Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-21


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i 1 1 r 1 . 1 _ • " i I I j * | ■ , 8 FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS. LA.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1922. Pair Giuuade 1 mihi Party-third day. P.u*i nes* M ■].•- Racing AaaocfaitioB. Winter Meetiag of 10 days. Weather cloudy: temperature 65 . Stewards, K. C. Smith. M. Macfarlan. A. C. Mehle and K. M. Holmes. Jmlges. J. R. Campbell and Joseph McLennan. Starter, A. P.. Dade. Racing Secretary, Jeaepk McLenniu. lining starts at 2:1.1 p. in. Chicago tint 2:1.1 p. ml. Indicates ■ppreatice allowance. fif/i-i A FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mi.c. Jan. 19. 1922—34—2—114.1 Purse SI. 000. 2-year-olds. DviliTt Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner S700: second. S200 : third. S100. IiilX Horses AWtPPsFw _■ Str Fin JoTk.vs Owcr- O H V P S 88888 RORK w llo - i VI : .1 DutTveii .1 I. Iloihuid : .: 1 J-5* i 9-G EVERHART w ill 11 _ i: Barnea .1 M Good.- t I I 2 I «.0IX7 THE ULSTER W 11". i» :: L". :.- B Ambrose!: Williams * 10 s :; x-5 88888 BESSIE LE1GHTON w 112 7 S .• 8 C Im 1! Roseacner 2t S 21 H -"• 688S8: BILLY GIBSON w US * 5 M Buxton C Buxton " .1 .1 2 1 00037 PNi: OP UMBRIA « 111 : s 7 W HeinchH T Griffin J" 91 IS • 3 oo-.3ok i:vpii; s. m i- I 7 i.»k t: a Wttaon P J i.avin t c ij s-.". 11 00312-KIT. I. O ITN v 115 19 9 * * C DfadunonC T Worthington 9 12 12 S 84187 STYLISH MISS a 112 -11 l« ■ : Walla .1 II I narhht Im M N lo r. I OO07K i:.ciiii s v 115 12 I 11 I i: Pool c II Trotter 29 91 29 II I 88818 ATHLETE w lla S 1 9 n- I- Murphy A Auhwchon M 1". 1". . ■: 88838 ELIZABETH BRICE « 11:: II 12 12 U .1 /•• Her S Skinner 59 99 20 s 1 Tunc. 23,. 353,. Track fast. w i :■ P.. g. by Aaaagai A9Saity, hj Star si t traiaed by W shield*: bred by Mr. Nilh- siiai|ie Kilmer, W nl to |...*t at 2:12. Al peal 1 luiiiiito*. Stall g 1 and xlow. Won ca*il. : Mcoud and third driving. RitUK Itrgan well aad wa« lacky in ■■*« aping interfcreace, raced into the lead wbea •trahrhte I out iii ti." Ktretrk aad won aader restraint. EVERHART i* forred back aata after the start, but saved muck gr id on the nun* and oatatayed THE CUTTER. The latter raced foraardly from the t:iit and uiake a gaate iim*ii. KKssii: i.KiGHTON riaiahed well. BILLY GIBSON had to race vide. KEWPIE 8. was caaplll in a jam *ooii after the start and had to work through a rough race. Scratched r.: 770 D lu*ive. 11.1: 80280 Sunny Ducrow, 112: 80140 Illusioaiat, 112: 38888 Pauline M . 1_1 * *■* * flfk/i-i ft SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918 — 1:11 — 6 — 116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds OvdrJ-O and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. Tiilex Horses AWt PPSt :, t Str Fill Jockeys Owners O H C P S ] 88888 RKTSINDA W 5 112 : 4 :; 3 41 V H Jones C T Worthington 2 1 1*-16-1 :;-5 00141 SAT.WA wt: .1 111 7 9 7 P ■■ L - _ A Wilson J Broi-krr.iII.r I 6 E ! 1 1 88881 t * MiUPHY wa 9 113 I 2J V li :;1 J Oweaa R T Watts i", :. : 1 1-2 P9M988 PRETENDER W 9 111 11 . 10s V v:; t- G Walls B Howard N IS 12 I 23. 58884 VAN8YLVIA W 9 199 12 I1 I1 23 5* E Karnes I. M Renter 99 2.1 29 M ■• 89858 BACK KAY 14 112 i s- ;, ; r,- h .1 BarkeE Furman 91 99 o * t 68818 FLEER w I 991 I 7 5| 7- 71 t « King B .1 Pofferaaa 10 17 17 •". " . 11.13 SURMOUNT u 1 11" 1" 3 : 9s 91 * H Pool 1". • Troxler 9 9 8 3 7-7 .1X0.70 RHINESTONE a t KO» 2 S c 9 •"•- 9* C Paoce .1 H MaPaaaW 6 8. 7- 3 .-". MIMX HELIOCROSS i:7 114 :i I » Ii.lo- ]• - lo- w Heirich.I K Nigl.- 99 99 99 91 1" 00313 F. G. CORLEY wit 112 G 11 H 11 11 II B ArahreseJ T Jokcaon oO 5t JO 99 N Time. 24. 47. 1:1345. Track fast. Winoer B. m. by Rocktoa — Winning Witch, by Br i*ti k trained by C. T. Worthlagtaa; bred by Mr. John Saaford. Went to |.ii*.t at 2:3s. poat 2 ininiite- Start goad and alow. Won driving: ■ecoad and third the saute. BET8INDA had to rice wide on the turns, but reapoaded wefl when called on in the •Uctek and fini*iiing fast outstayed 8ATANA. The hitter chaied a z.i and. aariag auarh ground on the stretch turn. lini*l:"l l.i*t. Ml KPIIY had aa aUshapa and raced into the lead, but was tiring at the end. PRK TENDER cloaed u big gap and was going taatest at the finUh. YANSYIA IA ael 9 fast pace, but tired badly iu the last eighth. RACK BAY ran well. Scratched 00120 Anticipate. 118; 00311 Mickey Moore, 113: 88238 Bugle March. 112: 00313 Lady Mildred, 102; 58678 Bqeirc Charlie, 107. Overweight! Rhineat ■. 1% pound*: Hclio.ro*-. 2. PA Cjrj THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— 1:11.-,— 6— 116 . ,000 Added. 3-year-olds 0It:1u and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 21: third. 14. "ind. Horse* ~AWt PPSt :i _ -t Sir Fin Jockeys Owners II C s 68814* APPLE JACK II. nr 9 113 •" ! VI 2s 1 1 j V Murphy O VYeodel 888t4*A AI.KNA.NTJERw 4 11 i " 1 3J - A Wilson J Randolph 1 3J lH-.Hi-.l lr3 68314,MONASTalRl wb 1 10-1 2 3 ;" 3s 2] :. M Buxton R Firneno J I • ■ -"• I -- 00112 COLUMBIA TENN w 9 109 3 I I I- V R RanoUIJ H Baker t * s . •,-:, S8232 REDMON wa 7 113 II I I* 4 • ■ H .1 BarkeE .1 Salt 1 91 M 7 . 88889 GROUND-SWELL wa 9 993 I • • I 9 J Oweaa 1. McGarvoy 4 4 18-.iii-7 1-2 00307 MOODY w 4 101 7 7 7 7 7 7 C Lang R E Watkius 99 39 S S I Time, 22*0. 46=.,. 1:12. Track fast. Winner ch. g. by Voter Love Apple, by Chuctaaunda traiaed by G. Ethiagtoa; bred ia France b. Mr. Joha Saaford. W.iit to po*t at 8:02. At post 8 minutes. Start good and Rlow. Won e.i*il. KCfoad and third driving. APPLE JACK 11. began faal and. pa**in- KEDMON St the end of the Heat half, held the race safe to the end. ARCHIE ALEXANDER bad to rieae aa bmease gap freei * riea begiaaiag and lin ished fa*t and gam.-i.. MONASTERY raced foawardiy, but was gtrhuj waj RteadBy at the end COLUMBIA TKNN had no Mishaps. REDMON set a great par- fee the tir*t half, but i ■■ it iu the stretch. GROUND-SWELL wa* always auto* d Scratched -89816 Diana. ln7: i.littlo it ainoutlage In;,; 89813 Sagamore. Ill: itiirJM I Ti antula. 96; 903683Mavoaraeea, 168; 68166 Brhstow, 107; 80867Graysoa, 108; 80287 Baearpolette, 107: B8898 Mogeti*. ill. Overweights — Monastery. 1_- BOOads. £*g 4 - f* FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— l:444s— 3— 104. Country Club Purse. 0"t:1 4 Ptirse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner ,000: second. S300: third. S150: fourth. S50, Index Horses AWtPISt jj ■_ "i Str Kin Jockeys Owners O H C 1* j 6*288* REP i! ■ i ■■•• 3 5 .5» 4 _ V 2 l:i J /.teller Marshall Broo 1" !- 12 1 7-9 68188 PIMUCO W I M 1 li 0 I 1: "■_ - E Karnes K L I.oubat I 7 ti 2 4-1 58888 Wil.l.i v TREE wa I M I I _ 21 2 4 V II Thomas. f l: Clofaer 4 u « 2 4-1 68842 JOAQUINA wi 4 198 9 2 3 t "• I* A Wilson T H Wilson -_ 23 9-5 9-5 1*4 68989 CIMARRON er9 t lOl 1 I l" l- 1- 1| :. C Lang .1 S Hays 3 94 1*3 .7 H!Pi LAMPUS we 4 199 E :: # 6« t I C K Marphy Riverside Stable 1 1 G 2 4-5 Time. 241.,. 48-. 1:14. 1:3933. 1:45*5. Track fast. Winner p.. c. by Plctoa- Bachaatreas 11 . by Collar trained by L. F. Mar*hall: bred by Kentucky Stable. Went to peat al 9:88. Al lt"*t 1 Bliaate. Start good and slow. Won driving: Reread and third the sarae. REP, racing iu much improved form aad given an energetic ride, mule up groaad liom soon after the start and. coming fast through the Stretch, got up in time to outstay PIMI.ICO. The latter began s|,,uly and closed an iinmen*e gap in the l.i*t quarter. WILLOW TREE raced g.:meh and had no mishap*. JO.U.HTNA require* a stieaaj rider and wa* loafing ia the la*t UUaitir nnd-r a weak ride, CIMARRON eel a good pace, but tired in the la-t eight. LAM PI S wa* always outrun. Overwi iglil* .loaiuina. I pounds; l.ampiis. 4. bQJjB 416 FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916 — 1:37«3— 5 — 106. Senorita Purse. Purse ,000. Dv4lO 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. S109. "itidel Horses AWt IT" St H ■_■ " Sir Kin Jockeys Owners O H C I S 68888 YASHMAK a I N I TT 9k i::; 1»J C Lang II P Whitney 2] S S-7 7 nil-:: •8888 BLACK BETTY v ■ 99 I :: 3| 4 t1! 21 i3 H Thomas: Smith :: 4 :ti 7-17-10 00370 OMNIPOTENT m ill ! 1 1" KM- 1- :;■ H J BarkeJ I. Pontius I ti 9 2 1 00341 -BKRNICK K. w 102 :. 2 2| •ll --h 41 4* A Wilson .1 W Fleishman 4 I 7 S-1 4-0 ooihi; may BLOSSOM era M 8 I S ■ • ■ 41 ■- ". ■ G BrealagC Pelletwee 9 7 t; I i 00115 BULLBT ari M S 7 I li 9 9* i - J Owens I. Strube lo 20 JO I 4 5 888f*OtJR BETSY wf. 102 i I 71 R 7: 7:1 7* C Miller . 9 Dayton 4 9 9 3 14 88887 LOTTA ». a I . 7 9 tHV 8 8 9 M Rich-snllall Rros 99919819841 -0 Time. 2443. 4813. 1:13V3. 1:88%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. f. by Biesuaslllt Tlakshrnsh. by Hamburg trained by F. Hopkins; bred by Mr. Harry 1 . i ii" Whitney I . Went to pott at 3:14. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving VASHMAK was palled Up and taken around on the outside ju*t before reaching the stretch and. finishing with a rush, raced int.. a good lead in the la*t sereaty yard* BLACK BETTY ran a good race and had no mi*haps. bat tired near the end. OMNIPOTENT slewed the mo*t speed io the last eighth. then tired badly. RKRNKK K tired. MAY BLOSSOM tini*hed well. Scratched— 002l!t Image, loi: .10077 Miriam Cooper. 107: S8898 Grace Footer, 189 J 00370 Our Dear. 102. l.rweights — Rerniee K.. 1 | nd: Our Betsy, 1. I ■ 99 £+£ | -g O SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— l:44«j— 3— 104. ,000 Added. 4-year-0"~a:A«-J olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 21: third. 14. Index IliTrscs AWtllSt t iz 7-4 ftfrFin JTn-keys Owners 0 H C P . H MSSdTRlBUNE ara 4 99 1 2 :i= V 31 2" 1" H ThomasN B Mayfield S 15 10 4 8-5 00144 "*i|,A Y.MORE WB 5 98 2 4 2- 2* 2i 1- 9* J Owens Q M Hendrle «-5 7-5 1 1-2 1-4 88888*ATT08tNMY v. 4 991 1 1 9| B» t| 9* :: C Lang VYinfrey Bros « 8 7 2-1 1 t,0843-*LADY LILLIAN w 4 10- I 7 7 Si 6" o3 4i A Wilson E Hankins S 7 7 2.3 1 8818S**MURRAY wa 9 199 G i; 4h 4- 41 4l 512 G BreBingCoppage and Pishfi 7 8 "2 4-r B8S89J KP1BOP98 vn 4 107 4 I fi1 7 7 C- 9» K Pool A S Woodcliffe 20 20 20 8 4 .03 12 COlRTSHIP wit S 106 7 3 1= Is 1* 7 7 J Zoeller Marshall Bros 2i 3 4 8-5 7-10 Time. 24, 47%. 1:13*6. 1:39*3. lMVt. Traok fast. Winner— R. c. by Jim Oaffney— Ameeras, by Florist trained by J. U. Tevis; bred by Mr, George J. Long. Went .« posl ;it I: f. Al p. • I .". jniinil "-. Start good ;!i!il slow. Vi»i driving: second and tliiril tli" sum". TRIBUNE was ■;..-.. rp t";-«j;h the start ami, Euihing steadily through tin- last eighth, got up to win in the Baal stride. CLAYMORE disposed of COURTBHlP In the tit-t three -quart era and appeared a eertaia winner in tli.- stretch, bat tired near tin- end. ATTORNEY came fast in tin- laal eighth after I. bag :.li over the track in in early running. LADY LILLIAN closed a cap from a stow beginning. OOl RT8HIP i«i after settles a rood pare to the Laitt eighth. s. . :.t- ! .-.! 83343 Dark Rill, nn: 88289*Bomeo, 9S: 89342 Gala de Cause, 33; 80144 Balance Wheel, Hi:,: .",iisj4 Rlkhim. 108. Overweight* -Tribanc. 3 pound-: Lad; Lillian. 1: Conrtsbip, 3. Aafl -AA s:vENTH EACE— 1 1-16 Miles. ,Feb. 13. 1915—1:44—3—104. Pui»e ,000. 4-year-UlTlV oldn ami upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. lades Mlil-il!: AWi PPS1 4 _■ ::+ Str Fin Jockey; Owners Q h 0 P S HK1 TROILLS w 3 11 -J 2 1 I1 I 1 1- P-t F. Pooi Florisan: Stable 7-6*3 12-51 Tj" 60236-" PIRATE MeGEE w 5 MB 4 I 7; 7" I" 4* I* C Ponce .1 Stockier I i l I 1-: MISS l.A KRQ8S w | lit; , i ;, i . | . .i Butwell ;: J Crawford 81 -i IS «; :; SSrBaM MARK WEST wa 5 IM M I S* I i 3* I* H J Itarke8anaylaad Stb " •• 4j - :. -t." 86303 QUITO n M " I I ■ •. - SJ .".■ a Wilson .1 Carney s io M i _ »;o:? o LORRXA MOSS wa C ill i; :. 3| 2 M ! i." C Lang .1 Cuualffa s M m 4 i ."wu7.» HWARD BOUND w 7 Ml I 7 M* i" * M» IT- E Anthonyl . Doawlnas IS 91 I! I :: 83333 uaizi: « r, m no si. v 71- - s- h Thomas Paranaa . • Fixer l-0 M M I 4 Mil 72 SAMMY JAT wii 4 ii* :nii ii 11 11 » F WdatckL Sperling 24 B -"• M ■ BB4K3 CSON RMBLER wa 4 Ml 1 2 4i 4" ;■ 140.16* B Barnes* : Dm la] M M S3 1" ."■ 84313 COCKROACH w 8 ii; 11 4 V ■■ J* 7 11 ; Walls B Howard M lfi IS I :: Time. 34%, 48?i. 1:14%, 1:40. 1:47. Track fast. Winner- eh. j, l.y Broomstick Belie of Trey, la poaso trained by . if. Trattet; bred i Hr. Barry J., i,.- Wliln. ] 1. Went lo bohI at i:i:!. At post 1 atiaate. Btarl aaod aad rIsw. Won dririas; aecoad and iliinl tlio ■.Hi:.-. Tiinii.i s rushed into the lead ::i arte* .ml. mttini; a ;."•! pare and Karina much graani on the taras, ruii-in-.l enmel nndr ;i ;- 1 rjdc and in -t lasted to win, PIRATE .M. ;i:i: closed a hz cap and rame with :i rn-li la the Klretcn when ridden lianl. l.A KROSS raced promuMatly all the waj under a raad .i-l-. MARK WEST ran well aad had io race wide inosl of tli • way. IA1RKXA Moss tired in the l.t eighth. 01 KROAl 11 dosed a big z. ] . s. r:.t: o- .- i.iHTl ilreat Gull, IM; t.»:7L PauU V.. Iu7: f,ol7_ faptala Tarn, lwS; M872 Xoaaat, 1MJ; M3C3jLink Bto ltd. iiv.-i w.-i-hi-- Pirate Jfcfiee, l poaad: Mark West, 2; crimson Bambier, i.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922022101/drf1922022101_2_10
Local Identifier: drf1922022101_2_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800