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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 WEATHER CLEAR J TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago limp 1:57. 0 Superior mud mum r. X G..»d mud runner. Et Fair mud runner. at UtMraa. "Apprentice allowance, h Blinkers. First Rate — 5 1-1 Furlongs. Purse K . I yeai ■■ .i.i- Bad npward. Clalaiiac. Track record: Jan. 84, n i7 l 85! 102. Todays | Ind. Horse. TVt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. MSI1 InviacihtO lift 1:0V-.-. t IN. 123 00321* ..-tin llo I OS -.-. ♦; 110.. 731 00292 *»Lady Ivan Km. 1:0714 8 108. .715 60820 til.:,-1" .i.-i in:; i :n7 . :; 62.. 715 IW292 bFair Lassie KM 1:08% 4 108. .711 K0018 *Lady Butty N»1 1:08 8 1050710 86348 1 ► Van is I: i7.. 5 1O5X710 , B0321 Dragoon 110 1:00% 7 110..710 80S1S1 bPrimitlve 108 1:01 5 105. .705 60083 hBrixz 113 146 8 110X705 00173 in II. Wrack ! - 1:10% :i 62x700 58438 Onota 108 1 n;i-, 3 103.. 70a Bacona Bace — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Parse sTc . :: real old awl u ward Claiinincr. iTn.c I. record: .1.1,1 24, 1!»I7 1 :0.-.. -.— 8 102. 1 ...■...; Planlity 107 1:06 8 100X725 OlCtSS* bMacuine Conner. . .110 1 on 4 111 720 60215 *Mike 108 1:ii7., 8 113X715 :.H442 bButler 112 1:07% 10 113. .715 00292 bAcclamation 115 l: e:. 6 115X715 UU01K »Re«l lid 1:07!.-. 6 105.. 710 IKI2C7 •North RMkkoni ....115 1:07% 4 103.. 710 59 R5 TriompbaJK 112 1:07% 8 111. .710 002O5 •bKing Worth 114 147% n 110070.1 00082 bDixie Girl 105 148% 6 108. .70"; 00321 *Lt. Win. J. MarnylO? 1:10% 4 108 700 00322 •bSir.l.vk M8 1:10% 5 108.. 700 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongrs. Pane 7 8-yea.r-otds sad onward. Claiming, i Track record: lam. 24. IU7 — 140% — 5— 102. I 0U822*bMesa Kit 101 1:00% 5 111.. 725 0O196 Reliability 108 147% :: 100.. 720] ■ M206 Mad Nell 80 147% 8 100X715! : 002831 Mcrro Castle 109 148 :t MO. 7!,; iXr237* Perplexity 101 1:07 4 10.;. .71". | I 00180 I. Awning 108 147% 8 105.. 710 ••.■17! I *Mmm Winks 92 148 .-, 3 83X710 »; «M.s II... t 103 1:07% 3 100X710 •9210 *i.i i.-! Woods lul l :07 B 105. .705 ., 80210 bWiada o* Chance K 7 147% 4 108X70Q | , I ■ : I 80322 Forbid IM IM*, 5 110. .708 59401 3 I. All Aclow HH 143% 7 110 7 mi Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Fifth Running Cu bn. -American Handicap. ,500 Added. :; year oMn. Traek record: Jan. 8, 1398 1:11 ♦ 102. 03284 ULTIMO 117 1:11-. I1OX7S0 00349 Tomaboi 108 1:13% I1 ..7li " i-n!i Comedie d" Amour .108 1:13% 104X740 59809-tbLittle Black Knee*. MM 1:14% 101. .733 59983 lltimata 106 1:13% 104X735 66603 byucsada 110 1:13% MS.. 725 .i v. Paagie eatry. Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Pane 1700. 4 yrar aMs aad npward. claiming. Track record: March 6, 1018—1:41—3—117. •0822 •The Englishman.... 62 1 :4»; 4 MS.. 723 G0178 bMcAdoo MS 1:45 10 113X720 00295 Bill Hunley 102 1:43% 7 111 71." 60282 Than I.loom Ill 1:43% 8 108X715 i;i»17:i Altaru.iha 14 1084:705 00319 I.S.iv When 100 1:48% • ■ 103X705 00324 *Plj Home MB 1:45% 10 111 .71". 00375 hXavajo iMi 1001:43% 4 105X708 90295 i.e. ura, k II ■"■ 108.. 708 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Purse 1700. 4 j ear-.. Ids and apward. burning. Track recard: March •:. MM 1:41 -5 117. i 802953 Sot Vet IMi 4 i"...72.". i:u.:.M - Dolly 91:44 4 100X720 60347 bMoliaero 4 110. 71.". 00323 »Ha traek 102 1:44% 5 111X715 00218= Meadoworth 100 1:44 8 113*7101 COL-::; *l, inMell Red 110 1:45% 7 111X710, I 00322 *Baby Faust MS 1:43% 8 108 f05 60286 *Maeatd MB 1:44 6 108x700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards.. Pane 1800. 4-year-oMs and upward, claiming. Ttack reeoid: March »-. 1018 — 1:41—5 -117. 60209= Barloek 105 1:41% 7 105*725 00297 *Jacabeaa 104 1:43% 4 iK::7i:» ic,ii:ii i*,,.it Away 106 1:43% 5 106. .715 i.:ii..ii *Marcella Bay 100 l:47%a 4 7..7ir, i;i U •bApproral 7 104 1 1 •". 59943 bRamkin 4 104. .710 00220 Roseate 100 1:43% * 100X705 00209 s-u.ut Maaej 102 1:43% 8 100 709