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BEGINNING THE LAST WEEK i » i Fair Grounds Racing Brings Out a Big Attendance. i ♦ j Rep Springs a Surprise in the Days Chief Race — Yashmak Scores for Whitney. i ■ . NnW ORLEANS. Lb., February 20.— In the mile miel :i sixteenth |1.9M parse came an • ntstnnding • ui prise by the victory of Rep. ■ centinneos disappointment in many previous raw. Be was .-in extreme urn Miler in the fio|e| of ~iv lli:it made the-i miie-st. out developed extensive support near ih«* end to lnnd among the placed ones. Joaquina and Cimarron li:id the « all in a bet tins: way. wiln Willow Tree and Pimlico i-on ielerabIy supported. Cimarron began as If she would Hake a runaway of it. Est she attained a file Willi load in tho first half mile, with Willow Tree her eJaseet pnraner and the favorite next. Sep and Limpus ftcri seemingly hard at it to keep real being distanced. Suddenly Rep began I rash that gradually eausod liim to fe rge into the lead before llie last eighth was reached and lie seemed to have the new Msnted, but Pimlico, making a threatening rush. l«K nied up menacingly and ultimately forced Rep to hi-. b.-t pace, but he was good enough to win by a si ant head. Zoellers ride on the winner was in as murh contrast to his usual form as the horses perform-anee, for he rode an extra strong finish. Another summerlike day. a bit cloudy near ih" i lose and presaging rain, was inst in bringing to the Inch the full strength of raring enthusiasts here, augmented by many hundreds of first-time visitors who hare come to the eitj from distant points for the approaching Mardi QlM fes-tivities. The H. I". Whitney Mian were suie-iri in the fifth race when Faahaaah scared easily undei a good ride by Ling, in which that rid r seem uirly put the race in jeopardy when he nulli 1 her up on the stretch turn, anticipating a possil •• eat-esfl and took the filly around on the outside. She t.en came like a streak in response to hard riding and won- Black Betty down in the closing strides. Ya-h inak was a pronounced favorite, having bees backed with rare confidence and her success sseset .1 big hMa for the layers. The racing began witli h dash for two r ar-oiiN, twelve again making the contest, and Hoik, a flashy looking gelding by Assagai — Affinity, carrying the .1. I.. Uolland colors, was luckiest am! alas well tidden and won with space to spare. E ."liiari. a newcomer owned by .1. M. Ooodo. was probably beet in the race, but suffered some from ernwdiag MOM after the start and also raced green, but h" eimc tieniendously fast in the last eighth and mtstayed The ITster for second place. Kew pie S . which was given much consideration, bad a rough race. Belinda, because of being ridden by the unfashionable Jones, was given a wide berth by the backers, but she won in easy style from Satana. with Murphy, the favorite, landing in third place, THOMAS FINE HORSEMANSHIP. Claymore was considered the best betting ptepesi-tion of the afternoon, hat was beaten out in the last -Hide by Tribune alter he had the pane mi-iii-nigly won. The finish was a thriller and reflected credit on Thomas, who rode Tribune. The Florisant silks were victorious in the final dash, but it was somewhat of a bicky rietorj tat Troilaa and partly due to Pools superior generalship over Ponce, who had the mount on Pirate MeCSee. The latter was probably best, but had to be raced wide and also was buffeted about considerably during the running. Albert Simons, trainer for the Orleans Stable, departed for Hot Springs. Ark., where he will remain until the middle of March. From there be will proceed to Bowie, where his horses will be shipped from here. Jockey Frank Coltiletti. who rode at the Fair Grounds for Simons, also left yesterday, with Red Bank. X. J., as his destiniion. Baring secretary Joe Mel.ennan has made ample provisions for horses which failed to meet with sateens at the Fair Grenada thus far. as rf -vi-n races tor non-winners in IBS are scheduled in the temuining seven days of the meeting. Four of H.cin will be on Fridays program. Only two claiming races will be on the M.irjj Gins card, the first and last. Secretary McLennan will make an effort to get he leaders in every division out upon that occasion and the setting platers will be relegated to the rear. They have hud a big season, however, especially those which are good in muddy going, as they bail things their own way for several weeks at a stretch. G. L. BLACKFORD AN ARRIVAL. G. I.. Blackford, prominent Texas breeder, who lias a large stable of horses at the Fair Ground*, including the fleet Centimeter, was an arrival from his home in Dcnison. Texas. He plans to remain until the windup. Trainer Dick Vestal will ship the Blackford horses to Churchill Downs on March 6. or as close to that date as he can get an express car. W. L . Hatchctt, who took a stable of horses to Mexico City following the close of the Jeffeisou Park meeting, returned from there today. He did not bring any horse* back. Betsinda. winner of the second rare, wafl claimed by Mis. J. E. Nagle. represented by Heliocross. for Jl.."i4l0. This marked her third consecutive win for C. T. Worthington. H. T. Griffin today disposed of two more of his two-year-olds. Daatatia and Agiintouia. The- former was purchased by C. W. Chappell. while E. P. Let-tellier bought the latter. The remainder of the Griffin two-year olds will be sold tit auction at the Fair Grounds tomorrow- morning. He will proceed at once to Louisville, where he has sixteen youngsters wintering. Jockey B. Marinelli departed for Louisville, Ky., where he will remain for several days before proceeding to New York 1o ro|»ort to trainer Max HiiMh. Murinelli came here last autumn the leading rider of America, but he failed to live up to his reputation at either of the local meetings. Jtx-key Earl Pool returned to the saddle after a lay-off of three days, occasioned by illness. Word was received to clay from Dick Pending, track superintendent at Bowie, advising horsemen not to ship there for the present, because of the inclement weather and the condition of the track. He will notify them in ample time when to move in that direction. Entries for the 90,000 worth of Kentucky stakes close tomorrow. Julius Reeder of the rae nig secretatys office force is looking after them at the Pair Grounds and lie reports more nominations than ever before. He received numerous entries for the $:.0.000 added Kentueky Derby. J. Cunniffe claimed Pirate MeOee out of the seventh race for .H0O. Lorcna Moss was his representative in the race. Two of Broomsticks progeny were returned winners at the Fair Grounds today. Yashmak and Troilus. Few sons and daughters of this noted sire have raced here this winter, but those on the job arc upholding his reputation.