Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-19


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUEA. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1922.— Oi :-nt d Park 1 mile. Seventy-sixth day. Cuba -Aaaericaa Jockey and Aato Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more !.m~. Weather clear: temperature 80 Stewards. .1. Hachmeisterl C. H. Laaadale and K. Burke. Judges, __________ c. c.rueiilsen and EdwardTinsppr. Starter. James Milton. Baciag Secretary. Mai tin Natbaasoa. Raciag starts ,t 2:30 p. m. Cklcago time 1:57 p. m.t. W ladicntes whip, s spurs. B bl lakers. Plc- urea in pareatbeaea fottowlag lac distance of sack race indicate date, track recasts, age of horse and veift rail MA Indicates apprenl ice allowan-e. ftn°7° FIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. fafgruk 5. 1921— 47--.— 2— 120/ Eirst Running CUBAW WO 4 * JUVENILE STAKES. S2.000 Added. 2-year-o!d;. Allowances. Net value to winner M.850: second. 00: tklrd, S2C0. Index Howes ~~A WlPlSt , -, Sir Im .!-• :,, ya Owners t 11 C F K 091 t4TRUE FLIER w 118 8 4 2» • 1 C BobsonB S Harris S3 7-- 7-_. out- 8SS47LORBNA MAR* LI A w :.l 1 J I* r-. w LHIej f: A Joaea A7-l«7-;o7-10out-- 6MB1-TENDER BETH i T 4 3 .; 3" :.- .1 Domiekll A Jaaea 7-l07-l 7-iOout- BB1M COL PAT w HI 1 1 1 4 1 11 LwnafdOMeara IJrr- 4 4 4 out— G0194 KRis w M2 2 Wheeled. W Kehnvy li P Whitney t-i 7". 7-5 out — ■■ Coapled la betting; bo aeaarBte place er -how betting. Time. 23%. 35, 47--, « track record. Track fa-;t. 82 matnela paid. II. P. Wkitaey and s. s Harrla eatry, 85.N1 traiaht; no place er show mataeb sold. llmiivaient booking adds- n. . Whitney and 8. B. Harris entry, 190 to 100 straight. Winm h. 1. i y Peaaaat — Rath Law, by Breoatstich trained by M. Goldbhitt; bred by Mr. BJarrj Payne Whitney 1. Went io pest ■! 2:38. Al post ! mhiutes. Start fair aad alow. Woa drrrlag; second and third the same. TRUE FLIEB propped si the atari aad waa on the outside all the way, bat finished with great apecd and eutgamed LORBNA MAKi 1.1 I.1A. The latter act a teat pace to the last alsteeatb and tinishej reaalntely. TENDEB si: in ran a good and game race, r :.. PAT was always outpaced. Ellis wkaekrd at ii.-- start. d?i * ry /d BXOOBD RACE— 1 Nile and H Yards. March 6. 1SI3 — 1:41 — 3 — 117. - Pvrse STfKV UvO * ""i 3-ycar-oids and BSaasrd. Claiming1, Net value to w.nner C55C: fcond. 03; third. So0. ladex Horses AWtils; ■, _■ % str Kin jockcyii Owaers 0 XI 7 V B •BIS] CONSTANTINE wa 6 107 3 8~8"! 4 "* 1*1 T" !7~:rr.;--.r"l~ lr y - •;"" I 6 ti 6 i owStl DRAPERY won S IIS 7 I 2»* 2 . I Smith J C Mayes . : 7-3 7-18 «»i;7 MARY BRB wa 1 1*7 8 4 1 lJ l»J 2* 8as N Bargee K Hat 1 i S I 1 19SS3 R1GODON ws 3 83 10 10 7* I i V 1 A McLhlinE L Daly 10 M M I .-.!»7S!» SKA CP.CHIN i till 15 4 7 7 51 "•■ w Kelsay W l. Drake 3 I U-7. ::-". -tt:ii! MIRZA a Sill 8 11 I S* 4P 6J B KenndyJ B D.-vis I 1 1 8-5 1 ES4MS AZTEC ws 7 113 1 1 B# 83 »* 9* 7- T Barns 1 Hawk I 1 1 v. 1-.7 MSIBtHAZEL B * HI MS 2 2 ; .: r 7 8 .1 ChalmersG Johaaon 16 1. U 5 21 »;»•;;»*, i.adv FREMEEN w 5 11* 11 • s | a - ;o r y. d prlble .1 Booker -ir o t u Q ti - IM96S FAIR] V wb 11 112 i :: » V |e- 10 .1 McBridc I F Bra il M 28 24 S 1 00151 PLANTAREDE ws 6 113 H » 11 II 11 1! 11 : Fields 1. W Plant 12 13 13 C :: tMutaol ileW Time. 24. 49-.. 1:18, 1:4?. lAsJ,. Tracl: fa t. 822 matnela paid mstantine, S1A70 traigbt, 80.00 place, .60 sia, ; Drapery, N ;.t;n place, Sl..n sboi : Marj Kile s7.sn show. Equivalent booking odds Coastaatiae, 3 3 tn 100 straight, -.il to IW place, IBS lo 1481 ■haw; Drajwry, 230 t . 190 place, 145 to 100 show; Mary Erb. 2S0 !•• 100 show. Winner B. h, by The White Knight Perishable by I I gl tri a 1 bj N. K. M ly; bred la England by W. i1-. Pnrefoy. BTenl lo |««t al 2:736. Al posl B minutes. Start good ind alow. Woa easily; second and third drh in. CONSTANTINE began ahtwly, bnl moved np steadil] on the outskk oa I he baekstreteh and raced into :. good lead ia the last eighth. DRAPERY raced forward! j 11ml _ atelj Ihrongbonl MAR] BRB --■1 .1 good iwec to the treteb. tut lired finally. BIGODO.N « s pulled up al the ball-mile its— il ai.d agi in : thr stretch, bat finished teal OAQPFBT THIRD "ACE— 1 Kilo aad B4 Tarda. Msrck n. l01T:Tl5il7.T Pnr0o7 " JvO J »_P 3-year-61ds sad apward. Clain n?. Bal raise to ariaacr H0: ■eaaad, 00; third. .o. Index Horses AWl ppsl ,~ J ~Btr Fin J or keys Owaers ~" ~ l!~r"~~P s~" R0S«BzMA RA1TDER wTT;""] TI ■ 7- v"~7~ ~ - I "TT K.-o-iTI-. . "T7foberiso;i 1 . .;-.!.• 1 . «. i-.!».-, UDRK] A w 4 107 3 3 4"k I ■" 2"» I Prible G Smith S -". C - 4-7 SOIBft:FRANK BURKE v. - 7 1 1 ■ T Burn R Smith 1" 1- U E L" ; »■« INCINERATOR v I r87 1 1 :: ! P* l« M BrydgcsF Wrlspcn 12 13 12 S 2] K0340 FAIR AND • ER w B II I i l" I ■■ : • 1 : .. E Joaiafa I J What M M 1 I I ;!..-;i STIR i r wbM 113 i 8 8 8 8 1 T Eindle W C Kenned 15 IS IS «i 3 58935*NA v" ws 4 KM 7 I • 5* ■ 7 , .1 Pc an A Mitchell t t ;• 1 |-l :•.: ." BERRETTA ws 4 l«i 2 2 8 J Dawson J C Dawson - Zj " ::"il-l Time. 24. 49-... 1:JG ... 1:41 1:4*%. Tr;- .1: teat, mutnels |i kl ! ander, 83.00 straight, 83.00 place, .00 show; Andrej A.. 82.90 place, I" Prank Burke, .20 show. 1. i •■.!• nt b oking odd: Marauder, ISO to 100 alraigbt, 80 to 100 place, 50 lo 148 show; Audrey A.. 15 lo li" place, .".7, to 100 show; Kr nk Bnrke, 310 to 100 show. Winner B. g, bj Ord c Men :■ . bj St. Siiuouian II. trained by B. Shaw; bred by Messrs. J. . * G. II. Kecael. Went to posl at 3:24. At posl :: minal Start - I aad stew. Won easily; second and third driving. MARAlDEB eras eatpaced in 1 - early running, bnl cam- around oa the outside ea the far turn and, wearing :li- leaders down. «,i-~ ■■ .ii: awnj at the end. AUDREY A. ran well and eatgasned the tiring PRANK BCRKE. The bitter rloseii a gap and fini-hed gamely. FAIR AND WARMEB set a good p.ic- to the la-, eighth and tired. INCINERATOR ran well. NAVAJO could never --t Bp. ■ ; itched 00320 I and m, 10 : fik*rnR *"OW*TH RACE— o-l Mile. Jan. 8. lEtO— 1:11— G— i02. Island Handicap. Purs-o $»0o7 v3J*.M i "© 3-year-olas r.n-1 apward. Bel value to arbxaor 8780; aec*ad. S125: third, 5. Index ilors h AW; PP~3t~l4 % % ;/liii jockeys Owaers OH C f-» 09394 GUVNOR w 41*7 4 1 IJ I1 1" Il J Peyan ~~ foldbiatl ~ 3J 4W g-3 00394 - LAST ONE WB 1 hi. 1 I PJ V 2" 2* B Josiah F C Paul i 31 MM ;ti-;i7 ti.i: imj] wa 6 118 _ 3 ..-. 1 i . ■ b k nnilyF ■ 52 I :: -". it 1 00197 CI BA BNCNTO wa I 97 5 2 - ". ■- t 1 Prlble I C Griffith S S 1-1 G6294SMAYUR HOUSE ; • i I 5 3 ". 3 I Fleteh-r C II Gllro ■• C 6 1 I Time, »%, 47,. 1:12. Track hat, 82 mutnels paid, Gnvnor, .70 atraigl I, 875.00 il 11 . I- 1 t nc 83 10 place, no larr matnela add tiviilent booking odds Guvnor, 31Ci to 100 straight. 130 to 100 plan . Laal t ne, I7n tu Hi* place. Winner Ch. g, bj Suiwrssaa Verdi I, bj ryrani trained hj M. GohJblatt; bred by Mr. Henry T. Oxuard I. Went to I--t al 3:32. A: posl 3 minutes. Start - -I in«l slow. Woa easily; secoatl and tliinl driving. GUVNOR sliowed great speed rrom tlie start ind, tettieg .1 List iricc, kept Inrreasins his advaatage and was ander ■ pull through the l.-i 1 sixteenth. I.asI .i: waa nan-: restraint for the lirst half and finished with a belated rash. THE BOY raced gamelj and eutfinisbed CUBA BNCANTO. Th- ktUst ran a test half aad tired. Overweights Mayor Her.--. ::_. pounds. J2urBc rT7 *TTTH RACE— I Mile Baal N ia:;!:, Xarck 0. 1918— 1:4b— 4V— 117. Par 00. OvFelP 4 4 4-year-oHs and apward. Chin.ii:--. Net salae to v.ir.ner S550: s-cor.d, fjlOO: third. $.70. 1 adex Hors- AWtPPSt ,i St- iT.i Jockeys On acrs II II P B r4n52*CHTIE HOLTERS w 6 103 3 ~i ~l ""T:- l» J Chalmcr I 11 S-. n f M M M 4 3 603 IS1 LOYALIST WB 6 113 2 2 ■ Z" ! Is Field K •!.! Staid- 1 i S I 1 1 601 741 A TURNBOW w n 7 111 % 6 !•* 8 6* ■ J M • ■- McNeill ! 7-10 b0153*MAYSVILLE a I 97 4 1 I* ill. R L Baker 2 2 4-5 2-5 60945 HOCNIR a II 11 114-4 :: 1 RobsonW F KnebelkampS 6-5 Ollli; IIIA.MA w 6 195 a I I 7 7 : Kenndyl P Baxter ■ • I 2J 6-5 69997 :H ARAN a a lit 8 4 6» 7 A Picl na E C Griffith « S 6 J 6-5 69999 MISERICORDE wb 6 108 7 3 8 !•» 83 8J . W iCelsaj 1 -1 Harrah -1 E "• 2 1 01!!-J . V 0CONN*LL w 4 Wi t i 9 9 i- Bum* P Delbarrio IS IS 1". ti :: Time. L4. 4S ,. 1:15. 1:41 ;j. 1:441*. Track fast. 92 mntneh paid. Christie Bolters, 840.10 .traight, 819.30 place, 87.20 show; Loyalist, 4.39 place, 37 !• show; Waiter Tnmbow. 84-30 M — i;-.i;iv.ileni booking odd- Christie Hollers. 2203 tu 100 straight. S73 to loti place. -jt;o to 100 skew; Loyaliat. !-.". to 100 place, -_7o to 100 show: Walter Tnmbow, 113 to 109 show. Winner B. m. i". Lncle Winifred A bj Sir Bixoa trained bj E. 17. Bterrett; bred bj Mr. W. B. Milk ii. Wenl to post at 1:21. Al post 5 mlnnti Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and tfcird lha -■anie. CHRISTIE HOLTERS made ti|i gronud itteadlly and. ciiallengiag LOYAL181 in the atretch, cot np to win in the tlnal s! He LOYALIST run a good race, bal tired after raciag into the leid. WALTSUt TCRNBttW closed a big gap and Hnisbed with 1 rush oa the in hie. MAYSVILLE ael I goad pace |g r ti--atretch and tired. Hut Nil! raced gamely. Scratched- 99923 1 ge Jaaaes. 103; 99297 AH Iesiaa, 105. Overweights allaorieorde, 4 peaads. RlfftTQ SIXXH P.ACE— 1 Ulile. March 23. 191?— 1:38 —5—105. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds arid v5rO» 6 O apward. Ctefaalag. »■ salaa to wiaaw •550: r.econd. 00: third, S.S0. Talc-; Bones AWtPPSt H -; 1 ~.To7:lv:7-ys Owners O H C P B 60200s GOLDEN FLINT wa 4 1 17 R 7 ■ ■ 1 Prible Brooklyn Stable 8-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 OOtlOlUEORGE wa 1 112 2 7 s 7* ; 1- . ». t. KesuidyM Seif-rt I S -l 8-8 4-3 BOSOOFICTILE w3 88 " •• 1 I. Penman T Doyl- 2j 3] :: I 1 -: 60300 WHO CAN TELL a ; 81 1 S ! ; I Si 1 " .v McLhlinM D Bogopt -. 2 23 1 1- 0O34BI TI..IV .1 HOGAN a 7 M5 . : | .,- -. . ChalmersG Warwick 29 28 88 1 4 CB1SB*GUARDSMAN 7 195 C I 9*8 7 5] P 3 Maibea II A Cotton 28 29 13 6 ■■ 99939s *WRECKLESS wb S S 1 .* Swart T .1 DraallB IS N IS I I 69397 SUGARMINT a ■ M6 - . - I. rider. 11 Brydgoalndiana Btabl* I ti I 2| ti-5 Tii..c. 24. 49%, 1:15. 1:41. Track fast. 82 mutnels paid, Goldca Flint. 85.90 -t,:,is:iit. s:i.7o place, 82.T9 show: Ocafgt W.. 9129 atacc, B2.99 - !.-. ; Fictile. sj.!»i i how Ei|nivalenl beokiag sdda Goldea Clint, it:.", t.. 109 straight, S-". to 109 place. :::. to liM» show. Ilaarga W.. 110 lo 14M place, t-" to 109 stow: fictile. 13 to 199 shew. Winner t h. . by Flint Back Golden v-w. by Hastiaga traiaed by C. BetgaMm; bred in Fsaawa by Mr. August Behnont 1. U a nt to posl at 1:32. Al post 3 minutes. Start ga*4 and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. GOLDEN FLINT was off aiawly. bat marked bia way up sa the outside ami. paaadag Ficril.K in Hi- -t;-; h. woa under restraint. GKOBGE W. rinsed u biy gup and Hnisbed with a rush into a last-goiag -oo-i;d. i!i TILE raced lato the lead, bat tired in the stretch drive. BU6ARMINT «as in a jam and. stumbling oa the turn out ol the backatrrtch, lot hi rider. WHO CAB TELL ran WsB. Scratched B092S 8toaley. 199; 08208 War Tax. iiC. 98833 Baby Faust. 100. Overweights Fictile. :; poaada

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922021901/drf1922021901_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922021901_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800