Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-04


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX.. THURSDAY. MARCH 2. 1922. One mil". Eighty fourth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 125 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 85 . Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55 p. in.. *Iudicates apprentice allowance. ftfifiAfi riEST RACE— 1-2 Mile. May 12, 1916— 47%— 2— 123. Pur«e 00. 2-year-olds. VVUtV Maidens. Special Weights. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. il-i5] _H_°J! *! AWtPPSt U M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 60471 FAHER w Ho l i if ji p ,. Thpson Stokes ,M- Mnir 50~O0O 59927 DICK TERPIN w.sb 112 4 :: 3s gi g j Hunnier Allen and Wilkerson tMB-BM MISS EDNA v. 113 i i *J ;:-• ;;: R Taylor Allen and Wilkerson t 8B2M*PAT HAMPSON w 112 G I 4 4- 4» R Doritv W C Goodloe 1320-100 599-27 IROSTTT w H5 B 4 BJ El 5« P Martinez Nevada Stock Farm 2540-100 GILL1FLOWER w 112 3 | fi- o» f «j Gross G Bamberger 1020-100 FRANK KlErtCK w 11 1 7 8 7- 71 7» 1 Horn ■ McKlnatcr ::.r 210-100 BBLLK WHITSKTT w 112 8 7 I I I R Carter Trowbridge and Officer MMB»M8 iCouplcij in betting as Allen and Wtthcrsoa tmtrj. Time, 24, 48. Trach fast. H iiiiilucls paid. Fuller. .00 straight. MLB place. .20 Awr; Allen and Wilkcrson entry. .60 place. I j: 20 show. Equivalent Beekla* iiii ralii. M to MM straight. M to MM place, lo to loo show; Alien and Wilker- i sun entry. ..0 to ]U» place. Ml l„ 1M» -how. TViunrr — Br. t-. by Alluding II. — Dm I.. by Cagles Plume trained |.y . 1.. Slokcs; bred by Nevada I Start Im m. Went to po-t ;i lr.s. At post 2 minutes. Sf art good and slow. Won driving; second :md third tie-■■■B. FABKR l..,k the load at nine and. aMtMjg a last pace, wn easing up. BtCK TKKIMN rae.nl I fornardl.v from the Mart and made a |MM flni-li. MISS EDNA showed much speed and was running fast af he end. CAT HAMPSON made np ground. Uerwight- Fab.;-, 1 pound; Miss Ldn.i. 1. ] f2f|£* 4.T SECOND RACK— 5 1-3 Furlongs. .Tunc 28. 1916— l:05/r. — 3— 118. Purr.e 00. 3-ye.nr-VvU"l 4 olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 50; socond. 00; third. L MM 5 Horses AWtlISt j V-i j Str Fin "jockeys Ow ncrs E.|ulv.Odds Strt S*M*»JURT RIGHT w 3 Mt - 3 -■ P -• I- M KaTor La Dtake V- Sutton -M-Wo 5S5t*:RCGBNIA K. w 1 ho I s p :,- ■:, 9 n Carte* Hollywood Stable MM-MO BBiBS ARYANNA wb 1 110 7 1 1- 1- 1- :; C Thpson Kan Dinro Stable NMM 59739 P. TIFIL DRLAAI w I M 13 t :: :;n 1- IV D Hum M J Bnrrons :;10-HK BMM BRIDOBTTK wit:: 9: ;, 7 C M M 5- H D Bwer PWkttt« 2740-io i MMI BLCIIK MMVEUS w 8 111 1 G 4," M 0J P M F:itor W Jenkins tUJW m 64t7* CANDOROSA wlMU 5 7 7 7r 7- BDMMkM V Mannalo 1730-1W 60600 CAAMANO m f 11:! I !» !»; 8 K; X K Pctgohl L R Knifong lo3G0-M0 60600 STH.ro wi: n 1M :; l BJ aj !. . at p Martinez J Ston.- T r.noiR hki.ha WRLTA w :, in i u n n4 M h - k taylor a L ftaea ; i05l7 BOOKWORM v4M X la M* M* ll5 11" .1 Hunmer H larrcll r.10-|iii Al.iA M. m ."■ 11J N 1- ft 12 B 1 B MdCwen ■ Glover BM-M tMaHaH liel.l. Time. 231., 48,i, 1:02%. 1:081:,. Track fast. .t3 muliiels paid. Just Right, .80 straight, .00 place. .00 show: Kimenia I.. 1.fi0 [dace, 3. SO show: Arrnutia. LO show. K.|iiivaicnt baaMag odds— Jut Risht. MM to 100 str tight, SO to KM place. .". to 100 show; Mggggig K.. »R0 to 110 place. MM to 100 ahW; Aryanna. fiO to 100 show. Winner — Ch. •. by Irish Exilt — -Violet Mav, bv Ieep oUay trained by . G. Suttou; bred by Mr. A. La Duke. Went to poftl at L*:Ll. At post li minutes. Slaif cood aad slow. lVon Matty; le ond and tliird driv-iiiz. Jl ST IM ;HT fdlowcd ARYANNA in closest pur-uit from the start and. eatettag ber llriag when an eiRhth out. iiuickly took the lead and won poiiiK away. EiJOKJtIA K. was in close quarters soon after the rtaTt, but moved up rapidly on the out-ide when clear and gat up to take second place from ACYVNNA in Ihe la-t striil". Tin- latter raced into th" lead at once and set n fast pace, but tired in the final drive. BKA1 .TIKI I. DRRAM was close up .-ill the way. BRIDGETTE finished gamely. « erv icht - I.ridette. 1 pound: Alta M., 1: andorosa. ." . £if£i/i Q THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. vMay 20, 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and UvtJxO upward. Claiming. Ket value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. Tiidel Horses ~ AWtlHSt % Vi Ri Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqwiv. Odds Strt m3hM*WaEt! WllKKii wt: 7 109 ti~ L" •_•= ;j P H i: B ver Beebe and Frazier 230-W KIKfX D; SLGt; w OS I :: P V " C Gross J TOckert 2ir,o-mo 00249 HITTMJ JAKE wi: 12 114 N 4 B I1 l1 :. B McF.wen iAT P Level 2140-100 S05J8KR1SPIK W 9 11 7 i 1. fi, 6i 4 P Martinez F R Jrwin HO-lOO ««?2t* KITTY CIlTHAM w 8 107 1 I G. V 4= 5- J Hunmer Z B McGregor 3BVM 508"4 VIRi;H WB S 112 11 I .".- ::- :; fi1 0 Thpson P. If Good :!0-10l 4M*44VBRA RITA a till i 7 fj 7i 7i 7- D Hum W Xi Stanfield JMU-Ito fi0.-r l MeMURPHT w 11 117 9 x y n at x1. B Taylor M Morrison ISM-MO t;0«01»JOllN S. AV1GGINS w :: ?6 8 M 10- 10= 10- g| AY D Miller J "Watlcins +1720-100 o«l.- 00*KIA i.T w ■ 110 4 !» xi 81 81 10= H LflMtg Palmer and. Caasity 11700-100 «060l*MTGMKRY JR. WB S W 111 11 11 11 11 II Mollers F Leiner | tMutiil field. Time. 24?-,. 49. UMMt. Track fast. nititjels paid. YValtcr WhitakcT, .t 0 ■traigllt, .00 place. .00 show; J. V. Sugg. 5.10 place. Ml IO show; Little Jake. SS.00 show. Ei|iiivalcnl aaaktag odds— Walter Yhitak -r. J30 to 100 straight, loo to 100 plate, 80 to 100 show: .1. I. MMC, 070 to 100 place. 370 to 100 show: Little Jake. 300 to 100 show. Winner— 15. a. by J. F. Crowley— Prithee by Filisrauo trained by C. W. Crippen; bred by Mr. W. G. Jenkins. Went lo post at :." 0. At Bad 4 miuutes. Start cood and slow. Won drivinR: second and third the same. AVALTKK WHITAKEU rac"d in close ;t pursuit of LITTLE JAKE to the last eighth and, BjUBdBg bini. held J. I». SlCG Bafe at the end. The latter rait a Rood race and finished fast and resolutely. LITTLE JAKE set a pood pace, but tired in the final sixteenth. CRISPIE finished fast. KITTY CHEATHAM had no mishaps. VIRSE ran well to the last eighth. Scratched— 00517" Rosa Atkin. 111. Overweights — Montgomery Jr.. 3 pounds. PAn 1A FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 0"OtcJ? upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. "index Horses AWtPPSt U 5 *i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt • 605 1 9 C LE A R LAKE w i 115 :! 1 ~V V 1 I3 B Taylor J W fat SO-100 00500 LOBELIA v. S 110 8 G SJ B M P J Hunmer If D Cates XOO-ioo 59650* LIMERICK w 8 112 2 2 gj :.= • :; H llolters T Polk :;r,0-100 00602 STILETTO wsii 6 112 1 :: P V P P B Bator G W Atkinson :700-ioo 60547 CICELY KAY wb 5 115 S ."■ M B ■■ ; ■- 1 Hum B Parton lOGO-ioo «0354»PEAYAUKEE wk I 112 4 4 V 4; M G- ir 1? Bwer D Howell ISlO-lOil «016R*.MERRY LASS wn 7 110 G 8 xxs 7- M Fator E K Buchanan S-GO-IOI ! 60276 DELANCEY w !l 111 7 7 7- 7- 7- S B Hority L M Schultz T vJIutuel field. Time, 24 U,. 48 3, 1:02. Track fast. mutuels paid, Clear Lake. .G0 sti-aighL .-10 place, .40 show: Lobelia. .00 place. .20 show; Limerick. S3.20 show. Equivalent booking odds— Clear Lake. SO to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Lobelia. 250 to 100 place. 00 to PM show: Limerick. 60 to MM show. Winner — R. m, by Fountain Square — Clear Night, by Free Knight trained by F. Ritsch; bred by Mr. William Dietz. Went to post at 3:10. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. CLEAR LAKE raced into a short lead at once and drew away near the end to win as her rider ple:i.ed. LOBELIA began slowly, hut inched up fast into second place and gamely held it to the end. LIMKIiICK was outrun to the stretch, but finished fast and rapidly overhauling LOBELIA. STILETTO made up ground in the last quarter. CICELY KAY" tired after racing well for a half mile. Scratched -00517 Little One. 110; 604!7 You Bet. 10S; 0IW00 Miss Ouri, 103; OOlill Mac Johnson, 112. Overweights-Didaiicey. 1 BBBBaf. £*f%£*Z£ TIFTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-UUDOU old-; and upward. Handicap. Net valuo to winner 90; second. 40; third, 0. "Tndci Horses AWtlISt / k % BtT Eta Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 60411 SlNNYbAXD wit 7 PHi : 1 "v Z] ? C- H Fa tor Bronx Stable H***-**9 00410 SA.M BJSH art MB 5 1 21 2- V 2 J Hunmer Shater and Conway +170-100 ■BATS MOTOR COP wsr. 7 M I :. 13 1 2.V ::- 1 .Martinez C B Irwin MB4N 1 047:i SLOAN wilM :• I ■■- P " 11 D Hum C B Irwin § i;:i.-.77-PLANET wb 4 95 4 : 9 HI P :.- Y Organ Slrifer and Conway t i;oiii INDIAN prince anas I M I 7 7- P :, ; p Hum L O Batrycv 91..0-KV1 BJ#g77*ROI8TBRBR w5 94 7 I B 7- 7- 7= J Thomas G W Atkinson MMVBBJ BBSS] OBN. AGMONTK wn 4 9:: 1 x V I I x« 1 pator C Irby KM MB 56I5K WAR ; 0 w 7 11:: I .". ■■ ."• BJ ! R Carter Bronx Stable j ii onplcd in betting as Bronx Stable entry; jShafer A- Conway entry: . B. Irwin entry. Time, 23;i. «%, 1:00. 1:06%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Bronx BtaMe entry. K3.3B straighl. SO. 00 place, .20 show; Shafer and Couway enlrv. S2.00 plaie. S2.2» -Imw: C. B. Irwin entry. S2.20 show. I..|i.ivalent booking odds--Bronx Stable entry. 1000 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Bhafet ft. CaaiWay entry. M to IOO place. M to 100 show: C. p.. Irwin entry. 10 la 100 show. Winner— Ch. g. by Sunflower II. — Fair Anna, by Terrilicr trained by II. Lima; bred in England by Mr. 1. P. Bhaatfcer. Went lo poat at 3:12. At Baat 1 minute. Start bid ami slow. Won handily: second and third driving. SINNYLAND raced rlaae ii| under reatiaaai Bt the stretch, then came fast and, rustling pa-! tin-bnlT . won going away. SAM REII raced close up from ihe start and took the lead at the head of the stretch, but could not with-iand the winners ruh. MOTOR COP set a great pace until in Ihe final -ix-ttcnth. where he began tiring badly. SEDAN raced gamely throughout. PLANET, after being left at the Baat, clo-ed an imnicn-e gap and will b-ar watching from now on. WAR GOD quit. Overweights-- Sam lleli. 1 pound: Sunnyland. 1. £*££*tZ-4 SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Mcy 20. 1920— 59t— 107. Purse 00 iTyear-olds and UUDul upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner S350: second. 00: third, 0. ludex Horses A Wt PI St V4 V~ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt BaBStStSTBR SlSIE wr. 1 16 1 2 V~T V li .1 Huonur J A Parson BOMB 003K6 MAY HAULSBT w 1"5 1 1 4" t1 :l :•; .1 Thomas J M Cooper IKK -loO 60117 PHRONB WARD w.sB 110 2 :: :: P P ::- O Hum C B Irwin tSB-BB BBBM KATH. RANKIN w MB 7 I P V t; I- R Carter HDOatag XMt-BB 6B332 MISS MEELICK w H :: 1 BJ B P P H Laatg A B McGregor 17G;-!0i ft3H6 NBG w 110 G :. B P ■■- P c Craaa T «: Morris 7BW BB MT3B HARRY RUDDER w 112 5 7 7 7 7 7 R Dottty A IJorland 590-100 Time. 23. 48a. 1:01. Track fast. gj mutuels paid. Sister Susie. S2.S0 straight. .40 place, .20 show; May Maulsby. .10 place. .tJ.SO ahaar; Phrone Ward. S3.20 show. Ktuivaiciil booking odds Sister Su-ie. 40 o 100 straight. 20 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; May Maul-In. 70 t" 100 place. 40 to 1H -how; Phrone Ward. 00 to 100 show. AYinuer p. in. by Galvt ston — Swe-t Lavender, by GohlfiiHh trained by J. A. Parson; bred by Mr. James P.. Maggin. Went to aaat at 1:05. At po-t 3 minute-. Start •_• 1 and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SISTEK SLSIE showed tiie ni«-t speed from the start and. racing into a quick lead, held the ra«C safe for the entire way, but vas tiring at the end. MAY MAtJLBBY moved up steadily and oul-gai,i-d PHRONE WAIM lOT -econd place. PHRONE WARD followed the winner oloMly. but tired when pot lo a hard drive. KATHEUINE RANKIN Bad lied ijauicly from a slow beginning. MISS MEELICK ran a ;: I half and tired. STal-hed- IO0t:»5Trumpct Call. 00. -L -_ _■_■_ . . : A*|"_OCr« SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45—3—110. Purr.e 00. 3-ycar-0"OtjArf Bids and ayararf. Claiming. Net valuo to winner :-0: second. 00; third. 0. rnric7~*~liois, A Wt iT"st~l4~Vj ~s"tr~Ki"ii Jockeys Owners Equiv. dd~8~StFt 605.1 1 ■1 * B BE" S W I U w .". 10G 2 1 2 V 2- P PJ P Hum A E Smith 210-W j 60 Ml iPIIEOODEN w 7 116 t 4 PJ VI 1*| 1*1 S»J 0 Thpson M L Allen 139-KB :oi73*ni:cKHANU «rsa g MB :; I B I- V ■:* ::4 .1 Hunmer V ciouri ::.M-ioo .!OB» WATER WILLOW w G 109 1 2 G G G G B • Gross J Kckcrt 17BMM • BBMU*OUR MAID w 8 Ml •"■ :f 5 .■- 5 :.- P 11 Molters w Fonner !KjO-Ioo 60607 COLONEL MATT arsa ■ MB I 5 :; :. 1- I" I B Fator S Polk lllj-100 ; Time. 212.. 49i, l:lftit. 1:433. 1:50V;.. Track fast. ?2 mutuels paid. Bees Wing. .80 straigat. . Ml place, N2.SU show; Phedodcii. .20 place, .20 » show: Deckhand. B5.4B show. Eiuivalent booking odd-— Bees Wing. 210 to 100 straisht. 10 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show: Phedodeti, iO to 100 pine. 10 to 100 show: Deckhand. 20 to 100 -how. Winner — Blk. m. ly Buckhorn— Natalie D.. by Ben Sti«me trained l.y A. E. Smith: bred by Mr J. W. Bell. Ycnl to po-t at 1:20 At po-t 1 ■Urate. Start good and slow. Won easily; BeCBBji und third driving I.Ci; S WINt; raced in MWCal pu;suit of the leud-r until after entering the stretch, Where she • p.i-scd PHEDOOEN into the le*B and won gatag BafBy. IHEDODEN whs -cut to the front 011 the hr-t turn and raeeel into a ;,ood lead, but leadily KarranheB to the winners challenge. DECKHAND ran ■ i good n«e and was well ridden. WATER WILLOW hnislud fast. COLONEL MATT showed speed Scratched — 60021 Dainty Lady. 111. AJ/hAiCTQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tards. Feb. 1. 1980— 1:43/*— G— 122. Purse 00 DUDtlO 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming, Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Index Horse* AWtPPSt i j j Str Yin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 60416= •!« ONI: VI LLK »M a 112 1 1 5 •* P 4i 1-: [ Fator J~A Parson iTloT i 60605 i lOINI.AND wit 7 114 I I 4 2- -■ F L" C Gro.-s Q Ne.il 4 0 100 60.124- •KARLYMORN w 11 112 ". I B :t » SJ S| .1 Hunmer F K Irwin s.hi-ioo i 60606s *YERMAK w ! 112 7 7 H. 4» 4 9 "• H B Bwer W Walker 170-100 60616 •PLANTGENET v 10 1!2 4 . P B SJ «- " .1 Thomas J W Shockley -.i4. -100 » 60409*MISS KRUTER ar It 11". 2 I P 1 Mj B BJ R Carter H T Palm-r 35e»MB l 603030 IfHUBBACB wo U 11- J 1 7 7 7 7 7 U Moitcra Maunak- Ac Baumistock 2:30-100 i I i I I ] Time. 24%, 49-,. |r*Ha, 1:48. l:47i. Track fast. niulticls paid. Bonneville, 2.20 .traighl. .00 place. *5.20 -how; Weinland. .20 place. .80 IBBW; Earlymorn. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Bonneville. 511 lo 100 straight. 150 to 100 place. KM to 100 show; Weinland. 210 to Kit place. 140 to 100 show: Earlymorn. 170 o 100 .-how. Winner— Br. g. by Buckhorn — Cutpurse, by Meddler rained by J. A. Parson; bred by Mr. Hal Price Ilcadley. » 1 .»i » ImIWJI Went lo post at 1:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BOONEYILLE began slowly, but saved ground by racing icxt to the rail and, passing the. leaden* when a sixteenth out. won Baaing up. WEINLAND raced forwuruly from the start and made a- came liuish. EAHLYMOUN showd much speed and hung on well in the Bnnl drive. YERMAK was shuffled back on the tirst turn and came wide wrbch timing for home, but was closing up fast at the end. MISS KRUTER quit suddenly after leading to the last sixteenth. Brratrhed coon Chick Barhle?, ill; BNTB*ABdre« K.. 112: B88S8 Bhyater, IBB; BPBTI Little BMBn ■"ss. 107. 4

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922030401/drf1922030401_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1922030401_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800