Seventh Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-04

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, . SEVKXTH HACK 1 1-1« Miles. li-ycar-olds ami upward. lalmici".. . .lime Mi 1! J« 1:45 ., HO. JUD0,E_D,AVIH; b h- 6 m McGee— Benedetta, by The Pepper. Trainer, J. G. Stadler. Owner, F. J. ORourke. ma Tijuana 1 1-16 l:37«ihvy :;-2 11] 111 1 Is 14 J Htamer 11 Alma K., l.nbvSistor. M.ronnell 1 Gi:i;;i Tijuana 1 1-lti 1 :4«4-hfast IJf 109 V 4 6 T 10 10 H Molters 10 P.Hlcsni. Bour.tireen, Fan. Nail I Ctil.fS Tijuana. 3-4 l:17slop H 112 6 6 6 5!J ;3 H Saladin t Don .lose. Orchid King, Ike Mills I C0077 Tijuana 3-4 l:14%fast 77f 111 9 9 9 9"9;H Saladin 10 Fireplace, Bob.Allen, OrchidKing • G642:2 Willows 6J f l:22~fast 11 113 71 J Muleahy 8 Magician. Miss Orb, John Jr. MM WlUowa 3-4 l:16fast 4S-10 109 3i T Wilson « B.eWiug, H.Angton. K. Chilton , MBWDUm 1 1-16 1 JHtfftat 12 108 4«J C Gross 0 Bass. Boy, P.eeDirect, G.Robt* , CAVALCADOUR LI., I, g. 6 109 By Verdun— Amazone III., by Ladas. Trainer. C. Irby. Owner, C. Irby. 6047.; Tijuana 1 1-lti ljritf I 111 1 1 1 1 T-l 21 M Slghter 7 J. Well. W.H 1earee. Bhornll. •Ml I Tijuana lm70y 1 :477sf;ist 6 109 6 4 4 4 2- 44 M Slghter 7 ;ath, Franklin, Lstrfa L-hmund j M8H Tijuana 1 1-16 lnf.goodSS-lO 109 S 6 6 5 6" 69J C Studer 7 Hoiien, P. Blossom. Buckhorn II. 60029 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49%good 35 104 7 4 4 4 6 V* FJ Xoble 9 Franklin. BouBaker, KkFogarty ; 09X88 Tijuana lm70y 1 :C0-islop 6 1*1 6 4 3 3 4» 6; C Studer 7 Sheba, Bob Baker. Franklin 69776 Tijuana lm70v 1:47 fast 6-6 113 4 2 1 1 l1 6SJ E Noble 7 M.Fuller. Nashotah, Shenandoah t 69604 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:49%fast B 106 2 1 1 1 1* 1* E Noble 6 Gord. Roberts, Poacher, Bneville J BfciSl Tijuana 3-4 l:10%good 16-6 107 8 6 6 41 l«J B Park* 8 M.Maulsby, Nashotah, Sht Stop i DAINTY LADY, b. m, 6 109 By Celt— Albertola, by Albert. Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 60621 Tijuana :!-4 l:14°:fast 22 111 S 7 6 C: 9" P Martinez 9 Trusty. Don Jose. Dancing Girl 1 6 -o7"» Tijuana 1 l:4.Vslow 1 105 1 6 7 7 oi 49i C Studer 7 Bill Head, Vic. Mont peril 60474 Tijuana 3-4 l:17*islop 8 103 8 8 8 5-j 2!J C Studer 8 Lir. Romper. McLane, Don Jose . 60229 Tijuana 2-4 l:17*ihvy 13 101 6 6 6 6- 6 - P Hum 7 D.Dodgc, Ore. King, G.Agmonte , 69797 Tijuana 6J f 1 :0S%f ast 17 111 6 6 6 6* 6* R Carter 7 Hazel Dale, Herder, Fireplace 64963 Dufferin 7-8 l:33%fast 8 109 6* W Dkson 5 Murray. First Pullet, W. Willow 64937 Dufferin 6J t l:26%fast 14-6 108 2* A Casey 5 Fst Pullet. Murray, Br.Peddler . G4and27 Dufferin 7-8 l:33V3fa8t 27-10 109 1* J Dmuiick 5 Chow, DanciugGirl, Grd Daddy 64C4C Thorncliffe 6Jf l:12%niud »-2 109 S1 A Casey 8 Dane. Girl, Walt.Mk. Nan.Ann NELLIE HARPER, b. f, 8 81 By Earrigaa— Beatrice Boole, by Beep oDay. Trainer, H. Tullett. Owier, Tarn o Sbanter Stable. eor.22 Tijuana 3-4 1:19 hvy "1 IS 6 6 6 31 34 T Wilson 9 Poacher. Czardom. Sample 602*4 Tijuana 1 l:51*ilivy I SI 4 5 r. | | 1» P Hum « Vic, Pueblo, Ha! Wright 6"i:»6 Tijuana 2-4 1:17 slop 5 102 6 4 I 3* 3" T Wilson 7 N.McKiny, Olymp.i. H. Wright r.09!i9 Tijuana 61 f 1:11 slow 11 101 6 4 4 4s It * Wilson 8 Lit. Florence. Tabloid, LittieLess C974r, Tijuana 6i f 1 :09 fast 6 92 9 8 7 4 3«| C Studer 9 KnbberlL. Q.ofTmps. H.Boyne 69674 Tijuana 1 1:42 fast 16-5 82 3 4 6 4 3 3*1 P Hum 7 Penh, Mabel Rule, TTranium 69610 Tijuana 61 f 1 :09%fast 13-10 102 « « 6 4j 4i C Studer 7 Pl.Steel. Thriller, Trumpet Call I 69531 Tijuana 1-4 l:22%hvy 51 Ml 7 6 4 21 2= P Hum 7 Rouen. Oavalcadrll., Czardom WATER WILLOW, b. m, 6 107 By Rapid Water-Icaria, by Sanders. Trainer. J. Eckeit. Owner. J. Eckert. CuC52 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :50%fast 18 109 I I 6 6 6 4 C Gross B UeesYVing. riiedoden, Deckhand 69069 Tijuana 3-4 l:14i3fast 234 105 8 8 9 10 10 O Atwell 10 Furbelow. Orchid King. Chow ma Tijuana 11-16 1:49 fast 35 1*0 6 6 6 6 6 C« J Htamer 6 Ver.Loon. Dix.Carroll, Deckhand I 67906 Kworth lm70y l:35%hvy 24 106 8 7 6 7 1* 71* T Burns 9 WhiteHaren, SkrFace, Jacques D7246 Conght 1 1-16 1:48 fast 61 113 3 3 4 6 7* 7* W Hinphy 8 PaulaV., P.lar.Boy, Biickhornll. 67123 Comiht 1 1-16 l:47; ifast 17-10 111 14 6 5 6* 419 W Hinphy U Count Boris. Paula V., Warlike r,ti» B.Bon ts 11:42 fast 27-10 112 4 14 3 61 64 C Lang 9 Rock Silk, Just Fancy, Mildred 66607 Dorval 1 1-16 l:46%fast 16 102 2 1 1 1 11 V H B Bwer 7 Fireworth, Sw. Apple, Hor.Lerch II DON JOSE, cb. g. 7 111 By Ballot — Cicaela, by Watercress. Trainer, C. E. Grove*. Owner, C. E. Groves. NgJI Tijuana ::-4 ." 112 I 2 1 1 2- J Hunmer 9 Trusty. Dancing Girl. John .lr «,« C7*» Tijuana Si t IM slow 11 10S 7 7 4 41 4-5 T Wilson 8 Shifty. Ike MilK Dancing Girl 00474 Tijuana »-4 l:174i.slop E 111 3 I 4 31 •*§ M SIghter S Lit. Romper. Dty Lady. McLane MM Tijuana Q f l:10»;mud I 114 2 3 6 6 6»1 E Taylor C L. Romper. Pl.Blosm, Mad.Byng 60138 Tijuana 3-4 l:17tKlop 5f 109 1 11 1J I] C Th"pson t: O. King. Ike Mills. M. Maul-by 69951 Tijuana 3-4 1:18r%hvy 12f 111 S 8 7 92 73J H Saladin 10 Pl.Blosm, Lit.Romper, H.Lerch h 6981 ; Tij uana 3-i l:14*s,fast 61 110 8 6 6 41 4*1 J Metcalf 9 Trusty, McLane. Don Dodge 69624 Tijuana 5-8 l:01*ifast 13 104 ♦ 6 6" 7*1 A Jacobs 8 Fireplace, Harry D.. Mayflower 69129 6 8 1:01"ifast 24 106 3 4 6 61 671 A Jacobs 7 King Dick, Fireplace, Pueblo VIC, b. f, 4 103 By Watervale — Eastern Shore, by The Bard. Trainer, C. Berry. Owner. Thompsoa and Berry. 60575 Tijuana 1 l:45?.-..slow 7 1"0 4 7 6 4 21 14 C Ralls 7 BillHeail. Montperri. DainfyLady f 6047-1 Tijuana 3-4 1 :17slop 9 97 7 7 7 6 C3i C Ralls 8 Lit.Romper. D*ty Lady, McLane » 6027L Tijuana 3-1 1 :15-good 7 1*3 6 6 6 4- 4 1 C Ralls 7 T.Craven. Tabloid, H. Burgoyne » 6-,.-4 Tijuana 1 l:5Hi.hvy 8-5 97 5 4 4 2 2J 2" C Ralls 6 Wei. Harper, Pueblo, Hal Wright I 6-1180 Tijuana F4 t 1 :ll-.,mud 5 101 6 6 6 3-1 2h C Ralls 8 MissDunbar. H.George, BlkTop MMS Tijuana 3-4 l:17-.,good 9 Ml S 7 7 6-12 C Ralls 12 AlPorter, LanraCoehran, Coombs 1 68112 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47%faat 29 99 2 6 6 8 9 9" L Penman 9 Gatti. Mose, Anna Gallup 67766 Laurel 3-4 2 :15,£,fast 15f 106 10 7 8 6» 6"5 A Hudginsl3 CocaCola, Amackassin, Burgoyne . J 67231 Aqduct ll:40*ofaat 25 98 5 4 6 6 6 612 B MarlelH 5 Arapahoe, San. Claus, Scot. Chief 67036 Bel moot 11:38 fast 50 101 8 8 12 13 13» 13s* F CltllettU5 JockScot. Houyhnhmn, Sad. Bin* f NASHOTAH, cb. m, 6 100 By Meelick— Modena, by Armeatb II. Trainer, B. Hesseitine. Owner. 6. Hesseltlne. 60621 Tijuana M W 102 9 9 9 9 8* C Ralls it Trusty. Don Jose. Dancing Girl 60357 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:49 fast 8 94 I 5 E E 5° 341 C Kalis 7 Omom!, ;atli. Don Podge WC76 Tijuana 3-4 l:15*A*;ood 4 111 7 7 7 5- 5*3 R Carter 7 T.Craven, Tabloid, H. Burgoyne 5t-887 Tijuana 1 3-16 2:06-iSlop 41 106 4 4 4 4 4- 571 C Ralls 7 H.Valley, MyFuller, Don Dodge BM38 Tijuana 11-8 1:57 fast 3 102 2 5 5 4 21. 25 C Ralls 6 Shortstop, Yernink. G. Rooerts i tl 776 Tijuana lm70v 1 :47 fast 27-10 107 5 6 6 I 41 2" P Hum 7 M.Fuller. Sbenandh, Gor.Robts 69735 Tijuana 2-4 l:14%fast 39f 107 6 8 8 61 4»J E Fator 9 K.Rankir, John Jr.. M.Maulsby 69675 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14: ,s,fast 30 110 C 8 8 7* 6*1 C Ralls 9 OrchidKing, Pl.Blosm 6V5SI Tijuana 2-4 l:16,tgood 16 111 1 6 4 21 2* W Oargan 8 M.Maulsby. ShtStop, L.inBlack - E9069 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14%fast 186 109 10 I 8 81 6*J R Carter 10 Furbelow. Orcbld King, Cbow BEERLESS ONE, br. % 1 107 By Jack Atkin — Same Ptreil II. . by Irquois. Trainer, b. Polk. Owner, S. Polk. ■MM Ttfeuun laaNy l:4T*ACaat 17 98 I 6 6 6 t 5" M Fator 7 Oath, Beireee. Bevjca 6«551 Tijuana 3-4 1:16 slow 45 1*8 9 S S S 7" M Fator « Orcfa.KJac, BillHead, P.eesWing 60H77 Tlluana 3-4 1 :11-Vast 77f 106 10 10 10 10 10 » B Fator 10 Fireplace, Bob.Allen, OrchidKing * 69797 Tijuana 5J f 1 :08-tiast 164 101 7 7 7 7 711 M Fator 7 Haze! Dale, Herder, Fireplace 68.7b MapleH. Im70y 1:51 slop 7 108 7 7 7 6 4l 4* N Foden 7 Toreador, Speedster, Discord 6*512 MapleH. 3-4 1:21 hvy 9 111 8 7 6 3" 3i E Fator 10 Fin. Rooster. War Smoke, Jim 68450 MapleH. IwTlj 1 EEHlIll 16 106 6 6 6 6 6 6:" G Mangan ti Rouen. Discord. Toreador 68409 MapleH. 51 f 1:08 good 2a 1*9 7" E Fator 7 Bengulese, Retreat, Tom Goo** 67646 Laurel 1 1-8 l:5-„fast 6 112 6 7 7 7 7" E Fator 8 H.Pardner. S.Verdict, Frankiir

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Local Identifier: drf1922030401_8_1
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