Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Saturday, March 4, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-04


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| i TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 4 WEATHICR CLEAR; THACK FAST. — . . . _. .... . ....... .„ , I I 1 • 1 , J I 1 » . I j , T r I i I r r — . . . _. .... . ....... Racing starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 3:55. ® Superior mud runner. X Cood mud runner. # Fair mud i tinner. M Maidens Apprentice allowance. 1 Blinkers. First Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3 -vear-olds and ujiward. Claiming. Track tccari: Dec 20, 1016-1:11,-3-110. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han gogh3 ■jampallaa Ml .. I 111.. 255 MRS *Aigento 117 1:14% S 108X720 COiiU Clias. Cannell 113 1:14% 11 113X715 fio.772 aCabrita MS Ida 7 111x715 Mtf J. D. Sugg UC, 1:1;" ,:-, !l 11CX710 60541 Khnono M 10ll:20,.-.s 3 Jli»x7l0 tidfiir. •Naaana Dale Mi .111 i:it; .-. 1AKM..VM 41984 hlnsiirance Man 12 113X705 fioou •rtaaa Kay M ... :f 9l..7Kj 00325 M iss E m e i a 1 d OTaalu M 4 109. .700 MjttS Nebraska Lad M. 99 1:17 4 111.. "On 60325 Fitzgerald 108 1:18 12 113X700 Second Race. — 3-4 Mile. Purse $."00. 3-yeai-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Dec. 20. MM — 1:11% — 3—110. 6o»;74 Cluouie 111 1:11 5 113x725 MSSS bLady Josephine ...109 1:14 f. 6 111x720 60498- Canvasb.ick KM 1:15% 5 113x715 60674 Modiste 103 1:14-;.-, B 111X715 MM8 *Missoula 102 1:16-. S 106 .715 M948* •flaamai 1111:13% 5 106X715 60614 Olive D 112 1:14% 9 111. .710 60002 •Qninam 1 IT 1:14% 7 108.. 705 60600 Woolen Bonnet M 6 106..7OO 60647 *bCaamano M .... 7 108.. 700 60614 Dixie Mason M.. 93 1:16% 4 1119.. 70o 60299 Grace W. M ....112 1:18% 9 111.. 700 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse S500. 3-ye.ir-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 28, 1916— 1:05V.-,— 3 — 118. 60014 Voorin 110 l:07:i;-, 4 104.. 725 60673 Curlicue 114 1:07 13 110X720 60602s Lady Bourbon ...104 148% B 103.. 715 58781- Tennilee 4 114.. 715 6054S Indian Brigade ...118 147% 9 115x715 60518 Perfect Day 107 148% ."108x715 60648 Vilge 118 148% 8 113.. 710 60573 Tainbian 108 1 :08i 6 113. .705 88M8 Kestful 10»i 1:10 B 108 .. 705 00099 bPropliecy 114 1 48% 6 110. .705 0O047 Candorosa Ml ...110 1:10 3 95..7H 60384 bMaid of Aaad ...103 1:08.-, 6 113.. 700 Fourth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purs° 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 28, MM— 148%— 8— 118. 60648 Vera Rita 10511:10 4 107x725 60001 1m, nd Hope 102 1:08% 5 108x720 60547 Cbarmaiit 105 1 :0i 1f. 4 107x715 1 I 60518 blidy lone 113 147% 5 113x715 j 00441 Ola Lee 102 1:08 5 113x715 0057" Nick Klein 108 1:09% 6 115x710 .„ , 1 I j Tod a j « Ind. Horse. Wr. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 60518 Clear ilie Wav ...107 1:07% 5 115x710 00001 Our Leader M4 147% 13 110x710 60441 l.llonest George 100 1:07 6 115x705 60201 Ha* Me 113 1:10:-. 7 113x700 60327 aCaicon no 148% 7 IM. .Mi 00002 .Marshal TIIghman.109 148% M 1UX1M Fifth Race— 1 3-8 Miles. Purse 8788. 8-year alas and upward. Claiming Handicap. No track record. fiOOOO- bBoiirbon Green ... 6 108x725 44*88 liBo ,iieville 5 148X724 00000 Fannie Nail 8 111x715 00053 Yermak u 103® 715 0O8731 While Haven 0 M X7M fiOfiOfi bBinkliorn II 5 114x710 00549 bMistress Polly 7 90x705 Sixth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-oids and upward. Claiming. Track record: March 27. 1921—1:52-5—117. 60603 »1 BY RIGHT 6 110:!.:725 88873 b.Vlma B 104 1 48% ■ 103 X 71 5 60003- George C. Jr. ...101 1:53 4 104.. 715 60619- Cordon Roberts ..109 148% 9 112.. 710 60356 bBounding Through. 109 1:57 B 108x710 00003s Dr. Samuel 118 1:57% II 114®710 10019 Plow Steel 3 95x710 60675 Mike Daly 103 1:54% 8 110.. 705 MS22* Baby Sister 110 1:54. 11 1OS07O5 60572 Petlar 115 1:58 9 114x700 60019 Mary Fuller 108 1:58% S 115X700 Seventh Race — 1 1-16 Miles. Turse 00. 3-year-o.ds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 24, MM— 1:43 — 3 — 110. 88822 bJudjie David 107 1:46% 6 108x725 60473- bCavalcadour II. ..105 1:45% 6 109x720 60021 bDainty Lady 102 1:46% 6 109X715 00079 Nellie Harper 3 81®710 00052 bWater Willow ...100 1:45% 6 107x710 60021- Don Jose T 111:1: 700 00575s Vic M 148% 4 103X705 60021 Nashotah 108 1:48% 5 1041x700 00020 bPeerless One 105 1:46% 7 107x700 Eighth Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claimin;:. Tracfc record: June 28, 1916— 1:05%— 3— 11.8. CO0O73*bRuhher II 110 1:09 7 108x725 60500 Mosie Gorman 82 148% 4 105x720 «0523l*blnacher 187 148% 7 115x715 8M81 *McLaaa 188 148% 6 112x715 00551 bMadam Byns 188148% fi 115:1:715 00501s Hazel Dale 110 1:06% 9 117x710 00574s KiiiRleader 113 1:07% « 111x710 60651 bXej; MB 1 47% 7 11 1 x MB 60386 Trumpet Call 100 148% I 88x705 011550 Emma Williams .. 92 148% 3 89. 700 MtS7 Lady Small 108 1 :0 7 low.. 700 888H bHarry Rudder III 1:09 0 112.. 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922030401/drf1922030401_5_3
Local Identifier: drf1922030401_5_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800