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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX., SUNDAY. MARCH 19. 1922. — One mile. Ninety-ninth day. Tijuana Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of 12.1 or more days. Weather clear: temperature 85°. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter, Harry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. Racing starts at 1:.1.1 p. m. Chicago time 3:53 p. m.. Indicates appreutice allowance. £ XQCrQ FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— li— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year - 0"«7 t3 O olds and upward. Claiming. Not value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 0. "i ndex Horses AWtPPSt ,4 la 3; Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Odds Strt filTH0.V~*COL. MURPHY WH : 112 5 7 1- 4i 1 1-1 T Wilson J Q Arvin 120-100 60689 *CHARMANT wit 4 1UG 7 1 4« :: ftl Z*i ft Hum A E Noyes 900-100 M183.VOLD HSTBAO wsn 7 112 4 ii 9 | | C ::, II Molters Z Harnett t2310-100 60906 VERA RITA w 4 109 1 2 ft ft 4t H Donahue W L SUnfield 1940-100 00!M« CHOW w 4 116 2 2. ft li 41 .I1 E Taylor W Ormes 1210-100 00835 *PLANTAGENET 10 112 6 ft 6, 7°k til II Long J W Shookley 2280-100 00886* BALAROSA wn ti HI 8 I ft* 7s 8=1 73 C Studrr II T Palmer t 009501 MANN HEN vs X 112 :: 4 ft f ,: ft S .1 Hutimer J A Parson 1S0-100 00904 ALICE RHMOXD W 4 IOC 9 I f 9 ■ I T Rae W ■ Hunter t fMiituei held. Time. 23«i. 482/0, l:01*i, l:08/5. Track fast. mutiiels paid. Col. Murphy. .40 straight, S3. 00 pl.vce. .X0 show; Charmant, .80 place. .00 show: Old Homestead, held. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds-Col. Murphy. 120 to 100 straight. SO to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Charmant, :»» to 100 place. 100 to 100 show; Old Homestead. 70 to 100 show. Winner— R. g. by Theo. Cook— Harvest yiieen. by I p oDay trained by .1. G. Arvin; bred by Mr. William Garth. Went to post at 1:.17. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COL. MIRPHY began slowly, but worked his way up on the inside rapidly and. taking the lead with a rush when entering the stretch, drew out decisively in the last eighth. CHARMANT was a forward contender from the start and was easily second best. ODD HOMESTEAD closed a big gap in a g line race. VKRA RITA and CHOW showed the ino-t early speed, but tired badly in the tinal drive MANNCHEN quit early. Snatched— 008X4Ask Jessie. 10.1; OOOOOMiss Sedalia. 107; 00880 Jack Ledi. 111. erweight Alice Ki hlnoiid. 2 pouniN. AAArA SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 191C— l:05/i— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- 0J*0«lF olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; seoond. 00: third. 0. "index Horaea ~~A Wt PPSt "4 /a fr~slr Fin Jockeya ~bwnera Equlv. Odda Btrt j Nft] VIEW ws 7 117 :i 1 r !• Ill1 i: Taylor H 1. .bums 889-100 . 00926»I. W. HARPER w 7 112 1 7 V 7, 4 2; P Martinez ¥ It Irwin t-«i-lM 00803 iJlIA ELY w H 111 1 2 6" 8 E] .".h T Rae .1 J Sharkey 910-100 I 0O880*MA YT LOWER wsti 4 lo9 4 .". 1; : ::, * C Ralls C B Irwin t . 00880S*MJSS DUNBAR w 1 109 •- 4 2" 2. 2i ft* .1 Hunmer W H Moore Ml IM ftftttftUMBRICK w 8 109 7 8 :, C; ft |] H Molters T Polk 4110-100 00880 W. WlHTAKERws 7 112 I ti ft ft* 71 7, T Wilson Eeebe, and Frnzier l.Mi-loo ► SM2I*SAMPLE wn " 91 2 9 9 9 I 8-1 C Studer San Diego Stable 2H0-loo MtMHARRT D. m ll 117 . ;: ft ft ft I C Jioss H Wallers 1 .Coupled ill belting as C. B. and F. R. Irwin and II. Walters entry. Time. 23?i. 483: . 1:01. 1:08. Track fast. $.2 inutnel-. p.iid. View. Sl.1.00 str.iigiit. s.l.Ml place, .M show: C. ft. and F. R. Irwin and IT. Walters 1 eatrjr, ?::.!■«» place, .M show: July Fly. |S.M show. Eiiuivab nt booking odd-- Vie*. . Oso to OKI -liaiuht. 1M to IM tdace. M to 1K» show; C. ft. and F. I Irwin and H. Walter* ratty, •; » to Ml place, 40 to Kk» fthear; July Fly. oo to kmi -how Winner- It. g. I,.v McCee larUview. hy llainbiirg trained by 1". Risk; bred by Mr. Charh-s W . Mo Went to peat at 2:2.1. At post 3 minu:es. start good and slow. Won dthing: second :ind third the ■MM. Vli:W left the post with ■ nisli ami. showing the most speed, held swa throughout. I. .it was tiling fast through the liual eighth and had to be hard ridihn to v. It Ii -t.iiid the deteruiineil ChaUeaCC el 1 W. HAKlFl: The latter was buffeted about during the eirly running, but. when clear, finished with .i great rush and was heat. JII.Y FLY wis aba impeded during the early running and closed a big uip MAYTI.OWFR tired, a- did MISS DUNBAR. WALTER WHITAKF.K ran a poor race. HARRY D. is in poor form. Scratched -00802 Ev.ilyii Ilarrigan. Ill; 00171 Peggy Martin. 11.1; 0O88S Our Maid. 110. . jr*4~BCkBC£4~B THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38—3—85. Purse 00. 3 -year-olds and I DUt/Ov upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 4350; set-end. 00: third. 0. . Dider Uoraes A Wt PPSt % C- :U Str Fin JockTya Owmra kTiuTv. Odda .StrH • «082C*SAT»li: l» w B El l 2 V 1- I V j V .1 Hunnier II Van Rooy rM-lM , ftftStS9 "Ll ITI.i: PINTER w A ftl 1 ! : ft L, S ■• II Long W Mallby Sft-MI » bOSil DDlNti TllRlill WBb i 107 l t. H* ft a. 4« 31 C Gross -Mannalc and■ Hauinstock 420-lno 1 j . I . ► 1 . . I . • , » 1 00805 3*NO WONDER w 7 112 5 3 ft 4* 4"i 5* 4 i C Studer HT Palmer 190-100 60885»CAAMANO W3B 7 104 7 7 7 7 7 7 52 C Ralls L R Knifong 3120-100 60869*CHOlR MSTER wb 7 112 2 1 2J 3 SJ ft G H Molters J Kern 2660-100 fi0»48*TAMHIAN ws B 101 4 5 5=5 fi* 6" 65 7 J Thomas J Wilson 3C20-100 Time. 25, 49V l:M%, 1A3%. Track fast. mutiiels paid. Sadie D.. $.1.80 straight. .00 place. ..80 show; Little Pointer, .80 place, .20 show: Pounding Through, .20 show. equivalent booking odds- Sadie D.. ISM to 100 straight. SO to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Little Pointer, 140 to 100 place, 00 to 10O show: Rounding Through. 00 to 100 show. Winner — Ch. m. by Ormondale— Ballynahiich, by Oeneral Syinons or Ardeen trained by L. T. White-hill; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Went to post at 2:11. At post 2 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SADIE 3. assumed command with a rush and, outrunning her opponents from the start, easily won all the way. LITTLE POINTER. :i game and forward contender all the way, stood a hard drive and Just managed to withstand the closing challenge of BOUNDING THROIGII. The latter closed a big gap in a fast finish. NO WONDER ran well. HOIK MASTFR showed speed, but failed to stay. Scratched--00948 llllaek Top. 10.1; 00024 Ostentatious. 102; MM! Lobelia, 102; 00920 Tom Owens, 10.1: 0094K Col.rita. 107. fiAQAI FOURTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. June 24, 1910— 1:45— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-oldi OfTjtFHJlA and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Tndex Horses A Wt~PP~StT4~. % Str Fin Jockeys" Owners Equrr. Odds Strt 00704 7.ETETIC wit 10 110 1 I 1 ". I1 V VI ftl T Wilson W L StanfieM 160-100 0O83f»*MISS RRUTER w 11 HO 4 2 ft V 24 2 25 C Hinder II T Palmer 1310-100 00888 To.M BROOKS w 6 114 :. 5 ft S3 :: S«J ft C Gross I. htcCowa 1420-100 ;0888»ZAMl.OC1l wn 11 110 8 8 8 8 ft ft 4 H Molt.-r.i T Polk 90-100 00839" LA AC A wit I 110 2 7 ft ft 4 ft 5» II Lone; Blackwell and Crtppen 12140-100 80|§8 * AUDREY K. wsii 7 110 I t; ftlf r,; ft f.5 P Hum C B Irwin 11410-100 00888 CAFETERIA w m I 110 7 :: ft 1 ft 7 7 C lialls .1 B McDaniel 2940-100 00802 HIO HMOKK was I 1H 6 4 ftl ft 8 I.ttp. T !• R liuiu t fCoiipled in betting as C. B. and F. R. Irwin entry. Time. 25. 49:,r,. 1:15. 1:42. 1:49. Track fast. aMtaeta paM letettc, $.1.20 ■traicht, .20 peace, show: MIm Krnter, 20 place, .00 show; Tom P.rooks. .0l» show. Equivalent booking odds — Zetetic. 100 to 100 straight. M to 100 place, 40 to 100 allow; Miss Kruter, Ml to 1111 place, 180 to 10O show: Tom Frooks. 130 to 100 how. Winner— Ch. in, by Abe Frank — Josies Jewel, by Itancocas trained by W. L. Stanfield; bred by Mr. J. V. Newman. Went to pot at 3:19. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ZKTFT1C, away fast, outran her opponents from the start, though held under restraint, and drew out decisiwly when given a free rein. MISS KRUTBR raced in closet, bin unavailing, pursuit of the winner and found no serious contention for second piece. TOM P.ROOhS was h:ird ridden all the way and did his best. ZAMLOCH closed a big gap irom a poor beginning. BM SMOKE fell lame and was pulled up. Scratched— M950 Frank AVilsnn, 112. ■ - 1 5 — 1 a — . =3 aQAQft*? PIFTH RACE— 1 3-10 Miles. Jan. 1. 1921— 2:00V,— 4— 107. rent 00. 3. year-olds O Ui/Um and upward. Claiming. Ne.t value to winner ij 350; socoud, 00; third, 0, Tnder HoireeB AWtPPSt A ,-; % Str Fiu Jockey Owners Rqiilv. Odds Strt i0808 "FANNIE NAIL w»bTM3 ■! 11 He-Th ftl ftj 1" T Wilson J S McDaniel ill 1-100 00824— I.ASSANO P.OY rtllNI E I 13 I IS 1 ftl J Hunmer L T Whitehill ::s.-llu» 00839 SALCEORGE w 0 109 M 6 ft 2,ii ft* H ft C Studer Suhr .?- Mansfield 1940-10U ««1 28*DAINTY LADY w 6 101 2 2 81 H G," S| 4 II Long C B Irwin 62C0-1OO 009084MIKE DALY wst: 8 102 11 S 11 11 10, ftl S 1 C Ralls Murphy X- Clonlnger 910-100 .0808 COMMA NDKR wst: 6 114 9 9 !•■ ft 9 «l-«6i C Thpsort A Lund 800-100 00839 -P1NECREST w 4 110 I 4 ft I; 41 4 ft C W Fonner t".960-10O 00889" PEERLESS ONE wsn 7 107 1 :. 4; ft 2" 61- 8 H Molters S Polk 1410-100 00908 -DECKHAND wsB I 106 I 1 ft 5 ft* ft 91 W Davis V Cloud 1120-100 00917 U l.ACHMCND wsP.8 108 8 10 ? 7" ft aft hft H. Tones L Galbraith 1010-100 mtftW. H. PEARCS W 8 102 7 7 61 lo "11 tl 11 J Thomas H Rasmussen t •fMutuel field. Time. 2415. MK, 1:154J. 1:423;-,. 2:02y5. Track fast. mutuels ii:iid. Fannie Nail. S4.40 straight. S3.M plaice, 82.00 show: P.ass.ino Boy. .80 place, .4i. show: Salgeorge, .40 show. BeaJraftat booking odds— Fannie Nail. 120 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 [dace. 30 to 100 show; Baesam-Roy. O to 100 piece, 70 to 10O show: Salgeorge. 120 to 100 show. Winner — l!r. in. by Leonid— •Beaete Reinbert. by Dungarveu trained by F. Samples; bred by Mr. W. C. Nail. Went to post at 3:4.1. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FANNIE NAIL had a rough race while rounding the first turn, then made up ground steadily and, coming around the leaders. uni--hed with a great rush and just managed to get up to win in the last stride. BASSANO BOY set a good pace and. when challenged, hung on with rare gameness, only giving wav in the final stride. SALCEOItCE ran well and finished gamely. DAINTY LADY was going fast at the end. JUKE DALY came from far back. PINECREST. DECKHAND and PEERLESS ONE showed early speed, but tired badly in the Baal quarter. CAQlCQ SIXTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. May 16, 1920— 2: 05 "3— 6— 115. Third Running- COFFROTH UlruOO HANDICAP. Value 0,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 5,000; second, ,500; thiiJ. ,500: fourth. ,000, Indei Horses AWtPPSt jj 5 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odda Strt 0O7O7:Ml.l.CIREK wn 4 III 1 I 4 6 4 :::i ftj J Hunmer Q Ii Allen 460-100 0O842RiEI.i: w 7 98 S 1 V ftl ft 1" ft D Hum C B Irwin 13960-100 00806 REORESO wsn 8 91 7 11 hft ft ft 2 ftl P Hum C B Irwin t 00841 ■* PLANET wis 4 107 1 7 ft 9-1.7- ftl ft C Studer Phafer and Conway 400-100 00050SLNNYLAND wt: 7 112 4 9 D 2 2* o1 55 C Thpson Bronx Stable H20-1QO «057«BE FRANK w 6 124 10 E ft 43 6? ft 6" R Carter Bronx Stable J 00841 -REGAL LODGE wn 7 111 11 8 7 7" ft 7 7* C II Miller H W Hoag 1920-100 00.170-BREEZE wb 8 112 I 4 2, H andh ft 81 C Duggan G II Abbott 2030-100 00841 VETERAN w b 6 100 .1 M 11 103 103 ft ftl E Donahue H D Gates 3240-100 00.176 EAST INDIAN w 5 114 8 2 ftl 81 ft lO-lO-1 J Metcalf G J Miller 900-100 00.176 OMOND -wsb 6 102 0 :. 911 11 11 11 T Wilson M Quinn 2440-100 fCoupled in betting as C. B. Irwin entry: JBronx Stable entry. Time. 24%. 48«i, l:14l/5. 1:40. 2:06%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Mulcibor. 1.20 straight. place. $.1.80 show; C. B. Irwin entry, 7.20 place, 0.80 show. Equivalent booking odds— Mulciber. 400 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place, 190 to 100 show; C. B. Irwin entry, 700 to 100 place. 740 to 100 show. Winner — Blk. g, by Vuicain — Tapiola. by The Commoner trained by G. R. Allen; bred by Mr. Edward F. Simms. Went to post at 4:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MILCIBER was in close quarters while rounding the first turn, but, when clear, found a favorable position and. moving up with great speed, passed RIFLE midway of the stretch and won with consummate ease. RIFLE set a great pace and. after being passed by the winner, hung on well to the end. RBQRR80 moved up fast after pa -sing the half, then raced up to the leader when entering the stretch, but tired when put to the whip. PLANET had a rough race, btit ran well. SUNNYLAND showed good speed, but tired after turning for home. RE FRANK raced close up for three-quarters, then dropped back. BREEZE showed speed, but failed to stay. Scratched— 6020.1 Lautados, 112. Overweights — Breeze, 4 pounds. £»f||£ /d SEVENTH RACE— 3-4 Kile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11%— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-oids OUvOt and upward. Handicap. Net value, to winner 30; second, 80; third, 0. Index Howes AWtPPSt M, % % Str Fin Jockey Owners Equlv. Odda Btrt 00804 -COFFIELD w 6 105 5 i :: 2 ft" 1- C Gross North and Rowe 780-100 00650 ■MOTOR COP wsn 7 135 6 1 li l2 1" 2° P Martinez C B Irwin tMMM 60705 SAM REH w 11 6 107 S 8 :. 4" V V,3 C Studer Shafer and Conwav tlfiO-KKl 00841 FURBELOW w I 118 I 7 6, 6- 4- 4; J Hunmer Shafer and Conway * 60720 BELARIO w 6 104 1 1 I 9 61 5 E Donahue G Alexandra 16960-100 00887 SEDAN ws 8 100 4 4 41 fint .V. 6" D Hum C B Irwin f 60887 DOCTOR CBETT w 9 114 7 8 7 Ti 7" tl C H Miller R M Hollenbeck 220-100 008433L1TTLE RMPER w4 96 I 9 ft] 82 9 8* T Wilson H W Barnes 7840-100 .0887 KINGLIKE w 11 I 112 2 2 3J 8? 9 E Taylor H Caldwell 1420-100 fCoupled in betting as C. B. Irwin entry; +Shafer and Conway entry. Time. 23%, 47%, 1:13%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Coffield. 7.00 straight. SN.OO place. .00 show; C. B. Irwin entry, .80 place, .00 show: Shafer and Conway entry. .40 show. Equivalent booking odds— Coffield. 7M to 100 straight. 300 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; C. B. Irwin entry. 140 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Shafer and Conway entry, 20 to 100 show. Winner — B. g, by Modred — Zirl, by S.iin trained by R. Rowe; bred by Mr. C. B. Daniels. Went to post at 4:49. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COFFIELD raced within striking distance of the leaders and, making his bid while rounding the last turn, drew up on even terms with MOTOR COP and passed him quickly to win going away fast. MOTOR COP set ■ fast pace, but was no match for the winner when challenged and had to be hard ridden to ■are lecewl place. SAM REH closed up with I rush and would have taken second place In another stride. FURBELOW was hard ridden throughout and did her best. BELARIO was going fast at the end. KING-LIKF showed early speed, but quit badly. Scratched S8480*The Desert. 90; 007S2Claikson, 9S. Overweights — Coffield. 1 pound. £J/Q|5E EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-1G Miles. June 24, 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-oldi DVfl/UO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Tndex Horses AWtPPSt M and % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv. Odda Strt 60785 *NAN McKLVY Wl3 M 3 4 ::i :; 3- P. 1:; P Hum North and Rowe 1 20-100 00785 P1EDRA wn 7 11.1 2 8 I 73 73 ft ft .1 Metcalf J Eckert 1UW-1Q0 BO*43*GLEN WELL w S 108 7 1 ft 4» 4 4» 2" C Studer Ri.sbee Stable H-20-100 00927 FRANKLIN wb 9 117 1 7 61 6" ft ft 4U C Thpson C E Groves 810-100 00927 -DOLBY ALLEN w 5 11.1 E 1 2 1 1" ft ft b-h C Ralls C B Irwin t800-100 601! 7 *W. MONTGOMERY w 9 120 6 2 4i ft 6H 73 ftl T Wilson F R Irwin f 00866-»PLITM BLSOM ws 4 114 4 3 V 2 2? 6 V .1 Hunmer L T Whitehill 370-100 00823*T11RILLER w 2, 88 8 6 71 8 8 8 8 II Long J M Black 1440-100 fCoupled in betting as C. B. and F. R. Irwin entry. Time. 24%, 48%, 1:14. 1:41%, 1:48%. Track fast. IS mutuels paid. Nan McKiniey. .10 straight, .40 place. .20 show; Piedra. 0.60 place, .00 show: Hen Well, .00 show. E iiiivalent booking odds— Nan McKiaacy, 120 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show: Piedra, 430 to 100 place. 2.10 to 1H show: Qlefl Well. ISO to 100 show. Winner- Ch. f. by Leonid — Kate Herman, by Modred trained by R. Rowe; bred by Mr Charles B Daniel-I. Went to post at .1:11. At pot 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the MBM. NAN McKINNLY wait.. | with until rounding the last turn, where she rushed to the front aud. finishing gamely, held on to the end. PIEDRA closed a big gap in a fast finish. GLKN WELL was in rime quarter* when a sixteenth out and. although finishing fast, could not get through until too late. FRANK UN was goiim la-t at the end. I.OliBY ALLEN showed good speed to the stretch, where he here out badly. PI. IM BLOSSOM tired after forcing the pace and quit badly. Scratched -MB48 Little Florence. M. , ___ — — £-*ttlil£± NINTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28, 1916— 1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00, 8-y*ar- SJP"«IyHJvP olds and upwaid, Claiming, Net value to winner 50: second, 00; third, 460. "in. fix _ Horace AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equlv. Odds Strt 848SdJ01IN JR. ws I lis 1 I 31 2; lull 11. c Th p.son V Mannale 7*6-KKi 00709 MISS MANAGE w 6 H« . 6 5*1 51 3 2" T Wilson H.illinger and Coffman 1220-hW 00907 SHIFTY w 4 112 6 2 -1 H 4, ft J Hunmer A ■ Stokes 110-100 .0843 ANNA REGTNA DllM .. I 4] H ft 4-i C Balls J Pelter 300-100 00H9O HERDER «aa 7 117 I - I] 1; ft ••, V Martinez C B Irwin VdO-100 K4SM*IKE MILLS w 7 101 1 • t1 tii ft C-i C Studer Q Kelly soli-loo l,08! 0 ORCHID KING wsr. 7 11:: 2 7 7 7 7 7 P Horn .1 W late 2960rUK Time. 24. 48.. 1:01:,. l:07*s. Track fast. mutuels paid. John Jr., «.80 straight. .40 place, . SO show; Miss Manage. .M place. .20 ■ be* : Shiliy. *2.40 show. i:.|iiival.nt htprlai odds John Jr., 710 to 100 straight. 370 to 100 place, 90 to 100 show; Miss Mauage, M0 t.. 100 pine. 110 t.i 110 show: Shifty. 20 ha 100 show. Winner It. :■., I«y Matia Santa Maude Keal.v. by Iten Strome trained by J. Maiiuale; bred by Mr. Walter s Payee. Went t.. pet at .110 At post :■ minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the sum. JOHN JR. raced on the outside of the leaders until after entering the stretch, where he forged ti, the Mad and. standing a hard drive, withstood the pressing challenge of MISS MANAGE. The latter tin l.d list on the inside and. in a good, game effort, just fatted to get up. SHIKTY ran well and, SMkiaa 1 Millie hid. was w iring the first two down at the end. I1LRDER shewed Ihe MM I early speed! but tired in the tinal driv. ORCHID KINO was shut off 0011 aft.r the start. PJeraUhrd MTMfflaiij haarfej ar, 113; MtM Bactafl Tabhe, iou, t:o9o7 Social Star, 112.