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- . • d - _ 0 1 i TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1922.— One mile. Eightieth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 120 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 85". Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:00 p. m. Chicago time 3:00 p. m.. •Indicates apprentice allowance. ££ftZAA FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-OUJtIt: ward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Ownere Equlv. Odds StPt 60496-VERA RITA w 4 lo«i 2 1 aH5 S V D Hurn W L Stanfield 140-L0O 03948 JACK POT w 2 MB ! « i| ,;n ;;u 21 E Fator S Waring fll760-iOrt 00490 KIMONO w 3 103 4 I Q 1; 2" :." J Hunrr.»r McDowell Bros BBMM 6038O*M.C JOHNSON ws 4 105 fi :! lh 4 4 4" T Wilson Raymond Stable "S0-100 •BRIDC.ETTE w 3 98 5 7 6". 0-. :,- B* It B Lv.vr T Wheeling 700-100 60495 BLAZES wb 0 107 3 4 7 6-. 63 C- T Bae W Leeds t iOlDCDEWV FIELD WB I 89 1 2 4" 7- 71 7 H Long T Martin 1840-100 02993TOM OWENS ws 4 113 7 I 9 9 B* S" C Brown L Blasingame 2100-100 60270 IONA NAIL w 10 111 8 9 S 8- 9 9 M Woods Horae Lake Stable 83160-100 fMutuel field. Time, 25, 52. 1:00. Track slow. mutuels paid, Vera Rita. .80 straight. .20 place, .60 show; Jack Pot, field. 0 40 place .60 show: Kimono. .20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Vera Rita. 140 to 100 straight, 60 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show Jack Pot, field. 920 to 100 place, 330 to 100 show; Kimono, 60 to 100 show. Winner— Gr. f. by J. F. Crowley — Cisue, by Flambeau trained by W. L. Stanfield; bred by Mr W L. Stanfield. Went to post at 1:00. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. VERA RITA, aHer forcing the pace, stood a hard drive gamely and outfinished JACK POT. The latter began slowly, but then rushed up on the outside and when seemingly the winner tired right at the end. KIMONO shewed v| :M1,i raced into Mm lead, but ,rl1 away in the sixteenth iiml barely Ihinl place. MAC .JOHNSON ran a gesd rare ","1 fiiiilnd tWN up. Scratched— color. Aryaaaa, MS; WW Boaael ■ Blue, MS; Lucky Hays. Ift. Overweights --kimono. 1 pound; HlMglltlr, 1: Viona Nail. 1- £tfht£AtZ. SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1910— 1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-ycar- OVtJM|.a-S olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Indei Horses ~AWtPPSt r%~%~~%~Str~Pln Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ih:ihi nick kllix « i fij m 3 V 5 fi i" T 85c E -i Garnble «Mne «o::ro sqi-ash wB»Mn i l» I* 2 P T WOtn C Sidney no-ion »;oi »r i:i,iK VAN wb T lit :: £ •■■ :: * "" R Dority F Marmot MSMM «0I! 7 MISSOCI.A w r. Ill K •; « OUB 4-~ E Fator W B Hunter unoM" «:00!H Ol.TYK P. wn 9 IH !i 4 4:; 1»~4 P R Carter A 1* Chenowitli 1 IBS SS44S MOMTONA wa [ ii:-. I 9 v f* s- M I Hvrn W Pinkstafr MIMN SMT1 QU1NAM m 7 in S ll 71 7J 7 P JDeford C ■ Matthew* M-VtO S4M H* ROCKBRIDGE v.s S ios s I :- :,* :,: * ■ V Davia MvJhall ft Beted tSttVMt 41! 5 QUBBN l.KAIt II. v 1 HO 1 7 H B M !■• P Caroi Montana Stable SStM BTHBL KISMET s3 ! fi 7 10 9" 10= 10= 101 C Rails C Honson + WH TiiK TAUCBR w Gil:; 4 :. loii n 11 n" P Martteca Palmer aY Hhmi MftVM tMutiic field. Time. 25. 52V.. 1:06. 1:12%. Track slow. S2 mulUN liaid. Nick Klein. 1.00 Straight, ftandJS place. S4.NO hhow: SasjBflh, .10 place. . SO kIiow: Blue Van. S.VOO show. lviuivahnt Looking odds— Nick Klein. 4.".0 to 100 straight. IM to 100 place. 140 to 100 show: Squash. •J70 i» loo place, !»o to loo shew; Blue Van. ir.o to 100 show. Winner— Ch. g, by Abe Frank— Negligee, bv Maria Santa truin-d by S. Daggett; bred by Mr. George V. Dennett. Went to post at 2:21. At post 3 minuter, start rood and slow. Won easily; second and third ill I Ian NICK KI.IMN. hard ridden from the start, raced iQUASH lata defeat and. dvawins away into a u-ood lead, won as hi rider BBtBBfd. SQFA8H showed the most early speed and made a came finish, VAN was a lose up conlneder for a half, then finished tiring badly. MISSOtLA closed a big gap. OLIVE I, ran well to the stretch. Scratched— tiOoin Castle Crown. 90. Overweights— Queen Lead II.. 1 pound. £and£%PZA£and THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Frrlongs. June 23. 1916— 1:05V:,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-ycar-VgyfOirO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 tt vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt fi0447 DIVI.ANU vn 7 11:1 T~3 It. 1". l i J .Majestic- J Htimbrecht 180-100 tMM**CH1KHfB vs .". 10:» | i 4° IP I" P CafOM .1 Kainboth n760-P 1 50332 HARGAN8 HEUtwB 5 II] 4 :, 4 r,n 2- ::• C Thpson F Wallhauser Uf-MO fi0497 = *DAISV X. w f. lot; :, 1 :,« r. Q 4- J J-Iunmcr Q McCaslin 1480-1M f.0379 FOHMAX wit 11 Ul :: « !• k-1 r.« C Cross C A Roberts ZZttt-M ♦.0440AIlLi: JACK B 8 113 7 3 L-1. V 4- G- B Tnvlor W P Cunningham 500-100 .-.fi204*lli:i,i:x HATES ws C 10fi I 7 If 7; 7s" P Bam -I Apron 9ir,0-100 53715*CAFT. MH.MOXT w 11 10s fi I 7 t S I T Wilson .1 Hamilton G644-100 Time. 25 5. 52/6. 1:05*, 1:123.. Track slow. ?L uiutiiets paid. Divland. $." .t;0 straight. .L0 place. Sli.SO show: Chrome. 4.40 place. .S0 show; Hafl ingans Heir, SJ.tiO show. lCrjuivalent booking odds— Oivl.ind. ISO to loo straight. 110 to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Chrome. ■St to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Harrigans Heir. 30 to 100 show. Winner— i:. g, by Dcutschlnnd — Divina. bv l.assetlaw trainc l by W. H. Si.erling: bred by Mr. Jeorge WlagfleU. Went to pact at J:17. At post 1 minute. Start good and slaw. Won driving: second and third the same. PIVI.AXI teak the lead Olickly and. keeping it under hard riding, gamely withstood the belated rudi of CHKOMK. The latter made up ground and was coing fast at the end. HARRIGANS HEIK saved ground on all tile turns and had no mishaps. AJ.TLE JACK showed early speed, but quit in the stretch. BuatiBtd SUM Alex. 113: Mis Cobritu. Ill: 60."H7 Modiste. Ill; 00299 Miss Hilda II.. 108. Overweights— Chrome. 1 pound. ££,£tZAr7 FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Kile. May 20. 1S20— 59— 4— 107. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds and OvrtJrft: 4 upward. Claiming. Net vaJue to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses "XvVtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys "Owners Equiv. Odds Strt ••Sit CICELY KAY w 5 US • I "■ V* 1" |5 i: Taylor R Parton r,60-hi0 g4MC?*COOMBS vr. 4 10S fi | 4 43 4 L" .1 Hur.mer L Hankins 17»l-lV INN ROSA ATKIN a t 111 I S 1" 1" B :;■ P Martinez H Wattan 7«K-ino •WtSCHARMAMT W I Ul I 1 -i 3" 37 4=?. • Gross A Xoyrs 400-100 niSSTAMBIAN ws r, ]BJ 47 s1 8» 6 El C Ralls J Wilson Ifi20-I00 MgtS«DOROTHY wit 4 HI I !» fil 6; :.- i- K Fator J L Prannon !»00-100 00350-HMD. .A NBGRA wt « 7 I |k D1 7» 73 H Long .1 S McDaniel t43S0-lKl 00408 If. Tll.CHMAX WMU1B I S .1 It *t s« It Dority W Morrison IBM SIIKLRVV1LLK w C 101 1 ■ 7- 7- H 0 K Donahue McDowell Bros 900-100 HCetael field. Time, 25V6. 51. 1:05%. Track slow. |3 mutucls paid. Cicely Kay. 3.20 straight. .40 place. .80 show: Coombs, .00 place, .00 show: Uosa Atkin. .*3.1 0 show. Ivpiivalcnt booking odds— Cicely Kay. MM to KM straight. lO to 100 place. 90 to 100 show: Coombs. TjO to KM place. 30 t.. 100 sh.iw: Real Atkin. 80 to KM show. Winner — It. 111. l.y Kobrt Kay — Siss Lei, bv Oddfellow trained by J. I.. Crawford; bred by Mr. Walter S. Caynci. Went to past at l:U. At aasl 4 minutes. Start good and .-low. Won driving: second and third the same. CICELY KAY, after being lorwardly placed, moved BB fa-t on the leal turn and. forging to the front, jusf lasted long enough to win. COOMBS came around the leaders when entering the stretch and. finishing with a rush, wnnhl have wen in another StrMe. UOSA ATKIN set a good pace and finished tiring, but under hard riding outstayed CHAItMANT. Thr latter ran well and finished close up. Scratched — OO..lSiCrispie. 10S: «O."H0-Cover Cp. los; oor.l! Ashton Cirl. 10S. Overweight-— Shell.yville, 1 pouiut. ■■ fifl?? A Q FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59— 4— 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 0"lF«lPtLO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odd* Strt i04U9 LONE PINE W 5 HS S*g 9* V 3 S D Hum S lligu.ra MMN t 0M4N**GRACE TRBLE w G 10s 7 •". 4 -J» H U; C Ralls R If Andruss SflO-MO «05I9»*GAIAVAY wsn C 110 fi S fi-J 4« 3 .i3 T Wilson W H Harvey D*-M M1M DT«i: POORLBY ws fi IM .". 1 1, V 4-J V B Fator S V Varian MC-MI r.DMK HNCHi: MEYERS w 8 10fl 4 fi H M 6*1 M B Carter W G Jenkins tMM-MI fiO.* lf TOM CABO wr. .i 11". 1 :; 9 *,♦ M r T Rao !■ A Sandidge 900-100 —I IN* INDIAN BBHXADB ■ • IM I 4 7»- 7- 71 !l 11 Long A B Wright f NMBn BAJHY ws 1 112 :: • ! :• 8= S3 W Gargan W Gargan 4WI-K.0 015."» TUir wii 4 11:; ! 7 H. s.. 0 :i It Dority Smith ft Williams SN-MI tMutuel field. Time. 25/5. 51 ;, 1:05%. Track slow. |3 muluels paM, Lone Fine. |MS.4M straight. fSkNa place. 3.10 show: Grace Trimble. . HO place, $.".MI show: Calwajr, .30 show. Fquivalent baaktag odd- Fine. .".030 to KM straight. 11X0 to 100 place. 530 to 100 show; Grace Trimble. LSO to KM place. lr.O to 10O -how: tialway. 00 to 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Deutschland — Fepperwood, by Eddie Jones trained by S. Higuera; bred by Nevada Stock Fa 1111 1. Went t.i post at 3.: 3.".. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LONE FINK, after being a forward contender from the start, saved ground when entering the stretch and being best ridden at the end got up to win in the final strides. GRACR TKIMKLF, raced into the lead aft-r turning for home and with better riding would have won. CALWAY mm] up much ground from 11 slow beginning. DOCTOR DOQBLKY showed the most speed to the stretch, but failed to slay. Scratched aOSlgClear Lake, lO; OO.MS llatlie Willdo, 10s: 0071 Capon. 103. DverareigMs Bafcqr, 1 paaad. £»lkfr: 4 ft SIXTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. May 16, 1920— 2:05/.— 6— 115. Purse 00. 3-yca7-ods VF"0drJy and upward. Claiming Handicap. Net eaiaa to winner 50: second, 00; third. 0. Index Dataaa A WtPPSt % % % Btr Tim Taf ■ Jl Owners Eqtiiv. Odds Slrt «IH73~HLCKHORN If. wii oTw X 1 4 4 ::"- L- 1] ■ Marline/, c I : ruin ;,lo-loo i tililllilillKli.N GREEN w I I 10X fi 7 :: :: I» 1; f .1 Ilunmtr L T Wbitchill MV-M3 i 6NU1 FANNIE NAIL ; 111 2 I 1" 1 z1 V V P Caron J S McDaniel MM-M* I OOJ73 COMMANDER v. "BB I IM 1 " fi4 ".- .". , Q C Thrson A Lund _40-i io fNM7N8ALGEORGB w 1. lofi 1 :: 1- l 4 H 5 T Wilson Suhr *i Mansfield IMw-Mt g#ggg»MI3TRE8a POLLY w7 M; : | 7- 7 !■ II. | E Fator D S Fountain , » rn •M7S*W. H. PEARCE w s HI 7 | B3 P ii 1*1 J«l L Hall H Kasmussen MM-Mt 0t35» WHITE HAVEN W I M " I S I I x .1 Majestic L O Sawyer 1240-Mt Time. 25. 50. 1:18. IM%, 2:13. Tiack slow. inutiiels peM, l.m klK.rn II.. straight. .80 plan . SI. 80 show: Eourbon Green. .30 place, .30 show: Fannie Nail. .SI. SO show. Equivalent ImliBg odd-- liuckliorn II.. 510 to 100 straight. !M to 100 place. 110 to KM show: Kourbon Creea, llo to KM place. 00 to 100 akear; tannic Nail, lit to KM show. Winner— R. g. by F.uckhorn — Hertie V.. by Seinpronius trained by C. I!. Irwin: bred by Mr. Hal Price Hi aili j Went t.. peal at 1:01. At peat 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BCCKHORN II.. suddenly imi roved. was saved elan up until round the last turn, from where he ru-hed Bfl to the leader and. answering his rider* call, wore him down anil woii drawing dear. ROI KBON GRHEN raced into a clear had after rounding the far turn and held on gamely when challenge,!. CANNTi: NAIL -howed much ■feed, but tired in the last quarter. COMMANDER made up ground. BALONORGE set the paee briefly and gait. Overweights -Mistre-.s Polly. 1 pound: White H;:vcn. L. fiflKTZfti SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1910—1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-Uvf«Ji3" olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. lade» Ilorses AWIPPSt Vt V % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt •NSSt* TABLOID w loo :: 1 i,: :- Wl l:i C Btudcr A E Stokes ;.0-lih .-.9989* LITTLE LES8 WBB Ml 4 :: 1 1*1 H 3 J Hunraer I- T Whitchill VM-KM ;or,0-Z*l l. Y STEEL m 104 I -• .". .".» :: ::- ?.I Fator S Polk 3M-IM , «03H« EMMA WILLIAMS « Mt li 1 4:: 1 4-J 1- KTavl- V Cloud r,00-10O I K0156 EVE HEIGHT ws IM 3 .". "I ! .".6 •". W Gargan W Gargan 21fi0 Ml 00156 VERA8 CHOICE w 114 .". Ii fi ii i fi R Dortty W Maltby MM-Ml Time. 24%. 49"s, IM%, 1:10. Track slow. S3 paid. Tabloid. .80 straight. .00 place. .30 show; Little Le-s. .00 place, .00 show. Flow Steel. SU.KO show. Equivalent booking odds— Tabloid. 90 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Little Less, 150 to KM place, 50 to KMl show: Flow Steel. 30 to 100 show. Winner— B. f. by Atleling II. -Lcnore. by Seinpronius trained by A. E. Stokes; bred by Nevada i Slock Ianni. Went to paat at 4:3.. At post 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drlriag. TABLOID raced within striking di.-tanee of the leader to the stretch and. catching him tiring, pa--ed him with a raak and won as his rider pleaaed. LITTLE LESS showed high speed in pacemakiim, but W.I- no niai.h for the winner when challenged. FLOW STELE, after being in trouble early, closed a gap and easily outstayed EMMA WILLIAMS. EYE BRKHTX showed some speed, but quit badly. Scratched -oo.-.J3 sample. 103. • dJifkerCT-g EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mi.e. Dec. 20, 1916— 1:11=3— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds I DUuO JL and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt jjj jjj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds StPt «04 71 OIKID KING BIBB 1ZM I •"• #* "h ~ 1 F Mat 1 in--. C R Irwin MMM g#tM BILL HEAD * % Ml H 4 -" P : !• - Halls J McCool BM-M8 «01K." BEES WIXC. a ".IF. 4 .: 6*1 a* 1«| » C Thpson A B Smith 3V.-1G0 «;04471MADA.M BYNG . .t fi r.. I « I*1| I* 1* H B Hwer J W Tate Ma-IN «0I84-*L"R MAID v I 10 E s ■ 7- « ".- P Carol. W Fonner M10 1C i NMf4**McLANB ■• r. lit; t. 3 1 M " V .1 Him*a*er it Emrie rM-MI •tNT3*PEEBLE8fl ONE iv-n 7 Ml 1 h x! S= V 7!. M Fator S Polk 44fiO 100 r.n.-,01*Miss DUNBAR ar 4 Iff 7 7 fi4 t] 7 H T WE-o:i w H Mf.ore ",0110 ■MMf OEORGIANA W. era 3 H I I M ff 9 8 C Starter San Diego BtsMa 6y-FO Time. 25, 50V5, 1:16. Track slow. S3 mutti-ls paid. Of hid King. .80 straight. . H place. .S3 KO -how: Itill Bead 80 place «"i 00 Show: Lee- Wing. *". 00 Phaw. Kqiiivahtit booking odds Orchid King. 340 to 100 straight. 130 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show Bill Head. 190 to 100 place. 17.0 to 100 show: Beel Wing. 150 to 100 -how. Winner— Ch. g. by Cuuard— Alline, by The Commoner trained by C. 1.. Irwiu: bred by Mr. C C. Patrick. Went to po-t at 4:53. At i«.-t ". ui. antes. Start good and sl..w. Won driving: ■eeaad and Ihird the . same. ORCHID KING Braved Bp steadily while iv.iiidan: the far turn i.nd. |ia-sing the leader in the , Uretch. took the lead and gamely outstayed KILL HEAD. The latter finished resolutely and ■aJeUj IB , BEES WING in a long stretch drive. BEXS MING made up •-round, but was tiring through the final 1 eighth. MADAM BYNG showed speed and mad.- a game f ini-li. but tired after racing into the lead, McLANE set the pace briefly and quit. Oveiwcighis QtarfUNI W,, 3 jiouuUj.