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I HUNTS COMMITTEE MEETING Race Meetings Sanctioned and Executive Committee Named— Other Business Transacted. Ni:V YORK. N. Y.. February 18.— At the annua! meeting of the Hunts Committee of the National Steeplechase and Hunt aaaatiatlan, held at the office of the asaoemtkna, is Cast Forty-first street. Wednesday, the following wire present: A. Henry Higginaon, H. S. Cage. J. r.. Davis. Henry G. Vaiighan. billies L Mather ami Rufus C. Fim h. The reanmltlte for l»2 comprises the following •de. ted by the M;l,f.-rs of lolloUIIls for their respective districts: Pennsylrnnia, chaiies K. Mather: Maryland, Chariea I.. A. Heiser; VurgbUa, ii. s. Fag,-. Sew England, Benry :. Vnnghan; New Turk, .1. c. Davis, and Nov.- lersey, Rufua c i Inch. Appelated to represent the National nil i pWi haw ami Hunt Association: A. Henry Higginaon, Benry W. Ball and I". S. Von Stade. A. Henry Higginaon was elected chairman of 1*22 ami Henry G. Vanghan elected rlee-ehairaran. Crank .1. Bryan u;.s appointed hnastJ-capper for 1922. The fallowing executive committee was appointed for lHL-J: F. S. Von St.ule. .1. K. Davis and A. Henry Higgkaaau. Certificates as gentleman riders were granted to the following: loseph Seff Fwing. Herbert B. Fume, William K. Martin. Wesson S.ybiini. K. Ienn Smith. .Ir.. R. H. I. Tobind. .la.-ob K. Ridg araj and . Mahloii Kline. Sanctions for race m« tlntl were granted as f.ii Iowa: baited Hunts Bacing Association. Belmont Call: Terminal, one day in the flral week of May the date to be named later, and Tuesday. No bet . election day, Uii., and Esses Pox Hounds, Pea-pack, N. .c. Saturday, October 28, IPS? II. B. Cage. Henry .. Vanghan ami A. Henry Higginsoa were appointed a committee to adjpst the diapnte over territory between the Piedmont Hunt. BectOltown, Vn., and the Middleburg Hunt, Miihll.burg. Vn. The question of a new rule as to the qualification of hunters and of providing lor an additional mem her for the Hunts Committee to represent the West waa referred to the rules committee of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association with request that the two provisions be compiled and adopted with as little delay as possible. Ki . . ignition of the following hunts was approved: Albemarle County Hunt. Charlottesville, u; A. B. Craven, master. Bloom field Open Hunt. Birmingham, Mich.; Kiiiott S. i hol . master. Brandy wine Hounds. West Cheater, Pa.; Charles K. Hather, master. Chagrin Valley Hunt. Cites Mills. Ohio: Window T. Whit.-, nwster. Cheshire FnThotindi. Cnionville. Pa.; W. Plunket Stewart, master. Craggy Bluff Hounds, Greenwick, iv.r:-: Luna ford P. Yaiiib-ll. mastei Eagle Parma Hunt. Eagle, Pa.; William I. Chalkier, master, Elkridge lloiunls. Towson, Md.: T, Courtena] Jenkins, aiaster. Moore County Hounds. Southern Pines, N. c. : .Tames Boyd, master. Foxcatcher Hounds. Montpelier station. ■ ; Wil llnm iu Com. Ir., and Miss Marion da Pont, mas- t is. ii--ii soring Valley Hunt, Garriaen, P. 0., Md.; lames Fishei . Ir., mastei Harford Hunt. Uonktan, Md.: F. ilmbiam Clark, Prank A. Bonsai and David Hows, amaatera. Hontingdon Valley Hunt, Willow Grove, Pa.; C. Wharton Sinkler and Willi; in Cochran, masters. Meadon Brook Hunt, Weatbnry, L. I.; H. I Nicholas, master. Miilbrooh Hunt, Millbrook, N. Y.: Oakleigh Thome, master. Fairfield ami Westchester Hunt. Greenwich Conn.: .1. IfcE. Cowman and M. Bey lachean, nias-l.i -. Monnsouth Coaaty Hunt. Tinton Falls, n. .1.: Ruins C. Pinch, mastei. Mr. Bears Hounds. Rake Forest. I!l.; Fen Leslie Behr, master. Mr. leffords Hounds, Glea Riddle. Pa.; Walter M. leffords, masker. Mr. Peabodya Houada, Hinadale, i:i.: !•. s. Pea body, master. Nyopia Hunt. Soulh Hamilton, Mass.; .lames w. iol.-ton. master. Norfolk Hunt, MedfieM, Mass.; Henry G. Vanghan, master. Orange County Hum. The Flains, Va ; Fletcher Harper, master. Pickering Hunt, Phoenizvilie, Fa.: WBlmat •! i lothiei . master. Rose Tree Fos Hunting club, Media. Pa.; Walter M leffords, master. Warren ton Hunt, Warrenton, Va.; Lueien Keith. Ir.. BsB! lef. Smithtown Hunt. Bmithtowa Branch, L. I.; R. I.a wr.-n.-e Smith, Robert Gilmor, Horace Hare ineyer and W. K. Dick, mat ters. vYhitelanda Hani. Wiutlonl. Pa : Wlkoff Smith. BIS ter. Ni w I Cavalry School Hunts, Cut BUey, Kan ; Majot /. W. Mi Enerj . ma t. r Flu.- Ridge Hunt, llilla I. Va.; William Ball W ati. in-, uiasti I .