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5 9! IOlllTH HACK Bj -Z lurlonns. :i-j oar-olds ami upward. CIiiIiuIiik. i June 2H, 1! 1«; 1 :05 J-5 — :i IIS. g VERA RITA, gr. f, 4 107 By J. F. Crowloy— Cisae, by Flambeau, i Trainer, W. L. Stanfield. Owner, W. L. Stanfield. ■ MM Tijuana 5-S 1 «%faat S 111 7 7 7 U 7".. D Hum 11 W.Whilnker. J.DJBsjgg L like and 60544 Tijuana D-S1:06 slow 7-5 1 19 1 I 2 1and V D Hum ! .lack Pot. Kimono Jllohnson 6t fiil46 Tijuana 5-S 1:05 mud I log 4 | 2 2i 2J D Hum 10 I.W.Harper. Chrome Dewy Field 5 60406 Tijuana 51 f l:08%fast 16f Hi4 5 4 Fell. H R Bwer * Tillotson. July Fly Cover Pp B 60249 Tijuana 6-8 l:03%good 8 101 5 2 2 2=1 2i J Majestic 9 EllaWaldo, CicolyKnv, R Atkin E floifli Tijuana 6 f l:13%hvy 23 106 . « 5 3- 2- E DonahuelO Kenward, Crispie, Tom Caro I 60098 Tijuana 61 f l:08%fast E 109 2 3 3 3i 4 E Donhuel2 W.Whitaker, Coombs, M Dixon s 59X33 Tijuana 5-8 l:021sfast 19f 105 « 3 3 3* 3SJ E DonhueltJ Pueblo, Goldie Rose Our Lender 59709 Tijuana Bj f l:10%faat 4Jt 104 S 1 1 21 21 E Donhue 13 Gra. Trimble, Rkworm, O.Hasel B TOND HOPE, b, m, B 108 By St. Swithiaa— Boll Weevil, by Cayuffa. ■ Trainer, 0. ICanley. Owner, H. T. Palmer. I fioiioi Tijuana 3-t 1 :16:!.-.bim.i1 18 108 7 6 8 6J 4-l P Caron 10 Divland. Sadie P.. Anrcatl ■ C049S Tijuana 1 l:492imud 9 110 2 2 3 4 6" Sli T Rae « Pltagenet, Canvasbk, Mistake I M443 Tijuana 1 1:47 Vslop 43-10 110 2 3 3 3 :J 2" T Rae • Capt. Evans, Ispliam. Montoiia fit t0:!«!2 Tijuana 3-4 l:16%fast 4 105 2 I 2 2s 42i C Studer !♦ Q.ofTrumps, P.toPoint. RedUin ■ C0327 Tijuana 51 t l:09iifast 21 101 4 2 2 2= V-h C Studer lo Clearbake. Circulate, Eadylone 61 C0223 Tijuana SI t l:13%hvy 19-10 102 1 1111 2, C Studer 9 Mike Dixon, Crispie, Velret ■ 6.181 Tijuana S-4 l:18-;,mud 28 104 3 4 5 41 2* C Studer 8 lackLeai, PlantaKcnet, Gadlinf a »il 33 Tijuana 5-8 1:04 slop 23-10 100 5 5 4 4» 4-h C Studer 7 Pewaukee, Tom Caro, Alajah 60025 Tijuana 3-4 l:17%jrood 4 106 1 4 6 E | 641 C Studer 12 A I Porter. Vic, Laura Cocnran * 69881 Tijuana 6i f 1:11 slop 11-5 102 3 3 3 4J 41 C Studer 11 Chow, Candesrrey, Roacllla 19812 Tijuana 5J t l:08«4fast 13-6 106 2 1 1 If 2J C Stnder 9 P.Martin. B. Smoke. W.C.Doolj OHARMANT, cb. f, 4 107 By The Rascal— Llnolin, by Requital. Trainer, A. E. Noyet. Owner, A. Hoyei. S 60ri47 Tijuana 5-8 1 :0:,"sslow 4 111 7 S 8 6 5 C Ralls 9 Cicely Kay. Coombs. R. Atkin Ri 6U51 8 Tijuana 5-S l:06*shvy 29-10 109 2 I I 2?, 2" C Gross S Cris-pie, Dorotbv. Clear the Way | 60203 Tijuana 61 t 1:14 hvy 3J 111 4 3 3 S"" 3*J C Gross 8 W.C.Dooly, PerfectDaT, Inficlii I 60134 Tijuana 5-8 1:04 slop 7f 108 I 3 2 2J 1*1 C Gross 7 StanleyH., DttlyFaslin, ClyKav 3 59881 Tijuana 5i f 1 :11 slop 11-5 108 2 112= 8«1 C Gross 11 Chow, Candecrey, Rosellli ■ 69587 Tijuana 5-8 l:035iROod 5 107 6 6 6 8 710 A Jacobs 8 View, Ask Jessie, Goldie Rose 69406 Tijuana 5i f 1:13 slop 4 Ml 2 1 1 1 |* G Wliams S F.llopc, Ind.RriBade, Lewis R 9"33 Tijuana 5-8 l:06%hvy 9 106 3 3 3 4f 6»1 G Williras 8 Jack Ledi, Rosa Atkin, Infield 69269 Tijuana is f 1:12t»s1op 8 106 1 1 1 1* 2»J E Noble 7 Perfect Day, Lady lone, Clirome LAST IONE, cb. m, 6 113 By Ben Trcvato— Toplasb, by Top Gallant. Trainer, F. Rinfer. Owner, M. Samone. 60518 Tijuana 5-S l:0 i»f.livy 1! Ill 7 7 7 6= 6"J R Tageno 8 Crispie. Cliarniant. Dorotliv 60327 Tijuana Ei if 1:09.yast 9 112 3 3 3 4= 4 E Taylor M Fond Hope. OMarLake, Circulate 6«25l Tijuana 5-8 l:03%Bood 32 110 4 2 6 63 45 E Fator ■ Gar. City, BillyJoe, TliirtySevco J MM Tijuana BJ f l:13!f,hvy 7 100 2 1 1 li Vi U Fator 8 JnlyFly, R.Mackll.. M. Franklin f 60025 Tijuana 3-4 l:17%ROod 24 100 4 0 9 8« 64J A Arvin 12 Al Porter, Vie, Laura Cochran 69670 Tijuana 6i f l:09yKfast 11 111 2 8 8 11» 10 C Gross |3 Galway, Coombs, Ethel 69386 Tijuana 6-8 l:05%slop 11 107 6 6 6 6 6* R Duggan 7 KISabio, EllaWaldo, Lit. Romper , 69352 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 mud 3 115 1 1 8 4s 4« J Metcalf 6 H.Smarr. Plantasenet, I. Brigade i »P259 Tijuana 6i f l:12%slop 18 109 1 4 4 3 3i A Arvin 7 Perfect Day, Charmant. Chrome 69165 Tijuana Si f l:ll%slop 6f 111 1 4 4 6l o* E Taylor 9 MabelRule, Amer.Maid. BillyJoe i OLA LEE, b. m, 6 113 By Asiaral — Gypsy Adams, by The Commoner. Trainer, J. J. Quinlan. Owner, J. J. Quinlan. 60441 Tijuana 5i f llislop 6 111 2 1 1 8f 4-J C Gross 8 Czaidom, L.Codjran, Lv Rrbon 60272 Tijuana 55 I l:ll%Kood 17-5 111 3 2 3 !• C Gross 11 Apple Jack, Squash, Daisy N. c 69406 Tijuana 6Jfl:13 slop 3 113 5 3 3 3l 6JJC Gross 8 Cmant, F Hope, Ind. Brigade . 55260 Tijuana 6 t l:12%slop 12-5 114 6 5 6 7» 7«J E Taylor 9 Goldie Rose, Rosa Atkin, Lavaga , 69231 Tiiuana 6-8 l:04%slop 14 111 3 3 2 21 4IS E Taylor 8 Mannchen, Tillotson, Thrills 68964 Tijuana 3-4 1 :lt ast 4| 108 3 11 3» andl T Nolan 9 July Fly, Mary Fuller, Ermltans 68829 Tijuana 5J f 1:09 fast 1 112 10 6 5 61 7« P Martinezll Busy Bird, Gadling, Our Maid ? -1 HICK KLEIN, ch. g, 6 115 By Abe Frank— Negligee, by Marta Santa. 3 Trainer, S. Daggett. Owner, C. /. Gamble. j 60572 Tijuana I l:»%SlSW 1G 115 2 12 2 3= 3" E Donhue 8 Ykl-assie. BlackTop. RobertLee • 60545 Tijuana Ei ;C l:12-".-,slow 41 113 3 3 2 li l-i T Rae 11 Bspash, Blue Van. Missoula 611384 Tijuana 1 l:44%fast 65 109 4 2 5 6 6 6J T Rae 12 Pep.Martin, .TewelCity, HotFoot C 60326 Tijuana 5-8 l:02"ifast 6 113 S I I V 2» T Rae 12 ChinaJane, .T.D.Sttgg, Cookmaid MM Tijuana 5-S 1 :031iprood M 103 6 8 8 8i 7"i C Studer 9 EllaWaldo. VeraRita. CieelvKav . 60099 Tijuana 6i f 1:09 fast 19 108 1 6 6 61 4s C Studer 1U ByRight, Hes.MacklT., Missoula " E99S6 Tijuana 3-4 1:20 slow 8 107 I 1 1 li 25 C Studer 7 G.Muehlebh, M.Franklin. Lola 6 59853 Tijuana 6i f 1:09 fast 26 113 11 6 10 9» 81* D Fropttell MissDnnbar, F. Wilson, Thrills tt 69205 Tijuana 6-8 1:05 slop 9 109 2 3 6 6» 4»1 G Wlllime 8 Tom Caro, Crispie, Mistake | 69104 Tijuana 6J f l:09?sfast 141 109 fi 8 8 8* 7« A Jacobs 10 M.Tilghman, Gol.Rose, M.Dbai ! I CLEAR THE WAT, br. ». 5 115 By Von Tromp — Directa, by Vinctor. « Trainer, H. C. Smith. Owner, Smith and Williams. t 00518 Tijuana 5-8 1 : 6%hvy 17-5 113 0 G 5 4 4":J R Pority 8 Ciisiiic. Charmaiit. Dorothy W.50 . Tijuana E t 1:11 mud 4 107 7 li 4 M SJ T Wilson 7 .losie Gormau, Covin- Up. Velvet y 60382 Tijuana 8-4 l:M%fsit 7 112 4 2 3 3J 9a H Taylor I Q.ofTrumps, Pt.toPoiut. R Man | MM Tijuana 1 1 :45y-,qood 13 107 4 11 1 M 6* P Hum 8 Gold. Rose, Ryltijrbt. MikeBizsa ■ 60204 Tijuana 1 ]:51",f.hvy 12 107 2 2 2 4 6° 5» W Davis f. Nellie Harper, Vic, Pueblo 60159 Tijuana 3-4 1:lG%slop 30 112 7 S 8 8 S8 R Carter S JolinJr., L.Florence, Lit. Komper r 60100 Tijuana ll:43%fast 17-5 107 2 11 I 21 £5 P Hum 9 Big Smoke, Lavaca. Al Porter 6itOL6 Tijuana 1 l:45%good 11-5 107 12 3 4 3J 3«1 T Wilson 8 Gadling, Goldie Rose. Montona 69815 Tijuana 1 1:44 fast 28 102 4 4 4 4 21 8| P Htirn 1 M.Rule. Oreh.King, Lit. Romper -69750 Tijuana 61 f l:07",4rast 14 108 4 7 7 74 VI R Carter 10 Coco Cola, Mflovrer, M. Manage - OUR LEADER, b. r. 13 110 By Brys HawT— Roesa, by Roussean. Trainer, H. Walters. Owner, H. Walters. 1 61-fiOl Tijuana 3-4 l:I6%*OOd 40 115 4 I 8 f* B»l P MaitinczlO Divland, Sadie p.. Ai-ento MM Tijuana Ei f l:09/ofsiKt M 113 2 I G M fii 1 Hum lo Fond Hope. Cloarl-ako. Circulate i ,9SS Tijuana 51 f 1:11 slop 11-5 112 1 5 8 9 Ml B McEwen 11 Chow, Cattdegrey, Rosellis I 69833 Tijuana 5-8 1 : »2"/.,rast 2*11 110 7 5 5 5 4s P Hum IS Iueblo, Goldie Hose. Vera Rita I 69773 Tijuana 5i f 1 :09 fast M 113 2 9 8 91 S» T Hum 10 Careen, Thirty Seven, Quinnm I 69491 Tijuana El t lflT%stfJ 183 112 7 6 6 7 7»R Duggan 7 Gadling, Earlvmorn, Plow Steel ri MWTTTJM— 51 f l:13/kbvy 33f 113 3 6 6 8» 8»J D Hum 9 Mnb.Rtile, Rafferty, GoldieRoee 5 69167 Tlluana SI f 1 :ll-%slop 24 110 1 9 » 8» 7»| H Paladin 11 SoiiBcneh, Hap. Valley, Cliarmnt 5 69126 Tijuana 3-4 l:l54, ifast 18 109 1 4 4 71 64 H Saladln 8 O.Hotn"«td. Pltagenet, Rosellis I 69047 Tijuana lm70y lAVfrtuBl 23 110 2 1 1 1 1» 7»J H Saladln 8 Balarosa, Sbenandh, H.sTopsj | HONEST GEORGE, b. g, 6 115 By Kenilworth— Mitten, by King Erie Trainer, W. Sims. Owner, W. Simst Willi Tijuana 5i t 1:11V-Plop 17-M 113 3 4 i M .",0 R Carter 8 Czanlom, D.Cocluan. T/v Brbon 6 60277 Tijoana 5-8 1 :02-good 6 112 10 9 I 7-£ 7° C Ciross 10 R"oeiIl., NoWder, Hgiin.-lleir WH86 Tijuana 61 f l:llr5inud 27-10 115 3 2 1 11 31 E Taylor 8 Miss Dunbar, Vic, Black Top e MM Tijuana 3-4 1:15 good 13 112 1 11 3- 4* E Taylor 10 D.Dodge, ThySeven, H.Bgovne " 69883 Tijuana 5-8 l:03tf.slop 3 112 I 5 4 42 4«i E Taylor 7 D. Fashion, Earlvmorn, El.Wnldo E979S Tijuana 61 f 1 :08?sfast 9 112 6 2 1 li 21 .1 Metcalf 8 Smil. Maggie, No Wonder, Chow 5 69715 Tijuana 61 f 1:08 fast 7 112 2 6 6 S" 4» T Murray 11 R.L.Owen, Mistake. Q.ofTrumps c 69624 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 Hf ast «S 114 8 7 • 4» ll W Gargan 8 Fireplace, Harry D., Mayflower 5 HUG ME, b. m, 7 113 By Dick Finnell— Miss Ball, by Lissak. Trainer, R. Thompson. Owner, H. Rasmussen. E02M Tijuana 51 f 1 :13s -.-.hvy 11 113 0 5 G 7 7«I L, Hall 10 Kenward, Crispie. Vera Rita , 6010O Tijuana 1 l:43"jfast 88 111 6 5 9 9 81 8»1 L, Hall 9 RigSmoke, CI. the Wnv, Lavaga . MM Tijuana 5-S l:02r.good 2*t 112 4 10 10 91 9L Hall 11 Orlns Gill. McMurphy, Lit.Jake 59918 Tijuana Ei t l:Vi%hvy 6f 111 9 11 l1! 1=1 L, Hall IlAlazon, Bittern, BlancheMeyers , 69792 Tijuana 11:45 fast 19f Ho 7 6 11 12 91 9" L Hall 12 Sippara, Montperri, NeoshoDale , 69690 Tijuana 1 l:43%fast 176 112 6 4 7 7 » t«» L Hall 9 Cigale, Cancion, Montona 691.21 Tlluana Si f l:08/ifast If HI I • 8 8 8 » L Hall 8 Orleans Girl, McMurphy. Puebio ■ CAREEN, b. m, 7 113 By Joe Carey— Screesvrell Lake, by Artillery. Trainer, W. H. Be Bolt. Owner, Hall ft D« Bolt. 66127 Tijuana 51 f 1 :09 .-,fast 4f 11110 10 10 10 M» R Carter H» Komi Ho|»e, CtoarLake, Circulate ; MM Tijuana 51 f 1 :13hvy 7 113 5 3 2 5- Ml R Carter 9 Mike Dixon. Fond Hope. Crispie ! 60131 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 slop 7f 100 G 7 7 7 7r- J Deford 7 StanleyH., Charmt, DulvFashn I fli-O Tijuana 51 f 1 :0-?-f,fa.n 9 110 6 G 6 61 6-J ■ Taylor 9 NoWder, TlitySeven, Barlvmn 69773 Tijuana 51 f 1:09 fast 22 110 1 2 2 1» 1* R Taylor 10 TlitySeven, Quinara, CicelvKaT I 69671 Tijuana 51 f l:09%fast 9 106 1 1 7 10* 11" G Willms 1 BlkTop. LyBouib«ju, FondHope I 69083 Tijuana 6-8 1:02%fast 26 114 5 3 3 7 7« R Carter 7 O.Kay, W.Whitaker, G. Trimble t 68981 Tijuana 6-8 l:02*5fast 82 114 1 3 6 6 6* R Carter 12 McMurphy, Ringleader, Alajah 1 MARSHAL TILGHMAN, blk. g, 13 115 By Aryar— Clara Byers, by Chant. Trainer, C. L. Kent. Owner, M. Morrison. , IVM Tijuana S-4 liHr-sgood M HO 8 10 10 10 10 C Ralls 11 Coombs. Blk. Toil Lady Bourbon MM Tijuana 5-8 l:05%slow 43f 115 8 9 9 9 81U R Dority 9 Cicely Kay, Coombs, Rosa Atkiu : 60408 Tijuana 1 l:43«£fast 53 115 4 4 6 9 9 »«» P Martinez 9 Wise .lnoge, Petlar, Tambian MM Tijuana lm70v l:41Vf,fast 82f 109 8 6 5 6 9» 9" C Ralls 10 Ev.Hargan, C.Rkley. Y. Lassie 6P987 Tijuana 3-4 l:20%slow 62 111 5 6 6 6 E*f B Maskrld I Dora, Nebraska, Pink Tenny 69793 Tijuana 3-4 l:16/Bfast 43f 114 3 4 4 7 10» P Martinezll Am. Maid, PkTenny, E.Hargan 69746 Tijuana 61 f 1:09 fast 25f 115 2 8 4 8» 8» C Thpson 9 RubberIL, Q.ofTmps, N.n.irper 69587 Tijuana 6-8 l:03%good 9 112 2 2 2 4 4« B Parke 8 View, Ask Jessie, Goldie Ro*e 89385 Tijuana 3-4 l:19%slop 11 112 2 4 6 S» 61 J Htamer 7 Merry Lass. Baisy. Dorothy 66351 Tijuana 6-8 l:05»»naud M 116 B 7 7 6* 6" L HaU 7 Bill Head, Ella Waldo, Rosellis