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Maidens Claiming Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St t Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BE GOOD b f 3 K 105 By Cunard Follies Bergeres ty Bomyar BomyarTrainer Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 64232 Church1 41 f 64fast S5 115 1 4 61 2 L Lyke 11 Bonus Atta Gal Orma Dale 64199 Church1 41 f 65 fast 11 115 2 4 31 24 C Thompn 8 Mom Chewink Lady Astor Mom63S53 64004 Lexton 41 f 67 hvy 12 114 3 86 5 L Lyke 0 Martha Fallen LinaClark Mom 63S53 Lexton 12 49mud 9 112 C 8 81 C C TmpsonlO CdAinour LRochter BernK CASTLEEEAGH ch c 4 K 116 116Trainer By The Curragh Silica by Bockton Trainer D Lohan Owner D Lehan LehanW133 W133 Church1 34 l13fast 31 103 10 10 10 10ES011 5 E J B Parke 15 Judge Pryor Tharon Bcrmont ES011 Church1 34 l12fast 32 102 7 77 71 7 A Wilson 11 JnSlieardon Oaualan LaatOne 67722 Latonia 34 113 fast 31 106 4 89 89E4SSO 71 6J R Harton 12 MabelG GrndSwell Harlock HarlockB E4SSO Churchl 1 l37 faat 6 1C6 3 2 3 B 6 O Willis 5 Planet Gold Digger Tribune Tribune4J M222 Churchl 1 l3S fast 8 103 6 6 4 4 4J 6 L Canfield 6 SirThosKean Coyne BenValct BenValct4l 78 l25ftfast 35 103 6 S C 4l 34 L Canfield 10 Darjeelhig BValet Bal Wheel ch c 3 M 110 By Prince Hennis Modena by Anacath U Trainer R J Gilmore Owner E J Gilmora GilmoraIm70y 6WS7 FGnda Im70y 149 mud 6 97 8 7 G 2 4 64 C Lang 10 Eve White VledColn Advture 60345 FGndg lm70y Advturelm70y l4jfast 6 103 7 S 7 8 8l 64 L McDott 11 HKemhle BrassTks LkyGirl 60257 FGnds Ini70y LkyGirlIni70y l47Vtgood 2 J 7 8 4 44 3 C Lang 10 WMcLemore EBold SunTiiae SOOS5 FGnds 6ifl10hvy SunTiiae6ifl10hvy 6 US 6 8 6 64 4 M Garner 12 Miracle Man Bracuda Hickory E96S1 FGnds ImTOy HickoryImTOy l15Mfast 6 98 5 5 5 4 34 24 C Lang 11 Little Ammie Lucky Girl Dare 6S673 FGnds lm70y Darelm70y l47igood 4 96 7 6 G 1 21 2 C Lane 12 MRappld Archive GolAutumn 69293 Jefrson 1 142 fast S 1071 265 4 31 4J E Barnes 10 Field Lark Hotspur farsight 6S232 Jeffson 34 l14faat 10 106 10 10 4 9 A Wilson 11 Honorable Wireless Roy O E9145 Jeffson 34 l17iisow 6 105 2 3 3 34 34 C Lang 12 Briarcllff PaulMicou Plunell KTTBTTHiE DixonTrairer ch c 4 H 111 By Martinet Druid by Sir Dixon Trairer P J Williams Owner Williams Bros 61510 Lcxton 1 116 l52 hvy 31 103 G 4 4J 2 B Scheffel 0 Tony Beau FrankF Millcrsburs 5193 Latonia 1 11G 149 hvy 64 UO 1 9 9 8 S1 41 J Francis 12 Firebrand BlcheMac WilTree 64415 Churchl 34 l15sniud 21 UO 5 7 8 64 5s J Francis 14 Miu tAir Hphrey CTheisca 64244 Churchl 1 l40fast 2 105 2 Z 6 6 6 G J Francis 15 Radio Wishmaker BldBuddy 641M BldBuddy641M Churchl 1 11G l47fast 30 107 5 1 1 2 24 24 J Francis S SConrt Gorilla MaryJaneBaker 62S54 MaryJaneBaker62S54 Lexton 1 11C l497 mnd 80 ICO 6 6 8 0 6 C J Francis 7 BServant UncleVelo TOfficial HHIKLE ch c 3 M 105 105Trainer By Ballot Flyins Colors by Star Shoot Trainer W i Lewis Owner W t L jrifi 61G34 Lexton 34 l18fehvy 64 111 6 6 64 61 D Connlly 9 Marimba AladaGirl PeaccPal 61493 Lcxton 34 l17Vsmud 13 UO 7 6 61 0 B Fool 8 Proclamation Excelsis Prologue 68332 Lexton FC lU imud 43 115 7 6 66S170 6 6s 41 H J Burke 10 Dad Boaero Blue Canny Lady 6S170 Churchl 61 f 103 fast 29f 115 12 12 12 10J 10l J Kederis 12 Radiola BlossomHouse WakcUp 67944 Churchl 78 l2S fast 75 112 6 8 7 7664G9 7 7 7s H J Burko 8 Maximac Bojul Lieut Colonel 664G9 Latonia 61 f l07fast 25f 103 H U 11 12 12 G Fields 12 TColsLady Salamder FLart 66149 Latonia 68 l01faat 91 110 6 7 8 8l M Garner 10 Tnlalip Commander Colin Nig 60W8 Latonla 68 l02alow 153 113 7 7 74 7 W Helnch 8 Article X Dorlus Handel 65027 Latonia 65 101 fast 32f 115 11 12 12 12 W Helnchl2 BetMosie JBBrown Bill jS tar E4346 Latonla LatonlaBPODS 68 lCO fast 63 11213 12 12 121 N Barrett 12 Article X Salamander Dad BPODS b e S M 105 By Bulse Oasis by Commando Trainer L Accy Owner Egypt Stable C1000 Havana 34 l14igood S5 109 6 1 int 2 k W Kelsay 8 Canny Lady Don Pepe Datusa 60933 Havana 34 114 good 21 104 6 2 3 31 D Priblo 8 Manicure Stonewall Molly Puff J0769 Havana 51 f lllslow 8 100 4 22 3 2 W Kelsay 7 Molly Puff Hutchison Randel SOC42 Havana 34 114 fast 4 96 53 31 6 D Prible 0 FirstConsul OldSinr Hutchison 60512 Havana 34 l18hvy 6 103 4 32 31 4 W Kelsay 4 Fictile Reliability Buckingham 60175 Havana 61 f lOCfast 10 1031 6 87 6 6 G Fields 0 Ultimo WayLady Fincastle 6CQ19 Havana 34 l13fast 41 108 5 11 lk 34 W Kelaay 5 Hutchison Navisco Buckingham 6S515 Havana 62 f l07fast 41 IflG 6 C 4 2 = 2 1 G Fields 0 Lustre Reliability Sun Girl LOUICERA b f 3 H 105 By Lcamence Dorothy Perkins by Ccraricn CcraricnTrainer Trainer T Johnson Owner Q Watts WattsC16EG C16EG SwtLSberty6S2G4 Loxton 34 l15slow 42 102 4 4 43 F Wilson 10 Ragazza HazelW SwtLSberty 6S2G4 Lcxton FC l12 = ifast 6 112 1 7 7 71 7 E Barnes 8 BDeep BfulDream KvStories 68066 Churchl 34 l14ifaEt C3 112 Left at the post F Smith 8 BkBetty E8torles WhoCTeli WhoCTeliBEHTLEKAII BEHTLEKAII DixoaTrainer JOUETT ch c 3 K 110 By Tncle Dikes by Sir Dixoa Trainer B Chcnanit Owner D Brochinridgo 61403 Lcxton 34 l17mud 14 110 8 8 64 G J Howard 8 Proclamation Excelsis Prologue 64S32 Prologue64S32 Vitamin64C65 Latonla 58 I01fa3t 19 112 2 6 8 61 6J J Howard 12 Hutchison LcbareslL Vitamin 64C65 Latonia 41 f 54fast 11 115 6 I 3l 41 J Howard 10 Cold Boy Lcharesll DSinker 64514 Cnurchl 41 f 54fast 24 115 7 7 7l 61 J Howard 11 John Finn Demos Montjoy 64303 YoabimlE3S21 Churchl 41 f 3fast 27 115 2 8 4 34 U Lunsfd 8 Bemorecareful Demoa Yoabiml E3S21 Lcxton 13 48 fast 64 113 9 9BBAR3 71 6 J Howard 10 Rekab ComMcMeekin Topmt BBAR3 TACE8 br f 3 IS 100 100Trainer By Helmet Grail by Atheling Trainer H Shields Owner M BhlcJda BhlcJdaS0345 S0345 FGnds ImTQy l45 = HfaBt 2i 99 6 6 5 6 6E969S 31 24 B Martin 11 nKemble LkyGirl VledColln E969S FGnds 1 l41raud 30 1011 1234 4 411 Et Martin 5 BallotMark WillowTrec Consul ConsulJ1 63413 FGnds 61 f l03HfaBt 15 103 8 10 J1 8 J B Martin 12 Fusee Simple Simon Dare 69214 Jeffaon 61 f 109 fast 7 103 C 7 7 k 5 B Martin 12 MyRoaie HermisKenible Attoo 59070 Jeff eon 61 f 109 fast 10 IDS 1 7 71 71 B Martin 12 Skooter DolVardcn PoderFsct 68334 Jeffson 34 116 fast 6 107 10 9 7 6 J B Martin 12 Dbfounder Plibellc HKembl 57621 Latonla 61 f l12hvy t UO 7 4 4i Q Fields 10 Marimba Canny Lady Cliarltne CliarltneV 66473 Latonla 53 l01fast 25 113 3 V 6s L Lyke 11 OrDale Jewell V D WOXali WOXaliBy HOETH TOWEE b c Z M MTrainer 105 By JTortli Star III To cr of Candles by Candlomss Trainer W Perkins Owner M 0 Uoore Uoore1XJ E8101 Churchl 1 l fast 7 1XJ 8 7 7 S 63 7 B Barnes 10 Chnrline Bam Frank Bojnl 67723 Latonla 24 lJSfaat 11 115 11 10 9 71 7 i B Pool 12 Red Wlasfleld Settle Hamet BEEHITAH b 3 K KB 110 By Ernnuacl lady BtraUmooro by Btrathmcro Trainer B Goo to Owner 3 Oooce R2IO Churchl 78 l26J4fast 14f 14fJ4 115 6 8 8 7 S S H J Burltoll UncleSonny OnrDcar BaraFranV 67723 Latonla J4 l15ftfast 2f 110 10 B g F Qinley 13 Red WhiKfield Bettie Hnuivi 675CO Latonla 34 Id7hvy 117 112 8 3 8 7 F GInley 10 Tulano Olouchjordan llazl ia iat 67424 Latonla 34 l16Hhvy 30 115 5 t 6 6 n A Plckcns 7 Derooo Logs Lloot Colonel Colonela 67263 Latonia 6 t I07fa8t 25f 111 2 a 0 Si 10 n J Burlcoia Tnlalip BhtTrasb Bahiniander S71S7 Latonla 34 lHfc aat 15f 15fC 103 11 10 11 U 11 H J Burkol2 Balamander Settle BWiagfWd KSU Latonla C 1 103 fast 41 113 7 7 77 7 7 7 H J Burke 7 BmlllnK Lad Tnlane Cap Reck KS57 Latonla Ci lOSfcuit 69 110 20 19 M M H 3 BorkelO Bkium EuLuader VTJLCAIJOilA b f 3 M 100 By Vulcaln Onorn by St Julien JulienTrailer Trailer J H Nichols Owner J H Nichols K73 Latonia 68 l01fist 37 112 U 11 Pulled upW Llley 11 OrDale Jewell V D WCTcll EOJUX b p 3 H HG 110 By Sidbow Julia H Faulkner by Autolight AutolightG Trainer G P Kattingly Owaer G P Hattnsly ES210 Churchl 78 l2G faat 10 115 767 6 61 651 A Wilson 11 UncleSonny OurDcar SamFrank 58104 Churchl 1 l40fcfast 3110 10J 533 3 31 33 A Wilson 10 Cliarline Sain Frank Fincastle E7944 Churcl 1 78 l2S fast 12 112 846 4 4 2 A Wilson 8 Maximac Lt Colonel Flncaatle 57G7G La ton a 1 142 fast B4 102 767 7 C V A Wilson 10 Georgette Bright Trash Pump 5752C La ton a 34 l13fast 28 101 8 9 S 8 H Gregorj12 FlyBall BlackBcMy Fincastlo 1 57424 Laton a 34 llGhvy 12 115 1 2 3 4 41 A Wilson 7 Demo Lugs Lieut Colonel 57167 Laton a 34 111 ftfast IBf 103 6 fi 6 e B PnrKe 12 Salamander Settle RWinfflel J JI 56944 Laton a 61 t 103 fast 7 135 135Bi I 4 4 45 E l W W Tlor 7 Smiling Lad Tnlnne Cap Rock 5SS57 Laton A Bi f l03faat B6 113 7 t 6 41 W W TlorlO Bfcljain Salamcler RWgfleM LA DEKNIEBJ3 ch f 4 H HTraicor 111 By Mont dOr II Ambrosia by Hanover HanoverOwner Traicor L S Shuler Owner D Bergman 60427 FGnds Im70y l4C fast 15 111 4 4 S 7 10 10 H J BurhelO Mechanic BWatcbll Pattern KOS7 FGnds 34 116 hvy 40 102 7 68 71 8s M Harson 8 Betsimla Hack Bay N Shore Shore21f 5065 Church1 1 34 l12Vifast 21f 103 14 14 14 14 14 F Weiner 14 HonMan ItofBltown Murray 57807 Latonla 34 l17mud 49 103 1 11 11 1111 Q Fields 12 Furbelow Dimples Harold K 57559 Latonla 34 l17hvy 117 104 11 10 10 81 81 E Barnes 11 J Goodman llcliora GrJ Swell Swell15f 57457 Latonla 34 118 hvy 15f 1091 8 7 7 6l 6 R Hurton 12 IlusUltra BriUMaid Shipmate 57267 Latonla 1 116 l4Gfast 24 109 4 6 6J 6 B Parke 12 BkUnckle LWidrij ItScnelleo 66992 Latonla 34 l18hvy Lost rider A Wilson 12 DonnaRoina Rag Tulea DADDY WOLF br e 3 M 110 110Trainer By Aseagai BCathor by Hinjyar Trainer R Wingfield Owner M J IiOi 61534 Lcxton 34 l18hvy 29 10G 9 7 7697ES 7 C E Kcoble 9 Marimba AladaGirl PoacePal 697ES FGnds 34 llGmud 2 115 10 47 4759G58 6 G4 F Smith 10 OurBetsy JosnLevy Mar Gold 59G58 FGnds 34 l13faat 100 106 2 11 1169G33 2 4J E Pool 0 Cap Kock GMayors Baut Ilay 69G33 FGnds 1 141 fast 60 100 12 12 11 12 12 121 F Sparke 12 Rob Bill Block Gras s Tree 59432 FGnds 34 l14fast 15 1CS 9 10 9 91 8 E Scobie 11 K Lee Archive Straight Shot 59392 FGnds 61 f l07fast 15 116 10 9 10 9 3 E Scobte 11 TlieFciscan JHLevy SunTime 34119 Churchl 41 f er mud 8 116 2 B 6 6J G Stack 6 Stamp Tamper Builjr Buttoiit 52619 FGnds 38 36fast 20 UO 13 13 13 G Stack 13 DVarden LitAmraie HcgsLe BATTY H b f 3 M 105 By Dick Welles Enropa by Macco MaccoTrainer Trainer J P Baker Owner J P Baker 57078 Church1 34 l14fast 391 112 10 11 12 12 12 J Francis 13 Reliability EveStcries BBetty 5 m Latonia 5S l02slow 58 112 8 8 10 10 10 J Francis 10 StaClara PbmBlue BillaudCou BillaudCouFXTI1TG FXTI1TG FKIKCE ch c 3 15 105 By Zous Street Pea by Ivan the Terrible TerribleTrsdaer Trsdaer H Louden Ovracr Dortch Eros Eros5S210 5S210 Church1 78 l26fefast 26 115 3 9 11 11 11 11 R McDottll UncleSonny OurDcnr SamFrank 58170 WakeUpiS104 Church1 CJ f 108 fast 131 115 6 76 64 GJ R McUoltU Radiola Blossomllousc WakeUp iS104 Churchl 1 l40fast IB 1081 3 910 9 9 9 R McDottlO Charliue Sam Frank Bojul llWingiield36S95 7167 Latonla 34 l14ifast 71 110 10 12 12 S1 9 W Morseyl2 Salamander Settle llWingiield 36S95 Latonla 61 f l07ifcrast SI 111 12 12 12 12 11 E Barnes 12 IloldMe LitPolly LillianMaeB 66326 Latonla 6S l01fast 43 115 6 4 2 3J 31 W Lllley 11 BLeaf LillianMaeB ComColln 55295 Latonla El f l07fast 29 112 7 7 7 S 811 W Lilley 9 BrighlTrasli LMoiher Randel 5074 Latonla 58 101 fast 136 115 0 6 6 6 6 II HartonlO GraniteWare DSiuker SPtlnc SPtlncMAGIKON MAGIKON ch h 10 M 116 By Marathon Sorrel Top by Hermence HermenceTrainer Trainer G Molesworth Owner G B Biggs BiggsD0422 D0422 FGnds 34 l147sfast 0 117 4 5 4 4J 4 H J Burkell R Lee Archive Straight Shot ShotJ J FGnds 34 l13fast 25 116 7 10 11 9i 9 W Wright 13 Ina Kay Rbow Girl Calt Lass LassU U J FGnds 34115 good 100 111 2 44 41 6 i W Wright 13 HBurgoyne Blaise Thera Pet 45639 Windsor 34 l12rast 34f 110 6 S 8 9 103 W Wright 12 Jlthe Time Pnllnr Pop Eyes 49053 Kwrth 34 l13fast 131 113 11 U 11 106 S l W Wright 12 ViveMcGee Ihiniiyven KlMahdJ 47127 Cburclil 34 111 fast 133 116 8 67 1 8J G MolesthlO Converse Squeeler Blaise Blaise460S5 460S5 Jefson BS lOOVfa t 30 112 10 11 12 12 12 G MolcathH Toe the Mark Stepson Tattle 42751 Latonla 34 114 fast 24f 115 10 99 74 73 G Molesthl2 Mint Cat Stevenson ServFUt 874 Oaklwn 34 l15mud 4 107 2 1 3 3s 2 W Wright 10 Guy All Vcniza Revolution 416S2 Revolution416S2 Oakiwn 34 115 fast 10 118 2 89 9 S11 G ilolesth 0 1lenty Rayonnant Verna B 3SSS9 Church 1 1 11G l47fast 9 114 6 6 9 9 81 8 G MolesthlO Glasstol HBreivocel Exhorter LITTLE BequitalTrainer BLOSSOM br ra 6 M 111 By Diet Finnell Carrlo Jones by Bequital Trainer B J Brannon Owner B J Brnnon 57233 Latoniu 34 l14ttsood 7f 9911 11 11 101 10 G Fields 12 Swt Libty BigSon EdGarrlson 471C3 Church1 34 l16iuud 174 UO 11 12 12 12 12 E Pool 12 FWBhmaD FrukW MMxlm 43763 Ixixton E8 l01Ufast 11 112 7 4 8 10 12 E Pool 12 Lodj Sweep Diana DlamondGlrl JACICVILLZ br c 4 H 116 By Dr Hoot Sainville by Sain SainTrainer Trainer E Schlcssinger Owner P Barry 60017 Mobile Ab 58 ESftfast 20 117 7 5 El 5 J W Mphy 8 Heliocross Crest Wireless C085G Mobile Ab 58 l00fast 30 115 7 7 7s 6 J W Bogskl 10 MlssLaVeita Crest K 1rincess 6079S Mobile Ab 58 103 hvy 60 116 5 74 31 3 W Bogskl 9 BBay LyRTiter I Lhtenhm 60774 Mobile Ab 58 100 good 30 116 8 77 8 Sl H Rice 10 MMaiim JlLaVeita EdPcess 59678 FGnds 34 I14l4fast 30 106 4 T f 8 F Weiner 9 BrmFeddlr Cornstalk Brisurw 9534 FGnda 34118 hvy SO 108 12 8 i 8 8 M Harson 12 Grnland URaukln Conctrata ConctrataBBOWN BBOWN SpendthriftTrainer EYES b f S M 105 By Caugi Hill Katy xf the West by Spendthrift Trainer C UitchelL OuTier W C Goodloe First start