Latest Kentucky Gossip: W. A. Shea Sells Snapdragon II. to Kentucky Jockey Club for Stud Purposes, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-21


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: l i • ■ I i ■ ■ j LATEST KENTUCKY GOSSIP W. A. Shea Sells Snapdragon II. to Kentucky Jockey Club for Stud Purposes. LEXINCTON. Ky.. March JO. William I.. Miller, wife and daughter, after having spent the greater portion of the week here, left last night for a collide of weeks at Iiiiehnrst, N. C. Miller put in his time thoroughly inspecting all his mares, Marlings and foals at Hal Price Headleys Deau-i ion! Farm ami in having a look at some of the other thoroughbreds of various acs iu this vieinit;. . which afforded him means of comparison. lie had !»r. John F. Deviue of Goshen, the celebrated ait-I theritl on sterility iu mares and cows, meet him I ere for consultation as to several of his mares. Dr. Devine departed last night for the Fast. William A. Shea left tonight for Washington md during the week will visit several of the farms iu Virginia, after whicii he will devote his al iciition to his racing stable at Howie. While here Shea -old to the Kentucky Jockey Club the s... , ,, rear-eM bay stallion BaaadiMea II., by Fit/. H i Neil, dam Mistress Fenu. b] I lampion, and he ill be shiojied from BWwte this week to lwi.lon. a... Wkere he will be loaned to Finest A. Pollard or tin- b"iiefit of the hois,, stock of Lauid and adjoining counties. The horse will stand under the iipcivislon of Dr. Itcn F. Figg. ;. DnimlielU" . with nine horses, has arrived at Ihe Kentucky Jockey Club track here from New-Orleans. j Howard Oots, who has heea home from New Or leans /or a couple of weeks. re|H rts the arrival ot rour foals at his farm. Two ate chestnut fillies by Atwell. from Stamps and Uoyal 1dood respectively. A chestnut filly is by the Sunstar ban e Babeiaad— PeaeOa, and a chestnut filly is by Uoseland — Miss Vigilant. A three-parts brother to Jefferson Livingstons Colonel Vennie arrived at Del Air Farm yesterday when Itrownell Combs Shy Missie, by Ayrshire. foaled a bay eolt by Senator Johnson N. Camdens Light Brigade. The latest foals at Colonel F. It. Bradleys Idle Hour Stock Farm are: l.rown eolt by Helmet -I.ird Loose, by Sardanapale; bay colt half brother to F.y Cosh, by Helmet Acnti sima. by Forfar shire; chestnut, filly lhalf-sister to Hlind I.aggage. Believe Me Bars, BeUere Me oirls and Betteae ld!e Itiuri. by North Starr III. — Love-nol. by Voter, •md brown colt by Flack Toney -Bulldoze, by Pariataa. K. F. Siniuis is visiting his Xalapa Farm in Bertrbea County. He arrived from New York Sat-uday night and will be here several days.

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Local Identifier: drf1922032101_1_7
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