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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1922. Orient:. 1 Park 1 mile. Seventy ninth day. Cuba -American .Io. key and Auto lull. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 80 Stewards, .1. Harnmeister, O. II. Lansdale and!:. Darke. Jndges, C. Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter, James Milieu. Baclng Secretary. Martin Natbaason. Baciaaj atatta it 3:99 i». m. Chliag* ttaac 1:53 i . in., •ladieates apprentice allowance. 6A.||Qi TIRST RACE— 1-2 Mile. Feb. 18, 1922— 47-,— 2— 118. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Vir-JtvLl-fl. Maidens. Claiming. Net v.-.lue to winner 50: recond. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt , : ", Str Fin .Jockeys Owners 11 5 P S OO-.Ol Ci tNWITHIM W EM fi 1 l» I" 1* G fields Rt «oda 1 e S ta b~ 2 1 Sjfl hTTTl -■ 99973 TENDER BETH W 138 :; 3 . V fiV J Domic! i. A Jonos 7-5 7-5 7-5 2-5 1-5 S9796 IANDINI" w 107 fi •; V Sl V S McGrawWillbuaa Bros fi G G i 1 69139 BLUE DALE sill I 4 4 V A Pickens O Meara Bros n m H 4 2 ; !| STRAIGHT SHOOT Rw 110 II B " 5»J C Robs. nil P Whitney 8-5 8-5 8-9 3-5 1-3 99391 CARBONBLL v. 110 2 2 8 8 8 W Kelsay M Bernard 8 s s :; 8-5 Tii.-.c. 25. bO1.,. Track slow. 93 mutuehi paid, Gonwithim, St;.7o atraight, .00 place. .59 show; Tender Beta, $" place. .t;o show: Paadiae, 84-90 show. I Bivalent booking odds — Gonwithim, 233 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place. i5 to 100 show: Tender Beth, in to 100 place, 30 to 100 nbow; Band te, 100 t.. 199 abow. Winner— th. u-. by Toay Boaero— Red Bose. by Oddfellow trained by J. Haggerty; bred by Hr. T. i:. |ones. Went ;• post .,: 2:35. At post 1 mlaate. Start g I and alow. Won driving; aeeaad aad third Mi" aame. GONWITHIM set a .■■■•• pace from the atari and hung ca gaaaely ia the Baal drive. His bis weight t ..Li ..a TENDEB BETH al the end. where he tired after running a good race throughout. PAR* DINE had to be ridden out to outstay BLUE DALE. STRAIlillT SHOOTER propped al Ihe start |0|/400 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. lCP.O— 1 :li— G— 102. Pnrse S700. 3-ycar-olds and tj ~5: J oirf upward . Claiming. Net v.-lue lo winner ?550 : second. 00: third. . Index Horses AWtPP8tJ4_j _ T Btr I il Jockcyj Owaers T O — II V P s"- R0t02,AUTOMATIC REDwa 4 1M 8 1 !: I* 1« i7 T Darns A M del Hierro 8 8 s~:: s-5~ 69493 ALTAMAHA w 14 112 11 2 P P i- 2: .1 DUmickl .1 McDonald - - I 1-2 ».o:.7.- y.]v. and w i:r w « U8 - • i. :; ... i; .; c .i Wbatley :• - "" i 1-2 66349 .l LOVTTT a 4 107 8 7 7* 7!S f I1 .1 Malben .1 Melntyre 6-5 3-5 99173 PERbS BABY waa lo 112 6 ■ ! ■; 3 "■ L Penman 1, J Looper 4 4 I 1 4 I- i 69149 MARK DENUNZIO a 4 119 M 8 ■■ 83 7" I C McCkleL A Jaaca fi fi r, q i;.;, 69346 MR. KRUTER wn 6 112 1 - 2s 2 "I - ; Fields Rosedale Stable S S S I 1 60346tLlTTLE BUSS wsn 7 112 II ll and* 8s 8 II Clmentsb I Sheldon 38 88 38 12 i 59686tSAIN ROSE #5 112 7 11 1 " ■V-li ■ sn c Cry 1» Montour 38 18 SO I ! . .;ftl! 5 WHITE CROWNwsa M 112 a S :• I I B . : J .1 McCafferty N M N 4 2 :,i.r, AIGRETTE wa C 197 :: pi n n n i; j Simmonsrl M Thomas 28 2 i 28 8 4 fMntnel field. Tin.o. 94%, 51,. 1:21 . Track -Mow. _.-:_ iNiitinls said. Automatic Bed. 6.39 straight, 61N.29 place, .99 abow; Altaataha, 5.89 place. --7 .ii show; r. ir and Warmer, J80 shoi . I, inivah nt booking odd- Automatic Ked. 171.". to 199 atraight. 819 to 199 place. 899 ■ 199 abow; Altamaha, 960 t- 190 place 285 to 100 ahow; Pair and Wanner. 05 lo 109 si Winner I b. g, bj Harrigaa Lem a Girl bj Madstoae trained bj J. Lop /.: bred by Mr. Beajaaaia A. Jones. Went to post at 2:58. VI post B minutes. Start -•••"! and slow. Woa easily: aeeaad and third driv- inu Al TOMATIC BED Kprint«*d into a long lead In Ihe first ijuarter and arax ler restraiat at the ead. ALTAMAHA ran well, but had to I" ridden oat to .. it-., ;.i:; AND WARMER The litter begaa slowly, l.nt elosed a gap and finished fast. l.ADV LOVITT ran well and wa on the sutside for tin-entire race. AIGRETTE nnscated her rider and ran away a mile while going lb the po t - . iP ic ■! 601 !7 ■ • oimtion, Iti".. g*Th ifl** THIBD PACE— 3-4 aTJte. Jaa. B, 1999— 1 :11— C— 102. Tursc. S700. 3-year-olds and 9lj y.Vf ft r: Net valaa to wiaaer 59; second. 00: thiid, 0. hides Hoi m ■ AWtPPSI j i Str rin Joekeyg Owners ~ i"i C P S~~ 6934i RAMEAU 8 112 1 3 1*P I l« I Hoot Indiana. Stable 3 1 4 8-5 4-5 60347-BLONDEL WB C 112 2 3 3J V - 2: c Corey Maryland Stable:: 1 1 8-5 4-5 60292 PUNCTUAL w 5 107 ■ 1 2J :■ 3" T Burns R D farter 10 M N 1 a 6912* -Bl KORD w S 112 E 7 71 • I !• 1 G Fields .1 Rodriguea 2 - 7-5 4-5 2-5 59525 A. v A R. wb E MR 7 i *• ;" c :, L Pennn o J Lowe :; E E 2 1 69378 WRECKLESS wa 3 180 I 6 E i fi A McLhllnT l Breslin I I 4 8-5 4-5 9912B DON THRUSH wn 8 112 3 t ." ■ fi .v 7- .: Domick Ashland Stable s M M 1 2 59913 REDLAND 8 115 ■ - 8 - 8 S B KenndyG Holmes 1 :. .". $ 1 Time, 24:-,. 50. 1:17%. Track Mow. .*•_■ nmliids naid. Eameau, 6.80 straight, .20 pla«-e, .otl sliow; BlaadJel, ?l.-".o place, . so show; irie : is I, 5.20 iioa . r ivalenl booking odds Ramean. 7!o t- 100 straight, 299 to 199 place, 939 to loo abow; Blaadel. 15 to 190 place, BO to 100 show; Iliieiual. 601 t.. 100 show. Winner Blk. h, bj Ethelherl Boxanaa, by Bock Sand trained by H. B. Davis; bred in Praam by Ml . Angdi i Itelmoal i . Went to post at :.:-,s;. At post 1 mlaate. Btarl g i and slon Won driving: aeeaad and third the ante. RAMEAC a»rinted into a long lead in tlie fir I eighth, I il tired and was rhtaea hard all thro Bark the hoi tretcfa to outfini i. BLONDEL, Tlie hitter finished I * and waa gradually weariag the winner down. iiNtTIAL laiwed -p..-.i. but tired. I:i KORD ran iss.rlj aad waa beaten off. leh 00321 Humpy, 113; 60403 Bill Uunlry, 112; 59695 Bavcnsea, 112; a98993Prbaitive, 107. Overwi Ava !;.. pound ■. £ fl £* I FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furtoags. Jan. 24. 1917 — 1 :9fi ! .— -5--102. Little Hatebal Puraa. OF ..%$ A Perse :rr0. S-yCandr-olds. Alio, an":,. Net value to winner S650; second. 00; third., c.".n. _ I-; iT Horses kWtPPSt Str rin "~ Jockey __ tnyTura II C P S 60402 Qt KSADA w"u Pi, "~: IS 1" !• 1* W Kelsay Goldapple Stabh 2 2. 2. I 1-. 99175 1 ... I TAJ n WB M5 S I 2J 2 5 . Ii n A W llamcl 4 4 1 8-5 4-5 f.o::i*l THE ROLL CALL at Wl Z 1 fi S» ■ :" B KenndyJ B TyTee 4 4 4 8 -.. |-fi 60948»ST«NEWALL wb 105 1 r : " I 4 I i Heuitel W P Knebelkampfl W N 4 2 69196COL CHILE w 186 S 8 t Sl I Prlbh O I. Poster ■■ •". 1 t-5 1-5 ;,i : RANDEL wa b7 2 7 I .• , E G Pield .i T Mueller I E B 2 l |. H7.-, LUSTRE v i: lo., i 2 7 c . I. Penman I. I. Baker I E a 2 1 ;i»!7.5 CALIFA w MC 7 S 3* - I G Corej M Daly 38 38 88 1. fi Time, 21 : . 89%, 1:93, .ni1,. Traek slow. .- ■ met-,.; i ,,.: in.. .,,- i .90 straight 09 phi :.:; I iw; rinca tie, ::.«.lo place, 50 e.e : i lie Boll r ill. .70 how. i : hook in; odd Quesada, 195 lo 100 traight, 300 lo 100 place, 11" •■ 109 abow; Fiacaatle, I7i to 190 place, 1_.". to 190 how; Tl Boll Pall, K5 lo 190 Kbou Winnet Ph. c, by Delhi Mh-tre - Jnickly, by Na turtiam trai I by P. M Bray; faced by Mr. "I !m.!I..i: Piatt I. Wenl i" post .1 :;:."._. At p..-t :; m! i Start go • i I ■ W«hi easily; second and third driv- ii _ »t ESADA rushed :■ the fronl at Ihe tarl and. running arell la the goiag, drew away int.. a laag le.ei after roaadiag the far turn and was under stout restraint at the end F1NCASTLE raced gamely. but tired in the last ixteeatb. THE BOLL PALL I a gap and finished gaaaely aa the outside. STONEWALL ran well. POL CHILE i.nit l ghl at the fiaish. Scratclied G9402omcdic dAmonr, 11J; COOtio Rebuke, l 7. Overweight I alifa. 1 pound; ■■: ■ idUi, 1 f*fh |£?r lilTI: RACE— 1 Mil. and 50 Y:.:d .. _ nrch 6, 1010— 1 :41— 5— 117. Aincricin Legion 13V jfCUO Pi.r e. Tnrse C500. 3-ycar-oldb anu apward. AliowanccE. Net value to winner 00; aeeaad, ?5: th d, 5. Index Boraea AWtPPsTl. j _: i str rin " .i",cl. ■ -. "ii» n. i s o H 0 p s 69376 MAYOR HOUSE wa C 194 3 2 1 ".- Is 1* 1 E Josiah C 11 GBroy 4 4 4 8-;, 4-iT :o::io ELEANOR 8. a b4 Wl 1 1 1* 1- fi D Pribte P .1 GraJham 1 1 I fi 5 :: 5 58133 BLACK HACKLE w 5 104 : 1 31 3s 2 . _- s McGrawAllen 9 Hall 88 88 8 4 :,:tli:; T1CACEY w 9 MM ." t " ■ ■ S* : i- B Kenndjr. A Scars- r, t; fi _| 8 i ,l!"i- !.ViLi:i.l. ■:■". w I 192 : 7 V I . 1 .1 Heupel MonUort Jones 5 5 i | t and9564 FRANK W w i lot 8 5 :_ 53 5 5- %* , Penman M Goldblmtt 7-5 7-5 .-5 I J I i t;o;4i HUTCHISON wb . 8G - - - B V • ■•• Swart R * Baker E fi fi 21 fi-5 ti 0 1 1 7 GRAYSSIAN WB fi 11 2 8 8 8 I 8 : -i-V C It D Stable 15 15 15 b 3 Time. 94%. 40- . l:lG:t_. 1:44. 1:48. Track slow. su mntneh | I, Mayoi House, 3.20 atraight, .70 place. .26 show; Bleaaar B., 94.19 place. .99 abow; Black Hackle, 9.20 show. Bnuiralenl booking odd Mayor House, 560 to tH» straight, 185 to lot place. lt;o to 100 abow; Elean • s.. i..", to 1 10 place. 70 lo 100 show; Bla I Hackle, 419 to lot show. Winn, i !::•. fa, by Haabridge- Helma, by Cesarion trained by J. P. Slniiuaii: bred by Jlr. W. ;. Hirslg. Went t post al 4 17. At post _ minntes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second mid third driving. MAYOB HOI sk s,.; the pace from -"•". i after the atari and. keefiag it. was easiag up at the end. ELEANOR S. began slowly, but •! -. .1 .-. big _.;p aad finished resolutely. BLACK HACKLE raced for-waidly throughout, but tired in the retch. PRANK W. could never improve his position. TICACEV io id well to th" atretch. Scratched 00220 Petrarch, 192; 9Q851sToay Beaa, 10"_. __/_fi_. SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and £0 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. 0*LF"~_rTvjil 3-year-olds and uow?rd. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % /. % Btr Pia Jockeys Owners O H C P S To 1 . r,~ TAWASENTHA w 4 M9 -S 3 3 1 J 1» i» Is ;; K.nndyJ L Paul i. ti 8 i i . 1: :. McADOO w 10 111 7 8 7 l_ 3* "I3 V J Fields Rosedale Stable ll ll 10 4 8-5 t 10 1 DOLLY C. WB 4 88 8 7 J» ::! 2 J 21 ::■_ N Swart J H Shreve 2 2 2 4-.". 1-; iO:57i AZTEC wi: 7 111 1 7"- ". 1- 4 T Burns 1 Hawk I S S | S , 69S60*SUBZ w 1 1952 5 G 9* 8 8 ■". 5* J Maibtn S .McNeill s | | I 8-5 .•0:.;X GUARDSMAN B 7 111 . . |h 5i ti"i 8 9* L Penr.ian H A Cotton 4 4 4 8-5 15 69296s GRE A T HA WK w 5 KM 1 I 4"1- fi1 7 71 71 D Prible W A Crawford 1 1 1 2-5 1-5 99331 PAROL w S 113 8 S 1] V •* 9ak 8 W MorsevS T Baxter 10 10 10 4 8-5 Time. 24,. 50. 1:17. 1:45?.. 1:49/.. Track slow. si" mutuela paid, Tawasentha, 1.40 atraifht, -99 place. .30 sliow: McAdoo. 1.40 place. 50 show: Dolly C .. .90 ahow. Equivalent booking odds— Tawasentha, 47o to 199 atralgbt, 195 to 100 place. 115 to 100 show: MeAdaa. 17o to 190 place, 175 to 190 show: Dnllv .. 50 to 190 show. Wiaaer- b. f. by Vateain— Belle ..f Arcadia, by Plaudit trained by J. L. Paul; bred by Mr. H. G. Herring. Went to post at 1:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; seeond and third driving. TAWASENTHA, away forwardly, raced into tli • had aa the las kstretch and. drawins away on the last tarn, was un.lei restraiat at Uw ead, M.ADOO was helped by the K.,inc and outsamed DOLLY C. for second place. The latter ran well, but tired in the last sixteenth. GREAT HAWK ran a particularly had race. Scratched 60974 Mary Brb, 103; 598ti Medusa, 199; 99M9 Sir Jack. lo ".: 9fi9Q9 J. Alfred Clark, 111. Overweights— Snea, -_ pauadi; Parol. :_. » i