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F0XHALL K£ENErS FOUR TRYS Masterful, Gossip, Precentor II. and Prophet i Ail Failsj in Grand National. In pon fjoastp a French correspondent of the Winning Post of LonJon has thi inter- estinir reference to the international owner- ship aspect of the Gran:! National : In 1901 and 19 J2 Foxhall Keene had a ] brute named Cocsin in the race, which fctartod among the 109-1 others in both years, and was nowhere at the finish, .is w:is fall ; Masterful this s-vason. Also. Precentor II. in 1911 and Prophet in 190C Numerous German owner." tried to win the Ainlree race. Baron Oppeabelm, who bought The Colonel and The Lamb, the winners of 1863-70 and 1MS-71. and also had Roj al Irish Fusilier running in his colon In j»72; llerr Oeshlachlaser, who had Idea in the raee of 1S84 under Willy Moore, Hermann von Mumm, Trianon III. in 1911, Graf Zech, and several others whose nam s es ape us. A German owner won the race in 1906, an Austrian in lSXii and a Frenchman la although man: have long since forgotten that Prince Hatzfeklt and the then Count Karl Kinsliy were foreigners. Numerous Fr- i.hmen ran steeplechasers in the early days. Huron de Mesnil. Baron de la Motto, Viconue de Artus Talon, Vitomte F. de Cunchy, Vicomte de Lauriston, Mons. Dela-■UUSC, Baron Kir.ot, Baron van Grontven, Count PuTStenber*;, Comte A. do Dampierre, Vicomte de Nomur. wiio won with Huntsman In 1SC2 ; Count Karolyi. Count ZborowsUi, Mons. E. Bourgnct, Maniuis de Saint-Batnreur, Herr H. Baltazzi, Graf Festetics, Brigand with Graf Metternich up in 1S7J ; Berr J. eVhswell. Konaieur Henri du "Vent. This is Harry* de Wlndt, who actually had Mm cheek to try to win the race in 1SS5 with old Ing Syne. Graf Erdody, witli Too Good, just beaten by Tom Sltelton on Old Joe in 1SS6; Freddy Gebhardt, a Yankee and areat admirer of Mrs. Langtry. the Jersey Lily ; Baron Schroder, M. Kphrussi. Comte de Geloes, Comte de Songcons, Senor Unzue, M. C. de Gheest and Comte John de Marde, whose "Tigers" polo team used to be bo successful.