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MARYLAND BILL IS DELAYED No Action Expected on Anti-Racing Measure Until Next Week. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Eebruary :. .— The Hall anti-racing bill remain- in the hands of the house, judiii-ary committee. In spite of repeated threats of its aether, delegate W. P. Hall, that he would force the bill be-fore the house, he has not as yet done so and now it appears that other legislation will oecupy the attention of the house at least for ten clays. Halls attempt to force his committee to report the bill out Thursday was elefeated by a vote of 9 to 3. He then deelared his intention of forcing the bill before the house by means of a petition to be signed by fifteen members. This he failed to do, and as a result the advancement of the bill to see olid reading is still some time ahead. Tuesdays se-ssion, it appears, will be occupied by bills which have been made a special order and the remaining days of this week are also filled with otlie-r business, according to those in clo-e touch with legislative activities. «