Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-21


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. KT.X.. SUNDAY. FEUKUARY IS. 1S22. One Mile, s.y.-m Dftb day. Tijaaaa Jockey 1lnb. Winter M-!;.iv ■•! -"• or wore days. Weather clear: temperature 85 . |*residint! Steward, Francis Selson. Associate Stewards, J. W. toftiotli aad Lena Wias. Starter, Harry Morriasey. EUciat Secretary, Lena Wtaaj. K:i ins starts :it 1 :.v p. m. Chicaajn tbne S:95 p. at;. Indicates apprentice aHowaare. f*d 4 £f* FIRM RACF— 5 Z-2 Fin Ions . Jnae 28. 191G— 1:05..— 3—118. Pur ;e 00. 3-year- I Ox/dlAyO ol..- i.iid upward. Claiming. Met mine to winner S35C ; second. 00; third. 0. ladei Ifmata AWtPPSt % Vz % Str Fin Jockeys Ownorii Kquiv. Odds Strt fafSM TILIjOTSON wa K» Ml S 1 1.- 1 1 l» J Hunmer Z iTTict J rector s5m*8 n;u::-.l8 j.iri.v FLY » I IM 7 S 7- %x* 4i 2 T Ra .! .1 Sharkey saa-lM M#?iCOVER l*P w S M3 :• 7 :." 2- 2 * C stu.l-r Nevada Stock Farm MO-MI »:!.".» X 1 WONDER v. 7 IIS 5 I a* VI 3 4- P Martinet C B Irwin ETtl Ml MSS3: RINGLEADER w * IM 2 S s, •"■. •"• »4 1 WUams K Rlnefaart 7«0-1«0 «»•:;.".» AMERN MAiD wsn 4 101 4 3 I* :. • I - T Wilson I! T Palmer SM-10G KtlSSD EARLYMORN a 11 115 S 9 I 7 7 7 n IIi;r:i II Walterd «;ti .4 Jl ni:iA KAY v. 5M9 1 i 2* Fell. I Hard R Parton fMM-MI CwSdtYERA KiiA a I Ml 3 E 4n Pell. 11 R r.v.nr W I. Staafield IMatuel Beld 1 oapled la hettiaa aa c. B. Irwin aad H. Walters eatry. Time. £4, 495. 1:02 = 3. l:08-»3. Track fast sj niutii.l- paid. TBI n, sll.r,i itraarbt, su.-M place, s::..mi koow; Jaly Ply, I7.M place, St. 20 shew: tov.-r Ip, .v; : . m » sbow. Kqulraleal bookiag add TiUotsaa, i::o to liio straUMit, 380 10 106 place, N to 100 show; Jaly Fly, n i« 100 jii... .-. 110 10 urn show: 1. .Mi- rp. .".n t« Kid shew. Tinner— Rr. k, bj Ma it a Ranta- Buck Banner, by Mfiaetto trained by :.. E. McGresor; bred by Mr, s.. iiio i.i r. i.vii.p. Wi-nt i . p-.-i .it l.r.i. i post 4 aiiaates. Btarl laod aad rK»w. Won dririnx; seeaad aad third the une. TILLOTSOX «.- rushed lata the ie:id after roaadiac the far t.i" aad, keepias It, won ajaasely under bard ridias. J17LT I i.V chased a tap in a fast aadah aad ajoold have won in another stride. COYER IP mi away slowly and. :i!t i racinf np lo the leader, tired la lb* tin::! drive AMERICAN MAIB set the pace brSrly aad quit early. EARLYMORN was interfered with when VI". ItA RITA fell. The latter area! down when passing the half-mile i ns; aad M Fi.V KAY f.!. while roaadiag the far turn. Scratched 00223 »L -v. iffa, 113; awSM Ni. k Kleia, 107: Mf53 McMarphy. if-. f*i~ /j f SECOND F.ACF— 5 1-2 Furlongs. .June £8. 19ie— 1 :05; ,—C— 118.1 Pane l 500. 3-year-Ov-!!:" • old:; and apward. Claiming:. Net value to winner S36C : seeaad, 00: third. 0. "imlex "Horses .VwTpPSt U ]/. "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners EqnivrOdds Strt B MP* KINGLIKE w 5 107 B 3 1*1 1 1 I »l Slaaghr II Caldwell f3M-100 M354DUC DE GCI8E wa 6 IM I 7 :; -; 2s 2*1 J Hunmer II :■■ Hollenbeck 280-100 |Mt! 3*GOLDIE ROSE a 5 W8 ". .". 4 :• 1 15 C Studer II James 1540-MO io:t.»«l ORLEANS GIRL wa S MX 1 4 ::■ 4_ S P C Italia Thompson t Berry 1440-140 M1M! •MANNCHEM wa S IM 5 1 2* 2*3* ■ ; Wliams .1 A Parson 230-MO Swttand MISTAKb wa I 1H» 3 •; 7 7 :r B*J P Caron w .1 OBrien 1340-140 .%!!»!■? LOBELIA a-8 IM ,; - •■. ,; •* «*! B drier II D iates 2M3-MI id33t*tJRANIUM w a 7 MS 2 1 8 8 0 3 W Organ .1 G Arvin f t Matael liel.l. Time. 23«3. 49. 1:01--,. 1:C8. Track fabt. m sjptaels paid, KiatfUke, ii !.. .00 straijebt, 34.00 place, .00 show; Bat de Caise, .40 place, S:i.ill show: toihlie Rose, M.M4 show. EQuivalenl 1 kins odds Kinrlike, field. 200 to nut straixbt. in» to loo place, 641 to 100 -how: Doc lc ;uiv. 7» to 100 place. SO to 100 show; Uoldle liov... 110 t . 100 -how. Winner- B. -a. by Hippodrome SearchUght, by Kingston trained by K. Level; bred by Wteklife Sl11.il. Went to post at "-VlL. At post 1 niinuK. St.; vt end and -low. ..:i drtTing: serond and third the taaar KINOLIKE began la-t aad, Hhowutg the most speed, held sway throughout, hut had to be hard ridden through the Baal eighth to withstand the rhallenge of l" Di: GUISE. The Utter was away slowly, bat .-.on rushed np to T.. iw.nl eintentiin and Baisbed Wearing ti;.- winner down. OOLDIE POSE rlewed ■ gap and ran weB. MANNCHRX was badly ridden. Scratched— wi-i Rafferty, 110; 00270 Caadorosa, ! o: agg7| Meatgomery Jr., 103; 00328 Col Balder, 110. tlA/lAQ THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. .June 17. 1916—1:38—3—95. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and OvHM "O 1 pwaxd. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. "luder Horses AWtPPSt "i S ai StrFiii Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 64MM WIS 3 JUDGE w 4-M5 8 S fi ; : l ::"* :: I, C Stud-r T-tn Slmnt. r Staid.- 44o~l"i C4I334I PETIAR a*s S US 12 1 I -_ IJ -: l. Hall II Raamnsaea 2120-MO M3«9TAMRIAN W«14i " 3* 1" I 2» 31 C Rnl!= .1 Wilson 7 M-M0 ga33l*clGALE w 4 in:: :• 7 71 7; 1;. 4 4*1 T Wilson Shafer .*:- Conway 191 MO ««330 FLASH OP STEEL w 8 IM 7 •; I I 7! ". 5s ; Wliams .1 P Uackey MM-MO i»t»:tr ; DAL WOOD wa 7 IM S I sJ .s, Il 4*1 4* 11 Molten .1 Kern S744-M0 BJB353 PIERROT w M IM ! 1 31 !:. 51 7- 7 .1 Hunmer P 1. Short I1O-W0 10330 I : : 1 .1. V STUART uraa 11 115 S 8 E | ., i 1 8 R T Ra H T Palaaer 124 IM «,0 1 0:; m. TILGIIMAN a 13 11" 4 4 4 fi !• :i !• P Martin. ■■/. M Morrison SSM-PM lime, rA",. 50. FIG1.,. 1A2*.,. Trac* raat. aratnels paid. Wise Jadge, 10 HO straight, 34.80 place, 3.80 show; Petlar, 31B.80 place, 10.40 I, on : Tamilian, si M how. !.-.|iii.il.i.t hookiar, odds— Wit* Jadge, 440 to MM straight, llo to 10B place, M la 100 show: Petlar. ".in i- Iimi place, lioto 100 show: Tamhian, 14n to 100 sdiow. V. -.mi. 1 B. .. by Judge Wright- Mrs. Wright, bj Masetto trained by II. Toilet t; bred by Mr. Tyree J. .it. 1. v. ni tin post at S;44. At post 1 aUante. Start t,o...i ami slaw. Won handily: second aad third driving. WISE .liI» ;j: moved np gradnall] and. Snishing with a ureal rash, took the lead midway of n, .• stretch and won under a gentle hand ride. PETLAB forced TAMBIAN along :it top speed aad took tin- ! •;..;. I. ui readily sn -umi. d to the winners rash. TAMBlAN Khow -d much speed in paeemakiag, l, ni lired hedly la the last quarter. CIOALE made aome groaad. BILLY STUART, away slowly. w.i- rustled Oiio iorward contention and tired Dually. if A i 111 FOURTH EACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24. 191C—1 :45— 3—110.1 Pnr.e 00. 3-year-olds Ol/lUJ/ ~rid upward. Claimint;. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt PPSt % . .- %, Str Pin Jockeys Owners ICiuiv. n Ids Strt Kiii.iito 1 Ml. s KRUTER a 11 IM v I I! 1! 1*11* 1* C Studer H T Palmer 278-100 1,0:;. , ; MADRONO w 5 112 2 . ."! 1 2* T Wilson /. Barnett 3M-MI iii:i:,h ciiox R BERTS wa 9 112 : i 7 ■• ■! 2* :.:i :;■ «; Wliams P I. Short 150-100 . ;n:;::»i 1 in: SAMUEL all 114 .". 7 8 fi, .",. 4!. 4* C dross B Lewia IXM-MI ,i::.-»." jiii 11 K BKLEY waa 7 117 : 1 31 S* S* 6=16* E Taylor s .1 Kelley ISM-MI uutir.r, DORA a I i!". I 1 1 ; :: 3* ■■- V .1 Hunmer T .1 BlwarU 2M0-1M «;«»•.•!»! I.* »NE PINT. w S lit :; 2* 7 j . ; 7; 7 i Slaaghr S Higuera 34f*-Mfl 60271 CLERK W 12 IM 2 ■• SI 8 8 R 8 D Hum C !• Irwin 7250-MI Time. 25. 50. 1:10%. IS%, |:Cd%. Track fast. IS mataels paht. Miss Krater, 7.40 Btraigbt, .s:;.su place, 2.00 show: Madrono. ."0 place, 2.40 show: Bordoa P. .hen-. 2.40 show. Equivalent bookiag odds -Mis Krater, LTo to too straight, 90 |o 100 place, M !-• 100 show: Madroao, IM to 100 place, 30 to lull show; Rordoa Boberts, "-o to 100 show. Winner -B m, by Transvaal — l.iilie Krater, hp Orhaar traiaed by . Maaley; bred hv Mr. Martia Iloyi. |, Went to M -t at 3:0*.. At post 1! minutes. Start pood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. Miss KRUTEp was waited with until iia--iiiK the half, where Bhe rushed into the lead and. In-rreaaiag it. won eartag np. MADRONO made .1 game Balsa and easily oatstayed GORDON ROBERTS, The latter began -lowly, then worked hi- way ui into a forward posit iea, but tfared in the last qnarter. CHICK BARKLEY went well for :i half, liien qalt. DORA qui badlj after netting the early pace. Bcratched 00384 Plaata genet, 111. £*£ A % £ FIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191G— 1:05;— 3— 118. Purse ,000. 3-year-OvF_.f:A" olds and apwirand Earidieap, Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third, 00. "iuTfex Horses AWtPPSt U 2 "i Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 641333 SAM Kill! wn 4 St 1 1 -1 41 : 1" C studer Shafer .* Conway 320-160 «01" ". t HURON II. wsn ii 111 5 1 1 V; F l" ; Wliams ,i A Parson tl50-MO »ii:P!!» MULC1BER wa IIP •: I I I 4* C Dnggan ; R Allen 230-MJ 63339 SEDAN wa 8 MS 1 ". •"• -1 "- :" 4a J Hunmer c B Irwin 1440-MI 64333 SISTER SUSIE wa I M7 2 - 4* S«* ".: 51 M Slaughr . A Parson ,"»!»KKt HERDER wan 7 IS :. 1 I* P • • D Hurn C B Irwin I ,o:i|ih-.i in bettiag aa -1. A. Parson entry; .1 B. Irwin entry. Time, 23. 48. 1:01, 1:070. Track fast. uiutU-i- paid, Sam Reb.. B.fl Rtralgyit, ::."0 id. i.e. 2.39 -how: J. A. Parson entry. 2.43 l l;10P. 2 Jii shov ; Unlciber. 2.29 show. Eoiiivah-nt i«...kin ...Ids Sam Ueii. 339 n. 100 straight, 80 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; J. A. Parson entry, irn to 1 i place, in to 100 show: MnhHber, lo to loo show. Winner P.. b, by Peep aDay Coy Maid, by Khtgstoa trained by L. F.;li; bred by Mr. H. 11. Hewitt. Weni to peat at :.:.*!.".. At past J minutes. Start Rood and slow for all bat MUL01BER. Won drlv-inc: seeaad and third the -ame. SAM ECU wa- a forward eontender from the start and. although sharply Interfered with aa The far turn, eame fast through the Baal eighth next to the inner rail and ju-i r«l up to win in the last stride. HURON II. set a great pace and hung on with rare game at SI When eh.-illeng.-d. MUfjCIBBB dwelt at the stall and was away poorly, hut made up Brack ground and. hni-li ing with a great hurst of speed, was going fast.-; of all at I he end. SUDAN fatted the pace and lin-i-he.i gamely. Si-rat-lK-ii — HOXH-Moti.r Cop. 117. £*fk 4 -t SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Milos. June 24, 1910—1:45—3—110. Fourth Running SAN OUill DIEGO BUSINESS MEN S HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winr.«r ,000: : cr-ond, 00; third. 00: fourth. 00. "judex Horses A Wt PPSt ■ 4 L- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners B |iitv. Odds Strt gM5 7 OMOND wsi: E K 1 .", 4- 5 :. 1! V T wTlsin M QiiiiMi 1300-100 60226 KVRBEl.ow w .". li« I 1 8* 8* 2» 2*12* .! Haniner Shafer .- Conway MJ0-l«o 6U226 BREEZE wn I 10:1 :: 7 V :. :•■ 4 -; :;-: Dtfggan ; H Abbott 760-100 60251I VKTKRAN wkltM 8 R I ■ lo1 8 7- 4;. M slauRhr II D Cat.es 7 m-ifHi 6«2Hi SIXNVI.AXn WB 7 112 12 3 1" " 41 .". ", R Carter priri : Salile i -.on i -«i «0226iMAST INDIAN *• "• 118 J I 7 v, •; P ; r Thoson ; .1 Miller ;.• !««• 6032! -MOTOR COl WBB 7 120 V 1 1 i- 1 o 7- P Marliuez C H lrw iu SandK-100 I 03333 REGAL LODGR wu T 111 :» 11 P tf 1«- v si C Cross H w Hoag OtZ-lOD 84333 SLAU REALM wa fi Ml •"• 2 8* 7:. SP •- :• C Wliins W Walker 800-100 1 04333 VERDI UXN wS « 16 » Hi 11» 11* M* W* c stud r .1 1. Brannon I2S60-106 33373 BE PRANK w C 133 13 13 13 1.- 12" 11" 11* E Taylor Bronx Stable t 6*343*INPIAN PRINCE waa 3 NU fi ■ ■. : 12 u-" c Ralla L o SawveV Uric, »REGRESO wsi! S lhO 6 1312 1, 13 13 13 D Hum c F. Irwin v.Muiuel Beld. ■=: Coupled iii betting as P.ni:. Staid, entry; ?. B. Irwin eatry Time. 23. 473i. 1:14. 1:40". 1:47"-.. Track fast. 2 mutaels paid, Omond, 132.00 straight. 12.29 place, 6.20 show: Furbelow. .20 place 40 show Breexe. si.oo show. Equivalent ....king odd— Mmend. |S30 to 109 -M-aigh:. Bid tfl ion place, Llo to 100 show: FnraeldW, 110 to 100 place, 70 lo Hill show; Breeze. 100 lo 100 show. Winner ci:. h. by Lomoad— -Gateshead, by Walm-gato train"-! by I. Reed: lired in England hy Sir n. GreenOBI I , Weal to post at 4:07. At iio.t 1 minute. Btarl good and slow. Won driving: second and third the mase. OMOND, after racing forwarder, a mh? hi- move while rohnding the lasi turn and. forging to the front after entering the stretch, -hmd a bard driv.- well and Just la-ted to win in .1 close fini-h. FUR-BRLOW ran a good race and wa- ■ elaae-ap ronteader all the Stay. BBEEW ran wall and made u game finish. VETERAN closed :i lug gap. SI.WVUMi tired. Mniui: COP raced into ■ ig lenil early, hut wa- done after rneing three-4|imrters. EAST IMUAN was always outpaced. BEOAL I.DDQK. raa poorly and nulled up lame. i;i. FPAXK began slowly and. racing extremely wide on the Brat turn. was neve* a ... ntendor. Pvyrweights -Omogd. 1 pound: Yeadl Laon, 2: Indian Prbate, 4. dJcOk " i -% * SEVENTH EACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1, 1920— l:4SVi— 6— 138. Purfe 00. v* "TSt J, Jii 3-yuai-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 20: second. : third. 0. ladex Horses AWtPPgl % V2 "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eipiiv. OddsStrt 63337 *GATH wn 3 IM 2 : l 1- 1- 1J vl Th*pBon C Ynll F0~lo6 4M3334** FRANKLIN wa I M7 3 3 31 3 -_ ." . 2 T Wibrhn s Polk :.:,0-lHfl 64337*IiOUrs t.MUND ws S M7 C 4 : ;., 1 jii j Runmer I. Calhrnith mhi-100 Bdtftj-j CAVALDOUR It. wa 6 MS S I 4, 4*3 I - 3* 4*1 M •laughr C Irhv 00 -li0 64338 *BOONEVILLE waa S MS -,7 7 SI 6*171 :. O Wtlams j a Parson 7oo-!U0 ».o:»." ORCHID KING watt 7 IM 1 1 11 :•.::■ o t" C Stuch-r c B Irwin Hm iuo 64343 SWB7BT APPLE w 3 M9 7 .". : . 7 7 7 7 C Gross J Eckert 1F2B-SM Time. 24. 49. 1:15.. 1:43. l:47-. Track ta.u. 2 mataels paid, c.-itli. .."..1x1 straight. s::.Lu place, 2.09 shew; Franklia, 4.33 place, 13723 show: I.oiii- Eailimund. 3.40 -how. i:.piivaleni 1 king odd*— Gath, ISt to lis! -traight. 99 t.. 139 plaee, 30 to ]iM show; Franklin. 130 to 100 nl. i.e. on to 199 -how: Funis Lachmand. 70 ;•• 1 imi show. Winner B. g. by Tracery— PhiUstia, by St. Blaise traiaed by x. S, VaM; brad in England ha Mr. John S.inford. Went ti post Bl 4:?1. At post 1 minnte. start good and slow. Wen easily, second and third driving. GATH raced ORCHID KING into defeat early and. taking a long ! ad, kept it with ease. FRANKLIN was hard ridden and did his best. LOUIS i.AI IIMIMi made np ground in a Tast finish. » avaF-i AlMiiB 11. loomed np menacingly after entering the stretch, bat tired in the final drive. ORCttlil KI.m; ipiit after Retting a fast early pace. Od-Jj-j O EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Do. CO. 1313—1:11—3—113. Ran SdaX 3-year aMl vj xj ~dt -3. 0 and Upward. Claiming, Net v?.lue to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index H u-..fes AWtPPSt -4 ._• -4 Str Fin Joek. ys Owners Bqulv. Odda SlVl §4lfttJOHN JR. wa 9 111 i *• E :. ■. |*G WlUms ~ .MnrTnrile SSS-lOO itiir.7 c. A. COMISKEY waa 7 118 . 1 r, I] 1 .. p Martina c 1: [rwin Hiio-PHi 00229 GEN. AGMONTE v.r. Ilia a : 717; 7= 3.J .1 lluni.vr C Irhy :.a-liVi 64376 REVIEW ws .". 84 4 : 1; 6* 4* 4 T Wilson strite- 3j ValenUne |4a39 |8l G3395-MESS MANAGE w 4 IM 9 I 3* : .-,. ,• ,;,.,,, ; BaBinger b Caffman 899-443 #4373 TOM CRAVEN w 3 MB M v 4" I] 3* S c Studer T C Morris 404-110 ••239 SIR JOHN VGNE a 4 115 S 16 ! 9* B» 7* P Caron W st Vincent ::M-ino 64275 TRUSTY wb 8 117 ! 5 j : 4 8* C Thpson A D Harrison 896-831 63332 FULL MOON" v. 4 S3 - 7 8* 8* » »i C Ralla R s Townaend t 60305* SOCIAL STAR waa 4 117 I I 1" • M K E Taylor G Alexandra U3B-MS tMntael Held. Tiraa, 2SS. 49. 1:15. Track last. 2 mum.; paid, John Jr., 13.40 sfraight, 8.20 place, 3.39 show; c. A. Comi-key. .u0 plaee, S11.00 shew; General Agraraonte. .vi.f.u -how. Eqqivalenl hooking odd- John Jr. .".70 to 100 straight, 310 to llio place, ISO to 100 show: C. A. Comiskey, son to MM place. 150 10 100 shew; Reaeral Agraasoate, 130 to 100 -how. Winner B. g. by .Maria s.inta Hand 1 aly, by p.. n str.. in.- trained by .1. Maaaple; hied hat Mr. Walter S. Payne I. Weat to po-t at 5:00. Al po-t 1 miante. start good and »!«w. Won driving: second and third the same. JOHN JR. raced within striking distance «d the leaders and. chailengint C, A. COMISKEY midway of ih. itretch, wore him down in the last titty yards t-. m.i narrowly in a game tini-h. c. A. COMISKEY sel a good pace and hung on gsatel] when chalieaged. GENERAL AOUAMOXTE last mm li groaad by romlag wide Wliea entering the stretch and closed a gap with a rush through the stretch. REVIEW raced surprisingly weB. Miss MANAGE and Iprsiv tired. TOM CRAVEN was away slowly Bcratched — oinv.i-i.itti.- Florence, nil.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922022101/drf1922022101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1922022101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800