Belmont Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-16


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J ! : [ , j . : ! l | 1 i BELMONT PARK FORM CHART NEW YORK. N. Y., THURSDAY, JUNE 15. 1S22.— Belmont I:irk 1% miles. Nineteenth ami last day. Westchester Racing .Association. Spring Meeting of 19 days. Weather dear; temperature. 74°. Steward to Represent Jockey Club. F. It. Hitchcock. Judges, K. C. Smith and C. Conn hi » n. Starter, Mars Caaaady. Baring Secretary, A. McL. Barlecfcer. Racing starts ;:t 2:15 p. m. ChieMgo time 1:19 p. m. W indie ;t«s whip, S BgBBB, B U afeeia. Fig-ures in paieatheeee foBealng Ike dhtanee of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and v. tijflit carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 6«7 rr€ * TJT.ZT -P.AC1E.—A 1-2 Furlong BtnigM. Kay 19, 1C03— 51— 2— 112. Piu:e ,233.75. mU %Jmk 2-year-ods. Fillies. Special Weights. Net value to winner 33.75; second, 00; third, 5100. Index Horses AWtPPSt 6] Vi %. Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P 8 tBL EOiJADO w 10SJ 4 4 ]» 1» 1 C F Mill: rAV J Salmon KMMMM POSSIBLE w 107 ft £ 2s 2s 8* C Lang F Johnson 6 7 3 2 4-5 SX2S3 BKM HiUZONIA w 107 S 3 41 31 31 J D MneyJ B Smith 8 10 :. 2 4-5 gS475*PAY D!;.i w 107 2 i i| 6J 4» I, Fator J E Madden 1-5 21 JJ 7-101-3 gttM CONTACT wb 122 6 1 3 41 53 C RehaonOah Ridge Stabli I 12 U 5 2 02475 SUUI.KX w 1U7 h 7 K $» 65 L Per:maii I.-lair Stud M H H 3 10 D!tH-"rVeX1D wnl07 3 6 71 7 7» E AmbmaoJ B itler ■ M ■ 20 10 62475 VIOLET kTSKBEAC w 107 7 S 8 J1 8» A G.iritn. tA .lies Stable PI M M 20 10 PAULA SHAY w 111 1 3 9 9 9 T Davie.s Allies Stable PI CO CO 20 10 t Disqualified for foul and placed last. % oupled in betting; no separate place or sliow betting. Time. 525. Track fast. AYinner — Ch. f, by lltimns — Lida Flush, by Regal Flush III. famed by W. MeKni;;;;t; bred by Mr. Hal Price lle.uiiy. Went to peM at 2:17. At post I minutes. Si.irt good and dew. Won driving; seci ml ::ud Miird the Ktimr. EI. DORADO dis;..l:iyed the ■peed from the start and. under hnrd riding, area drawing I tear in the elo h:j; ttrMaa, but, uhile drawing ewej in the last fifty farda, swerved out and bageded POR0-HL.K, for whirli eke vva ilisiinal.fu 1. POS8IKLR rated in doeeel uersall all the way .;.si BMde a g:ime fini-ii, bat wea tiring at the end. BKLPHRIZONIA raced well up all the way and finished f..»test of all tkroagh the last eighth. PAY DRAR gaiaed v.-,.eiily and ran a good race. Scratched — 62475 Mlsa Smith, 122; Rdict, 107. Oieaaeighta- H Decade, l1:.. pound"; 1aula shay, 4. 6rSRTg ,* SECOI.B SACE — About 2 Miles. Steeplechase. Puree ,200. 4-year-o.ds and upward. s Jc«_£ dlleaiaetea. Net value to winner ?900; second. SCtjO; third, C0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 3 7 10 12 Fiu Jockeys Owners O II C P S «S4MR01 CRAIO w 6 l.l 4 2 l3 l5 1" 1" l5 V Powers Greeatree Stable 1 C Z 0-151-3 out gS4VM3QURCREEK WW 4 XR i 3 4 51 45 :;8 V WHhin.yJ R Dais t I I 7-10out 43099 ARMENUS w i 121 7 i 2- 2s 28 2l 3° C Jones J R Widener ;_i 13-613 .".3-5 out B4«7?3IVERNIAN w 4 l.vj 6 7 3i 6s :.* ;B 41 D Bgeca J R TTiflnaur d 13-513-63-6 out 61446 COM1QUE w 6 123 1 4 6: 6 ti,: 4» 55 C Smoot J R WMaaaf g33J IT 611 Ml out 62471 NSW HAVEN ws 13 141 3 17 :; 31 6* C C Hines L J Raymond 63 M "0 10 3 162317 THE Y1KOINIAN ws 4 130 2 6 51 7 7 7 7 L Cheyne Dosoris Stable fl 3 3 7-10out f JCou.ded ia betiing; no separate place or ahaw betting. Tune, 3:5S-3- Tratk fast. Winner — R. h. by Koi Herode -Caadacraig, bj Otaaa itrainid ly V. Towers; bred in Ragkai by Mr. George D. WMeaer. Went to pest at 2:4C At post 1 minute, t-.rt goo l and s.o-v. Won easily, second aa I ti.ird driving. KOI CRAIG lost grouud at all the jumps, tut showed much the most speed and was eever aeaaaeedL QURCRREK, under u attaint ia the early nuutiag, cleaed up fast arhea caRed on and. areariag AKMENU8 down, peaaed hha in the last eighth. The lattrr Jeaaped well and raiiii in closest paraait el the leader, lut tired near the getrtt IVRRNIAN and eolllejl K fenced faultlessly throughout and were not i er-etaarcd with whea beaten. Ill i el hid TatTerihia Berpeat, 130. Overweighti leeraiaa, . pawade; Caaaiojae, 2. TKIP.Q EACE— 3-4 Rile ICain Course. Sept. 1. 1910— 1:*6%— 4— 1C0. Pur--e ?1, 233.75. SrjETh/l idOit 8-year-elda and upv.ard. Selling. Net value to wiaaa* 33,75; second, 00 ; third, 00. tadea Horses AWtPPSt ? % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P 8 617fi7EDtiAR A. POK wn 4 115 4 3 1« 1- V l4 E Baade Fv=ncocas Stable l-S 1-5 1-6 out— 58CM SQUAW MAS WB 4 115 3 1 21 2 V 21 L Fator J Iiutenberg l" R 81 2 1-4 ;24703rAlIAi.AN w 4 115 1 2 3i j» 3« 3* H TliomatS Loada I I I 1-3 out .- M-:0 ZED wn 4 115 2 5 5 5 4 4» J CallaluuiW I. 8 Martin 1 156156 31 2J 0"i;0 MABEL CURTIS w 3 107 5 4 4: PIS e M Buxton C Buxton 56 iiu 60 10 2 Time. 23. 4and. 1:11. Track fast. Winner — P.. g, by McGec- Maltha, by Ogdca trained by S. C. llildreth; bred by Mr. Charles W. hleeri i . Went to post at 3:13. At ] ost 1 minute, "start ge od and slow. Won easily; second are! third driving. RDGAR ALLAN FOE outclassed Lis egpeaarata and won all the way under restraint, bat patted up decid illy lame. SQUAW MAN raced in closest pursuit and outstayed CAHALAN in the atrctch drive. The latt. r aaevcd up aa thi laat turn, but tired near the end. The ethers were eettdaaead. The winner, enten-d fur PWt araa bid ap to .0tX and bought in. Scratched- 62391 Pri* of India, 122; 62alhRaaiaaaann, 115; 62391 St. Allan, 122; R2C18 IXiughnut, MB; 62312 Balu, 1!.": 61175HaIIabaJee, 120; .TJ474 Master Hand, 120; 62264 Moutalvo, 120. Oiciweighta llattel Curtis, 2 p unds. IOUETH RACE— 1 3-8 Kile. June 12. 1320— 2:14! -.— 3— 126. Sixth »T— *-g COACH-dtiO 6r»l»5 £ INC- CLVB ALIEEICA?! Clis. ,500 Added 6-yeai aida. ISHeJ. nJBaaauiuee. Net valve to winner 1. ECO and Trophy valued 00; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 I! 0 P S 62474 PRUDISH w 111 I 4 4= Is 2s V V L Morris H P Whitney 26 R -0 4 8-5 C22M EMOTION will 6 3 3J 2i 1" 6** S** E Baaaae I. L Gerry t ■.-" :; 5!l-20out— 62472 KINGS FAKCT w 111 2 5 6 ~-h 5* 5* 31 H XRaaameGreeatxae Stable R D 66 6 2 f.iC7I IMANT SMILES w 114 4 2 11 V 3« 35 4" C VhtherW R Coe Q 1 1 1-51-2 cut 162071 ROSE lill.l. w 111 1 1 6* 6 4s 41 6-» J Butweii Oah Rhage Btahl 16 R 20 4 8-5 l«2266,BKE*S WAX will S 6 1*1 4s 6 6 t. E Mr 4 toe li L Gerry |2-6 J 511-20out— fCeapled in bettm": ae aepaiatt place or ahaw betting. Time, 24"j, 4and4i. 1:1S10. 1:395, £:05l3, 2:13--3. Track fast. Whaaer— BJh. f. Bj Peter Pan — lolly Plaadera, by Burgomaster trained by J. Rewe, Jr.; bred by Mr. Harry Pajae Whitmyi. Went to or t ;.t oAi. At post 2 aaiaatea. St;irt good and slow Won handily; second and third driving. PRUDISH, reaadaaj in aaddcadj baproTed form, fallowed the leaders under alight restraint BBtll well into the :treiih. where she took the end. but wes under bard pressure at th" end to maintain her edvaatage. RMOTION raced MANX M!ld:s into defeat addle uiaadlag the last tare and, taking t lead, he!-i ob gaaaelj when chaDeBgad, but could cnt keep pace witk the leader tkroagh the atretch. KINGS FANC finished gamely ;ira! eatatayed the others. MANY BMILRS quit b., :r_, . BOBH HILL had no ■iahapa. I.EES WAX was aaaed ap when N-aten. [aQOerAdT* li*TH EACE— 1 MRe. June 1. 1921— 1:35-3— E— US. , Hillside Handicap. ,433.75 ViiOuO Added. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Net value to whaaaa ,27S.75; second, 00; third, 5100. Index Horses AWtPPSt %. Va % Str Fin Jo. keys Owners O U C P S 62Sgt*FRIGATE w 4 126 It 2 31 3 | 1 l1 1» C Lang II M Howard 4 4 66-67-6 7-10 -12 7 = DAVID HARTJM w i 112 1 8 S: 9J 95 6* 2= C F"btherV B Coe 6 12 12 5 2J C2SgwJUNE GRASS w I 122 1 J *■ T r I1 U F Keogh G A Cwhran :l ft] 2i 7-5 7-10 gSggl BKTJODAIt wb 0 10J 8 9 7* 5 4J 7i 41 J Call.tha.nW L S Martin 3 4 Is 5S-5 4-5 C2SS3 CHESTERBROOK wn 3 112 9 1 1» 1" 2 2» 51 C B MillerCbrook F Stb 30 30 30 12 6 C24S4EXCUSE ME w 3 108 3 7 93 81 S1 9* 41 L K*ator B W Carman 30 20 20 8 4 C251S*B McLAUGHLIN w 4 121 3 6 5" 6*16*16* 7* E BlaaaaaerL viau 8 10 s 3 8-5 b-,r.;.:: CALIGULA w 4 10s 6 6 «* 41 51 4l 81 L McAtee R B Mcf«eaa M If 15 I 3 glB04*TOIL wu 3 112 -5 4 ?l 2* g* 3J 9* A JohnsonM L Schwartz 12 15 15 6 3 02513 TWO FEATHERS m 4 104 7 10 10 lo M 10 M C Taylor W M Jofforela 61 16 20 S 4 TiTne, £3. 46, 1:12, 1:38. Track fast Whaace Ch. f, by Frizzle- Kaskaskia. by Taahce taahaed lj .1. W Mag; bred by Onerk Sttble. Went to po-1 at 4:12. At po.-t 6 miniit?:-. Start irood and aftaw Wea illalag; second and third the same FRItiATR, after ariag deae i:p aadei slight restraint in the early running, took a char lead in tho atretch, b.t tired in the eieatag -triehs and ju-t Listed to win. DAVID BARUM, eatpaced in the early ruiiiiig. closed a big gap • ad, coming with a belated rush thvoagh the laat eighth, we Id have won ■a a nether atrate. JlM: GRABS r;:n a capital race and. finishing fist, eatatayed KKUSOLAM. Tho letter riased a g.-i* aad tired Bear the ei d. CHRSTRSBROOK s t a fast early uace and B1LL T RcLAPGHLIN was in tight eauueera for the e t;re nt BB. TOIL quit. Sew tched — 62283 Wyaaeweod, 114; tl47b»iangerine. 100; eC-Ji T-i 1 Master Band, 11a. Oiaiaelgada— Tail. 2»i paaadav, BIXXH RACE — £-8 Mile Slraiffct. Sept, 12. 191S — 65 — 2—110. Pui-o fl, 233.75. Gff— BBflda7 9 f yaer aMa Ifaadcns. Special Weights. Net value to winner 33.75; second, 60; thlid, VI 00. I . — 1 Indei Horses AWtPPSt R Rj | Str Fin Jockeya Owners O H C P 8 fc2131 SANDY HATCH wb 115 2 1 11 li l5 C Kummcr. E Madden 4 4 4 8-5 7-16 BTOCKMAR wv 115 3 4 21 24 21 L Fator Bannnraa Stable 2 4 7-5 3-5 1-4 C23S1 HUMBOLDT BTB Hi 6 6 I1 J 3» B Parke Nev Stk F Stb 2J 2 2 4-5 2-5 62-2€9 CTCLOPS w 115 5 3 3* 4* L McAtee It L. Gerry 8 10 S 3 7-5 63*16 DROGHEDA w 115 S 6 61 6= 51 C RsbeeaOeh Kulge LtablelO 20 30 10 6 BTRONGHOLO w 115 4 8 71 81 6i C FbtherJ Butler HO 15 15 I 3 LONGBOAT w U5 9 4 | g h I Marinelli.V Hirsch 20 30 30 10 5 PLYING DEVIL wU512 61*j8»T Rice Riviera Stable 20 30 30 h 5 C2515 WRANGLER w 115 10 7 81 S 9 C H Millcreloodestone Stb 20 20 15 6 3 MUTINY w 115 7 Wheeled. E AmbruseJ Butler tlu 1j 15 « 6 fOaagead in betting; no separate piae-e- cr lrow betting. Time, SS1. Track fast. Winner — Ch. c, by Iltimus— Crazy»iUilt, by Hamburg trained by W. S. Walker; bred by Mr. Hal Price Headley. Went to post at 4:4.7. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. SANDY HATCH, running in improved form, took the lead at the start and held sway throughout to win in a caiitir. BTOCKMAR rae-cd in closest pursuit all the way, but tired in the last eighth. HUMBOLDT finished fast and we uld have been second in a few more strides. CYCLOPS swerved out and finished next to the outer rail. MUTINY bolted at the start. Scratched— 62515 Dustaboot, 115; 62515 Chile, 115; U2321, Solomons SeaL 115; 62295 GUrre, 112$ 62592 El Dorado, 112.

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Local Identifier: drf1922061601_2_8
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