Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-19


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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 18. 1922 -tmit Grsauma 1 mil-. FaHy-liriBa day. Basiaeos Urns Raciag aasarutioa. Winter Meeting of SO day*. Weather clear: temperature 6C . BteWBlde, I. . Smith. II. M:., f.-l.ui. A Med" :ui.l 1.. M. Holmes. Judges. .[. II. Campbell al-fl Joseph Met——. Hatter, A B. Dade. BaeJag secretary. Joseph Mrffia— Baehag -tarts at 5:13 p. m. Ckleags ,l11- 8:13 p. bi.. W hadicatos whin. ■ spare, B bllakecs. Ffcf-ares in pimttwH Following th- dtstan re of each race indicate date, track rented, age •! horai Bad «-i»iit carried. Mmttcatea apfareattce allowance. £iyfift EIRST RACE— 3-8 Mils. Jan. 10, 1822— 34 5— 2— 114. Twinkle Purse. Pur-,e ,000. Uvt UUJ-ycr.r.o!d5. Allowances. Net value lo wiaaar SiOO: second. 00: third. 00. Index games owner-, ~ o_H~c"" b"" AWtPP8t ■. -4 str Fin Jockeys P IBM? * PRINCE K altt t : ;■ i "j~Zoeiler Irfarahall Bros I 8 8 21 4-3 99394 ANITA HAMPTON a BB 12 3 3 :" .1 D MneyWItrfrey Bros M M N M S S4MtM:DEARIE v 1.1 I 1 2J ] A Wilson W Woodard IS IS 1". 1 7-3 ntiRK i I II :: i it- SJ Qarner J I. Holland 31 38 23 7 :: ;01K7 LADY BOSS v. IK i :,... ii TbomaaW F Ormabee is 90 ... 7 3 90097 DUSTER 113 7 7 I I CltilettlOrleans Stable 1 I I] l-EMI AUNTIE EM w BB 11 1 7 7 i: Barnes A 1. Kirby 88 N to M 5 999931 KITTY WILLIAMS a 113 I I !»• I* O Wall J H Lauchheirn 1-2 3-511-291-5 1-10 «.01X7 JOHN Q. KELLY a 101 :, I »J I K Smith TJ Pendergaat 56 » I M 10 I 59493 ROSEATE II i 148 111 I ■ 1 9* C Paw C A Applegate H 49 U0 S8 I «0 78 KCPERGLARIA a-107 8 I* 11 11" W Brower : T Griffin 100 M0 MB M 88 S4197 THE PLAINSMAN « 112 8 12 12 12 vV HeinchJ S Ownbey ."• 00 88 80 8 Time. 23 -,. 35-".-,. Track fast. Wlsaer — B. g. bj Moal dOr II.- Lsavois, bj Electioneer trained b» L. I. Marshall; bred bj Mr. Jooeffc R. Wldeaei |. weal :■• poal it 2 i I Al i» -i 2 minutes. Start food and nhia. Won easily; at road aad riiinl drli las, PR1NI E K. began faei tad. oader a competent tide, raced Into i good lead al oace nad easllj a :i .•ill the war. ANITA HAMPTON, also away forwardly nnd hard ridden, rained steadily and wa* going fist at the end. DEARIE raced prominently from the atari, bnl wa* tiring al Ike ead. BOBK Bniahed bmU. i.Aiiv BOSS v.:is running aal at Ike ead. KITTY wh.i.iams was away wUmty aad atomci t« l.ick spei I icratrbed 99140 Mascot t 111; 99299 All le Ochs, 111; 99187sPeter Brown, 114; 4*140 Carmca Paatasea, u ; Overweights— Aalta Hamptoi - poands; Lady Bona, I; Auntie Em, -: Boaeate II., "J: The Plaias- ni u. r . |**frkOif1*iT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mil". Fab, 9. 1918— 1 :11 •.— G— 11G. Purse . COO. 3-year-oh ■ UvOW 0 aid apward. Cbin-.ing. Net value ?o wiaaar 1700; Mcaad, 200; thin?. 5100. 1 ndjex FToim- AYtl!7St . :. 4 .StT~ITu Jockt-vs Owm.-is 1 1 c P s~ ,01 IS GR CysON w 7 114 1* 7 4 2J 1 15 J D~M*neyO Dn mh-11- r I • 18-37-3 7-M r.!tO."»l • M V BODINE «a I 101 :: a I .: . J Owena R T Watta I I •". I 1 andS7SS*MARSE .H i!. i 6 114 U 8 7J T- •" :. ~ M Garner Cain St Banford 8 10 t -: ■■ i : «lftl BLUE JEANS • ■ Wl ill II 8s 7"- • L McDottA U Ivirtiy I 13 13 I .".««.- :? BROV V CHECK B 1104 S S :." .: I| 51 E Martin Paletere 30 SO B0 ! I 16 ;oi!»-i*Ti:rsv OFFICIAL a ! 107 "l| I I ! V Wilson • Knebelkanp • ■ H -511 -51 l- Q4K8S1 LOCARNO v I i"- • I i,: "- I 1 GantncrG . Long; 1 15 1". I S7430*FA8T TRIAL a ! 180 ! 2 8j 8 V Lang H Neoateter IS 28 15 S 2] SBltkSCrtNCENTRATE i b 1 :• 7 - M 8] 10* 1" :•- A Roach Woodman Bros 50 88 80 20 l" CatSl*FLYlN ; ORB :: I"! 1 l 1 :• i ■ - ."I II Thom»«4 A Vppl«*aate 20 " SO - I KS142 MOODY « 1107 7 •• :ll M II . Rr ninxR 1-1 Watktra I M 10 1 2 Tbae, 23 •-■-.. 47i. 1:13 . Track lost. AViiin-r B. g, l- Hit loin John Melee, by Yankee »r incd by D l". Caaaon; bred by Mr. John : Madden I. Weal to jro-t at 2:!W i posl 1 aiinnte. Start good and *htw. B«hi drivina: ■■— ■ond and third the iii-.o. liRAYMON, --•• up rrom ;:•■ start nad arfll rhMcu. iwsmsI PLYlNtS ORB in the lii-i ball mil -:in l brtd MAY BODINE out la Hie Bnal Irive. MAY IMID1NK i nr fn I aftt-r inriag to work Ibrong! Intcrfewaai1 and a-as« rnnning ujhm !•■ Hi be Ilal. .i..!..!: JOHN i im rnsw far bark i;i Hi- I: i qnar ter, RUG JEANS al o • ■ la big gap BROWN CIIK4 K ti • I. KLYINO ORB scl a test pace, but qait hwdtj Rrratfttni BOKO a--h-it. 100; 00311 M I rj 117: 00813 Bahj ETelya, s7: ."i7L:", Little Blosaoa, joi : .VMM Margaret Whit I ! tivrra-cbrhtN Blew Jeaa . 2 pound*; Lor a mo. :•. P d Q f* Q T;rIKD RACE— 3-4 M:le. Feb. ». ISIS— 1:11! . — — I1G. StarHg-kt Purse. Tyro i.OOO. Dvtlvu 8-year-aIda aad ■] Alloaraaoea, Vet ralaa to wiaaer S700: second. 200: tklrd, 0t. m _j. _ lades Hone* AWtPPSt : • Str Fin Jockeys Ownera _,,_ll__,_1 s R8l3tS:CENT1 METER Trrnrs: M l« 11 1 E Rari c« G L Dla -kfoi 12 2 8-5 7-111-4 SS374IIRISH DRKAM wn 5 112 I S r Ponce A Swcnke :. • " - SB4SS MAV«»17RNEKN a I 101 2 i- 2J H ThonmsMcKeevei .-• IanclS SO 30 N » 0NfSS3 BLl*E PARADISE r 7 1*1 7 » .1 Ow« is !■ I Brannon 8 N 8 7-3 5 S70I*RAP1D M v i: ■ 108 2 1 I . M • . r r r. McGi i i M M 4 -_ B0NI1S*TII*PITY WHET arn 7 114 I H 7 7 ■■ ■ S* F Mundi 1 T Batter r.!i«l- SI MICHAEL an I 106 2 I I V 7 A GantnerM .1 Welsh 38 50 50 20 10 TiiloM HOBEY BAKER v .v. 113 .". 7 ! 8 K 8 J Butaell J Sa -ii-v :.i 20 58 58 :• 10 Time. r-:. 441 • - . Track fast Wiaaer B. c. by Meelick !;..-. bj Margrjv .. I bj U. X Veatal; bred bj Mr George L i;::i kford. Went t" po-t :i P.: it. ai pmri I aiinntes Ktart .:■ I wl Ion Woa i » I ."i«l third drlr- iii.- PENTIMETEB ran an i: ;--t and •• • taken ■ : : ■ Br*! quarter, bnl ■ f.i-: t-i ii:;h the Ktretch to aria easing up. IRISH HRKAM raa n good ■■ ■■ ind wan going hsl al the end. IfAVOURNEKN, from -i f.,-; beginnins. showed line speed :iimI raced lnt« the h*ad. but arax tiring al the end. KLUE PARADISE bad no mishap-. TIPPIT1 Y«ITCI1ET was alwaya outrun. RAPID STRID1 act .-i fai • earij pa« ■. bnl Hi lb Brrat lied 801CS- Translate. 10«; G01» May Bl an, 84 Overweights Qota f Baker. 5 |» and . andZkritandt£ FOURTH RACE— 1 1-3 Miles, Xarck 14. 1MB ITjItU 3 1ft First tr*--c ""il Vvt,e PROTEVS KANDTCAP. FS.SM Added. 3-year-olda aad apward. Mat ralaa to v/ir.ncr K.4M0; tecand, 5400: tfcird, .S200: fourth. 00. "lodes Ho:--- A Wl !Tst~- j ■" ■ , .irliii"" .lo-k.-y- m-ah-i ~n""r F B~" fSttsTTSlGITY w 8 122 K S D 5» Si 23 l* E -TTiTm I • Phillips I 6-511-W1-3 1 i. Mix-; BUNG A BUCK w ! 112 j 5 ! ; •--:• A Wilson H Dnttnei I" 15 13 t - -nif»l WYNNEWOOD :. •; lo. i j _ |k c Lang i O W bber B 10 8 rC4MX3 IGNITED VERDE a ! 120 8 I i: _ : • i. V I M Garner C W Clark 18 8 3 7-5 it; ;i SLIPPERY Ki. M « Mi: i r I p fitilettiSunnyland sih 15 15 12 2 |4WIBBBLARNY STONE 1106 :: 7 7" 7 15 I I S Thorn, R er Bros 10 15 13 t - M143 3 in-- PLSURE wa 9 113 I 8 8 8 8 8 7* 14 -I BurkeJ M Goode 3 S r 8-5 7-10 S4KBSl*BYGONE DAYS v 1112 7 ! 1 :: 7- 7- I .1 D MneyC .1 Brockmiller 15 20 20 7 3 Ti-.-e. n%. 47-,. 1:12-,. 1:38-.. 1:5*. Track fast. Winner I g. bj Leoakl -Belle Bankin. bj Handball trained bj J. V Phillips; l.rcl by Mr. Wado E. M I.. ■!•! Wcnl to i«osl .it 3:30 Al poal 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: aceoad aad llii.-il the --.■iiii • i i began nlowly, bnl moved up steadily, altliougb coming wide • •. the stretch turn, nnd, lin ishins f - ■ i gamely onl tayed Bl XGA BUCK. The bitter lost mach groaad when roming into the «t ret«-!i and swerved onl ia ■•■ last eighth, bnl finished with m rash. WYNNEWOOD raa an excellent ii.-. but began tiring in the bta eighth. INITEIl VilKhi: bad no mishaps. SLIPPERY ELM tired .ift. i raeing into the lead. BY4JONE DAYS set a teal •■ Ij pace, bnl qnil badly ia the xtretrb. ■■;■ t !••: 802K1 Xedd in. 10 : 00261 KJourmand. t -: 38S02Manoevre. 100; 4M14t3Veto, MB; 00041 ■ tisau, *»7: 00342-Padua. 8K: 00344|Pit. 100 ifiOTffc IIlTTir EAOE— I KUa. Jan. 11. IBM— 1:37*,— I — ICG. Jlomus Pan*. Purse SI. 000. OVO o vy S-ycar-oW . Attawaac**. Vat vaua t* wiaaar 3700; aaami, S2C0: third, and100. indei Horses AWTpFsI 4 *: *j Btr Fin Joeki-.v* Ownerti 0 H C V F" ?."•; 10 ";;■, ~i n l i. ! . i ! !■ 11 Barnes E R Bradley . S«14BI*BALLOT MARK vti 111 4 2* :■ 2* .1 I.iuu.il .1 L Hollaad 7. 7 7 . l LIGHTER wn 106 I .. 5" I M darner W Daniel :: 1.-7.1 1-2 8B*3S-COMIC BONO wn 112 i I I i Thoan - • Konigswald 3 1 1-2 r4M!S8OMNIPOTKNT I IM I lJ • H .1 BurkeJ 1. Pontiaa 2 ! 1-: ;o-: ; OUR DEAR ■ i- 8 i i. ... I Zoeller Marshall Bros 28 20 SO 8 1 Tir.ic. 24. 47:-,. l:ir ., l:S8- ,. Track tVt. Winner— B. e, bj Bla k Tonej Acutissima, bj ForCarakire trineii by W. Hurley; bred by Mr. Edward B. Bradley I. Wenl : |m«I :ii 3 33 .* I poal 1 ■ inn tea. Ktart g 1 and --low Woa driving; ceeond and third the -..:n-. BY ; !Sil closed a sap and, standing -.- bard drive resolutely in the atretch. got np lo win [a th last few strides. BALLOT MARK saved much groaad oa the turns aad was a forward aad Basse contender for the entire race LIGHTER, iirobaMy beat, had to race wide aad was bumped sharply aeveral limes i-i the last eighth, lail fiaiahed fasl sad s.-iiuin. COMIC • ; tired after raciag into a good load. OMNIPOTENT a i- dow . fter setting - fa*l early pace and raaaiag ■ good three -uaart era. Ovenreight* !.. Gosh. :: pounds; BaBol .M:iik. :;: Lighter, ::: Our l» ;ii-. 4. SIXTH RACE— 1 0-16 Mile?. Eel. 27. 1034— 1 :3C-.,— 0— 1C7. | Purr.e SI. 000. 4-yeai-vr*j» aOTbOr**/*! g X. old- and apward. Oaiming. Net value to winner V700: second. and 100: third. S1C0. _ in* i Heroes "vVi PP8tM4~ ","str Fin Jockeys Owners o~n ~C~ p s~ CwIBB • WORTHS l.ASlv. | Tl«7 » 8i 4 ••- 1 1. flames .1 M Goode 1 7 ii 2 1 • «.tH! , SCOURGEMAN a 7 184 - 2 6 -■ " IJ I C I-ong X B Mayfield 8 12 8 8-S i .-.-i.-.jx i iii«, ; ■ GEAR v. I io.i i . 7 i :.i Garner H T Batchler ! :-• 8-3 4-1 .oo-.:;-! rRICKSTER II a SUM i I - G Brei IngW l Bernhardt 6 • 10 I «.o-2K! WALNUT HALL a ■ 8 W I a . l 2* :.• A Wilson T 17 ":is; I I 8-5 i- cagBB LAZ7Y LOU w S 104 7 « 7* VI 7 7 V I. MeDottJ B li.iys IS 28 20 - aO1S4*THE WIT v.- ."• Ml 10 7 I •• • v v :• GnntnerR L Rogera 6 7 •: i i •wlvtMORMN EIDKR wa 8 N4 4 3 lJ Is II •- 8* J Owena McGey B Lewis 1". IS IS I tCw237»*WADE McLRE al I 88 i I "- 7- 8** •*•••• E Bobbins G L Blackford 15 1". CBBM* VERITY ■• I " I B 1 » 18 1 M M A Anrtn O Weaasei I I 12 • Time. 24. 48. 1:13. 1:39. 1:52-.. l:Bk%. Track fast. Wiaaer Blk. g. bj Waslawortb Aprira Lady, bj Liadea trained by .1 M. lioode; bred by Mrs. !" i: il Weal t-- poal :.t 1:21. At pos 1 minute. Ktart good sad -low. Woa handily; second and third driving, waiisw [•! irs LAST wan far back for the first three-quarter*, bat came with a fiaa ni-di wbca r dd.-n bard aad outstayed BCOURGEMAX ia a gaaae flaish. The latter raa ;i good race, bnl Bred la the 1 1-: sixteenth after having* tahea the lead aad appeared the winner. HI ;il GEAR was badly eal off on the ttretch tara and fiaiahed arHI. TRICK8TEB II. and WALNUT HALL ran wi II MORMON ELDER iiiit after act t lag a teal pace t- the atretch. Scratched 80287"Day Lilly, H 1 ; 8»17BTaatalna, 11": 4U0M Merchaat, MS; BMSS Hello Pardner, 10 - 08343 Ua -; r Jaek, 109 Ovcrwcighti Walnut Hall. 1 pound; Wad- McLeaaore, 1 ffkcy??* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-10 Bias. Feb. 13. 1913 — 1:44» — 3 — 104. Purse S1.C00. 3-year-Ox/t * *Hk old. 2r.ii awsnud. Ciaimin. Net vv.lr.e to wfcaas* 00: r.ecor.J. 00: third. S1C0. IndTx Horses AwFlMSI , r- -, Sir Kin -h keys Owners II 1 S ~~~ 6a3S4*BRlTISH LINER u I l"7 : S 31 2J 5 15 Is A Wilson 1 J PerHlergast 1 I I -5 ■B0lB*BOND wa I ill i i- li I B G* met Cain 41 Bahford i 7 ■; : 1 «:»;|| OLD FAITHFUL w 4 113 I I |4 7 7 .in MneyD McDermW M u i- • -I I9M03 PAULA V. wb 7 107 l 2 B» S 1 6s •; r | E AnahroaeA Flnlej 28 M 31 - t «.i-:!» ATTORNY MUIR w7 111 3 6 I* 8] :• » 7 i. MoDottti C .Milton 1631 tMr2S5 • ETTA HE wa 1 NB I 1 4* 4J v 1 •[ n ThotaanWInfrey Bros I M I w. «.0:.-, i*OCKROACH W 6 U0 1 3 2J :.; 1 :: 7,J 11 Itarnca B Howard lo I V-:- ."i!»77i« P. G. KING w 7 MS M I M 1" 10 SJ b* J Ow*ns I .1 Hn — kinilk-r :; 1 1 8-6 4 E tiO-jfi::-VISS RANKIN « 1 H2 7 7 6 •" ; -".-" 8| 8] C l*ng i B Hays I M B 4 3 8B31S*NOHANT 14 10: i B 7 7 BlJO 10 A GantnerC A Anplncate 10 20 28 I 4 Xlaaa. £4-. 48*5. 1:1*44. 1:41. l:47-j. Track fast. Winner--B. j:. by Caaard — Masks and Paces, by Disguise trained by I-. Calm: brad by Mr. Bdward K. Bradlej I. Went to iot .-.t 4:41 At i ost 1 minute, staii good and slovv. Won easily; aecand and third driving. ItUrTISIl LINER, nnder good riding, was saved close to I.ond aatll reaching the atretefc, where lie cam- test and raeed into a good lead. BOND abowed the most early BBeeu, bat had to be roused hard in the atretch t* aatstay OLD FAITHFUL. Tfc* lattei clo*d a bis uaji anri eaase with a fast sarin! in the stretch. PAULA v. laamtd Bp daB|i isaalj in iiie gtretch, bal tired. Miss BANKIN and liTI.vili: tiuit. V. 0. KING run poorly. Btiatchtd OMtls oiirli-. MB; 8JSSB labjaay Out has, Hi7: 00120 ocrbian. 11.".: G02003.Ii hn Arbor, 107; 80289 Uaklawa BoUe, IBB; BB010 Bfaraaw, IBS. OverwelKhts— Iaula V.. 2 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922021901/drf1922021901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922021901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800