Aqueduct Stake Entries: Show Slight Decrease from Total Nominations for Last Year, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-21


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Ig Jr. e Is m at ik •n ie 11 iug m IV r .1 r, jg Is g ■ ■ -r le • !t , .- e ■ n E g ,1 t. • a J r : . • | 1 I ] * J J. T S 0. Haqueduct stake entries t k a 0 Show Slight Decrease From Total I Nominations for Last Year. * 1 Comparative Analysis of 1921 and [ 1922 Figures — Older Horses in Big Events. ♦ The total number of horses named Tor the 1!° , stakes of the Queens County .lockev Club, to be run ! at the Aqueduct track during the summer meeting. fell slightly below the number entered for the saint-m ; events last year. The California returns, however are not yet in. A few of the stakes show increases but most of them have a small falling off in nniu-§ bers this year. Iist year the twenty-out- stake events drew a total of l.tlS.". nominations, while this year they have attracted l.tiS2 so far. The following table gives the number of horses : named for the various stakes this year and in 1921: Stake. aaaj. sagR, Brooklyn Handicap 7c 73 , Carter Handicap ,. 8.- g- Brookda le Handicap . ."•• I Queens County Handicap 70 [■- Speculation Selling Handicap 77 04 Myrtle Stakes 73 t!9 Boekawav Stakes . . 7-- |a S22L"SS! :.::::::::::::: 53 m j Caruaa stakes ag as DaaeDc Stakes 3U 37 ; Fnion Stakes :,:i !;4 Oreat American Stakes . "l4S 147 Tremont Stakes tag fas Hud-on Stakes [[[ %i :f. ; lover Stakes ...!!l04 IM : Astoria Slakes 9 j- Canarsie Stakes .303 107 Woodhaven Stakes |gj| my Gleaaale steeplechase [41 40 Winflield Steeplechase 47 43 Bayside Steeplechase 33 aj Totals i.6s.-, x -!s._, Nearly all of the leading eastern horses three I years old and over are included among those named tor the Aqueduct stake events. The following list gives the older horses included in the nominations arranged under the names of their owners: Alpha Stable: Sea Tale i itmidge Tiaaapnii rt Stable: Overmatel, 1 en Buttons Bed Start • W. Bean: But.her B-»y Al "■* J. J. Hertz: Arhraai J. Baaetl: Fiftv Fifty Vubain Bark S. C. Bildreth: Benjamiii Block: Dunbovne Jlorvieh m:,x Htraeh: Mawreoron Sidereal ■■ S. Downs: Plying Cloud , ■»*»• Long Island R, J. Brown: F. K. lliteheoek My Result. Two year-olds J. A. Buchanan: Walter M. Jeffords: Flying Scout Macduff George II. Bull: Reprisal Mustard Seed Mrs. w. M. Jeffords-Fred Burlcw: |W Feathers Irish Brigadier Pretty Lady J;.mes Butler: Spalding Lewe Jenkins: SI|"K Patty Ann Blackstoae Due de Moruy ■■"•c Freilerick Johnson: Caaterhary Farm: Etc* Mis ;uy Qaaat Maatton Jones: Mrs E. B. Cassatt: St. Henrv Chesterbrook Leslie E. Keifer: t « . Clancy: .ijm Maddox Crystal Ford j|lis Sb.irpe Kilmer: 1. Ambrose Clark: RfcttlMlaabM Iist Man o,„. K].,R Mrs. F. A. Clark: ftaan Igk Ti" •"t Dinahmeiir Bhghty II. Qaatare RoaagawaM: Minata Comic Song Westminster Mrs. B. A. Laajaaa: P. A. Clark: Sweep By Nancy Ix-t- Lexington Stable: Ohewtak Lu.kv Hour Blue Teal Missionary t;. A. Cochrnu: Mv Play Benagliere Prelude Smoke Sen-en Draft ■■■hahl Jefferson Livingston: June Crass Two-year-olds Poiyaatks George W Loft- Matt Col ford: n Watch lorksluie Hal,, w. K. Coe: Mrs. g w. Loft: BpartRjOj Swcepment Master Hand J. U. Louebheim : Many Smiles Two-vear-olds Caayaa John Uaaiaaaa: J. S. Cosdon: Itobert Oliver Fa nl Jones Oeeanna Qaad lhaiea Free State Bight-art HarithfieM IakI.v Baltimore James MacMauus: Boulette B.olriac row Ioint Stable: Marj" Patricia ■haffcr FitzGibl William Daniel: J. E. Madden: Oaatjgaa surf Rider Obathaa Harridan I Khter Native Iind J. L. Davis: s.ul|a Clara Irodigious h w. Maxwefl: Dosoris Stable: The Virginian Syrdarya E. B. McLean: Sobngade Dream of Allah tank J. Farrell: Saddle and Boots Kahshew Boy The Post Diinmesd.ile Haagiaaa A Nancy W. Mod.. Stable: Sea Sand Modo a H. C. Fisher: A. H. Morris: F Sporting Blood Two-year-olds yol»l Nevada Stock Farm- Mnskallonge Cahalan C lough Jordan New York Stable- •„ Bud Fisher Diomedes H. L. Gerry: Dak Ijthtge stable- Ak""ti North, liff r Baas Wa* Sea Mint ■ Glen Kiddle Farm: Daa Boiling OeeaaJe Rose Bin Brocklesby Bantry Bass Dream of the Valley Black Fox rie.-.itrea Stable: Nancy Shanks re Touch Me Not Irish Confetti tl tho l:vodus W. L. Oliver: w Irtle Dell Dexterous Letterman Due.-k Stable: tl the Galantman Castanet •••dge Bal carr; BkMfe Pascal Uoyal Arch Kings Fancy Belaud 13 Pirate Cold Esquimau Soumangha B. Pending: Boi Craig Shoal _ Kingdom II. Nouns Our Boots Stephen S. Pettit: larniiugdule Devastation Tattle Finalitv H!Sr** "■ H. MeC. Potter: Mohican Two yea r -olds E. Griffith: Uuincy Stable: ?,es , _ Captain Alcock I- rank 1- arat Belav Double Cross Copper Demou Bernmd Harding: Teddy B Man Mystic Al,x H. Yankee Star = Fannie Bean All Over Sam II. Harris: f.,j- jav Two-year-olds Minima K. Harrison, Jr. Torchy Baneocas Stable: w. B. fhonipson- ■" was Mad Hatter Nedna X. X., Thunder l:ip Triple Springs Farm • °»! Cirrus Benrose ah nr 1 M 50 50c Play fellow Mr,. Louise Viau: ■ Knobbie Audacious Dominique Ueorgie 41 411 t k a I [ , ! ; : , I j ; ; : Kai-Sang Billy McLaughlin l»rd Brighton Gladiator Krewer Vice Begal Edgar Allan Poe Firm Friend Hilly Watts Bose Brigade W. M Wallace: Nightmare Horologe Lucky Antoine Waataasat Stable: Little Chief Semiings Park William A. H. P. Whitney: The Almoner John I. Grier Biviera Stable: Damask Ially Tryster OeeUaata Wkiakaway J. K. Ii. Boss: Broomster Spanish Maize Bockd W. J. Salmon: Calamity Jane Careful Crocus Jocose Olympus Superlative Hullabaloo Trevelyan Brainstorm Crosslegs Bunting John San ford: Yashmak Snob II. Brudish Chateau Thierry George D. Widener: Cordelier Last Straw Athclstan Mount Hope Serenader J. R. Widener: Sleieeonard Bunautell Pierre Jui Boole Naturalist Iranus Philosopher M. L. Schwartz: Bilgrim Column Joyful Toil Sea Skipper Short Grass Stable: Houdini Bib tT.-iss Vigilante Long Grass Frank P.. E. Sietas: Samuel Willets: Elected II. two -year-olds James B. Smith: B. I. Wilson Two-year-olds Kirklevington A. B. Spreekels: Pillory Bunstar Sodgefiold C. A. Stoneham: Duneecap Yellow Hand Manna Monday Morning Vendor Flannel Shirt Tangerine Dry Moon V**hafa Farm: B. B. Sfrassburger: 1 win.inlo IB Honvhnhnm j . 1 Hommi- Berkiomen J.nn Paul Jones lOlnu-r Johnson Southern Cross Briganna Poe -— — •

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Local Identifier: drf1922032101_8_4
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