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, I I . 1 I I • 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0| 1 0 •, — - d t n i- l" * »- 1. X 50 » 0 ■0 00 00 00 00 OMAHA FORM CHART OMAHA, Neh., Thursday, Juno 15, 1022. One mile. Eleventh day. Ak har-Ben Exhibition Co. -Spring meeting of 13 days. Weather ckax. Pre .iding judge. Martial NatUans-n. Associate 2 judges, W. J. Ronin uud Perry Reed. Starter, Vrthiur McKnight Racing secietriry, Charles L. L Trimble. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 3:30 J32619 FISST EACE— 1 Kile. Purse 00. • 3-yr.«r-oldi Rnd upward. ClaLuunj. . Net value to winner 00; second, 570; third, 53 j. Eiiuiv. Olds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 62550 I. R. Roche Ui 1» J Kinl.ton ltii-l 0 0 1 62i«2 a[t. Ho it;e 115 * R Scovillo 895-100: 8 625453Acclauiati. n I!a 31 T Shockley C70-1C« 1 62421 Tyranny 115 4* II S Jones SaV-aMI 10 I 99599 1 nntoa Paul Ul 5 j HeBrMa 5M05-100 10 j .99491 Iha Okman 117 li T Johnston 7:46-100 M ! i 62". SH Maad ML lo5 7» J Alle:i .30-100 0 I 02504 91 ««atald US 8 T BfeCaaTsh TJ45-100 » ! j C.2 rautuels paid. .Tno. R. Roche, .30 straight, 1 I £3.. 0 place, 70 show; Capt. Hode, .90 place, " 91 30 sl:ow; Acclamation, .30 show. ■aadvatoat booking Jdo. R. Roche, 105 to „ I 109 straight, 75 to 100 place, 35 to 100 show; Capt. L Hi-dge. 250 to 100 place, 115 to 100 show, Acclania- tiou, 65 to 100 show. Time, 1:46. Track good. V.inn.r W. Crays ch. g, 5, by Maen»to Mar-0 T~ gueiite IXiyle, t y St. Maiin trained by J. Sl.les; I, re 1. by Mr. Martin Doyle. Went to post at 2:31. At post 1 minute. Start rt I I good and slow. Won easily ; second and third I driving. , ____ — 62620 SEC0KD EACE— 3-4 Mile. Purss ?500. o- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. %■ Not value to winter 00; second, §70; third, 0. Etjuiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 62507 Kimberty US 1 * R Barnes 265 100 00 62509 North Shore Ul 2» H I Jonea 603-100 62550 Wise Jude 116 3* H Tullett 455-100 M 62549 Winchester 110 41 D Mills 310-100 00 62589 Tawaaentha 106 6* J Allen 1090-100 6258S innovation 113 C* R Spicer 835-100 62507 D. of Wrath 116 7 I Rabideau 3115-100 00 inutoels paid, Kiruberly, .30 straight, .90 BO1 place, .50 show; North Shore, .50 place, .60 00 show; Wise Judge, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Kimberly, 265 to 100 00 straight. 95 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; North th Shore, 175 to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Wise se Judge, 100 to 100 show. Time, 1:16%. Track good. Winner — B. Stillmaus br. g. 8, by Ben Trovato to —Africa, by Savile trained by K. Stillman; bred ed by Mr. Overton II. Chenault. Went to post at 3:04. At post 1 minute. Start irt good and jw. Won driving; second and third the he same. Serr.Uhm— 02545 Will o the Wisp, 116; 02305 05 Veras Choice, K»S; 62583 Rosa Mar Brown, 111; 1; 62545 Sovereign II., 110; 62586 Johnnie Dyer, 110; 6; 62462 Milton Roblee, 110. 116. u — 1 6 yi se 1 I* *j I l! g s j I , ! ; ! j J . 1 ; j ; 1 B B ! I I I i : l i p j $ 1 . t 1 1 I 1 - 1 j j 1 I 1 I ■ I » 1 1 I J 1 ! 2 L • . j. 0 0 1 8 1 10 I 10 j M ! i 0 I » ! j 1 I " I to „ L T~ rt I I I — 62621 TIrrrl P-ACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. I 3 -y oar -olds and upward. Claiming. I p Not value to win::er 00; second, 0; third, 0. j f Eipiiv. O Ids. I o. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jo-key. Straight g 625061. W. Hper Hfi 1"* J Singleton 120-100 j I g 62.-07 San Tablo 116 2J B Sch -f fel 400-100 j 9 99419 IFloaata F. Ill 3" R Scovillo 690-100 « 99944 Bd. Fuller 116 4»1 R D«r;ty 2125-100 eajl.SThirtv Seven 116 5» L. Mills 445-100 924S9M. Frland 98 6 R BtojMaada 1S15-1O0 02311 Br wn Dick 103 7 T Shockley 20S5-1O1 99 aiutatll paid, I. W. Harper, .40 straight, | .10 place, .«2. iO show; San Pablo, .90 place, j 92.89 thaw; Fleeala i., .10 show. i:.:ia!en hiking odds I. W. Harper, 120 to I 100 straight. 55 to 100 place. 30 to 100 Btaow; San i Pabto, 99 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Flossie F„ 55 to 109 show. Time, 1:16. Track good. Wteaei r. R. Bwins b. g. 7. by J. V. Crow-I. y lnnhii, tiy Gov. Firaker traine I by F. R. Irwia; bred by Mr. H. R. S-rimsher. Weal to no t at 3:.",5. At post 1 mini e. Start J •reed and slow. Wen driving; aeeead aad third j the s:i:i". Beratehed 93419 Myrtle A.. Ill; 923S8 Plaaj Mae, 98; 62399 Jomul. 116; S2500»Toai B.l son, 119; 62589 Walaarhaa, 111; 99999 uur leader, . 1 fiOCOO FOURTH EACE— 3-4 Mile. Council lJ.jOZ.-i Ehlffs Hal.icap. Pl,rso 00. 3- n paar-aila ad upward. Net value to winner 00; ioe.-.d. 9; third, 0. " Elniv. Odda. Ind. ITore. Wt. Fin. .To. key. Straight. Q 62509 IM.ella BoylOO 1* IT S -lines 2770-1CO 62339 Money 1-S 21 ■ BankBl 1105-100 in 92S39*Motor Cop 1TJ • p Martlaea t!15-!00 ; fi:»:*.39j;key T. 109 4i II Tuliett 92949 *Phr. Ward 191 H D Hum 162288 N.-w Model K V J All°n 2119-MO e 99459 K*tto*a «ub 115 7» R Dority 3 5-. 00 9tll9~r*CleMB J-w-1 9J 3 V Horn KH9-]M fi tOaaadad in bettaag as B. A. .Tones and Tim o* Shant.r Stable entry; WX B. Irwin and N. B. Ip-dike entry. 99 i.iitrcls p-id. HareeHa Roy. |87.49 straight. 2.99 place. 94.99 show; !?. A. Jones ar:d ".am o Sh-.nter Bkahec entry. .70 place. *2 99 show; C. B. Irwia and N. B. Updike entry. .10 show. lMiivalent 1-ooing edde MiptIIi Boy. 2770 to 100 straight. 530 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; A. Jones and Tain o Shanter Stible entry, 85 to 100 place. 29 to 199 .1 ow; C. B. Irwin and N. I!. Updike entry. 20 to 199 -ho .v. Time, 1:15. Track good. Winner— 1* Rrbs b. c. 4. by Bight Brigade -i, by Star Shoot trained by U. Ib; bred by Mr. H. B. Wise. Went to paat at 4:00. At po t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; se-oc.d and third the same. Scratched— 92947 Manicure. 102. R.OPOV FIFTH RACE— 1 Kile. Omaha Cham-V6Dand0 ber of commerce Kandicip. FurLO 1 ,000. 3-yoar-olds and upward. Net value to » winner 5SO0; second. 25; third, 5. E.piiv. O-hls. Ind norpe. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 62460 Franklin 108 li II 9 Jon 3 iJl.-ll 92547 Manlcara 96 2 i B Scbeltel 285-MW 92499 Bifla K 3"i D Hum 460-100 C92499MW arc*atyl2l 9* J Singleton 31 100 99659 Be«reaa 191 5" B Mills l»-19l 62549Don Jose 19 6 It Jones t f t"oupled in N-tting as C. D, Groves entry. mutuels paid. C. E. Groves entry. 99-29 straight. .10 place, •?2.40 ahev; II inicure, *3.4o place, .50 show; Rifle, .30 show. Biuivalent hooking adds C. E. Groves entry. -15 -, to ID straight, 99 to 100 place. 20 to 100 -*i w; Man.Lure, 70 lo 100 place, 25 to 100 BBOW; Rifle, G5 to 100 sirow. Time, 1:42. Track good. Winner C E. Groves cb. g. 9, by Jim Gaf.n y Gliding Cy. by Argyle trained by C. E. Groves; j bred by Mr. William r. Scliulte. Went to post at 4 38. At pest I minnte. Btart good and slow. Won handily; lltwl and thu-J Beratehed— 92999 Tuny Beau. 112; G242l»Capt lover, 101. . — TOCOA SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Purso 00. JwOx 1 j air altfl and upward. Ciaimig. Net calue to Winner 00; second. 0; third. 1922.sh0. E-iiiv. Odds. [ad Horse Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 62548 Ethel Toth 110 li J Allen » 100 0 92548 Honolulu HO 2 J Singlet** • ■ 00 1 92589 Kazan H5 V B D-rity *£*» 82848 BotoJa 191 41! T MoJuiiough CSVloO 0 624 C2- Cork HO V B BehMfM UJ-MJ J 92991 M Tilghman 115 6* H BaJrhaai 924411 Geo. James 118 T*| C Burltagmme 985-1O0 t 023 11 Hand Sweep 115 8 I Rabideau 5005-100 9 92 m.iJucLs paid, Bthal Xhth, 5 -0 ...nt, 7 924.50 place, |9.99 show; Honolulu. .00 pi.rce. • .40 show; Kazan. 30 show. K-Juivaleat booking adda Bthel Toth. 2549 to 100 rt u ,;.,_• t. 115 to 100 paat •. 995 to 199 sho-. -. il..:io_ lain. 199 to 100 place, 70 to 100 ihow; Kazan. 215 to 100 show. Time, 1:44. Track good. Winner-J. Toths b. m. 5. by Burky Charaa— Btreaa, by Tue Pepper trained by J. W. Iswed; br wder uniuown. Went to [ ost at 5:03. At :ost 1 minute. Suirt ■t gaad Jwl slow. Won easily; s»* ond and third driving. Ofi5* SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Milea. Forme » wi U«J 00. 3-yaar-olds and ap— jd. Chura-L j[ ir.». Net value to winner 00; socorrd, 0; third, *• Hpnv. Odda. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight G2590! Boreas 116 H ES Barnes 37-100 ? *i62259M. Baaiila lat 2" R Scoviila 065-100 62420 An Revoir 108 8*4 B Scheffel 360-100 w 62461H,or. Mosa 108 4 H ■ Jonea 375 491 30 62381 1 araway 10S 621 I Shockley 1155-100 M 62340 enrack 191 6i J McBrida HP-MO B 62462 Brando HI 75 B Dority 1725- PX ■X 62544 Vestina 91 8 F Horn OTB M9 Jo* mutuels paid, Boreas, .50 straight, .40 place. 3.30 show; Mark Denunzio. SO place, e. 5.00 show; Au Revoir. .00 show. Equival. at bookiug odds Itoreas, 375 to 100 30 straight 120 to 100 place, 65 to 100 how; Mark rk Denunzio. 290 to 109 place, 150 to 100 snow; Au iu Revoir, 95 to 100 show. Time, 1:52%. Track go-?d. Winner--B. Warrens br. g, 7, by Zeus— Yule- J tree, by Hastings trained by B. Warren; bred by Mr. Edgar Kenshaw. Went to post at 5:3H. At [sist 1 minute. Start rl good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ■9 same. *