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j 1 i I i i I I j i I j I j I i I I ERSE ENTRIES Probabilities: Weather clear; track fat. Raring starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago I BM I .20. : ©Superior Mad runner. X Good BM I :u::ir-r. : Fair inud runner. M Maidens. *Apgreallea allowance, b blinkers. Fust Race— 5-8 Mile. j Purse 00. 8-year asfs and upward. Ciahabeg. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Itec. A.Wt.llan. 68344* Tat I in? | 88. .7231] 62612 bAirew Point r ior. .tuo , . 025021 bCatoctin , 8 108. .718 | 63601" Masses G ieix~i5;c C2532 Sedgwick iJi 8 MB.. 718 | G25S1 hales Gets I IBOandTloli 6C531 Ilatlie McCarty ... 7 1: 7. .705 | c 62578 bEalaer 4 MO X 705 I 62465 Judge Fox i.M BIOS.. 70*1 62b27 Red Chief M ... S 108.. 708 !C 6C5S1 Dorothy Carlfal ... 9 107x700,e Estella II., b. f. by Wausoon ! — Peppermint, by St. Savin 4 107 ly Second Eae — Abcut 6-8 Mile. 1 Purse 10. I and 4 year olds. Claiming. | I 6515 Maebiae Gaasss .*. 4 110x728 82838 Maura 3 111 . .7.0 | « 8S488**bOberiaate 4 103. .720 H 624,03- Meade Mack 4 DM. .715 5 62467 iM| g Iff . .715 1 1 6T.423 Mae Cigarette 3 83x718 62533 Miss Adrians* .... 4 109. -7io 1 CCS121 British Isles 4 1 1 ." . .710 M G2501 Sure 4 10-1x710. A 62082 Baeajawea 4 104x703 11 62529 Our Alice 4 101..700;1 625S8 Kuth E. M 3 104.. TOO P Third Race— Abcut 68 Mle. Purse 00. 3 year olds ;ind upward. FiKits and ] j , Mares. Claiming. 62579 "Marias HelMaa ... 6 110x725 ] 625802 Kover Up 6 115 . . 7-0 j 62463 Milda t! 1 13. . 715 t 62537- Vansylvia 8 115Q713 | ] 620P9 Angela S Ml. .713 l 62573 Wealthy Ana 7 105x710 1 •Ult1 Speedy L-! iy M.. 6 110..71O i 62580 Elga 6 118 X7C3 62617 Kimono I 101 X 7; B ] G2679 bCeea 5110-700 1 62S39» Peggy Bates 4 110 XIV I , Fourth— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. j j 1 Piikfs Purse. J 1 Paeaa 00. g-year-ekki and upward, claiming. M ■Ma* wlshssaker 111 1:02% -i lie. .723 : •fJM •Wedaa 1101:47 10 113X720 :: 62017 Favour 1101:463 gilt 715 62460 Reveler 1101:46 I 118x713 j 62£16 Eastward Pi -incess. 10511 :47-r, 4 11J 715 j ! 625S4 La Kross 115 1:«7*J • 118X710 ■ C2C43 btetie 103 1:45 Tt i 10. .710 j •62616 Al Strauss 4 1!:. .7*4 j, 624.C-7 Trieo 3 97 X700 j 1 Fifth Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. j Purse 00. 5-year-o!Us and upward. Claiming. ! 6S616 k-RAITCRTY 112 liTZ% I 115 723 i j • 62502 Hercules 5 115.715 625S3- kPrfcueaa Myrtle .. S IIS. .715 ! 62578 W5uUer 10 115. .715 i ; 62582- Sir Ad.-am i.M 111 1 :25 B 7 111 715 ! 625-13 Armagh 1M1 7 111. 710; | £2616 kflabretaak 122 1:24% 7 108 IWi C2501 bJiizz 8 108 70 3 I1 ! 62613 Cay Life B 108. .708 ;: 62543 •■ Capitaala 7 io; ...7;o 62C15 War Club i.M « 1 11 7 :t ; 62579 Ethel II 6 113.700;. j Sixth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. S-year-eMa and upward. Claiming. 625892 No Woadec 7 115. .728 CC747 bThunderbhd 5 103 73 62573 Mill 8 104. .713 I 62583» kCemda o Mine ..122 1:24V, 7 115*715 T 62615 Minnie II 115 1:28, 8 108x7101 888U* bliimirive 105 1:32-Ji 5 113. .7101 62463 St. Kevin 5 115x710 1 I C1C61 Elklou 9 10 62G15 bTYoben 8 111.. 703 j, 625S1 Bateau M 5 103. .708 i 62c82 •bBaaire Charlie M 3 103.. 700 ! 62612 Noiseless M 11 108. .780 Seventh Rao— 6 1-2 Furlongs. | Purse 00. 8-year elds and upward. Claiming, y I 62423 •Reasdagtea 4 108. .723 ! 62614 Lsd-Meaae 5 114*7201 ! C25S4* bWill Soon 7 117:::715j 62499 bask: I.ou 8 110X715 , 62617 bEmma J 8 103X715 82578* Virge 8 100.. 710 62199 Hopeful 114 1 :2T f, 0.111x710; 62580 Olive James 107 1:22t3 5 112x703 I G26133 Kitty Cheatham .. S 100. .705 62409 bAdvance 4 111. .705 : 62615 Regular 10 112X788 62616* Baby Cal 0 111X700 i « m