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I I j SUMMARY OF MEXICO CITY RACING MEXICO CITY. Mexico, February 26.— The following is a summary of todays racing: 238M FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. 3-year-olds aud upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. W., .Tockey. St. PL Sh. 233M San Diego 117 PetJO....$ 73.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.40 232M I-idy Acton 105 Widai.. 10.00 3.20 178M3 Propaganda 117 Moore. 2.ti0 tl97MOh Doctor, 117; 233M ;wynedd. 107: 23IM Nancy Ann. 115, and 220M I ongwood Miss. 115. also ran. Time. 3C. Seratehed 232M Brook field. 117: 233M Moroni. 120; 120M Conexa. 113. 239M "■oosni race— 3-4 sine, t j— r iMi anil upnuid. Claiming. Ind. Horse. V.. Jockey. St. PI. Sh. 235M Iidy Granite 108 Wayt.*13.00 | S.X0 .$ 4.10 224M=C;:nso 107 Frieshon... 6.40 3.40 226MHillandalc 111 Hnnskeri 3.W ISHM-Blazonry. 110; 232M Bea« Br— el II., 1H»: I7SM Daisyfields. lO!: 196MMiss Anna. 113, and 221M:Ous Knloe. 110. also ran. Time. 1:17. Ilmllsnj 1H Ellison, 113. 2 40M TH1RD HACB— -Short ours.-. Steeple-"" rhu.-e Hiituli -ap. lad. Horxe. W.. Jo.key. St. PI. Sh. 138MReleeh,i ir,2 Col. Caslesl. 10 f 2.60 out 235MM. Galvin 152 C.Clvetrol 2.80 out Flecba 150 Cap. Metgeri out 191 M Shrapnell. ino, she ran. Time. 3:57%. Scratch-d 1 SUM Mainstay, IS2; 23151 4l— tlw, 152. i241M Kollal1 KACE-o-8 5Iile. 3 year-olds and npAard. Claiming. I ml. Horse. It., ao key. St. PI. Sh. :?22MPig Son 110 Watson •. .S10 00 | t.20 s ."..m 225M /ainer 115 Everett 4.81 3.00 216MMv Friend Pat 110 Ball 2 0 222M Elga. 1U3: 227M*Pomeiene. 110. aud 222.M Tieadwell. 110. also ran. Time. 1:02%. No s -ratehe-. 242M 1,IITU UACE-3-4 Mile. B-year-eMa and upward. Handicap. Ir.d. Horse, W.. Jockey. St. PI. Sli. 212MSkooter 108 Jackson! . . .$ 4.00 $ 3 40 $ 3.00 .230MFIy High 108 OMahyl. 3.60 3.21 226M Miss Orb 104 Wsyt ... 3.80 225M:Tiger Rose, 105: 178M-Propaganda. 104. and i215MAshlin. 90. also ran. Time. 1:15%. Scratched-230M Ballynew. 107: 237M Lucy Kate. 105. 2 43M SIxnl KAC1 — 1 Mile. 4 year ..Ids and up ward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Tv. Jockey. St. P] Sh. 231MKebo 99 Hunsker 8.20 $ 6.4 » $ 3.M 229M"»n High 97 Frieshon . . . •"•.00 3.*0 236M L-idv Ward 106 Moorel . 5. so 235M Perhups. 103: 236M Tlninderbird. 102: 2Sfif I.dna I.. 97. and 2.V.M Searpia II.. MB, also ran. Time, 1:45%. No M-ralches. /