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: f i j j I i j I ■■ ! j j I i I j I • j I I FRENCH CRACKS MEET EARLY Prix de Cadran of 0,000 to Be Run at Long-champs . First Week in May. PARIS, France. March 3. — The Irix ile tadran. a S20.000 stake, to be run at Laagehaaaf the first week in May, will be the first big stake of the 1822 French flat racing season. Nearly all of the best horses in France have been named to start ill the big event and a good contest seems assured. Among the more notable entries are the Dae De-| eases Barpeerate, Mine. Kduiond Blancs, Mario Ierrones Flechois. Jean Sterns Blade, Henry JTerayacks Mel and Baron E. de ksthsrhihTs VateL The race is a weigiit-for-age event for four and five-y:ii-olds at about two miles and a half. The breeder of the winner a ill receive 0,000 if the horse was bred in Franee. Following are the entries: X. E. Ambatielos — 01olidorus, gr. e. 4. by Junior -Tagale. Alexarrtre Auioont Monte Santo, b. h. T . by Nimbus- --Hard io. Marcel Baaaaae — Faataartt, b. e, 4. by Dclkcaa — Primula II. .1 I. Colin — Dauphin, b. e. 4. by Mon Ietiot — Madame Koyale. .1. 1. Fohn— Seirou, b. e. 4, by As ilAtout— Sid- • asaka. Due Deeazes — Barpeerate, b. e. 4. b Saint Aug • II. Hush. Dae DeeaauB Cafe Crease, eh. -. 1. by Saint .losi Cream. Due Deeazes Raaibvar, ch. c. 1. by Kamrod— Heiue Blanche II. Resile Deackaasaa Daiele, b. f 1, bv tiros Papa— cillee. Jacques DesgaiCes Sainfraire. ch. b. .",. In Saint | 1 Just Kiriu Bevel. Jac|i:es Desgorcos — Cainonlcs, ch. f. 4. by Blarney Cytbere. E. Deutscb de la Meurthe Marteiloni. ch. e. 4. bv Kaiurod— Miss Fleehe. I Mme. IMmond Blanc — Kaar, eh. c. 4, by Bruleur — Klxil Kocrgan. A. J. lie llerou — Dorinaiis. b. c. 4. bv Ecoueu — • Djepbte. A. J. Be Hoion-Ivc Matolin. k. c. 1. by H- Viris— ] Miniature. Henri Letellier- -GaskM de Foi.. eh. c. 4. by DOiscau Lyre — ■ Castonette. Henri Letellier Terminal, ch. or b. h. by Derrit Oare du Ratal D. Bezica Alvear Icndcunis. b. h. .",. i,v Babe- * lais -Confection. Boon Mant.ieheff— Adry, b. f. 1. by Helicon— La Maateapaa. lrinee Marat Mont Beiiaud. b. or br. e, 4 bv Fiiant II— Mclopoe Augnste Pellerin Shake Hand. b. e. 4. by Sans It-Son Simon Bass. Mario Ierrom — Fleehois, b. or br. e, 4. by ftgafal — St. Cyrieime Cesare Raaaeej Pea aa Rai, red eh. c. 4. by Regafal — Aashi du Itoi. leaa Btora -Stale, a. e, 4. by Rayal Eagle— Rrease. Henry Tern; nek— As des As. eh. h, 0, by Nimbus - Keltoiim. Henry Ternynck— Ddol. th. h. i, bv Opott— Saintt- J J. T Fiole. Baron E. de Kotb-child— Vatel. b. c. 4, bv Sans Souei II. Vnyu Baraa R. a Rothschild -Macfarhua, b. br, or bik. «. 1. by Macdonald II Bettre de CaChH Burou E. de Rothschild — T; -ite. b. c, 4. by Sans Souei IB— Taormina. S Baron E. de Kothschild— Abri. b e. 4. bv Alcantara 11. — Solesiues. 0. Baron K. de Bothstbild- raapertUliaa, b. e. 4 by Sans Souei IB Wetaria Qaatare w.ittinnc -Bhahry, eh. h, .".. ay Opatl Eybens. justave ffatthaaa Balat Pol, eh. h, 5, bv opott