Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-23


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. 1 " | , , , , , , i I 1 , I I I , I i I I ! I 1 i | | S TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, HEX.. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1922. Oae mil.-i. s.v. nty sixth day. Tijuana Jo.-key lull. Wiater Meeting of 123 or sac days. We?.ther cloudy; temperature 85 . Pt* aiding Steward. Frani is Nelsoa. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and I. Wing. Starter, Han.v Merrissey. Baring Beeretary, Leon Wing. Baciag starts at 1:58 p. m. Cbirage time t:5S p. in.. ladle a If i aaaareatiee allowance. £lfk/i/i rlr-T KACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 23. 1916— 1 :05 5— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year-VPvFjivr olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPF St a % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K iulv. Odds Strt 6*328 *VELVRT w I rM 8 1 ll 1 1- 1*1 B Long Maimer A Caaalty 2M-IM **38*ZAPPLE JACK w Ma 1 G 4- ms2*2a i; Wltaaaa W F Cunningham !v loo 5*772 *GRACE TRMBLE w I Ml 7 2 21 V ■■ V T Wilson E H Aajdrasa 15M-M1 6*272 CRISPIE v. ! bM 2 I :; I] -T :• li lltun K R Irwin |H 66325 VKRA WOOD vs IBM -l .", " ". .V E Donahue A Mulcahy t*M-M* 60225*MTER PRKMN w M M9 :: I T - 7- I - *• P Caron W H Moore 6224* INDIA N BRIGADE W 9 MB ■ ! • «"*• 71 .■ II i: Cw.r A Wright t G*37**DAISY N. w 5 Mt S 7 13 8 1 W D Miller : McCa !in MM-Ml iMHtael li.l.l. Time, 25. 514,,. 1:05.. 1:12,. Track slopny. mataeaj paid, Velvet, !0 straight, .*9 pi.,..-, $::.o show; Apple Jack, »t.4 » place. .4* shaw; Oraee I rlmble, 86.40 ahoa . BuniraleBl booking odda V. hit. Iln to KiO straight, Umi to lno pi. i.e. hii Is 1*8 -how: Apple Jack, 7» to 106 plae... 7u to Iiki -how: Oraee Trimble, 22* la I** bow. Winner h. m, by Tran raa] Pair Aliea, by Daadie Dinmonl trained by B. K. Caaalty; hre.l hv Blade .V Bak r. Weal to post at 1 : .Vi. At post 1 minute. Start good and WW ..n FKsBy; ...aid and third driving. VELVET began fas! aad, showing high spaed in I he going, eahdy woa ill the way. APPLE JACK. away slowly, rashed up la forward contention at -. bal was tiring in the last eighth and had t.» ha h.,i.l ridden to save second place. GBACE TRIMBLE was prominent from tbe start and falshed gamely CRISPIE did her In t. Scratch, d 60100 I-otta Speed. !»!•: CIU71 Capon. 1*1; B9071 .Hiinan. MS; 8*8*1 IJoliert Ie. MB. Overweights V.ii Wosd, 1 pound; Master Franklin, 1. tift/t/i ~t SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs June 23. 191C— 1 :05 ,,— 3—118. Purse 00. 3-year- 9 f ~a:-dt JL olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. I0«!ek Horses AWtPPBt % % % 8tr Pin Jockeys Owners Bqaiv. Odda Strt K*270*CZARDOM w 6 1M it * ■ ! I II Molten Neal A BartBoloaaoo *ia-lot 6*379 M.AIliA "IIRAX v. 1 lor. 1 1 ... I ; l1 : i; WlUma W L Stanti. I.I ITO-IW 6*881 I MV BOURBON w ". Ml 4 .. V 2J l1 :: W I Miller 1 livens |aj 6*378OLA LEE t ia 5 ill l 1* 1" :: i* C doss J .1 Qutnlaa BM-MI ;t;-:77 HON ST GEORGE a 6 1 1 : i; :: Ill ■• R Carter W Sims 170-14*0 6*379*DIENERO WS t 111 J 7 I . T Joll T White ISM-MI 6*3*1 ALA J All v, i: 1 lui :, s : .: r, • 7 C Studer V Harper M8-M8 00203* DROWN BEE v. S MM 7 4 7J T s s T Wilson C L .Smith BM-M6 Time. 24!-J. 511,. 1:044,. 1.T11... Track sloppy. Si! mataela paid, Caardom, 821.06 straight, |S.80 place, .s:,.su -i,.,w : Laara Ce.hr.in. ?C,.MI place, 85.26 ■bow; l..i.iy Bourbon, 88.26 show. Bqnivalenl booking odd- Czardom, 85* to Inn straight, 84* t.. 166 place. 1*6 i,, loo show; Laura Cochran, 399 to 1*0 place, 166 t.. 166 show; I :.d. Ihmrbon, 318 to 100 show. Winner B. h. by Royal Realm- Zeara, Ty Mat iker trained bj J. Steward; bred in fails sd hv Capt, R. i.. Beam j i. W.ni to post . ; 2:2*. At post S mlaates. star: fair and slow. Won driving; scrood and third Ike same. CZARDOM moved up steadily after passing the half and. passing the leader, witbsl I Ike he-la:. d rash of LAFRA COCHRAN. Th.- latt.-r. away fast, was oatraa early, hut made up mark groaad in a fast Baish. LADS Tail RBON w .i-- bard ridden from the start, bat, after raring int.. ■ clear lead in the stretch, readily gave way when challenged. OLA LEE showed the most early speed, bat tired in the Inal drive. Scratched — 6*S27*Clear Laic. 108; 60328 Emma Weller, 106; 80272 Chrome, 103; 51783 Bed loud. ltd. Overweights Cssrdom. - iioaads; Laura Cochran, 2. nAiifl THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. June 17, 1910—1:38—3—95. Purse S500. 3-year-olds and lll"I"l upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt U M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odda Mtr*t 6*382*KRMITANA w 7 Ml 7 ■". ! 1* 1: Ill* G W llama J Kern TliVm 6*384 »• HOT FOOT vbSM .11 • . 1* T Wilson W Beechwood Ml Ml « 0-;;i SWBNSON * W I"1 .77: ■ 7 a 33 E Donaaoe S .1 Cornwall IM8-MI 60384-JEWEL CITT wa 7 MS I 8 8 6-1 I I P I Molten T Folk SM-MI !:;«•; AL PORTER S 114 S -1 3 ...": R Carter W Bmas M*-M8 6*381 ROCKBRIDGE ws 6 149 l 2 ."• V V V 63 W Davis Mulhall and Mead 22M-M* .:.;■!. JACOBEL ws 6 Ml .". i 4 " 7 7 W Dean L Galbraltb 243M-MI 6029*:CAAMANO ws 7 M9 I . V 7 8 Pall.up.C Studer I. R Knifoag BM-ftM Time. 2C. 52. 1:20,, 1:50-.,. Track sloppy. 82 mutnels paid, Ermitaaa, s7.4o stralgbt, 88.40 place, .46 show; IT t Poet, *:;xi place, 88.88 show; su . sson, . si i a - Bquivt lenl booking oddi -Ermitana, 276 to 100 straight. 70 to ion place. 71 to loo show: Bet Foot, !; j le 100 place, 50 to 100 -how: Bweasoa, 2*0 :• 1*0 show. Wii »ei C. in. y Von Tromp— Iseiatioa, by George Kesaler tra sed by J. Kern; bred by Mr. Edward Cebri s Went to post at 2:44. At post 1 minute. Start good and alow for all bal JEWEL CITY. Won driv-iag; second sad third tbe same. EBM1TANA raced bite the had after passing the half and. Materia* much siieed, held -way to the end, bat had to be riddea eal to the last ounce to withstand the preasta* challenge of HOT FOOT, The latter raced forwardly and. standing a hard drive, linished rapidly over- ling the winner. SWLNSON closed .-. big gap. JEWEL CITY dwelt at the start and waa away poorly. AL PORTER ran well to tbe la-t eighth. Scratched 80407 Orleans Girl, 11*. Overweights Jewel City, 2 pounds. r Ai A • FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and OVlTlicJ upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses A Wt IP St 4 V£ fc Str Flu Jockeys Owners Koulv. Odds Strt r.**8**CAPT. EVANS w~" M9 1 4 1! 1; 1 Is IT ilson « , Winter M 1M b*S88 FOND HOPE v ia " 1M 2 3 ll 1*5 8*1 - T R i II T Pa hater DM MQ 00SS01 isiHAM waSMC 3 :. .- -■ ._ w D Miller 11 A Lett MO-tM .KlHi 1IONTONA WB 5 111 I •". 4 4:l P l1 i P c.iroii W Piakstaff M9-1M 60384 RESTFUL w i MS I I 5 I I 5 G C Stud, r Morris Stable " 90 198 C032**MARV .IA, WB 9 1M 1 1 Pulled up. G Wliams C Tyler MM Ml Time. 25".. 51. 1:18%, 1:4745. Track sloppy. 82 mataela paid, Capt. Evaas, 86.86 straight, 88.69 plae. 82.8* -how; Fond Bope, .sn place. |*,2* shou : I-i.iiaiii. 82.66 show. lviuiv. !. i.t booking odd- Capt. Evans, 246 to 1*6 straight, 8* to ion place. 3n to loo -how: Fond 96 to 109 place, on to 1*9 nboa : Ispham, 30 t.. 100 -how. Winner Ch. . i -. Bannoekburn Bigaoriaa, bj Baia trained by :. J. Winter; hre.l by Mr. Barney iber. Went to past at 3:01. At post 1 minute. Start z 1 and slow. Won easily; second ami third driving. CAPT. EVANS raced into .. long lead on the backstretch and. increasing hi-, advantage steadily, nf bj himself. FOND HOPE raced camel: aad easily oatatayed 1SPBAM. The bitter tired after in closest, hut unavailing, pursuit i»f Ibe wiaaer. Scratched 60273 By Right, 103; l*U353Myrtle A. 115; 88381 Miaaoala, luj. Overweights Montoua, :■ pounds, g*g * A A FIFTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24. 191G—1 45— 3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds Oil "Slt I and upwiiid. Claiming. Vet Vi.iuu to winner 90; second. 40; third, 0. Imlex Banes A"wtP"P.sTA~V4 % sFr"Fin~ Joikeys" tiwnera aV|nlv. Odda Btr*l 6*1837 VORKIST v. . 1M 8 1 f I" 4 :p I. II B Bwer ; Alexandra 1 :• 100 00.183 ll. I M BIXSSOM wa I HM I 2 lJ I* I* M .1 Hunraer !. T Whiteaill 510 l«0 60383* ROISTERER w BMC 5 4 V G Wliami : W Atkinson i,.o loo t:0383*W. MNTtMJMERV W * Ml II 4 I" C Studer F R Irwin ti ... l..o ,0 111 REGRICSO IK 1 i .". S 5 ."• 5 1 1 urn C B Irwin t . d in I -i ting as c. B. and F. R. Ii win entry. Time. 24-*,. GO, 1:17. 1:45., l:51b. Track rloppy. 82 matael paid, Vorkist, *6* traighl 3.20 place; Plum Blossom, 84.4* pktre; no shaw mat at M sold. Equivalent booking odd York I t. 13* to loo straight, *9 to inn place; Pram Blossom, 12* to ion place. Winner ].. g, l.y Yorkshire Lad Ladj Kilmarnock, by Kilmarnock trained hy A. Alexandra; bred bj Mr. i huh- B. Wilkinson. W, III !•• post St 3438. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. YORKIST was saved for the lir-t half, then moved np fast and. nelshiai; with a goad lnu-t of -p.-.-d. wore Tl.l M BLOSSOM down and won drawing char ll.TM BLOSSOM took a good lead early and laid sa aj to tbe last eighth, where s4ie readily succumbed to the winners rash. ROISTERER raced well and had no mishaps. WOO DIE MONTGOMERY qnil when he could not take the had. Scratched com Verdi Loon, 102; 10077 Posibsa One, !»::. Overweights Plana BJossess, - poBnds; Bofattarer. 1. — • ~ -j Ufa 4 I K. SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Teh. 1. 1920— 1:43 —6—122. Purse 00. 0|Lr"dt:TL«3 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Bones A Wt PP St *A */* % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt C*2S4 * PINECREST w I Ml I 8 I* 1 1" 1 1" II Molten W l-unm-r Uu-hHt 6*382* LOLA w * IM i l - - Q - 8" P Caraa J S McDaniel IM-M* **t*8 CMTAIX GIRL wiIIH 3 4 8*3| 43 8| :;4 J Hunmer W I. Behaefer 27A-M8 C0355*LETWia B. w t: 7 112 5 I .. ■ 4,: ."."k 4 4-.V T Wilson Clackwell ,t Cripp.-n 4"Kl-10i ;c,-!7I »CLOVKH JUNIA W 5 112 I .". 4; .".• :.* B» V C Stu.i.-r B Orr U*-M* .7!." ARGENTO a -IN l ■ 8 6 6 6. 6 T Rai ¥ Naaaolaa 8JBVMJ Time. 25. 50. lS2.-,. 1:463.,. l:51-5. Track sloppy. |2 mataela paid. Plaeereat, 814.26 straight, 88.** place, S." ._o show; Lola. . so place. . o aaaw; Mountain Girl. S:! un -how. K.|i;ivah nt booking odda — Plater* at, 610 to MM straight. 330 to 100 place. 188 to 100 show; Lsaa, lkJ0 to ion place, 134 ;• 1*0 show: Mountain Girl. On to Inn -how. Winner — Ch. -, by Little Dutch — Eland, bj Martin, t ttrained by ;. Falnniuist ; bred by Mr. R. War- Beld. Went to post at 4:00. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but LEWIS I!. Won easily; sen, n,l and third driving. PINBCBEST took the lead at once. BBOOk LOLA off after racin-j the tirst jiiarter and. showing high speed in the noin r. steadily increased his advantage t win in a canter. LOLA waa always ia ctoaesl parsuil and was an easing np second. MOUNTAIN GIBL made a name finish and did her best. LEWD B. was in close quarters repeatedly. CLOVES JUNIA ran peart] Scratched— 003.7.7 J York Lassie, 17; 80382 Teo Breckearldge, 110; •02S2*Sippan, lnJ; 881*8 Zetetle, 117. Overweights — Plaeereat, 2 peands; Lola, J. d£/i AH. SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1921—1:52—5—117. Purse 00. 3-year-Ovr-i-JrO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPST% Yz %~Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odda Strt 0030 1 K;:NWA1:I wi: s IF. :; ;; ll 1-1 l3 Vi U Carter I Dennison U:i0-HKI coti:*|: ini: ll.l.K wsa BM 4 I 4J :l- 2»t 2 t* G W*na*H J A Parson S26-M9 00331 »»BRBON GREEN WI I Ml 1 1 -7 -1 " ■■■ S* -T Hunmer LT Whit-hill 120-1Xi 6*418 LOUIS LBMUND WS 8 MB C 5 .V" ."." 5- -1 4 C Studer L Galbraith 7M-M9 I 6*885 VKIt.MAK -..lies E 4 ::- ! ll **• »*• H B Dn-er W Walker 4UO-100 00385 -*. MIKE DALY ws:t |*J 1 I I 6 G 6 I M Slaughr Murphy and Cloninger rifl-lOO Time, 25. 50-, 1:1715. 1:46. 1:5935. Track sloppy. mutnels paM, Kenwar.l. 826.68 straight, 818,6* place, 8JL38 show; lSooneville, . JO place, .00 show: Bourbon ireen. ?L.S0 show. Equivalent booking odd- Seaward, 1288 to loo straight. 888 to loo place, 160 to 100 show; Boone- ville. 110 to 100 place, .70 to KM show; Bourbon Croon. 40 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. h, by Alvcscot — Bashlord Belle, by Falsetto trained by D. Dennison; bred by Mr. George J. Loa*. Weal to post at 4:23. At post 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. KLNWAKD. elMwtag huh sped in the goksg, held sway throughout and was challenged by I.OONF VILLF midway of the stretch, hut. standing a hard drive, held his lead gamely, although tiring. BOONBVILL8 moved up fast on the last turn. but. when seemingly the winner, tired and swerved out. BOURBON GREEN was hard ridden and had no mishaps. YERMAK quit early. Scratched -6*888 Poacher. 100; 60358*Walter 11. Iearce, 114; 00303 George Muehlebach, 108. Overweights— Mike Daly, - pounds. 0Ai Af9 EIGHTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—03—4—107. Tnr: p 00. 3-ycar-olds and "VstHc 4 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Ja.lox IIors*s A WtPPsT4 V4 % Str fin Jockeys Owucrs Bqaiv. Odds Strt t9fii-97 KINGLIKE v. i: 5 IDs 11 ~~ i~l~~1» 1" Msfaughr If Caldwell 340-164 69256 HAZEL DALE ws 9 114 : .: ■* 2* :- S» t: Wllami .1 A Parson 130-100 IWWDMADAM DYNG WB C 1H 2 g :. : , 3] ::- T Wilson J W Tata 700-100 86316 DIVLAND w it 7 ! I .". 7 4 V !• 4 I* T ftae .1 Humbrocht | 66349*ROSA ATKIN v.t r, .. 6 5k Ejj 5S C Studer II Walters 11599-188 59938 PKRCH waa 7 IE 3 7 7 7~ 7 8" I Hunftncr W Mattby 880-108 C0386 PilRONI. WARD w t i::; fi - J ., I] i;i 7 p Hurn C B Irv.in 1 t Mil tin 1 iili Coupled iii betting as . I.." Irwin and H. Walters entry. Time. 24/;,. SO1!. 1:03%. Trad; sloppy. s_ in ut ii.-l-- paid. Kinglike, leld, .80 atraight, 14.01 place, .69 show; Hazel Date, .39 place, .46 abow; Madam Byag, .29 show. Equivalent booking odd* kinglike. Held, Llu to 199 straight. 108 to 109 place, :50 to 109 show: Haael Hale, M t.» too place. Lit to 100 shear; Madam !.; h;. 00 to Km» show. Wiaaer- p.. g. by Hlppodromr Bcairhllffht. by Kingston trained by B. IL Level; bred by Wh kliiT»- Mud. Weal ta |h.v| ;,t 4 .-.:i t pasi j mlaatea. Start goad and slow. Woa easily; second and third driv-lag. KINGLIKE decisively outpaced the ethers throughout and aron la a canter. BASEL DALE, After racing in closest, bat unavailing, pursait of the winner, tired and bad to b_ ridden bard t. save seeond place. MADAM BYXG came with ■ rash through the Baal mutter. DIVLAND raced well to tin- stretch, where he tired. Scratched G9e!77Bubber il . Il_: 99333 Mi-- Meclick, 101; 00137 Lady Small, 11": 99999 Keg, 113: otiL77 Pi --ut • Heary, ill.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922022301/drf1922022301_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1922022301_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800