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I G r v, t I n t f o • v ■ so v i it I I t I e r f ■ !i I # I t j t i • f ; J . j j j , | , MOBILE TRACK IS DRENCHED R Good Weather at Once Predicted, While Owners and Horses Are Arriving Daily. _ MOBILE. Ala., March 3.— Following the heavy rain of yesterday c-ame the coldest spell of the winter in this section today. Before the temperature ceased falling it had almost reached the iieezing mark. The sun came out in the afternoon, however, and it is the general opinion that the cold snap will pass over within another twenty- T four hours. Despite the adverse conditions, hath ■ overhead and under foot, considerable activity was displayed at the race track this morning. Many more horses came in from New Orleans, while tho e which have been here for a day or were seen in action on the course. The track was not nearly as heavy as the horsemen predicted would lie and it dried out surprisingly fast. Three express cars conveyed the stables of Cecil Knight. Cecil Howard. . E. Van Winkle, «.eorge H. Burke and I. B. Bradfield from the Crescent ., City. In addition to these several carloads came by freight. W. U. Sallee brought Murphy over for R. T. "Dick" Watts. Jockey J. Owens, who is under ? engagement to Watts, w-ill not ride here, but will . in proceed to Kentucky. J. McPherson has dispo-ed of Rising Rock to * Harold Raines and the latter will race him here. McPherson will bring four members of his stable j to participate in the local racing. The Olin Johnson and Sanford Skinner stables were among the latest arrivals from the Fair j? Urounds. A carload of horses to the number of ten came in from Havana. It was consigned to Thomas Hodge, but several smaller stables are lepresented in it. The advance guard of the Mexico City delegates have reached here. In one car came the horses of as John Pons. J. Simjtson, W. Ixnk and Klzy Brown. n They landed in excellent condition after their r to long journey. [ Jockey T. Harrington, who rode but little tit g New Orleans because of illness, was an arrival „ from that place. His health has improved and t iie will resume his saddle work here. , Bob Potee brought two hoi-ses from New Orleans ,, to race in the interest of W. M. Shecdy. to | Fair Orounds licenses, both for trainers and f jockeys, will be recognized at the local meeting, thus eliminating the task of issuing special licenses s for the ten days" meeting. « Captain Ed Weiss of the Pinkerton forces will a have charge of the gates at the meeting here. d Julius Beeder came in from New Orleans today, b Me opened tiie secretarys office for business, but a will not undertake the task of registering the ; iiorses and issuing the badges until Monday, be- I. ■ause of the large amount of other preliminary n work that is on hand to be done. William S. Arnold was among the layers to get p in today. It is expected that at least twenty- c fire wiil be on hand fcr the opening day. There will be an overabundance of riding mate- s rial here, as fully one-half of the jockeys who 0 :iKle at the Fair Grounds have announced their b intention of plying their vocation at the local on o meeting. In addition to these others are coming p from Havana and Tijuana. H. C. Mtirnan, president of the Mobile Racing d Association, is enthusiastic over the outlook for a J mosf successful meeting here. He and his asso- u ■•iates are determined that it shall be of the a Highest order at all times and they have spent a as considerable money to achieve this end.