untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-04


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I I II h f » » I 1 . J f mmoMManM j , , sIsF" The Miracle System "*S*and** S SIMPLY and BXTT AB yOHDEHFiri, FULLY COPYRIGHTED A1TO PROTECTED PrVESTMEMT ASK THE MAM AVIIO OIKRATKS IT. ITS WHAT UK THINKS 4 M SAYS AND KVOW1 THAT IS OIR liREATKST THIHl TE." EVERY LAUREL IS A LECTURE. EVERY SUCCESS IS A SUMMONS TO NEW TASKS IT IS BECAUSE WE ARE NEVER SATISFIED THAT OUR CLIENTS ALWAYS ARE. The detinilirin that sue. ess is a reward past efforts is incomplete. It jv .,|Sn I reminder for the future. Success is a journey, not a terminal. It indicates progress, not perfection. It should al-o iu-diiate ■ humble spirit, for the deeay of humility marks the beginning of the hoiniliitiou of dee.v We mention the HUNDREDS OF CLIENTS ENDORSEMENTS in our hies. located from canal le coast not t . begfjl to exult, but simply to continue to EXCEL! We ever stand prepared to submit a collection of these flattering endorsements in ORIGINAL FORM, with the envelope attached, showing peal mark and cancelled Stamp. WHAT IS A SI PKRV1SKD SYSTEM? A system that presents daily Statistical check, stuuTy and concentration bv a skilled corns of turf students, who constitute a new standard for SYSTEM EFFICIENCY. Write TODAY for our CRYSTALLIZED RACING MANUAL containing 2S pages of the mo-t enlightening and valuable turf data ever published, vitally important racing note ten potent testiinnni ils swum results and statistics, result charts, the 21 FAMOUS "WALTER" SUCCESS maxims. :„,d .-, r. view of the best -known ••uy.-iemi." pahlilhtd. They will be sent you alHilutely without charge or ohli-ation For once you receive :.onieihing worth while. If you appreciate the true meaning of the word X-O-W you will soon spell it the other way around, W-O-N! This is not asere aerieTtisIna ■hntraetlou hul i DKMONSTRABI.K REALITY. Liberal terms, contingent upon resuttaut earniacs. If the systeui does not win consistemly ami fullill every claim, you owe us noihing. We appoint y..u both judye .cid jnrv Iustals are ignored. cYuVa M. He WALTER and CO., SkVS CANADA THE TMcKANY OP SYSTEM CONCERNS AtTSTHAIt* S. E. ARTHUR, Public Kelutlonu M»rr. ■■"■■,im PRIX ATE UCK RON 4 U - TOW SOS. | II. i - * , f | ANNOUNCING AK-SAR-BEN SPRING RACES Omaha .... Nebraska JUNE 3 to 17— 13 DAYS 0,000 IN PURSES Six or More Races Each Day PARI-MUTUELS. Write for Stake Blanks and Stable Room. CHAS. L. TRIMBLE Care of Ak-Sar-Bcn Court Mouse, Omaha, Neb. s t i 1 • • i I » ! 1 WONDERFUL WINNING SYSTEM A cool, conservative method wherein success is as- sured. Can be played a I or away from the track. with large or small capital. It gives a few select plays each week that nearly all win. This marvel - ous method is giving many good-priced winners: George W 12-1 Gourmand 7-1 Zamloch 5.00 Rep 12-1 Lone Pine 2.20 Avispa 6-1 Wedding Prince. . S26.40 Kings Belle .. .6-1 place Omond 2.00 Promising Tom ...20-1 Elmer K .10-1 Day Lilly 10-1 May Blossom ... 8-1 show It 15-1 Trickster II 8-1 Fluzey 12-1 Automatic Red 8-1 Cicely Kay 3.00 Romeo 7-1 J. J- Casey 8-1 Delhi Maid 15-1 And Many Others at 4 and 5 to 1. Hundreds of testimonials from satisfied clients showing proof of what my system is doing sent you free. STOP LOSING AND START WINNING RIGHT AWAY. TlM.se with honest inteutions can get my system on easy terms. Small payment .I own. balance as you win. Write today for free particulars. WATSON CORNELL 341 WEST 45th STREET NEW YORK CITY 1 i J r J. f. "Lucky" Baldwin MY BIG SPECIAL Coes Saturday Several unusual propositions going at TIJUANA and HAVANA. You all know my past record. Dont hesitate. Terms: Send me by wire after you collect yours the winnings of a 0 straight play. I cannot win if you lose. 1303 Lexington Ave., NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. i I i ; i 1 WANTED MONTHLY FORM BOOKS FOR May and June, 1921 Full Price Well Be Paid for Books in GOOD CONDITION DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, III. LOOK, BOYS, LOOK! This wonderful sy-tom only had 9 losinj; plavs nut of !9 r..-ts in the last meeting at the 1air Cn.unds It s a positive fa. t these were the onlv horses that figured. SYSTEM NO. 2 This system picks BMtU Ion? shots than any on the ssarhet. Beta are a lew winners: Lone Pine 1.20- won Galling: 6.00- won Goldie Rose 4.20-?2 won Mareclla Roy 0.50-2 won Little Cottage 73.70-52 second Mis-s Dunbar 7.40- won Madam Byng 7.60- won Butler S1S.0C-S2 won Plum ESossom 5.20- won Morro Castle 0.S0- won Garden City ?17.40- won , Lee Enfield S38.40-S2 won Spring: Vale S19.00-J2 won Merchant 0.00- won Trickster S8.00- won Day LUiy 0.00-$ 1 won Joaquina .00- won and a large number or others. They can be played at or aarajf from the t:a k. let these systems aud pick y.mv own winners. Price in full, for lwth systems. .flu.OO. Then, after yon et them and If they have n..t done just as I say I will tfladly letniii your money. Nothing accepted by telegraph. J. H. CROSMAN BOX 26 PALMYRA, INDIANA FREE TO YOU !! THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM has just published a very interesting book wluch shows results in detail of the System for past two years. The System won at every track tabulated by the Racing Form in TT. S. A. and Canada during 1920-1921. Not a spot System. We believe it will continue to win as long as racing exists. Moderate but positive. If you are looking for fabulous results dont inquire. An INVESTMENT, not a speculation. OUR GUARANTEE: Must win its cost in three days or money refunded; or if you can show a period of sixty days duration anywhere that it did not win we will refund your money. Is this -FAIR ENOUGH"? System is copyrighted and is on file in U. S. PATENT OFFICE AND WITH THIS PUBLICATION. WRITE FOR BOOK AND DATA. IT IS FREE. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 W. Franklin Street Baltimore. Md. HARL0CK 4-5 WON Was Yesterdays BEST BET This makes 5 WINNERS out of last 6. If you want LIVE ONES ask for 0. K. RACING LETTER 50c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS National 0. K. Publishing Co., Room 411, Baltimore Bldg. CHICAGO. ILL. FREE INFORMATION. I am doing busine-s with a prominent owner who has his stable at Havana. All angles have been taken care of, whereby he feels confident that he will put over a few long-shot winners. I am on the square. Mail me your name and address at once and I will send you the first winner absolutely free. We will then come to some understanding in regard to the future. FRANK WEST BERRY. 157 East 47th Street, New York City, N. Y. SOMETHING DOING See Latest REPORTER— 35c Ail Newsstands SATURDAYS SPECIAL: Send-Tuesday-Why-To-Was-At THE TURF REPORTER 22 W. ftuincy St. Estab. 1904 Chicago, 111. THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED BALTIMORE BUILDING CHICAGO, ILL. TODAYS BEST: No. 205 Book on Sale Wherever Racing Form Is 36 CENTS PER COPY GET NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY if you want LIVE ONES at all leading tracks. Good for one week. 36c AT ALL NEWSSTANDS. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL June-0range-22-ll-66-64. Standard Turf Guide, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, 111. ADVERTISE IN RACING FORM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922030401/drf1922030401_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1922030401_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800