Summary of Tijuana Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-23


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SUMMARY OF TIJUANA RACING TIJUANA. Ileslea, fehrsary 22 The fsatswiag Is an offi ial sit uiiim ry of tods] raefcng;: IlUST KAtK 5 1-2 Km lot 1 -s. ;:-i ir old- ami upward. Claiming;. Horses, Wt.. leefcey. St. PI Sh. Fin. .1. ioriiiaii 10! 1 I Htamei i:m.*0 % 7.IO | 9.39 Won Black Top 111 C.Thpsaa 3.99 4 in 2nd Teen Cars 113 T. Rae . . . 7 2i 3rd tooiiib--. Infield, tliina .lane Little PriSKeee, Mont-goatery -It and llewtie Ma. k II also ran. Ti:i:e. 1:10,. Bcratched Apple Jack, Baisy, Msrshal Tilchaaaa. RKCOND RACE :; 1 Mile. 3-ycar-oWs and up ward, tl.iiuiitur Harass. Wt.. Jockey. Rt. PI Sh. Kin. Ilpy Valley 113 t . HVr | 7 so . i o * :: mi Won Lavage 11" T WiK.nii. I4.8W H9 2ad Bed Mm 111 11. i.p.-s. 6 29 I I Ineido. American Ueidt Orleaawt Rlrl. Dora, Merry I»a-s. Lshelis and Res Reach slss ra». Time. 1:18. No scratches. THIRD RACE ■. I Mile. 3-year-oMs and npward. Claim lag. Harass, Wt.. Jockey. Rt. PI. Sh. Kin. M mnchen 112 IC. Hiaderl I I. Hi I 1 20 % :. 20 ..n Plantauenet OKI I I Tliomast 1 I sl 7 .0 2i..i RisKlesder 112 i. II •men I 2 I 3rd Clii i;- luster, Mistake. I..I.1 and Vi.ia-ka also ran. Time. 1:17". B rat. hi d rianiiiin. Piern t l-OI Kill RACE I 1-8 Mile. :; year ..ids and upward Ilalmias;. Horses. Wt,, Jockey. Rt PI. Sh Fin. Halxeorge 107 »•. Btaderll 1.99 3 3.29 $ 2.99 Woa Audrey K. IM P Ilnrnl .7 no 8.90 2nd Babj Bister 190 Orgaa.. 8.20 3rd Mistress lnlly, Canute and Alma B. also rati. Time. 2:0115. Scratched —Bat vilie. PIPTH RACK -1 3 Mile. Se. ond Bsaaing Juvenile Stakes. Value 81,399. 2 ear-olds. Horses. Wt.. JiKkey. St Pi Sh. Fin. Krase 1l" tl. Metcalf . .4.09 1 1.49 $ 3.99 Wea Mel -lehrtuo 11 R. I tert B.98 2 1" 2nd tFaber 112 P Martinez 2.99 3rd UsNlge Haaecy, tDas Hssaa, Ueella J.. Pal llampsea, Bssillas Voter. Lady Myia and Norfield also ran vfonpled in betting as A. Bareal and Btofcea S. Muir entry. :Tatn » Bhaater stable entry. Time. 50.. Bcratched Nancy Wlaet, Mt. Rasa, Tulc. SIXTH RAI I •" 1-2 KurloiiKs. 3-year elds and upward Handicap nsrees. Wt.. Jockey. Rt PI. Sh. Fin. Rap. stride 101 H.B.B*wer 311.49 * 1.98 out Wsa Huron II. Ill t.l.Ilntaniei 1 8.98 out 2nd Planet fM". C. Stndeil "Jt old No show miituels sold. v.Motor "op. Sedan and Pim laniation slss tan. iloiipled in hsttisja as . It Irwin -iitry. Time. Iasw%. Scratched Sister Susie. SKVF.NTII PACK -1 1-M Miles. 3 year olds and upward, t laimiiitf. Horses. Wt.. Jockey. St PI Sh. Fin. DIM Well 10K T. Wilsoni1.00 | r,. to | 1.99 Won tavaliMir II. Ill tM Slterl 10.10 9.29 Sad W. H. Pearc- 111 LHnll 9.93 3rd BiiLkhorn II.. Bob Baker. Commander and Deckhand also ran. Time. 1:09«5. Bjeratckad — ixiuis Laehasaad. Klt.HTH PACK— 3-4 Mile. 3 year-olds anil upward. Claiming. Horses, Wt.. Jockey. 8t. PI. 8h. Fin. Lit. Romper llti iT.WilsotilS 5.20 $ B.89 $ 3.20 Won Daintylidy 103 C. Studer H.40 3.S0 2nd McLane 109 J.Huntamerl 4.40 3rd Orchid KliiR. Harry HufKoyne. Tic. Don Jose and Doctor Tubbs also ran. Time, 1:17%. J o btiaKbes.

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Local Identifier: drf1922022301_10_4
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