A. B. Dades Name is Missing: Not Included Among Officials Appointed for Kentucky Spring Meetings., Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-13


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♦ — • A. B. DADES NAME IS MISSING Not Included Among Officials Appointed for Kentucky Spring Meetings. LEXINGTON. Ky.. Match 12. -No starter was named in the list of officials approved yesterday by the state racing commission for the Kentucky Jockey lub spring meet.ngs. When asked today concerning that fact, vice-chairman J. O. Keetie. who presided at the meeting yesterday, said: "1 was no: aware that the Mailer had not been named. We approved the Kentucky Jockey Clubs iippoiiitmenfs with one exception. James Williams, an eastern Kentucky man. was listed to be tinier. The commission added the name of S. K. Hughes. who for years has been employed in that capacity. Last year there were two timers. S. K. Hughe. and W. V. Walsh, and this year it will be S. K. Hughes and James Williams. It was my impression until this moment that A. B. Dades name was read out as slurter. There was uo comment in the meeting upon the subject. It is the enmniis -ions province without suggestion from the Ken tacky Jockey Club, to name the supervisor of pari-mut.iels and the telegraph censor. This was done by the reappointment of John B. McLaughlin of Ijexington to the former i ost and J. J. Qtaat of Covington, to the censorship. I will ask secre tar* Stoll to wire Col. M. I. Winn at Baltimore and Ban I tela his intentions relative to the starter for the -pring meetings." While here yesterday Colonel Winn remarked thai -tarter A. B. Bade had requested a raise in his com p..sation. hut he made no further •ommenl upon the subject. Dade wa- in the city, hut whether be am! Winn had a meeting ii|s n the subject is not disclosed Tl.ey departed on the same trail for Lmisville. Winn saying he was going to New York via Maiylaud anil Dade saying he was going hack to Henderson. Bradley Wilson, who remained over today, -aid that Dade had gone hack to Henderson to begin wolk on the Lee Ba-ket Bite for the proposed race coitrsi between F.vansville and Henderson, but Wilson knew nothing a- to the reason that Dades name had not been included in the officials. Wilson -«;,! that he had asked Winn to make a price on the Do.iglas Iiiik grandstand, with a view to buying ii ati I removing it to the wesi Kentucky track site.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922031301/drf1922031301_1_4
Local Identifier: drf1922031301_1_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800