxtra. Non-win- twice, I lb-, extra. »ea-winaen of a sweepstakes allow,. fa timet or . coo twice, I ibs. extra. Hew-wiaaera ef a sweep- ,. .. ..,-. .. .„ allowed 3 lha.; three raeea, i lbs.: 4 lha.; twe racea. 7 lha.; aaaideaa, if aever pfatieed ia a sweep- ** i allcwed 3 Ihs.; three races, 5 It . twe races, S ibs.: t.s0 races, g »aa.; maiden never placed in a tweapetakea, stakes, 10 Iht Aeeeptaaces to N aaated through oatrp oi ,-. ir waidcwi aever placed ia ■ sweepstakes. IS Ihs. AcceptiivCs is !■■ . keeaptaaeea m be :ir:.r. ~ t.ron-rh tlie entry box the the dr.v before the race at oaaal tiaio of olo-inp. In additiaa ■ to to laased threaah the ea . i ox tha day beforo tho raea lay befo ■ the :r.ce at asaal tune of claciax. to firat aoeaej the wiaaer wW receive inc Craciaaati Troph; f m a-. ■ aal time of Clesiaff;. FIVE FURLONG!3. FIVE FURLONGS. SIX FURLOOS. 9* nut ! a ii KK-i j; a-UI.U ». — Bj aailaiirrla tie»ai of sr» f:««-ii : B2S# mliliiiou.-t! t start. sir .t»M» :k« Ic . of ovkirh .••„,.t o:i t:» aecwael. si.ooo to third. • 6 foartb io .:i - Rtake. "t 1 1 - iimi -r, if alaoj tier lumier of tlsc Krmtojrkp Urrfety, to r - - »iv - 5,»0 additlwsial. inner.x in 1933 of a ilii-ee- c;u-- K1 aid rare of SKMMM, ."« i!» . extra. MaMeai allowed 7 li *. Aiccidiiniis so l «- uaiuei! tlicoiiKU lis* enirv tevx tliv «l:i brforr *««■ rsic* s»t «li« usual j E. tin!.- . f rsaalaiar. UK MILE AM oi:-Mi.r. ; % LATOXIA OAKS 0,000 ADDED TEN BR0ECK HANDICAP ,000 ADDED It. lOR TEHEE-YEAt: -old FILLIES. — By sahacriptJea ef IN sack; ISM ; ditio:ial to start. FOR THREE-YEAR. OLDS.— Bv rahaeriptioa af 00 each: 00 additioaal to start. f.5 000 ! 5f S10.000 added, af w.i.rli ll.SM to cecead, ISM to third, fearth to save take, Wbaaen ia added, o; which J800 to secead, HM to third, fearth to save stake, Wrigiit? six days he- i h 19B1 af ■ threc-year-eld race at t*.Kt, 3 Ihs.; af hB000. 5 lb-.: ui 2,000 9 lha, cxtia. foro rac*. Wraaen of other thaa ■ claimiat w seUiag parai after pahUcattoa of wekrkta, y BTaideai allowed 1 ibs. Acceptaaeas to be lamed threat* the aatry box the day before, -ho lbs. extra. Aeeevtaaces to bo aamed tbroozh tha entry hex the day before tho rare al asaal lrci at asaal time af dssiag. ONE MILE AND ONE-QUARTER. time of closing. ONE MILE AND ONE-QUARTER. I INDEPENDENCE HANDICAP, 5,000 ADDED ; r in TH RKK-V BAB-OLD8 W I I r 1RD. — Bj esthwerlptlaa of BBS each B3SB iulili»ion:iI lo start. si,"..ooo aeMedl, of ™ii5«-h s. H»o to accsMael. B1.4KM |« thlrel, fourth ti» sstir ststkv. «-is !• « ■» six days before race. W tamers of oilier than a rlataalmai or selllms pewae after s mMteatle si of j «veloj;lita, .". n*s. extra. Aeeeptameea to ire maaaed thrmaaTB ti»e entry im t!i - day bafare taa rare at ttsitai tlaac of elaalag. i » •»•• run Taeadaya .„ i. t»t: m.i; m t M:-n vi.f. DANIEL BOONE HANDICAP, 0,000 ADDED l.H THIIt3IS YKABt-OE.Dfl M UPWARD. II? srtliseripl ioti of *::." eaeh; 8230 ailtlil ional to Mart. Blv.BOG added, of wbJeb .SJ.."il to neeaad, ■«aa t tblrd. fourth la :« e stake. Walarmts «ix ila * before the race. Wtaatri of BB.BBB after perblaeatsaa of erebrbta, r. lie?, extra* keeeat-aaeaa la «»e aaaaed Ibraaajb the aatry bax the day bafare the race at aaaal time of eaaafaa;. OM-: H1US AM THathXhX-BIXTsMBBITBB. j EN0.TJTKER HANDICAP .... ,000 ADDED . QUICKSTEP HANDICAP . . . ,000 ADDED INAUGURAL HANDICAP . . . ,000 ADDED FOX THPEF-YEAP-OLDS AND UPWARD— By saliorls- FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD— By suhscrin- FOR THREE-YEAR-OLDS AND UPWARD.— By subscrip- tin,, of SB! aaeh: MOO additioaal to start. 000 added, of Uon 0I 20 cach. 5X00 additional to start. ,000 added, of tion of cach; 00 additional to start. ,000 added, of hich 80O to second, $/.0C to thirrt. lourth to save staae. ,. , , , -.„« . ... , , ., . . , Weiyhta ..-. iby before the race. Wiaasra of other than a ■«* 00 to aaaasm.-ftft to third, fearth to save stake. . 0c second fm tQ thin, fourUl „ Te stake daimiag or ellinp aarsa after aahltoatioa of amoxbts, 3 Dja. Weixkts six day. beforo tho race. Winners after puhlica- ajatobts six davi before the race. Winner:; of S3.500 ■ftot I riaThWerTJhe.tJ tiCn °f *g*± °f ™ £?«?? cUi,"1",;. ° Jft pZratk. of w,iKht, 5 lbs. extra. Acceptances to bo ! in nSt HONTT THE WINNER WILL RECEIVE A ""V i 1 l"i! , TI rt it named through tho ent.v box tho day before the rac~ at * - »— — " * usuaAi.no SILVER TROPHY. DIBfAT.D.T «. JASSS. g of closin,. ONE MIXE AND ONE-SIXTEENTH. i QUEEN CITY HANDICAP, 0,000 ADDED TO ■■ HI H III KING AITHIV afmBBTIXG, 1!»U. KNTHIIOS I.OSK IMHIll Alt V SI, 11 U I added, af orbJeb si.r.ot. ta seeo,..i. .ssot» |« third, | run i«i»-m:!1-o!,Is.-iv aahaarrfadaaa of BBS eaeh: BBM adUUUaaal to «tart. **•*— s»:.ners of other than a elaraaiaa; or aaHlas i»«.rse after ;»uhlieaiio.. of "«-;~,,,h- fourth to rare -take. vVelsrbta *i* .i» k before ihe raee. ;• I n.s. extra. keeeadaaees to be aaaaad tbraaarh the aatry bax she day befara the raee at the aaaal time of 1 1 salad; onu "i,i,. m gEixoagnf»aa.TX.J*uao«rjtsi*«MagB*« ■ J, N. CAMDEN, President, M. J. WINN, Vice-President and General Manager. SHERMAN GOODPASTER, Secretary and Treasurer I ADDRMSS ALL, COMMUNICATIONS TO I j THE KENTUCKY JOCKEY CLUB, Incorporated, C0VIM6T0M, KENTUCKY I

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922021901/drf1922021901_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1922021901_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800